43 resultados para firefighting


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This review article aims to evaluate a proposed maximum acceptable work duration model for load carriage tasks. It is contended that this concept has particular relevance to physically demanding occupations such as military and firefighting. Personnel in these occupations are often required to perform very physically demanding tasks, over varying time periods, often involving load carriage. Previous research has investigated concepts related to physiological workload limits in occupational settings (e.g. industrial). Evidence suggests however, that existing (unloaded) workload guidelines are not appropriate for load carriage tasks. The utility of this model warrants further work to enable prediction of load carriage durations across a range of functional workloads for physically demanding occupations. If the maximum duration for which personnel can physiologically sustain a load carriage task could be accurately predicted, commanders and supervisors could better plan for and manage tasks to ensure operational imperatives were met whilst minimising health risks for their workers.


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Planned burning is a preventative strategy aimed at decreasing fuel loads to reduce the severity of future wildfire events. During planned burn operations, firefighters can work long shifts. Furthermore, remote burning locations may require firefighters to sleep away from home between shifts. The existing evidence surrounding firefighters' sleep during such operations is exclusively anecdotal. The aims of the study were to describe firefighters' sleep during planned burn operations and evaluate the impact of the key operational factors (shift start time, shift length and sleeping location) that may contribute to inadequate sleep. Thirty-three salaried firefighters were recruited from Australia's fire agencies and sleep was measured objectively using wrist actigraphy for four weeks. All variables were examined in two conditions: (1) burn days, and (2) non-burn days. Time in bed, total sleep time, sleep latency and sleep efficiency were evaluated objectively. Subjective reports of pre- and post-sleep fatigue, sleep location, sleep quality, sleep quantity, number of times woken and sleep timing were also recorded. Analyses revealed no differences in measures of sleep quantity and quality when comparing non-burn and burn days. Total sleep time was less when planned burn shifts were >12 h. However, on burn days, work shift start time as well as sleeping location did not impact firefighters' sleep quantity. Self-reported levels of pre- and post-sleep fatigue were greater on burn days compared to non-burn days. These findings indicate that sleep quantity and quality are not compromised during planned burn operations <12 h in duration.


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The present study examined the validity of tympanic temperature measurements as a predictor of core temperature on the fireground in different environmental conditions. Fiftyone volunteer firefighters participated in the study across four different conditions, the conditions consisted of; 1) passive (i.e., no intervention) cooling in cold ambient temperatures (0-6°C); 2) cooling (through water immersion) in cool ambient temperatures (10-12ºC); 3) cooling (through water immersion) in warm ambient temperatures (21.5°C); and, 4) passive cooling in warm ambient temperatures (22°C). Firefighters wore full structural personal protective clothing while performing common firefighting duties including search and rescue tasks for 20-40 minutes. There was no difference between core and tympanic temperature immediately post-exercise across any condition. However, for all conditions, tympanic temperature dropped significantly faster than core temperature from 0 minutes, and remained significantly lower (p < 0.05) than core temperature from nine to 20 minutes post-training. The results show that there is no consistent difference between core and tympanic temperature during recovery from a simulated firefighting task across a range of different ambient conditions. Agencies should, accordingly, prioritize investigating other practical markers of core temperature as part of a broader heat stress management plan for firefighters.


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Background: The work demands involved in firefighting place significant stress on the cardiovascular system. This study investigated the application of the AHA/ACSM Health/Fitness Facility Preparticipation Screening Questionnaire in volunteer Country Fire Brigade (CFA) firefighters. Methods: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors were measured in 3777 CFA firefighters and entered into a modified version of the American Heart Association (AHA)/ACSM Health/Fitness Facility Preparticipation Screening Questionnaire to stratify individuals as low, moderate or high risk. Results: Just over half (50.8%) of female and more than two thirds (68.2%) of male CFA firefighters were classified as moderate risk. The questionnaire further stratified 2.6% of female and 5.2% of male CFA firefighters as high risk while the remaining 46.6% and 26.6% of female and male firefighters, respectively, were classified as low risk. Conclusion: The majority of firefighters screened were at moderate risk and therefore, would be advised by AHA/ACSM guidelines to undertake and pass a detailed medical examination and a medically supervised exercise test prior to initiating vigorous intensity physical activity. However, considering the financial and practical implications (e.g., reduced emergency response capacity) the introduction of mandatory screening may cause, fire agencies should focus screening for high risk personnel only, while promoting agency wide CVD health education.


