956 resultados para fermented meat sausages
While it's handy to pick up some chicken nuggets or sausages to pop under the grill, these meats often contain more fat and salt than the fresh cuts. Lean meat on the other hand can be just as easy, as well as a bit of a hero round the kitchen. Apart from being lower in fat and salt, it's also high in vitamins and minerals, especially iron. A regular ‘superfood’, you could say.
Sometimes it's hard to tell when burgers and sausages are properly cooked and ready to eat. These meats can contain harmful bacteria throughout and it is important that they are cooked thoroughly to make them safe to eat.
Technologies de procédé et de contrôle pour réduire la teneur en sel du jambon sec et des saucissons
Dans certains pays européens, les produits carnés élaborés peuvent représenter près de 20% de la consommation journalière de sodium. De ce fait, les industries de la viande tentent de réduire la teneur en sel dans les produits carnés pour répondre, d’une part aux attentes des consommateurs et d’autre part aux demandes des autorités sanitaires. Le système Quick‐Dry‐Slice process (QDS®), couplé avec l’utilisation de sels substituant le chlorure de sodium (NaCl), a permis de fabriquer, avec succès, des saucisses fermentées à basse teneur en sel en réduisant le cycle de fabrication et sans ajout de NaCl supplémentaire. Les technologies de mesure en ligne non destructives, comme les rayons X et l’induction électromagnétique, permettent de classifier les jambons frais suivant leur teneur en gras, un paramètre crucial pour adapter la durée de l’étape de salaison. La technologie des rayons X peut aussi être utilisée pour estimer la quantité de sel incorporée pendant la salaison. L’information relative aux teneurs en sel et en gras est importante pour optimiser le processus d’élaboration du jambon sec en réduisant la variabilité de la teneur en sel entre les lots et dans un même lot, mais aussi pour réduire la teneur en sel du produit final. D’autres technologies comme la spectroscopie en proche infrarouge (NIRS) ou spectroscopie microondes sont aussi utiles pour contrôler le processus d’élaboration et pour caractériser et classifier les produits carnés élaborés, selon leur teneur en sel. La plupart de ces technologies peuvent être facilement appliquées en ligne dans l’industrie afin de contrôler le processus de fabrication et d’obtenir ainsi des produits carnés présentant les caractéristiques recherchées.
L’aplicació de tecnologies innovadores per a l’anàlisi de la qualitat (proteòmica) i per al processat de productes carnis (envasament actiu i altes pressions hidrostàtiques) amb la finalitat d’optimitzar la qualitat i la seguretat de productes carnis llestos per al consum fou evaluat. Els resultats obtinguts amb l’anàlisi proteòmic van permetre la detecció de pèptids/ proteïnes candidats a marcadors proteics de la qualitat dels lloms i dels pernils. La detecció d’aquests marcadors a la matèria primera (llom i pernil fresc) ajudaria a predir la qualitat final dels productes carnis processats (llom cuit i pernil curat), i proporcionaria una eina per al control de la qualitat de la carn de porc. No obstant, la validació del paper d’aquestes proteïnes a la qualitat final dels productes carnis és necessària abans de poder-los considerar marcadors proteics. Per altra banda, es va estudiar la possiblitat de millorar la seguretat alimentària de llonganissa sense sal afegida obtinguda amb el procés QDS® process a través l’ús de tecnologies innovadores (envasament actiu i altes pressions hidrostàtiques). La llonganissa sense sal afegida no va permetre el creixement de L. monocytogenes. No obstant, el patogen seria capaç de sobreviure durant la vida útil del producte en cas de recontaminació. L’envasament antimicrobià amb la inclusió de nisina com a antimicrobià natural es pot considerar un mètode efectiu per a millorar la seguretat de la llonganissa estudiada. L. monocytogenes va sobreviure al tractament d’alta pressió hidrostàtica (600 MPa, 5 min, 12ºC) gràcies a les característiques del producte de baixa activitat d’aigua i presència de lactat a la seva formulació. Per aquest motiu, la APH no es consideraria un tractament apropiat per a reduir la presència de L. monocytogenes en aquest tipus de producte.
