187 resultados para eMic


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The Hong Kong subproject was supported by the Quality Education Fund of the Education Bureau in Hong Kong, whereas the Portuguese subproject was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology and by the Institute of Education of the University of Lisbon. The data of this paper were part of the data collected in a multinational project initiated by the International School Psychology Association.


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This exploratory descriptive study described what 20 care providers in 5 long-term care facilities perceived to aid or hinder their learning in a work-sponsored learning experience. A Critical Incident Technique (Woolsey, 1986) was the catalyst for the interviews with the culturally and professionally diverse participants. Through data analysis, as described by Moustakas (1994), I found that (a) humour, (b) the learning environment, (c) specific characteristics of the presenter such as moderate pacing, speaking slowly and with simple words, (d) decision-making authority, (e) relevance to practice, and (f) practical applications best met the study participants' learning needs. Conversely, other factors could hinder learning based on the participants' perceptions. These were: (a) other presenter characteristics such as a program that was delivered quickly or spoken at a level above the participants' comprehension, (b) no perceived relevance to practice, (c), other environmental situations, and (d) the timing of the learning session. One of my intentions was to identify the emic view among cultural groups and professional/vocational affiliations. A surprising finding of this study was that neither impacted noticeably on the perceived learning needs of the participants. Further research with a revised research design to facilitate inclusion of more diverse participants will aid in determining if the lack of a difference was unique to this sample or more generalizable on a case-to-case transfer basis to the study population.


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The introduction of computer and communications technology, and particularly the internet, into education has opened up some new possibilities for teaching and learning. Courses designed and delivered in an online environment offer the possibility of highly interactive and individually focussed teaching and learning experiences. However, online courses also present new challenges for both teachers and students. A qualitative study was conducted to explore teachers' perceptions about the similarities and differences in teaching in the online and face-to-face (F2F) environments. Focus group discussions were held with 5 teachers; 2 teachers were interviewed in depth. The participants, 3 female and 2 male, were full-time teachers from a large College of Applied Arts & Technology in southern Ontario. Each of them had over 10 years of F2F teaching experience and each had been involved in the development and teaching of at least one online course. i - -; The study focussed on how teaching in the online environment compares with teaching in the F2F environment, what roles teachers and students adopt in each setting, what learning communities mean online and F2F and how they are developed, and how institutional policies, procedures, and infrastructure affect teaching and learning F2F and online. This study was emic in nature, that is the teachers' words determine the themes identified throughout the study. The factors identified as affecting teaching in an online environment included teacher issues such as course design, motivation to teach online, teaching style, role, characteristics or skills, and strategies. Student issues as perceived by the teachers included learning styles, role, and characteristics or skills. As well, technology issues such as a reliable infrastructure, clear role and responsibilities for maintaining the infrastructure, support, and multimedia capability affected teaching online. Finally, administrative policies and procedures, including teacher selection and training, registration and scheduling procedures, intellectual property and workload policies, and the development and communication of a comprehensive strategic plan were found to impact on teaching online. The teachers shared some of the benefits they perceived about teaching online as well as some of the challenges they had faced and challenges they perceived students had faced online. Overall, the teachers feh that there were more similarities than differences in teaching between the two environments, with the main differences being the change from F2F verbal interactions involving body language to online written interactions without body language cues, and the fundamental reliance on technology in the online environment. These findings support previous research in online teaching and learning, and add teachers' perspectives on the factors that stay the same and the factors that change when moving from a F2F environment to an online environment.