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Current toxic tort cases have increased national awareness of health concerns and present an important avenue in which public health scientists can perform a vital function: in litigation, and in public health initiatives and promotions which may result. This review presents a systematic approach, using the paradigm of interactive public health disciplines, for the design of a matrix framework for medical surveillance of workers exposed to toxic substances. The matrix framework design addresses the required scientific bases to support the legal remedy of medical monitoring for workers injured as a result of their exposure to toxic agents. A background of recent legal developments which have a direct impact on the use of scientific expertise in litigation is examined in the context of toxic exposure litigation and the attainment of public health goals. The matrix model is applied to five different workplace exposures: dental mercury, firefighting, vinyl chloride manufacture, radon in mining and silica. An exposure matrix designed by the Department of Energy for government nuclear workers is included as a reference comparison to the design matrix. ^


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Firefighting is widely known to be one of the most physically demanding civilian occupations. A subset of this is Industrial Firefighting, which places similarly high physical demands on Industrial Firefighters. Although there are some studies on community firefighters, literature is scant on Industrial Firefighters and their physical fitness. ^ A cross-sectional study of Industrial Firefighters in Petrochemical companies in Texas was carried out in 1996–98 to assess their physical fitness and to develop a set of physical agility criteria useful in their selection and ongoing fitness for duty evaluations. ^ A physical agility criteria and a fitness scorecard was developed based on seven parameters (resting heart rate, diastolic blood pressure, aerobic capacity, muscle strength, muscle endurance, trunk flexibility and total body fat) of musculoskeletal and cardiorespiratory fitness. Each indicator received a minimum of 0 to a maximum of 20 points, based on individual performance. Therefore a minimum and maximum achievable score for the entire battery of tests was 0 and 140 respectively. Of the 111 study subjects, 5 (4.5%) were far above average, 31 (28%) above average, 46 (41.5 %) average, 29 (26%) below average and 0 (0%) far below average as deemed by the physical fitness scorecard. The mean score was 77 (±23) with a minimum and maximum score of 35 and 135 respectively. ^ Following univariate analysis an exploratory factor analysis to group variables and to assess the overall role of constituent variables in total fitness of a firefighter was developed. This was followed by a stepwise linear regression analysis using aerobic capacity as a dependent variable. ^ Finally, a graded implementation strategy was devised, such that all existing Industrial Firefighters would have an opportunity to improve or maintain their physical fitness at or above average level as deemed by the fitness scorecard. ^


