970 resultados para food choice
The aim of this intervention is - To contribute to improvements in health and well being by influencing food choice. The objectives are: - To work with targeted individual and groups to achieve the following outcomes - Increase cooking skills Improve nutritional knowledge Influence shopping choices - Assist budgeting for healthier food choices Raise awareness of food hygiene practices - To provide information on health and well being
Chemosensation is the detection of chemical signals in the environment that enable an animal to make informed decisions about food choice, mate preference or predator detection. Dissecting the molecular and neural mechanisms by which animals detect chemical cues is an important goal towards understanding how they interact with the environment. An attractive system to dissect the mechanisms of chemosensation is the olfactory system. One of the most-investigated olfactory systems is that of Drosophila melanogaster, a model organism that is amenable to a powerful combination of genetic and physiological analyses. Embedded within the antennal olfactory organ of Drosophila is an unusual sensory structure called the sacculus. The sacculus is comprised of three distinct chambers, each lined with several sensilla housing two to three neurons. Previous morphological, anatomical and surgical studies of sacculus neurons have implicated sacculus neurons in chemosensation, hygrosensation and/or thermosensation. While a subset of sacculus neurons have been physiologically characterised as temperature sensors, the role of this organ has remained largely mysterious, due to its inaccessibility to peripheral electrophysiological analysis. Recently a new family of olfactory receptors, the lonotropic Receptors (IRs), was identified. Five IRs are expressed in sacculus neurons providing the first selective molecular markers for these cells. In this thesis I describe the molecular, physiological and anatomical characterisation of these neurons. Genetic labelling of specific populations of sacculus neurons with anatomical (CD8:GFP) reporters has identified neurons in sacculus chambers I and II express IR40a+IR93a together with their co- receptor IR25a, while neurons in chamber III express IR64a with its co-receptor IR8a. Both these sets of neurons project to two distinct glomeruli in the antennal lobe; IR40a neurons project to the column and arm, IR64a neurons project to DC4 and DP1m. Through a live optical imaging screen I showed that these neurons are indeed olfactory and IR64a neurons recognise acidic ligands, while IR40a neurons recognise amine ligands. IR40a and IR64a neurons are in fact composed of anatomically and physiologically distinct subpopulations, strongly implying the existence of other factors that define their functional properties. My thesis identifies the sacculus as a specialised olfactory organ capable of detecting acids and bases, which are of widespread importance to insects. The data from my thesis along with data from other labs show the sacculus is composed of different populations of olfactory sensory neurons and thermosensory neurons. Comparative genomic analysis of sacculus IRs across insects reveals them to be among the most conserved of this receptor repertoire, suggesting that the sacculus represents an evolutionarily ancient insect olfactory acid-base sensor. - La détection des produits chimiques se trouvant dans l'environnement (perception chimiosensorielle) permet à un animal de choisir sa nourriture, son partenaire ou encore d'identifier ses prédateurs. Décortiquer les mécanismes moléculaires et neuronaux grâce auxquels les animaux détectent ces signaux chimiques permet de comprendre comment ces animaux interagissent avec leur environnement. Un système intéressant pour décortiquer ces mécanismes de perception chimiosensorielle est le système olfactif, de la drosophile (Drosophila melanogaster), aussi appelée mouche du vinaigre. C'est un animal modèle très utile grâce à la combinaison d'outils génétiques puissants et d'analyses physiologiques facilement réalisables. Dans l'antenne de la drosophile, qui est l'organe olfactif principal de cet animal, se trouve une structure appelée sacculus. Celui-ci est composé de trois chambres distinctes, chacune comprenant plusieurs sensilles à l'intérieur desquelles se trouvent deux à trois neurones. De précédentes études morphologiques et anatomiques des ces neurones ont déterminé qu'ils sont impliqués dans la perception des odeurs, de l'humidité et de la température. Malgré