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La douleur est une expérience humaine des plus universelles et d’une riche variabilité culturelle. Néanmoins, il y a peu d’études sur ce sujet en général et qui plus est, la recherche sur la douleur chez les Amérindiens est presque inexistante. L’expérience de douleur de quelques 28 millions d’Amérindiens en Amérique du Sud, dont les Quichuas (Inca), est encore méconnue. Cette recherche interdisciplinaire, psychophysiologique et anthropologique, vise deux buts : (1) Étudier les effets de type analgésique du défi verbal culturellement significatif chez les Quichuas ; et (2) Faire un survol de leur système de croyances concernant la douleur, leur façon de la percevoir, de la décrire, et de la contrôler. Pour le volet expérimental, on a recruté 40 hommes en bonne santé. Les volontaires étaient assignés de façon alternée soit au groupe expérimental (20) soit au groupe contrôle (20). On a enregistré chez eux les seuils de la douleur, et celui de la tolérance à la douleur. Chez le groupe expérimental, on a, de plus, mesuré le seuil de la tolérance à la douleur avec défi verbal. La douleur était provoquée par pression au temporal, et mesurée à l’aide d’un algésimètre. Après chaque seuil, on a administré une échelle visuelle analogique. Pour le deuxième volet de l’étude, un groupe de 40 participants (15 femmes et 25 hommes) a répondu verbalement à un questionnaire en quichua sur la nature de la douleur. Celui-ci touchait les notions de cause, de susceptibilité, les caractéristiques de la douleur, les syndromes douloureux, les méthodes de diagnostic et de traitement, ainsi que la prévention. Notre étude a révélé que les participants ayant reçu le défi verbal ont présenté une tolérance accrue à la douleur statistiquement significative. Les valeurs de l’échelle visuelle analogique ont aussi augmenté chez ce groupe, ce qui indique un état accru de conscience de la douleur. L’expérience de la douleur chez les Quichuas est complexe et les stratégies pour la combattre sont sophistiquées. Selon leur théorie, le vécu d’émotions intenses, dues à des évènements de la vie, à l’existence d’autres maladies qui affectent la personne de façon concomitante, et aux esprits présents dans la nature ou chez d’autres personnes joue un rôle dans l’origine, le diagnostic et le traitement de la douleur. Les Quichuas accordent une grande crédibilité à la biomédecine ainsi qu’à la médecine traditionnelle quichua. Ils perçoivent la famille et le voisinage comme étant des sources supplémentaires de soutien. Il ressort également que les Quichuas préfèrent un service de santé de type inclusif et pluraliste. En conclusion, cette étude a révélé que des mots culturellement significatifs ayant une connotation de défi semblent augmenter la tolérance à la douleur chez les Quichuas. Il s’agit de la première étude à documenter les effets analgésiques de la parole. D’autre part, cette étude souligne également la potentielle utilité clinique de connaître le système quichua de croyances entourant la douleur et le contrôle de cette dernière. Ceci s’avère particulièrement utile pour les cliniciens soucieux d’offrir des soins de santé de meilleure qualité, culturellement adaptés, dans les Andes.


