997 resultados para enzymatic properties


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Three selenium-containing catalytic antibodies mHB4, mHB5 and mHB7 which acted as mimics of cytosolic glutathione peroxidase(cGPX), were prepared by chemically introducing selenium into monoclonal antibodies HB4, HB5 and HB7. HB4. HB5 and HB7 were raised against a GSH derivative GSH-S-DNP dibenzyl ester, The cGPX activity of mHB4, mHB5, mHB7 were 170, 1 867, 32 U/mu mol, respectively. The cGPX activity of mHB5 was 0, 32 fold of natural rabbit liver cGPX and 1. 51 fold of m4A4. About two atoms of selenium existed in each of mHB5 molecule determined by inductively-coupled plasma/mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS), The optimal activity of mHB5 was at between pH 8. 4 and 8, 8, The reaction catalyzed by mHB5 involved a Ping-Pong mechanism. At pH 7. 0 and 37 degreesC, the apparent second-order rate constants for reaction of mHB5 with H2O2 and t-ROOH were as followed: k(+1) (H2O2) = 9. 71 x 10(6) L/(mol min), k(+1)(t-ROOH) = 5. 99 x 10(5) L/(mol.min). Rate accelerations (k(cat)/K-m/k(uncat)) 9. 8 x 10(6) and 3.7 x 10(5) fold those of the uncatalytic reaction were observed.


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Chitins produced via a conventional chemical route as well as from a new biological process were modified to increase the efficiency of enzymatic deacetylation reactions for the production of novel biological chitosan. These modified chitins were reacted for 24h with extracellular fungal enzymes from Colletotrichum lindemuthianum. The chemical and physical properties of the various substrates were analysed and their properties related to the effectiveness in the deacetylation reaction. Modifications of the chitins affected the degree of deacetylation with varied effects. Without further modification to reduce crystallinity and to open up the solid substrate structure, the chitins were found to be poor substrates for the heterogeneous solid-liquid enzymatic catalysis. It was found that the solvent and drying method used in modifying the chitins had significant impact on the final efficiency of the enzymatic deacetylation reaction. The most successful modifications through freeze drying of a colloidal chitin suspension increased the degree of enzymatic deacetylation by 20 fold. These processes reduce the crystallinity of the chitin making it easier for the enzymes to access their internal structure. X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, and BET isotherm analysis are employed to characterise the modified chitins to ascertain the degree of crystallinity, porous structure, surface area, and morphology.


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A hidrólise enzimática do amido pode fornecer informações importantes sobre sua estrutura granular. Amidos de mandioca, batata-doce, mandioquinha-salsa e batata foram hidrolisados por α-amilase bacteriana a 37 °C durante 48 horas, e algumas propriedades físico-químicas dos resíduos da hidrólise foram determinadas. O amido de mandioca foi o mais suscetível à enzima com 20,9% de hidrólise, enquanto o amido de batata foi o mais resistente com 5,9%. O tamanho médio dos grânulos variou de 10,8 a 23,4 μm para os amidos de mandioquinha-salsa e batata, respectivamente. Amidos de mandioca e batata-doce apresentaram um padrão de difração de raio-X tipo A, enquanto os amidos de mandioquinha-salsa e batata mostraram padrão tipo B. Todos os amidos nativos mostraram superfície granular lisa e, após hidrólise, os amidos de mandioca, batata-doce e mandioquinha-salsa mostraram alguns grânulos bastante degradados, enquanto o amido de batata apresentou sutil sinal de degradação. O teor de amilose dos amidos diminuiu com a hidrólise para os amidos de mandioca, batata-doce e mandioquinha-salsa, permanecendo inalterado para o amido de batata. Como esperado, a viscosidade intrínseca e as propriedades de pasta diminuíram para todos os amidos hidrolisados. Não houve diferença significativa entre as propriedades térmicas dos amidos nativos e hidrolisados. Estes resultados sugeriram que a hidrólise ocorreu nas áreas cristalinas e amorfas dos grânulos. O padrão de difração do tipo B e o grande tamanho dos grânulos do amido de batata podem ter contribuído para a maior resistência deste amido à hidrólise.