ceci, la fonction principale de cet organe reste largement inconnue, principalement car il est inaccessible aux analyses électrophysiologiques. Récemment, une nouvelle famille de soixante-six récepteurs olfactifs, nommés Récepteurs lonotropiques (IRs), a été découverte chez la drosophile. Cinq IRs sont exprimés dans les neurones du sacculus. Pour la première fois, une sélection de marqueurs moléculaires est disponible pour l'étude de ces cellules. Dans cette thèse, les caractéristiques moléculaires, physiologiques et anatomiques des neurones du sacculus sont décrites. Ces populations de neurones situés dans le sacculus ont été marquées avec des gènes rapporteurs (CD8:GFP). Ceci a montré que les récepteurs IR40a et IR93a sont exprimés ensemble avec le co-récepteur IR25a dans les chambres I et II, tandis que les neurones de la chambre III expriment IR64a avec son co-récepteur IR8a. Ces deux groupes de neurones projettent vers deux glomérules distincts du lobe antennaire : les neurones IR40a projettent vers la column et le arm, alors que les neurones IR64a projettent vers DC4 et DP1m. Un screen d'imagerie optique a démontré que ces neurones sont en effet des neurones olfactifs, et que les neurones IR64a reconnaissent des ligands acides, tandis que les neurones IR40a reconnaissent des ligands aminés. De plus, les neurones IR40a et IR64a sont séparés en sous-populations distinctes anatomiquement et physiologiquement, et d'autres facteurs permettant de définir leurs propriétés fonctionnelles sont probablement impliqués. Cette thèse identifie ainsi le sacculus comme un organe olfactif spécialisé capable de détecter des acides et amines, lesquels sont très importants pour les insectes. Toutes les données collectées durant cette thèse, combinées aux données d'autres laboratoires, montrent que le sacculus est composé de différentes populations de neurones olfactifs et thermosenseurs. Ces IRs sont très conservés parmi les insectes, suggérant que le sacculus représente révolution d'un ancien détecteur olfactif d'acides et de bases chez l'insecte. - Tous les animaux sont capables de percevoir les signaux chimiques dans leur environnement, comme les odeurs ou le goût, via différents organes. L'odorat est le sens qui permet de percevoir les odeurs, et il est implique des neurones olfactifs qui se trouvent dans le nez des mammifères ou les antennes des insectes. La capacité d'un neurone olfactif à détecter une molécule odorante dépend des types de récepteurs olfactifs qu'il exprime. Il existe deux grandes familles de récepteurs qui perçoivent les odeurs : les Récepteurs Olfactifs, ORs, et Récepteurs lonotropiques IRs, qui détectent différents types d'odeurs avec différents mécanismes. Lorsqu'un récepteur reconnaît une molécule odorante, il convertit ce signal en un signal électrique qui est ensuite transmis au centre olfactif dans le cerveau. La drosophile (Drosophila melanogaster), aussi appelée mouche du vinaigre, est utilisée comme animal modèle pour étudier l'odorat, parce que son génome entier a été séquencé et que ses gènes sont facilement manipulables. De plus, l'anatomie du système olfactif de la mouche est similaire à celui des mammifères, malgré qu'il possède moins de neurones, ce qui le rend moins complexe. Ma thèse a pour objectif d'étudier les Récepteurs lonotropiques dans un organe spécifique, appelé le sacculus, situé dans les antennes. Les neurones du sacculus exprimant des IRs envoient leurs projections au centre olfactif du cerveau, suggérant que ces neurones perçoivent les odeurs. Une technique d'imagerie optique a été utilisée sur le cerveau de mouches vivantes afin de mesurer la réponse des neurones du le sacculus à différentes odeurs. J'ai démontré que ces récepteurs détectent des acides et des amines, qui sont très importants pour les insectes. Par exemple, les acides se retrouvent dans les fruits mûrs sur lesquels les mouches vont se nourrir, s'accoupler et poser leurs oeufs, et les amines sont souvent produites par des bactéries pouvant être nuisible pour la mouche. La principale découverte de ma thèse est donc l'identification du sacculus comme un organe capable de détecter deux des principales odeurs importantes pour la mouche. Ces récepteurs sont aussi présents dans d'autres insectes où ils jouent peut-être des rôles différents. Les acides et les amines se retrouvent aussi dans les excrétions (comme la sueur ou l'urine) de beaucoup de mammifères, qui pourraient potentiellement être dangereux pour la mouche, mais qui attirent les moustiques se nourrissant de leur sang.