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Conocer la realidad social de las mujeres futbolistas, no solo como las percibe el mundo que les rodea, sino tambi??n que imagen tienen de ellas mismas como practicantes de un deporte mayoritariamente masculino. Determinar si el entorno social y el clima motivacional generado durante el entrenamiento, influyen en la autopercepci??n y autoconcepto de las futbolistas y si a su vez repercute en la realidad social del deporte como dimensi??n educativa en la cultura del ocio. Se parte de la hip??tesis de que la mujer futbolista es objeto de diferentes estigmas derivados de la consideraci??n de que el f??tbol es un deporte eminentemente masculino. Un primer estudio sobre 21 jugadoras del equipo de f??tbol femenino Oviedo Moderno Universidad entre los 15 y 26 a??os de edad, 2 padres, 2 entrenadores, 2 ??rbitros y 2 directivos del mismo equipo. Un segundo estudio con 100 jugadoras y 100 jugadores de 16 equipos de f??tbol en competici??n oficial en la Comunidad Aut??noma de Asturias. Primeramente se realiza un vaciado de las fuentes documentales existentes para, a continuaci??n, proceder al an??lisis detallado de todo el material. Para una mayor profundizaci??n en la tem??tica objeto de estudio se realizan dos tipos de investigaciones: 1) Un primer estudio de car??cter cualitativo durante la temporada 2002-2003 que proporciona un conocimiento amplio del estado de la cuesti??n en un grupo humano reducido. Para ello se propone una investigaci??n etnogr??fica aplicando un sistema etic-emic, es decir, la observaci??n en primer lugar desde el exterior y m??s tarde un conocimiento en profundidad desde el interior del propio grupo. 2) El segundo estudio, de car??cter cuantitativo, se realiza durante la temporada 2003-2004 con la aplicaci??n de varios instrumentos de medida. En el primer estudio se parte de la observaci??n participante y de las entrevistas en profundidad para intentar desentra??ar los problemas que afectan al colectivo de f??tbol femenino. Las unidades de an??lisis a valorar son: estudio, trabajo, compa??erismo, sacrificio deportivo, edad, parentesco, entorno social, intereses sociales y autoestima. En el segundo estudio se aplican cuatro instrumentos de medida: Cuestionario de percepci??n del ??xito (POSQ), Test motivacional del logro (MEF), Cuestionario de diversi??n de los sujetos con la pr??ctica deportiva (CDPD) y Test AF5. Autoconcepto y forma. Los elementos evaluados son: las disposiciones de meta de logros personales, el grado de divertimiento y el autoconcepto (acad??mico/laboral, social, emocional, familiar y f??sico). El an??lisis de los resultados se realiz?? a trav??s del paquete estad??stico SPSS 12.0 y AMOS 5. Los estad??sticos utilizados han sido: an??lisis factoriales confirmatorios, 'prueba t de Student' y coeficiente de correlaci??n de Pearson. La primera parte del estudio advierte que: 1) No se observa que las mujeres futbolistas sufran discriminaci??n social debido a su supuesta pertenencia a estratos sociales bajos o con una m??nima formaci??n acad??mica. 2) Existen focos aislados que aseguran que el f??tbol embrutece a las mujeres, prevaleciendo a??n la idea general de identificaci??n masculina con este deporte. 3) El entorno social no es el m??s propicio para el desarrollo del f??tbol femenino, pues este deporte no se considera todav??a como femenino. 4) Existen dificultades en los entrenamientos y un anormal desarrollo de la actividad, ya que no cuentan con las instalaciones adecuadas en la mayor??a de los casos. 5) El inter??s del p??blico y del aficionado al f??tbol en general es m??s bien inexistente en lo que respecta al f??tbol femenino. 6) La falta de recursos econ??micos es uno de los problemas m??s importantes que condicionan el desarrollo de esta disciplina deportiva. 7) Se da cierto rechazo, sobre todo en los padres, con ni??as en edades tempranas, para su inclusi??n en equipos de f??tbol femenino. 8) No parece que las mujeres futbolistas presenten estigmatizaciones, sino m??s bien preocupaciones con respecto a su actividad. El segundo estudio arroja los siguientes resultados: 1) Los niveles de orientaci??n al ego y a la materia son similares entre mujeres y varones. 2) En cuanto a la relaci??n de la motivaci??n intr??nseca en funci??n del g??nero, las mujeres presentan valores m??s altos en la competencia y en el esfuerzo. 3) Se confirma la correlaci??n de la orientaci??n de meta con la motivaci??n intr??nseca. 4) Los varones presentan mayores niveles de autoconcepto personal en relaci??n a la dimensi??n emocional y sobre todo a la dimensi??n f??sica. 5) La orientaci??n al ego se corresponde con niveles m??s altos de autoconcepto f??sico tanto en varones como en mujeres. 6) Se confirma que la orientaci??n a la tarea tiene una relaci??n positiva con el esfuerzo percibido y la diversi??n, y una relaci??n negativa con el aburrimiento y la ansiedad en las sesiones de entrenamiento. A trav??s del primer estudio se ha comprobado que algunos de los sistemas de exclusi??n aplicados a comienzos del siglo XX, para justificar que las mujeres no realizaran pr??cticas deportivas, siguen hoy en d??a vigentes. En esta pr??ctica deportiva se dan aspectos sociol??gicos y psicol??gicos resistentes al cambio que son dif??ciles de modificar. Estos aspectos, arraigados en nuestra sociedad, son producto de dos estereotipos resistentes al cambio cultural como son la masculinidad y la feminidad. A trav??s del segundo estudio se llega, entre otras, a la conclusi??n de que los niveles de orientaci??n al ego y a la tarea son similares entre hombres y mujeres siendo el g??nero masculino quien tiene mayor preocupaci??n por ganar y demostrar su capacidad. Adem??s la mujeres encuentran m??s presi??n que los varones debido a los modelos sociales existentes, por lo que tienen m??s dificultad para una alta autoestima. Los varones presentan valores m??s altos en varias dimensiones del autoconcepto con relaci??n a las mujeres, como son la dimensi??n emocional, social y f??sica.


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Monográfico con el título: 'Buenas prácticas de enseñanza en TIC'. En la publicación aparece el apellido del autor Jorrín Abellán, Iván Manuel, como Jarrín Abellán, Iván Manuel. Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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FAMOUS is an ocean-atmosphere general circulation model of low resolution, based on version 4.5 of the UK MetOffice Unified Model. Here we update the model description to account for changes in the model as it is used in the CMIP5 EMIC model intercomparison project (EMICmip) and a number of other studies. Most of these changes correct errors found in the code. The EMICmip version of the model (XFXWB) has a better-conserved water budget and additional cooling in some high latitude areas, but otherwise has a similar climatology to previous versions of FAMOUS. A variant of XFXWB is also described, with changes to the dynamics at the top of the model which improve the model climatology (XFHCC).