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Piratoxins (PrTX) I and III are phospholipases A(2) (PLA(2)s) or PLA(2) homologue myotoxins isolated from Bothrops pirajai snake venom, which also induce myonecrosis, bactericidal activity against Escherichia coli, disruption of artificial membranes, and edema. PrTX-III is a catalytically active hemolytic and anticoagulant Asp49 PLA(2), while PrTX-I is a Lys49 PLA, homologue, which is catalytically inactive on artificial substrates, but promotes blockade of neuromuscular transmission. Chemical modifications of His, Lys, Tyr, and Trp residues of PrTX-I and PrTX-III were performed, together with cleavage of the N-terminal octapeptide by CNBr and inhibition by heparin and EDTA. The lethality, bactericidal activity, myotoxicity, neuromuscular effect, edema inducing effect, catalytic and anticoagulant activities, and the liposome-disruptive activity of the modified toxins were evaluated. A complex pattern of functional differences between the modified and native toxins was observed. However, in general, chemical modifications that significantly affected the diverse pharmacological effects of the toxins did not influence catalytic or membrane disrupting activities. Analysis of structural changes by circular dichroism spectroscopy demonstrated significant changes in the secondary structure only in the case of N-terminal octapeptide cleavage. These data indicate that PrTX-I and PrTX-III possess regions other than the catalytic site, which determine their toxic and pharmacological activities. (C) 2001 Academic Press.


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Continuous enzymatic interesterification is an alternative to chemical interesterification for lipid modification technology which is economically viable for large scale use. A blend of 70% lard and 30% soybean oil was submitted to continuous enzymatic interesterification in a glass tubular bioreactor at flow rate ranging from 0.5 to 4.5 mL/min. The original mixture and the reaction products obtained were examined to determine melting and crystallization behavior by DSC, and analyzed for regiospecific fatty acid distribution. Continuous enzymatic interesterification changed the mixture, forming a new triacylglycerol composition, verified by DSC curves and variation in enthalpy of melting values. The regiospecific distribution of fatty acids was changed by flow variations in the reactor. In the continuous enzymatic interesterification reaction the flow rate of 4.5 mL/min, was more advantageous than slower flow rates, reducing acyl migration and increasing process productivity. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Protein engineering of gluten, the exogenous effector in celiac disease, seeking its detoxification by selective chemical modification of toxic epitopes is a very attractive strategy and promising technology when compared to pharmacological treatment or genetic engineering of wheat. Here we present a simple and efficient chemo-enzymatic methodology that decreases celiac disease toxic epitopes of gluten proteins improving its technological value through microbial transglutaminase-mediated transamidation of glutamine with n-butylamine under reducing conditions. First, we found that using low concentrations of amine-nucleophile under non-reducing conditions, the decrease in toxic epitopes is mainly due to transglutaminase-mediated cross-linking. Second, using high amine nucleophile concentrations protein cross-linking is substantially reduced. Third, reducing conditions increase 7-fold the transamidation reaction further decreasing toxic epitopes amount. Fourth, using n-butylamine improves gluten hydrophobicity that strengthens the gluten network. These results open the possibility of tailoring gluten for producing hypoallergenic flours while still taking advantage of the unique viscoelastic properties of gluten.


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The thermodynamic properties of anchovy fillets and enzymatic modified pastes in two hydrolysis degrees (3% HD and 14% HD), at 50, 60 and 70 C were evaluated. The GAB model was used to calculate the values of the monolayer moisture content and the thermodynamic properties of the samples. The enzymatic modification led to the increases of the superficial area and differential enthalpies, and decrease of the differential entropies in relation the samples in natura. The enthalpy–entropy compensation showed that the process was controlled by the enthalpy, it was only spontaneous for the samples in natura. Pore size decreased with enzymatic modification, and all samples were in the limit of region between micropores and mesopores (<2 nm) for moisture content of 15%, and mesopores (from 2 to 50 nm) to moisture content above 15%.