Worldwide, about half the adult population is considered overweight as defined by a body mass index (BMI - calculated by body weight divided by height squared) ratio in excess of 25 kg.m-2. Of these individuals, half are clinically obese (with a BMI in excess of 30) and these numbers are still increasing, notably in developing countries such as those of the Middle East region. Obesity is a disorder characterised by increased mass of adipose tissue (excessive fat accumulation) that is the result of a systemic imbalance between food intake and energy expenditure. Although factors such as family history, sedentary lifestyle, urbanisation, income and family diet patterns determine obesity prevalence, the main underlying causes are poor knowledge about food choice and lack of physical activity3. Current obesity treatments include dietary restriction, pharmacological interventions and ultimately, bariatric surgery. The beneficial effects of physical activity on weight loss through increased energy expenditure and appetite modulation are also firmly established. Another viable option to induce a negative energy balance, is to incorporate hypoxia per se or combine it with exercise in an individual's daily schedule. This article will present recent evidence suggesting that combining hypoxic exposure and exercise training might provide a cost-effective strategy for reducing body weight and improving cardio-metabolic health in obese individuals. The efficacy of this approach is further reinforced by epidemiological studies using large-scale databases, which evidence a negative relationship between altitude of habitation and obesity. In the United States, for instance, obesity prevalence is inversely associated with altitude of residence and urbanisation, after adjusting for temperature, diet, physical activity, smoking and demographic factors.
L’objectif de cette recherche qualitative était de porter un regard sur la problématique du poids chez l’homme à partir des déterminants de la santé masculine définis par Courtenay (2003). En donnant la parole à 17 hommes québécois en surpoids lors d’entrevues individuelles, différentes variables associées à leur préoccupation à l’égard du poids, sont examinées. Selon ces hommes, il existe un comportement alimentaire typiquement masculin autant dans le choix des aliments que dans la façon de manger. La présence féminine joue pour eux un rôle prépondérant dans ce domaine. La vision masculine de la santé suit souvent la fonctionnalité de leur corps tandis que leur description du surpoids semble davantage partir du « vécu » et être moins stricte que la définition purement médicale. Néanmoins, beaucoup d’hommes sentent la pression de l’image du corps idéal masculin et sont souvent insatisfaits de leur corps selon la masculinité valorisée et selon la stigmatisation subie. La préoccupation des hommes à l’égard de leur santé est très présente parmi les hommes de 30-45 ans et perdre du poids dans ce contexte devient alors légitime mais les raisons évoquées varient : la santé, l’apparence, le bien-être. L’expression des douleurs émotionnelles autour du poids est difficile pour les hommes et trop souvent la masculinité traditionnelle constitue une barrière de taille à la consultation pour ces problèmes. Pour le futur, il sera donc important pour les professionnels de la santé d’intégrer les différentes caractéristiques de cette masculinité traditionnelle dans leur approche et leur communication avec les hommes en surpoids.
Actualmente las empresas se enfrentan a un entorno cambiante donde la competencia es cada vez mayor y el gran desafío es lograr la fidelización de los clientes, debido a esto, es necesario buscar métodos que permitan conocer más a fondo sus necesidades, gustos y percepciones. Este trabajo de investigación le permitirá al lector conocer acerca del surgimiento, desarrollo y aplicación del Neuromarketing, como respuesta a las necesidades competitivas de las empresas en un mercado globalizado. En este mismo sentido, el lector podrá comprender: los factores determinantes al momento de comprar, las técnicas que emplea el Neuromarketing para conocer y entender a los clientes, así como los experimentos y los casos reales en los cuales se han utilizado estas técnicas para fidelizar a los compradores con un determinado producto o marca.