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La “Actuación en la Crisis”, objetivo principal de esta tesis, trata de establecer y concretar los procedimientos y apoyos desde tierra y a bordo de los buques, tanto técnicos como operacionales, a seguir por el Capitán y tripulación de un buque después de un accidente, en especial cuando el buque tiene un riesgo importante de hundimiento o necesidad de abandono. La aparición de este concepto es relativamente reciente, es decir desde el año 1995, después de los estudios y propuestas realizados, por el Panel de Expertos de IMO, como consecuencia del hundimiento del buque de pasaje y carga rodada, Estonia, en el que perdieron la vida más de 850 personas a finales de Septiembre de 1994. Entre las propuestas recomendadas y aceptadas por los gobiernos en la Conferencia Internacional SOLAS 1995, figuraba este concepto novedoso, que luego fue adoptado de una forma generalizada para todos los tipos de buques, que hasta entonces sólo disponían de documentos dispersos y a veces contradictorios para la actuación en estos momentos de peligro, que dio lugar a un profundo tratamiento de este problema, que iba a afectar a los buques, tanto en los conceptos y parámetros de proyecto, como a la propia operación del buque. La tesis desarrolla los fundamentos, estado del arte, implantación y consecuencias sobre la configuración y explotación del buque, que han dado lugar a una serie de documentos, que se han incluido en diversos Convenios Internacionales, Códigos y otros documentos de obligada aplicación en la industria naval generados en IMO (SOLAS, Retorno Seguro a Puerto, Plano y Libro de Control de Averías, ISM). La consecuencia más novedosa e interesante de este concepto ha sido la necesidad de disponer cada compañía explotadora del buque, de un servicio importante de “apoyo en la crisis”, que ha dado lugar a implantar un “servicio de emergencia especial”, disponible las 24 horas del día y 365 de año que ofrecen las Sociedades de Clasificación. El know-how de los accidentes que tratan estos servicios, hacen que se puedan establecer ciertas recomendaciones, que se centran, en que el buque tenga, por sus propios medios, una posibilidad de aumentar el KM después de una avería, la garantía de la resistencia estructural adecuada y el aumento del tiempo de hundimiento o el tiempo de mantenimiento a flote (otro tipo de averías vinculadas con la maquinaria, equipo o protección y lucha contra incendios, no son objeto de tesis). Las conclusiones obtenidas, son objeto de discusión especialmente en IACS e IMO, con el fin de establecer las aplicaciones pertinentes, que permitan dar al buque una mayor seguridad. Como objetivo principal de esta tesis es establecer estos puntos de mejora consecuencia de esta actuación en la crisis, con la aportación de varias soluciones que mejorarían los problemas mencionados para los tres tipos de buques que consideramos más importantes (pasaje, petroleros y bulkcarriers) La tesis recorre, desde el principio en 1995, la evolución de esta actuación en la crisis, hasta el momento actual., los puntos básicos que se establecen, que van muy de la mano de la llamada “cultura de seguridad”, objetivo nacido durante los años 90, con el fin de implantar una filosofía distinta para abordar el tratamiento de la seguridad del buque, a la que se venía aplicando hasta el momento, en donde se contemplaba tratar el tema de forma singular y específica para cada caso. La nueva filosofía, trataba de analizar el problema, desde un aspecto global y por tanto horizontal, realizando un estudio exhaustivo de las consecuencias que tendría la aplicación de una nueva medida correctora, en los restantes equipos y sistemas del buque., relativos al proyecto, configuración, operación y explotación del buque. Se describen de manera sucinta las profundas investigaciones a que dio lugar todo lo anterior, estando muchas de ellas, vinculadas a grandes proyectos europeos. La mayor parte de estos proyectos fueron subvencionados por la Comunidad Económica Europea durante la primera década del siglo actual. Dentro de estas investigaciones, donde hay que destacar la participación de todos los agentes del sector marítimo europeo, se hacen imprescindibles la utilización de dos herramientas novedosas para nuestro sector, como son el “Estudio de Riesgos” y la “Evaluación de la Seguridad”, más conocida técnicamente por su nombre ingles “Safety Assessment”, cuyos principios también son incluidos en la tesis. Además se especifican las bases sobre las que se establecen la estabilidad intacta y en averías, con nuevos conceptos, no tratados nunca hasta entonces, como la “altura crítica de agua en cubierta” para la cual el buque se hundiría sin remisión, “estado de la mar” en la que se puede encontrar el buque averiado, el cálculo del tiempo de hundimiento, u otros aspectos como el corrimiento de la carga, o bien el tratamiento de los problemas dinámicos en el nuevo “Código de Estabilidad Intacta”. Con respecto a la resistencia estructural, especialmente el estudio de la “resistencia estructural después de la avería”, que tiene en cuenta el estado de la mar en la que se encontraría el buque afectado. Se analizan los tipos de buques mencionados uno por uno y se sacan, como aportación fundamental de esta tesis, separadamente, las acciones y propuestas a aplicar a estos buques. En primer lugar, las relativas al proyecto y configuración del buque y en segundo lugar, las de operación, explotación y mantenimiento, con el fin de acometer, con garantías de éxito, la respuesta a la ayuda en emergencia y la solución a la difícil situación que pueden tener lugar en condiciones extremas. Para ver el efecto de algunas de las propuestas que se incluyen, se realizan y aplican concretamente, a un buque de pasaje de carga rodada, a un petrolero y a un bulkcarrier, para demostrar el mejor comportamiento de estos buques en situación de emergencia. Para ello se han elegido un buque ejemplo para cada tipo, efectuándose los cálculos de estabilidad y resistencia longitudinal y comparar la situación, en la que quedaría el buque averiado, antes y después de la avería. La tesis se completa con una estadística real de buques averiados de cada uno de estos tres tipos, distinguiendo el tipo de incidente y el número de los buques que lo han sufrido, considerándose como más importantes los incidentes relacionados con varadas, colisiones y fuego resumiéndose lo más relevante de esta aportación también importante de esta tesis. ABSTRACT The "Response in an emergency" is the main objective of this thesis, it seeks to establish and define procedures for technical and operational support onboard and shore, to be followed by the captain and crew on of a ship after an accident, especially when the ship has a significant risk of sinking or a need to abandon it. The emergence of this concept is relatively recent, in 1995, after studies and proposals made by the Panel of Experts IMO, following the sinking of the “Estonia” vessel, where more than 850 people died in late September 1994. In the International Convention SOLAS 1995, among the recommended proposals and accepted regulations, this new concept was included, which was later adopted for all types of ships which until then had only scattered some documents, sometimes including contradictory actions in emergency situations. This led to a profound treatment of this problem, which would affect the vessels in both the concepts and design parameters, as to the proper operation of the vessel. The thesis develops the foundations, state of the art, implementation and consequences on the design and operation of the vessel, this has led to a series of Circulars and Regulations included in several International Codes and Conventions issued by IMO which are required to be complied with (SOLAS Safe Return to Port, Damage Control Plan and Booklet, ISM). The most novel and interesting consequence of this concept has been the need for every company operating the ship to have a shore based support service in emergency situations which has led to implement special emergency services offered by Class Societies which are available 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. The know-how of these services dealing with all types of accidents can establish certain recommendations, which focus on the ship capability to increase the KM after damage. It can also be determined adequate structural strength and the increase of the capsizing time or time afloat (other types of damages associated with the machinery, equipment or firefighting, are not the subject of this thesis). The conclusions are discussed especially in IACS and IMO, in order to establish appropriate applications to improve the security of the vessels. The main objective of this thesis is to establish actions to improve emergency actions, resulting from different responses in the crisis, with the contribution of several solutions that improve the problems mentioned for three types of ships that we consider most important (passenger vessels, tankers and bulk carriers) The thesis runs from the beginning in 1995 to date, the evolution of the response on the crisis. The basics established during the 90s with the "safety culture" in order to implement a different philosophy to address the treatment of the safety of the ship, which was being previously implemented, as something singular and specific to each case. The new philosophy tried to analyse the problem from a global perspective, doing an exhaustive study of the consequences of the implementation of the new regulation in the ship systems and equipment related to the design, configuration and operation of the vessel. Extensive investigations which led to the above are described, many of them being linked to major European projects. Most of these projects were funded by the European Union during the first decade of this century. Within these investigations, which it must be highlighted the participation of all players in the European maritime sector, a necessity to use two new tools for our industry, such as the "Risk Assessment" and "Safety Assessment" whose principles are also included in the thesis. The intact and damage stability principles are established including new concepts, never treated before, as the "critical height of water on deck" for which the ship would sink without remission, "sea state" where the damaged vessel can be found, calculation of capsizing time, or other aspects such cargo shifting or treatment of dynamic problems in the new Intact Stability Code in development. Regarding the structural strength, it has to be especially considered the study of the "residual strength after damage", which takes into account the state of the sea where the vessel damaged can be found. Ship types mentioned are analysed one by one, as a fundamental contribution of this thesis, different actions and proposals are established to apply to these types of vessels. First, those ones relating to the design and configuration of the vessel and also the ones related to the operation and maintenance in order to support successfully responses to emergency situations which may occur in extreme situations. Some of the proposals are applied specifically to a RoRo passenger ship, an oil tanker and a bulkcarrier, to demonstrate the improved performance of these vessels damaged. An example for each type vessel has been chosen, carrying out stability and longitudinal strength calculations comparing the situation of the ship before and after damage. The thesis is completed with incidents statics for each of these three types, distinguishing the type of incident and the number of ships having it. The most important incidents considered are the ones related to groundings, collisions and fire being this other relevant contribution of this thesis.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior Agrária do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Sistemas de Informação Geográfica - Recursos Agro-Florestais e Ambientais.