The thermotolerant capacity of several lactic acid bacteria strains isolated from cooked commercial sausages was determined. Four strains were positively identified as Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus curvatus, Pediococcus pentosaceus and Pediococcus acidilacti, after surviving thermal treatment (70 °C during 60 minutes). Thermotolerant strains were inoculated in sausage batters before cooking in order to determine their effect on color, texture, acceptance and inhibition of Enterobacteria during 12 days at 8 °C. No significant effect of the inoculated strains was detected on color parameters. Textural profile parameters, cohesiveness and resilience, were not affected by the inoculation of thermotolerant lactic acid bacteria, but L. curvatus sausages resulted softer than the rest of the treatments. Samples inoculated with L. curvatus also obtained the lowest scores for the sensory attributes evaluated, with the remaining treatments causing no unfavorable effects on sausage acceptance. There was a reduction in enterobacterial counts after 12 days of cold storage in inoculated samples. The performance of inoculated lactic acid bacteria strains can be explained in a similar way as that of starter cultures in dry-fermented sausages, where the growth in nests impairs other pathogenic microorganisms present in the rest of the sausage, since environmental conditions and the early inoculation of these thermotolerant strains favor them to become the dominant flora.
The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of the chitosan addition on the quality of vacuum packaged pork sausages. A variant of the product was elaborated with 1% (w/w) of chitosan in lactic acid solution at 1% (v/v) and it was compared to a control. Sausages were mechanically stuffed and manually conformed and vacuum packaged. Sausages were stored at 4 °C and microbiological evaluations, pH measurements, texture profile analysis and sensorial evaluation were performed. The chitosan addition in the formulation of the sausages did not reduce the microbiological counts. The pH values obtained in all samples were similar, which suggests that the chitosan addition did not influence the pH values of sausages. The added chitosan did not affect significantly (p < 0.05) the results of the texture profile analysis and sensorial attributes and therefore, the overall acceptance of the sausages.
The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of partial nitrite replacement by chitosan on the quality of Ham Visking (a type of pork sausages). Five Ham Visking formulations were elaborated modifying the sodium nitrite (0.011; 0.016 or 0.0212%) and chitosan concentrations (0.25 or 0.5%) in the products. Sausages were stored at 4 ºC and physicochemical, microbiological, and sensorial evaluations were performed in order to estimate their shelf life. Chitosan can be used in pork sausages without affecting ensory attributes such as color although the panelists detected textural differences among the samples with chitosan, which suggests that there is some influence of deacetylation degree of chitosan on the textural behavior of sausages which still needed to be explained for a successful application of chitosan in meat products. The reduction of residual sodium nitrite did not affect the color and flavor of such products, but the use of chitosan increasedsignificantly the shelf life of sausages.
The study of the ecology of fermented sausage is fundamental to understand the physical and chemical changes that happen during fermentation and maturation. The aim of the present study was to determine the microbiological characteristics of sausages produced by spontaneous fermentation. Fifty samples of sausages produced in the South of Brazil by different small manufacturers were analyzed for the following microbiota: aerobic mesophilic bacteria; Micrococcaceae; mold and yeast; lactic acid bacteria; total and fecal coliforms; coagulase-positive Staphylococcus, and Salmonella. In most samples (72%), the count of lactic bacteria was higher than 6 log10 cfu.g-1, and the samples with the highest counts were above 8 log10 cfu.g-1. The counts of Micrococcaceae in most samples were between 5 log10 and 7 log10 cfu.g-1. With respect to the presence of molds and yeasts, there was a significant variation among the samples with counts ranging from 2 log10 cfu.g-1 and 6 log10 cfu.g-1. From the data obtained, it was possible to conclude that 24% of the analyzed samples did not comply with the current law in Brazil since the levels of fecal coliforms or coagulase-positive Staphylococcus exceeded the maximum limit allowed.
In many industrialized countries, including Brazil, sodium intake exceeds the nutritional recommendations. Excessive consumption is associated with hypertension and premature death by cardiovascular diseases. The industry's challenge is to produce products with reduced sodium that are similar to regular products in texture and flavor and consistent with consumers' dietary habits. The present study aimed at substituting 25 and 50% NaCl for KCl in marinated beef and chicken meat with the addition of aromatic herbs and spices. The following microbiological analyses were carried out: macronutrient, chemical composition, and sensorial analysis. The meats showed a reduction in NaCl contents without any changes in their physical and chemical characteristics, and the products´ quality and microbiological safety were maintained. Beef and chicken tenderness was maintained for both treatments. Furthermore, the use of 50% KCl did not cause any changes in the products' sensory quality, and the overall acceptance of both types of meat was maintained. Results showed that a reduction by 50% in the NaCl contents of marinated meat products with a combination of herbs and spices is possible. Future applications in other meat products and sausages are highly promising.