In order to understand diets, why and how they change and can be influenced, it is important to understand how food choices are made. The has been the subject of, considerable study within many of the social science disciplines and the humanities. The paper draws on the theoretical and empirical work of psychologists, sociologists, economists, market researchers, anthropologists, geographers and historians to understand better the forces behind food choice, derive some general empirical messages from the literature, to shed light on food choice in a European context and to address the question of whether there is, or has been, a recognisably Atlantic diet. The paper proceeds to analyse the characteristics of the food consumption patterns in the Atlantic diet countries, examines whether their food consumption patterns are homogenous (i.e. similar across the countries of this group), whether they are specific (i.e. different from the ones in other country groups) and finally evaluates the nutritional composition of the Atlantic diet against the WHO/FAO recommendations for a healthy and wholesome diet.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Little is known about the situational contexts in which individuals consume processed sources of dietary sugars. This study aimed to describe the situational contexts associated with the consumption of sweetened food and drink products in a Catholic Middle Eastern Canadian community. A two-stage exploratory sequential mixed-method design was employed with a rationale of triangulation. In stage 1 (n = 62), items and themes describing the situational contexts of sweetened food and drink product consumption were identified from semi-structured interviews and were used to develop the content for the Situational Context Instrument for Sweetened Product Consumption (SCISPC). Face validity, readability and cultural relevance of the instrument were assessed. In stage 2 (n = 192), a cross-sectional study was conducted and exploratory factor analysis was used to examine the structure of themes that emerged from the qualitative analysis as a means of furthering construct validation. The SCISPC reliability and predictive validity on the daily consumption of sweetened products were also assessed. In stage 1, six themes and 40-items describing the situational contexts of sweetened product consumption emerged from the qualitative analysis and were used to construct the first draft of the SCISPC. In stage 2, factor analysis enabled the clarification and/or expansion of the instrument's initial thematic structure. The revised SCISPC has seven factors and 31 items describing the situational contexts of sweetened product consumption. Initial validation of the instrument indicated it has excellent internal consistency and adequate test-retest reliability. Two factors of the SCISPC had predictive validity for the daily consumption of total sugar from sweetened products (Snacking and Energy demands) while the other factors (Socialization, Indulgence, Constraints, Visual Stimuli and Emotional needs) were rather associated to occasional consumption of these products.
Background: The prevalence of overweight individuals has increased in recent years. Moreover, the importance of a healthy diet is associated with the practice of physical activity and attempt to verify the achievement of physical exercise influences on food choice. However, it relationship between food intake and physical activity have not been studied. Aim: To evaluate if the period in which the trainings are conducted, morning and nocturne, interfere qualitatively and quantitatively in food consumption as well as verify possible associations between anthropometric profiles and dietary habits. Methods: We collected data from 33 adult volunteers, between men and women, practitioners of bodybuilding. Results: A total of 33 volunteers were interviewed (18 (54.5%) were men and 15 (45.5%) were women). Regarding anthropometric data, it turns out that that the volunteers of the two periods had similar characteristics, differentiating only weight. The consumption of nutritional supplements was observed in 30.77% of the practitioners in the morning period vs. 35% for the nocturne. Considering macronutrient intake, there was a significant difference in the consumption of protein between the periods. The consumption during nocturne period was greater (126 +/- 5% of the daily requirement) than the morning period (115.7 +/- 2%). As for micro-nutrients, calcium intake was greater among men when compared to women. There was a positive correlation between the BMI, and arm circumference for practitioners of the morning period. Conclusion: This study show that the practitioners who train in the morning have quietly better eating habits than those in the nocturne period, however both are inappropriate.
Manipolazione del metabolismo degli xenobiotici da frutta convenzionale ed attività chemiopreventiva
A reduced cancer risk associated with fruit and vegetable phytochemicals initially dictated chemopreventive approaches focused on specific green variety consumption or even single nutrient supplementations. However, these strategies not only failed to provide any health benefits but gave rise to detrimental effects. In parallel, public-health chemoprevention programmes were developed in the USA and Europe to increase whole vegetable consumption. Among these, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) sponsored plan “5 to 9 a day for a better health” was one of the most popular. This campaign promoted wide food choice through the consumption of at least 5 to 9 servings a day of colourful fruits and vegetables. In this study the effects of the diet suggested by NCI on transcription, translation and catalytic activity of both xenobiotic metabolizing (XME) and antioxidant enzymes were studied in the animal model. In fact, the boost of both antioxidant defences and “good” phase-II together with down-regulation of “bad” phase-I XMEs is still considered one of the most widely-used strategies of