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Todos os anos milhares de hectares são consumidos pelas chamas durante a época de incêndios. As medidas preventivas têm-se revelado insuficientes e as capacidades dos meios de combate estão condicionadas por terrenos inacessíveis, condições de visibilidade reduzida e condições meteorológicas adversas. Com a introdução do projéctil projectado nesta dissertação pretende-se preencher de algum modo o vazio deixado por essas condicionantes. Este projecto dá continuidade ao projecto FIREND® que é a última evolução de um conceito idealizado em 2005 e que se tem vindo a desenvolver numa parceria entre a Academia Militar e o Instituto Superior técnico. O conhecimento assimilado pela revisão bibliográfica de algumas patentes, dos projectos FIREND® anteriores e sobre o funcionamento de projécteis de artilharia convencionais, foi complementada com os conhecimentos de balística e de projecto mecânico, resultando no desenvolvimento sólido de um projéctil de 155mm de detonação electrónica. O projéctil funciona com base num micro gerador de gás que aumenta a pressão interior e desta forma ejecta a carga contida no compartimento de carga. Foram utilizadas as capacidades de desenho tridimensional do software SolidWorks® e estimou-se, através deste, o peso, volume, momentos de inércia dos componentes e a capacidade de carga do projéctil. Estes dados são fundamentais neste projecto para garantir a sua compatibilidade com os obuses e tábuas de tiro utilizadas pela Artilharia do Exército Português. Como resultado, projectou-se um projéctil de 155mm com peso equivalente ao de uma granada convencional e com cotas máximas que lhe conferem total compatibilidade com os Obuses de Artilharia existentes. O projéctil consegue conter, no seu compartimento de carga, aproximadamente 7,5 dm3 de volume, o que lhe confere a capacidade para actuar numa área de aproximadamente 75m2.