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Cereal kernels are known to contain a number of minor components that possess beneficial health attributes. In this thesis rye and wheat were studied as sources of steryl ferulates and steryl glycosides and their behaviour in processing were evaluated. Further, enzymatic hydrolysis of these conjugates was studied, as well as the capacity of steryl ferulates to inhibit lipid oxidation at different temperatures. Steryl ferulates were shown to have a strong positive correlation with dietary fibre contents in milling fractions from the outer parts of the kernels obtained from a commercial scale mill. Highest contents of steryl ferulates were found in the bran in both cereals, with the content decreasing once moving towards the inner parts of the kernel. Variation in the contents of steryl ferulates was higher in wheat fractions than rye fractions. Steryl glycosides, on the other hand, had either negative or no correlation with dietary fibre, and the range of the steryl glycoside contents was much narrower than that of steryl ferulates in both cereals. There were significant differences in the sterol compositions of these steryl conjugates when compared with each other or with the total plant sterols in the corresponding fractions. Properties of steryl ferulates and steryl glycosides were evaluated after common processing methods and in enzymatic hydrolysis. Thermal and mechanical processing had only minor or no effects on the contents of steryl conjugates from rye and wheat bran. Enzymatic treatments on the other hand caused some changes, especially in the contents of glycosylated sterols. When steryl ferulates extracted from rye or wheat bran were subjected to enzymatic treatments by steryl esterase, significant differences in the rates of hydrolysis were observed between steryl ferulates from different sources with differing sterol compositions. Further, differences were also observed between enzymes from different sources. Steryl glycosides were shown to be hydrolysed by β-glucosidase (cellobiase) from A. niger, but less with β-glucosidases from other sources. Steryl ferulates showed good antioxidant activity at both moderate and high temperatures. In bulk and emulsion systems of methyl linoleate at 40°C steryl ferulates extracted from rye and wheat bran inhibited hydroperoxide formation much more effectively than synthetic steryl ferulates or those extracted from rice (γ-oryzanol), demonstrating that the sterol composition has an effect on the activity. At cooking (100°C) and frying temperatures (180°C) sitostanyl ferulate was shown to inhibit polymer formation significantly and, especially at 100°C, comparably to α-tocopherol. The rate of antioxidant degradation was slower for sitostanyl ferulate, showing higher heat stability than α-tocopherol. When evaluated as a mixture, no synergistic effect was observed between these two antioxidants. The data presented in this thesis provides information that may henceforth be applied when evaluating the intakes of steryl conjugates from cereal sources, as well as their possible influences as minor bioactive components. Wheat and rye both are good sources of steryl ferulates and steryl glycosides and, especially with steryl ferulates, what may be lost out to some other cereals on quantity is compensated with quality of the sterol composition.


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A new analogue of vitamin A, viz., retinoic acid anhydride was prepared, for the first time, by the action of thionyl chloride on retinoic acid in benzene containing pyridine. The amhydride was charcterised by its chromatographic properties, elemental analysis, ultraviolet absorption, infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance spectral characteristics. The compound could be readily hydrolysed to retinoic acid both by acid and alkali treatments and reduced by lithium aluminium hydride to vitamin A alcohol (retinol). The spectral changes with antimony trichloride reagent were similar to those observed for retinoic acid. The metabolism of retinoic acid anhydride was found to be similar to that of retinoic acic. When administered either orally or intraperitoneally, the compound promotes growth in vitamin A-deficient rats. Time-course experiments revealed that retinoic acid anhydride is converted into retinoic acid by non-enzymatic hydrolysis and thereby exerts its biological activity. The biopotency of the anhydride was found to be nearly the same as that of the acid. A new method of preparing esters of retinoic acid employing retinoic acid anhydride as an intermediate, has been described.