cancer control. Six male Sprague Dawley rats for each treatment group were used. According to the Italian Society of Human Nutrition, a serving of fruit, vegetables and leafy greens corresponds to 150, 250 and 50 g, respectively, in a 70 kg man. Proportionally, rats received one or five servings of lyophilized onion, tomato, peach, black grape or lettuce – for white, red, yellow, violet or green diet, respectively - or five servings of each green (“5 a day” diet) by oral gavage daily for 10 consecutive days. Liver subcellular fractions were tested for various cytochrome P450 (CYP) linked-monooxygenases, phase-II supported XMEs such as glutathione S-transferase (GST) and UDP-glucuronosyl transferase (UDPGT) as well as for some antioxidant enzymes. Hepatic transcriptional and translational effects were evaluated by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and Western blot analysis, respectively. dROMs test was used to measure plasmatic oxidative stress. Routine haematochemical parameters were also monitored. While the five servings administration didn’t significantly vary XME catalytic activity, the lower dose caused a complex pattern of CYP inactivation with lettuce exerting particularly strong effects (a loss of up to 43% and 45% for CYP content and CYP2B1/2-linked XME, respectively; P<0.01). “5 a day” supplementation produced the most pronounced modulations (a loss of up to 60% for CYP2E1-linked XME and a reduction of CYP content of 54%; P<0.01). Testosterone hydroxylase activity confirmed these results. RT-PCR and Western blot analysis revealed that the “5 a day” diet XMEs inactivations were a result of both a transcriptional and a translational effect while lettuce didn’t exert such effects. All administrations brought out none or fewer modulation of phase-II supported XMEs. Apart from “5 a day” supplementation and the single serving of lettuce, which strongly induced DT- diaphorase (an increase of up to 141 and 171%, respectively; P<0.01), antioxidant enzymes were not significantly changed. RT-PCR analysis confirmed DT-diaphorase induction brought about by the administration of both “5 a day” diet and a single serving of lettuce. Furthermore, it unmasked a similar result for heme-oxygenase. dROMs test provided insight into a condition of high systemic oxidative stress as a consequence of animal diet supplementation with “5 a day” diet and a single serving of lettuce (an increase of up to 600% and 900%, respectively; P<0.01). Haematochemical parameters were mildly affected by such dietary manipulations. According to the classical chemopreventive theory, these results could be of particular relevance. In fact, even if antioxidant enzymes were only mildly affected, the phase-I inactivating ability of these vegetables would be a worthy strategy to cancer control. However, the recorded systemic considerable amount of reactive oxygen species and the complexity of these enzymes and their functions suggest caution in the widespread use of vegan/vegetarian diets as human chemopreventive strategies. In fact, recent literature rather suggests that only diets rich in fruits and vegetables and poor in certain types of fat, together with moderate caloric intake, could be associated with reduced cancer risk.
Background. The increasing prevalence of overweight among youth in the United States, and the parallel rise in related medical comorbidities has led to a growing need for efficient weight-management interventions. Purpose. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the Choosing Health and Sensible Exercise (C.H.A.S.E.) childhood obesity prevention program on Body Mass Index (BMI), physical activity and dietary behaviors. Methods. This study utilized de-identified data collected during the fall 2006 session of the C.H.A.S.E. program. A total of 65 students at Woodview Elementary School and Deepwater Elementary School participated in this intervention. The C.H.A.S.E. program is a 10-week obesity prevention program that focuses on nutrition and physical activity education. Collection of height and weight data, and a health behavior survey was conducted during the first and last week of the intervention. Paired t-tests were used to determine statistically significant differences between pre- and post-intervention measurements. One-way analysis of variance was used to adjust for potential confounders, such as gender, age, BMI category ("normal weight", "at risk overweight", or "overweight"), and self-reported weight loss goals. Data were analyzed using STATA, v. 9.2. Results. A significant decrease in mean BMI (p< 0.05) was found after the 10-week intervention. While the results were statistically significant for the group as a whole, changes in BMI were not significant when stratified by age, sex, or ethnicity. The mean overall scores for the behavior survey did not change significantly pre- and post-intervention; however, significant differences were found in the dietary intention scale, indicating that students were more likely to intend to make healthier food choices (p<0.05). No statistically significant decreases in BMI were found when stratified for baseline BMI-for-age percentiles or baseline weight loss efforts (p>0.05). Conclusion. The results of this evaluation provide information that will be useful in planning and implementing an effective childhood obesity intervention in the future. Changes in the self-reported dietary intentions and BMI show that the C.H.A.S.E. program is capable of modifying food choice selection and decreasing BMI. Results from the behavior questionnaire indicate that students in the intervention program were making changes in a positive direction. Future implementation of the C.H.A.S.E. program, as well as other childhood obesity interventions, may want to consider incorporating additional strategies to increase knowledge and other behavioral constructs associated with decreased BMI. In addition, obesity prevention programs may want to increase parental involvement and increase the dose or intensity of the intervention. ^