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"This book has been designed for operators of large vehicles that do not require a Commercial Driver's License (CDL). Operators of recreational vehicles, firefighting equipment, military vehicles, and certain farm vehicles are not subject to the requirements of the CDL program."


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The purpose of this research is to identify the impact of recent organizational change upon the culture of firefighting. The experiences of female firefighters were utilized as a measure of cultural change. A purposive sample of twenty-seven male and female firefighters were interviewed in a semi-structured format about their experiences in the fire service. This research found that the culture of firefighting has adjusted to the presence of previously excluded groups by forging a division among the identities and roles of male and female firefighters. The white, male firefighters, who have traditionally constituted a majority of the workforce, have continued to identify with traditional firefighter roles and reported high levels of cohesion. In contrast, the female firefighters showed a greater variance in their identification with traditional roles and decreased levels of cohesion with the main body of the group.


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Chaque année le feu brûle quelques dizaines de milliers d’hectares de forêts québécoises. Le coût annuel de prévention et de lutte contre les feux de forêts au Québec est de l’ordre de plusieurs dizaines de millions de dollars. Le présent travail contribue à la réduction de ces coûts à travers l’automatisation du processus de planification des opérations de suppression des feux de forêts majeurs. Pour ce faire, un modèle mathématique linéaire en nombres entiers a été élaboré, résolu et testé; introduisant un nouveau cas particulier à la littérature des Problèmes de Tournées de Véhicules (VRP). Ce modèle mathématique concerne le déploiement aérien des ressources disponibles pour l’extinction des incendies. Le modèle élaboré a été testé avec CPLEX sur des cas tirés de données réelles. Il a permis de réduire le temps de planification des opérations d’extinction des feux de forêts majeurs de 75% dans les situations courantes.


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O presente trabalho pretende mostrar o desenvolvimento de um sistema de apoio à decisão no combate aos fogos florestais que assenta fundamentalmente em tecnologias da informação, em contraste com a dinâmica utilizada atualmente. O sistema é composto por três componentes: uma componente WebSig que disponibiliza a informação necessária à tomada de decisão no teatro de operações; uma componente para apoio às equipas terrestres; e, uma componente que serve de suporte aos meios de combate aéreos. Este sistema permite ainda a leitura dos dados provenientes da simulação de propagação de fogo proveniente do Farsite. Estas simulações são visualizados na aplicação WebSig. Uma das maiores preocupações em relação ao sistema é que todos os dados utilizados sejam certos e atualizados, mas também que as principais funcionalidades da aplicação sejam utilizadas em tempo real pelos principais agentes da proteção civil. Pelas validações efetuadas, conclui-se que a aplicação funciona conforme projetada tendo sido desenvolvido um sistema que se espera ser considerado uma mais-valia para a área de estudo e para a proteção civil.