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An enzyme system which converts anthranilic acid to catechol was detected in the leaves of Tecoma stans, and its properties studied. The system is present exclusively in the chloroplast fraction of the leaves. The optimum pH of the reaction is 5·2 and maximum activity was obtained with citrate-phosphate buffer. There was good stoichiometry between the amounts of anthranilic acid disappeared and the amounts of catechol and ammonia formed. The enzyme system showed an absolute requirement for oxygen and evidence was obtained for the probable participation of NADPH and FAD in the hydroxylation step. The optimum concentration of anthranilic acid was 10−4 M; at higher concentrations the reaction was inhibited to a considerable extent. Cyanide, pyrophosphate, and EDTA also caused inhibition indicating a requirement for metal ions.


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Protein modification via enzymatic cross-linking is an attractive way for altering food structure so as to create products with increased quality and nutritional value. These modifications are expected to affect not only the structure and physico-chemical properties of proteins but also their physiological characteristics, such as digestibility in the GI-tract and allergenicity. Protein cross-linking enzymes such as transglutaminases are currently commercially available, but also other types of cross-linking enzymes are being explored intensively. In this study, enzymatic cross-linking of β-casein, the most abundant bovine milk protein, was studied. Enzymatic cross-linking reactions were performed by fungal Trichoderma reesei tyrosinase (TrTyr) and the performance of the enzyme was compared to that of transglutaminase from Streptoverticillium mobaraense (Tgase). Enzymatic cross-linking reactions were followed by different analytical techniques, such as size exclusion chromatography -Ultra violet/Visible multi angle light scattering (SEC-UV/Vis-MALLS), phosphorus nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (31P-NMR), atomic force (AFM) and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). The research results showed that in both cases cross-linking of β-casein resulted in the formation of high molecular mass (MM ca. 1 350 kg mol-1), disk-shaped nanoparticles when the highest enzyme dosage and longest incubation times were used. According to SEC-UV/Vis-MALLS data, commercial β-casein was cross-linked almost completely when TrTyr and Tgase were used as cross-linking enzymes. In the case of TrTyr, high degree of cross-linking was confirmed by 31P-NMR where it was shown that 91 % of the tyrosine side-chains were involved in the cross-linking. The impact of enzymatic cross-linking of β-casein on in vitro digestibility by pepsin was followed by various analytical techniques. The research results demonstrated that enzymatically cross-linked β-casein was stable under the acidic conditions present in the stomach. Furthermore, it was found that cross-linked β-casein was more resistant to pepsin digestion when compared to that of non modified β-casein. The effects of enzymatic cross-linking of β-casein on allergenicity were also studied by different biochemical test methods. On the basis of the research results, enzymatic cross-linking decreased allergenicity of native β-casein by 14 % when cross-linked by TrTyr and by 6 % after treatment by Tgase. It can be concluded that in addition to the basic understanding of the reaction mechanism of TrTyr on protein matrix, the research results obtained in this study can have high impact on various applications like food, cosmetic, medical, textile and packing sectors.


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In attempting to determine the nature of the enzyme system mediating the conversion of catechol to diphenylenedioxide 2,3-quinone, in Tecoma leaves, further purification of the enzyme was undertaken. The crude enzyme from Tecoma leaves was processed further by protamine sulfate precipitation, positive adsorption on tricalcium phosphate gel, and elution and chromatography on DEAE-Sephadex. This procedure yielded a 120-fold purified enzyme which stoichiometrically converted catechol to diphenylenedioxide 2,3-quinone. The purity of the enzyme system was assessed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The approximate molecular weight of the enzyme was assessed as 200,000 by gel filtration on Sephadex G-150. The enzyme functioned optimally at pH 7.1 and at 35 °C. The Km for catechol was determined as 4 × 10−4 Image . The enzyme did not oxidize o-dihydric phenols other than catechol and it did not exhibit any activity toward monohydric and trihydric phenols and flavonoids. Copper-chelating agents did not inhibit the enzyme activity. Copper could not be detected in the purified enzyme preparations. The purified enzyme was not affected by extensive dialysis against copper-complexing agents. It did not show any peroxidase activity and it was not inhibited by catalase. Hydrogen peroxide formation could not be detected during the catalytic reaction. The enzymatic conversion of catechol to diphenylenedioxide 2,3-quinone by the purified Tecoma leaf enzyme was suppressed by such reducing agents as GSH and cysteamine. The purified enzyme was not sensitive to carbon monoxide. It was not inhibited by thiol inhibitors. The Tecoma leaf was found to be localized in the soluble fraction of the cell. Treatment of the purified enzyme with acid, alkali, and urea led to the progressive denaturation of the enzyme.