La demanda creixent de productes mínimament processats i llestos per al consum planteja un important repte per a la seguretat alimentaria i ha conduit al desenvolupament de tractaments suaus que permetin inhibir el creixement microbià conservant la qualitat dels aliments. Els treballs recollits a la present tesi van plantejar diverses estratègies consistents en la combinació d'obstacles al creixement microbià per a millorar la seguretat de productes carnis llestos per al consum. Amb l'objectiu de millorar la seguretat dels embotits poc àcids, es va valorar l'aplicació del tractament per alta pressió hidrostàtica (APH) i l'addició de cultius iniciadors en embotits poc àcids. Per altra banda, per a reduir el risc de L. monocytogenes durant la conservació del pernil cuit llescat, es va avaluar l'efecte combinat de l'addició d'antimicrobians naturals (lactatat-diacetat i enterocines), afegits directament o a través de l'envasament antimicrobià, i el tractament per alta pressió hidrostàtica.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O botulismo alimentar ocorre pela ingestão de toxinas pré-formadas pelo Clostridium botulinum, consideradas as mais potentes dentre as toxinas conhecidas. Caracteriza-se como uma doença de extrema gravidade, de evolução aguda, provoca distúrbios digestivos e neurológicos, em conseqüência à ingestão de diversos tipos de alimentos. As conservas caseiras estão entre os alimentos que oferecem maior risco à população consumidora. Os produtos de origem animal são frequentemente associados aos surtos da doença, destacando-se os embutidos, tais como salsichas, salames, presuntos e patês. Derivados do leite e enlatados, bem como produtos fermentados, são passíveis de provocar a intoxicação. As outras formas naturais da doença são botulismo por feridas e botulismo infantil, normalmente associado ao consumo de mel contendo esporos do Clostridium botulinum.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fresh sausages are cured meat products that may be contaminated with Staphylococcus aureus during the manufacturing procedure, which is frequently related with inadequate handling practices. The use of nitrite in meat products has proven efficacy against Clostridium botulinum, and studies indicate that bactericidal action against S. aureus depends on factors that are intrinsic and extrinsic to the product. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of nitrite concentration, and pH on S. aureus and psychrotrophic autochthone microbiota in fresh sausages stored at different times and temperatures. Fresh sausage were produced at nitrite concentrations 50, 150 and 200ppm and contaminated with S. aureus. The sausages were storage at refrigeration (7 and 12 degrees C) and the quantification of S. aureus and psychrotrophic microorganisms was carried out on days 0, 2, 4, 7, and 10. Results showed that nitrite concentrations and the temperatures used had minimal effect on the multiplication of S. amens and psychrotrophic autochthone microbiota. Final counts depended only on the length of storage: at the end of 10 days, counts were statistically similar in the different groups, showing that temperature and nitrite concentrations used did not control microbial growth effectively. It is suggested that the product should be stored below 7 degrees C or at freezing temperatures for greater microbiological stability.
Strain ST211CH, identified as a strain of Enterococcus faecium, isolated from Lombo produced a bacteriocin that inhibited the growth of Enterococcus spp., Listeria spp., Klebsiella spp., Lactobacillus spp., Pseudomonas spp., Staphylococcus spp. and Streptococcus spp. The mode of action of the bacteriocin named as bacteriocin ST211Ch was bactericidal against Enterococcus faecalis ATCC19443. As determined by Tricine-SDS-PAGE, the approximate molecular mass of the bacteriocin was 8.0 kDa. Loss in antimicrobial activity was recorded after treatment with proteolytic enzymes. Maximum activity of bacteriocin ST211Ch was measured in broth cultures of E. faecium strain ST211Ch after 24 h; thereafter, the activity was reduced. Bacteriocin ST211Ch remained active after exposure to various temperatures and pHs, as well as to Triton X-100, Tween-80, Tween-20, sodium dodecyl sulfate, NaCl, urea and EDTA. Effect of media components on production of bacteriocin ST211Ch was also studied. On the basis of PCR reactions targeting different bacteriocin genes, i.e. enterocins, curvacins and sakacins, no evidences for the presence of these genes in the total DNA of E. faecium strain ST211Ch was obtained. The bacterium most probably produced a bacteriocin different from those mentioned above. Based on the antimicrobial spectrum, stability and mode of action of bacteriocin ST211CH, E. faecium strain ST211Ch might be considered as a potential candidate with beneficial properties for use in biopreservation to control food spoilage bacteria.