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Traditional knowledge about medicinal plants from a poorly studied region, the High Atlas in Morocco, is reported here for the first time; this permits consideration of efficacy and safety of current practices whilst highlighting species previously not known to have traditional medicinal use. Our study aims to document local medicinal plant knowledge among Tashelhit speaking communities through ethnobotanical survey, identifying preferred species and new medicinal plant citations and illuminating the relationship between emic and etic ailment classifications. Ethnobotanical data were collected using standard methods and with prior informed consent obtained before all interactions, data were characterized using descriptive indices and medicinal plants and healing strategies relevant to local livelihoods were identified. 151 vernacular names corresponding to 159 botanical species were found to be used to treat 36 folk ailments grouped in 14 biomedical use categories. Thirty-five (22%) are new medicinal plant records in Morocco, and 26 described as used for the first time anywhere. Fidelity levels (FL) revealed low specificity in plant use, particularly for the most commonly reported plants. Most plants are used in mixtures. Plant use is driven by local concepts of disease, including “hot” and “cold” classification and beliefs in supernatural forces. Local medicinal plant knowledge is rich in the High Atlas, where local populations still rely on medicinal plants for healthcare. We found experimental evidence of safe and effective use of medicinal plants in the High Atlas; but we highlight the use of eight poisonous species.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of different light sources and photo-activation methods on degree of conversion (DC%) and polymerization shrinkage (PS) of a nanocomposite resin (Filtek (TM) Supreme XT, 3M/ESPE). Two light-curing units (LCUs), one halogen-lamp (QTH) and one light-emitting-diode (LED), and two different photo-activation methods (continuous and gradual) were investigated in this study. The specimens were divided in four groups: group 1-power density (PD) of 570 mW/cm(2) for 20 s (QTH); group 2-PD 0 at 570 mW/cm(2) for 10 s + 10 s at 570 mW/cm(2) (QTH); group 3-PD 860 mW/cm(2) for 20 s (LED), and group 4-PD 125 mW/cm(2) for 10 s + 10 s at 860 mW/cm(2) (LED). A testing machine EMIC with rectangular steel bases (6 x 1 x 2 mm) was used to record the polymerization shrinkage forces (MPa) for a period that started with the photo-activation and ended after two minutes of measurement. For each group, ten repetitions (n = 40) were performed. For DC% measurements, five specimens (n = 20) for each group were made in a metallic mold (2 mm thickness and 4 mm diameter, ISO 4049) and them pulverized, pressed with bromide potassium (KBr) and analyzed with FT-IR spectroscopy. The data of PS were analyzed by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with Welch`s correction and Tamhane`s test. The PS means (MPa) were: 0.60 (G1); 0.47 (G2); 0.52 (G3) and 0.45 (G4), showing significant differences between two photo-activation methods, regardless of the light source used. The continuous method provided the highest values for PS. The data of DC% were analyzed by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and shows significant differences for QTH LCUs, regardless of the photo-activation method used. The QTH provided the lowest values for DC%. The gradual method provides lower polymerization contraction, either with halogen lamp or LED. Degree of conversion (%) for continuous or gradual photo-activation method was influenced by the LCUs. Thus, the presented results suggest that gradual method photo-activation with LED LCU would suffice to ensure adequate degree of conversion and minimum polymerization shrinkage.


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Genom en strukturerad genreanalys, enkätundersökning samt intervju med en DJ aktiv inom kwaito så tacklar denna uppsats uppgiften att klassificera kwaito som genre. Genom analysen så erhålls de strukturella särdrag som kan ses inom genren och detta testas mot enkätundersökningen som behandlar den allmänna uppfattningen om genren. Enkätundersökningen är i sig uppdelad i två segment vars indelning baseras på kulturella skillnader och den här uppsatsen vill belysa de båda antropologiska perspektiven etic och emic i form av en Sydafrikansk- och en icke-Sydafrikansk undersökningsgrupp. Syftet med undersökningen i den här uppsatsen är att öka förståelsen för kwaito som genre och på så vis öka förståelsen för klassificeringen av genrer. Men även huruvida detta återspeglas i enkätundersökningen. Särdragen presenteras i analysen och har anknytning till nutida forskningen. Det visar sig att perspektiven etic och emic har relevans på grund av de kulturellt bundna skillnaderna av uppfattning om genren. Den Sydafrikanska undersökningsgruppen ser tydligare kopplingar till de sociala och ideologiska aspekterna, och även house-musiken, av genren än vad den icke-Sydafrikanska.


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Background: The SF36 Version 2 (SF36V2) is a revision of the SF36 Version 1, and is a widely used health status measure. It is important that guidelines for interpreting scores are available.