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The enzymatic pathway for the synthesis of sn-glycerol 3-phosphate was investigated in developing groundnut seeds (Arachis hypogaea). Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase was not detected in this tissue but an active glycerokinase was demonstrated in the cytosolic fraction. It showed an optimum pH at 8.6 and positive cooperative interactions with both glycerol and ATP. Triosephosphate isomerase and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate phosphatase were observed mainly in the cytosolic fraction while an active glyceraldehyde reductase was found mainly in the mitochondrial and microsomal fractions. The glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate phosphatase showed specificity and positive cooperativity with respect to glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate. The glyceraldehyde reductase was active toward glucose and fructose but not toward formaldehyde and showed absolute specificity toward NADPH. It is concluded that in the developing groundnut seed, sn-glycerol 3-phosphate is synthesized essentially by the pathway dihydroxyacetone phosphate ? glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate ?Pi glyceraldehyde ?NADPH glycerol ?ATP glycerol 3-phosphate. All the enyzmes of this pathway showed activity profiles commensurate with their participation in triacylglycerol synthesis which is maximal during the period 15�35 days after fertilization. Glycerokinase appears to be the rate-limiting enzyme in this pathway.


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Cereal water-soluble β-glucan [(1→3)(1→4)-β-D-glucan] has well-evidenced health benefits and it contributes to the texture properties of foods. These functions are characteristically dependent on the excellent viscosity forming ability of this cell wall polysaccharide. The viscosity is affected by the molar mass, solubility and conformation of β-glucan molecule, which are further known to be altered during food processing. This study focused on demonstrating the degradation of β-glucan in water solutions following the addition of ascorbic acid, during heat treatments or high pressure homogenisation. Furthermore, the motivation of this study was in the non-enzymatic degradation mechanisms, particularly in oxidative cleavage via hydroxyl radicals. The addition of ascorbic acid at food-related concentrations (2-50 mM), autoclaving (120°C) treatments, and high pressure homogenisation (300-1000 bar) considerably cleaved the β-glucan chains, determined as a steep decrease in the viscosity of β-glucan solutions and decrease in the molar mass of β-glucan. The cleavage was more intense in a solution of native β-glucan with co-extracted compounds than in a solution of highly purified β-glucan. Despite the clear and immediate process-related degradation, β-glucan was less sensitive to these treatments compared to other water-soluble polysaccharides previously reported in the literature. In particular, the highly purified β-glucan was relatively resistant to the autoclaving treatments without the addition of ferrous ions. The formation of highly oxidative free radicals was detected at the elevated temperatures, and the formation was considerably accelerated by added ferrous ions. Also ascorbic acid pronounced the formation of these oxidative radicals, and oxygen was simultaneously consumed by ascorbic acid addition and by heating the β-glucan solutions. These results demonstrated the occurrence of oxidative reactions, most likely the metal catalysed Fenton-like reactions, in the β-glucan solutions during these processes. Furthermore, oxidized functional groups (carbonyls) were formed along the β-glucan chain by the treatments, including high pressure homogenisation, evidencing the oxidation of β-glucan by these treatments. The degradative forces acting on the particles in the high pressure homogenisation are generally considered to be the mechanical shear, but as shown here, carbohydrates are also easily degraded during the process, and oxidation may have a role in the modification of polysaccharides by this technique. In the present study, oat β-glucan was demonstrated to be susceptible to degradation during aqueous processing by non-enzymatic degradation mechanisms. Oxidation was for the first time shown to be a highly relevant degradation mechanism of β-glucan in food processing.