Method: A population sample of Australians (n = 3015) weighted to achieve representativeness was administered the SF36V2. Comparisons between published US weights and sample derived weights were made, and Australian population norms computed and presented.

Major findings:
Significant differences were observed on 7/8 scales and on the mental health summary scale. Possible causes of these findings may include different sampling and data collection procedures, demographic characteristics, differences in data collection time (1998 vs. 2004), differences in health status or differences in cultural perception of the meaning of health. Australian population norms by age cohort, gender and health status are reported by T-score as recommended by the instrument developers. Additionally, the proportions of cases within T-score deciles are presented and show there are important data distribution issues.

Principal conclusions: The procedures reported here may be used by other researchers where local effects are suspected. The population norms presented may be of interest. There are statistical artefacts associated with T-scores that have implications for how SF36V2 data are analysed and interpreted.


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This dissertation reports on a study of music making in a band of the Australian Army Band Corps. The thesis of the dissertation is how the world views of the soldier-musicians of the Australian Army Band, Kapooka, are constructed in the context of their work in military music performance. In arguing this thesis, the author provides a brief history of military music in Australia, and - demonstrates how rank and military discipline intersect with music making in the lived experience of the soldier-musicians; - explores how the dichotomy between music making as a craft and music making as art is resolved in a setting where the employer regards music making as a trade, while the soldier-musicians strive to meet artistic goals; - demonstrates how successful music making and successful soldiering are both forms of work which depend upon effective collective action; - demonstrates that while military bands play the widest repertoire of musical styles of any Western music ensemble, the styles converge toward a homogenous, eclectic, military band performance style: and - explores how military music, which may have limited intrinsic interest, in certain ceremonial settings may link with other visual and auditory symbol systems to generate profound meaning both for the soldier-musicians themselves and for their audiences. The study examines the processes by which the world views of soldier-musicians are shaped by the institutional context in which they work, as they participate in a music tradition which has been a powerful agent in the shaping of Australian patriotic traditions. The study uses a naturalistic participant observation methodology. The author worked as an honorary guest civilian member of the band’s trombone section to collect data in the form of fieldnotes and interviews. Data analysis and interpretation was made according to the tenets of grounded theory. Evidence in the form of first hand accounts from the perspective of the researcher and from the soldier-musicians themselves is employed to generate both emic and etic understandings. An understanding of a music culture from the participant's point of view is a central concern of the study.


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The overall purpose of this study was to examine whether professional development programs can act as appropriate vehicles for the professional growth of teachers of primary mathematics. A longitudinal study was conducted of primary teachers involved in a Victorian mathematics professional development program — Exploring Mathematics In Classrooms (EMIC). The professional growth of six teacher participants in one EMIC course was examined over a period of 18 months. The teachers selected were from four different schools located in the southern metropolitan region of Melbourne. The central interest of this study was in teacher professional growth and accordingly the perspective sought was predominantly that of the teacher. A case study research approach was adopted and data were gathered through observations, interviews, questionnaire, and the collection of teacher work documents. A theoretical model of teacher professional growth was used to represent the teachers' growth. The study generated data on the nature of teacher professional growth and the features of professional development programs likely to influence teacher professional growth. All of the teachers reported and demonstrated growth with respect to their mathematics teaching, in areas associated with their: Classroom Practice, Knowledge and Beliefs, and Professional Attributes. The teachers' growth was highly individualistic, with no two teachers demonstrating exactly the same professional growth outcomes, or the same growth processes. The data provided evidence to confirm that teacher growth is a complex and gradual learning process. For each of the teachers several different routes to change and growth were evident, drawing attention to the non-linear nature of growth. The teachers' responses to the professional development program were influenced by various contextual and personal factors. The data provided evidence of a strong link between the content and outcomes of professional development programs — the outcomes reported and demonstrated by the teachers reflected the content of the EMIC program. Key factors associated with mathematics professional development programs perceived as influencing growth were: program content; program structure; and program presentation. A significant finding was the strong influence on teacher growth of the presenters of professional development programs—some data suggested that the 'quality' of the program presenter is fundamental to the success of any professional development program. The study provided insight into the processes involved in teacher professional growth and factors associated with the way in which professional development programs influence growth. The theoretical model of teacher professional growth used in this study has been elaborated and recommendations which might inform the design and implementation of future professional development programs have been made.


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The thesis investigated the socio-theological complexity of medieval Gaudiya Vaisnavism and its current development, the Hare Krishna Movement. The study was simultaneously critical and emic. It (1) uncovered medieval concepts not found in contemporary literature; and, (2) developed pathways through which religion can be sociologically and psychologically elucidated and clarified.