984 resultados para duality symmetry


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The Shifman-Vainshtein-Zakharov method of determining the eigenvalues and coupling strengths, from the operator product expansion, for the current correlation functions is studied in the nonrelativistic context, using the semiclassical expansion. The relationship between the low-lying eigenvalues, and the leading corrections to the imaginary-time Green function is elucidated by comparing systems which have almost identical spectra. In the case of an anharmonic oscillator it is found that with the procedure stated in the paper, that inclusion of more terms to the asymptotic expansion does not show any simple trend towards convergence to the exact values. Generalization to higher partial waves is given. In particular for the P-level of the oscillator, the procedure gives poorer results than for the S-level, although the ratio of the two comes out much better.


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The control of shapes of nanocrystals is crucial for using them as building blocks for various applications. In this paper, we present a critical overview of the issues involved in shape-controlled synthesis of nanostructures. In particular, we focus on the mechanisms by which anisotropic structures of high-symmetry materials (fcc crystals, for instance) could be realized. Such structures require a symmetry-breaking mechanism to be operative that typically leads to selection of one of the facets/directions for growth over all the other symmetry-equivalent crystallographic facets. We show how this selection could arise for the growth of one-dimensional structures leading to ultrafine metal nanowires and for the case of two-dimensional nanostructures where the layer-by-layer growth takes place at low driving forces leading to plate-shaped structures. We illustrate morphology diagrams to predict the formation of two-dimensional structures during wet chemical synthesis. We show the generality of the method by extending it to predict the growth of plate-shaped inorganics produced by a precipitation reaction. Finally, we present the growth of crystals under high driving forces that can lead to the formation of porous structures with large surface areas.


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A study on the conformational aspects of cyclo-hexaglycyl having inversion symmetry has been made. The cyclic backbone has been assumed to have two internal 4→1 types of NH... O hydrogen bonds. This molecule has been found to take up two types of conformations designated asA* andB* having nearly the same energy values. The theoretical conformations have been compared with the conformations of cyclohexaglycyl hemihydrate observed in the crystal structure. Two molecules with an approximate inversion symmetry are close to the conformation of the typeB* and two other molecules with exact inversino symmetry correspond nearly to the typesB* andA*. comparison with the theoretically possible conformations of cyclohexaglycyl molecule with 2-fold symmetry has been made. The preference of inversion symmetry and preferred ranges ofψ for glycyl molecules is discussed.


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Motivated by a suggestion in our earlier work [G. Baskaran, Phys. Rev. B 65, 212505 (2002)], we study electron correlation driven superconductivity in doped graphene where on-site correlations are believed to be of intermediate strength. Using an extensive variational Monte Carlo study of the repulsive Hubbard model and a correlated ground state wave function, we show that doped graphene supports a superconducting ground state with a d+id pairing symmetry. We estimate superconductivity reaching room temperatures at an optimal doping of about 15%-20%. Our work suggests that correlations can stabilize superconductivity even in systems with intermediate coupling.


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The description of quarks and gluons, using the theory of quantum chromodynamics (QCD), has been known for a long time. Nevertheless, many fundamental questions in QCD remain unanswered. This is mainly due to problems in solving the theory at low energies, where the theory is strongly interacting. AdS/CFT is a duality between a specific string theory and a conformal field theory. Duality provides new tools to solve the conformal field theory in the strong coupling regime. There is also some evidence that using the duality, one can get at least qualitative understanding of how QCD behaves at strong coupling. In this thesis, we try to address some issues related to QCD and heavy ion collisions, applying the duality in various ways.


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Sequence design problems are considered in this paper. The problem of sum power minimization in a spread spectrum system can be reduced to the problem of sum capacity maximization, and vice versa. A solution to one of the problems yields a solution to the other. Subsequently, conceptually simple sequence design algorithms known to hold for the white-noise case are extended to the colored noise case. The algorithms yield an upper bound of 2N - L on the number of sequences where N is the processing gain and L the number of non-interfering subsets of users. If some users (at most N - 1) are allowed to signal along a limited number of multiple dimensions, then N orthogonal sequences suffice.


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In quantum theory, symmetry has to be defined necessarily in terms of the family of unit rays, the state space. The theorem of Wigner asserts that a symmetry so defined at the level of rays can always be lifted into a linear unitary or an antilinear antiunitary operator acting on the underlying Hilbert space. We present two proofs of this theorem which are both elementary and economical. Central to our proofs is the recognition that a given Wigner symmetry can, by post-multiplication by a unitary symmetry, be taken into either the identity or complex conjugation. Our analysis often focuses on the behaviour of certain two-dimensional subspaces of the Hilbert space under the action of a given Wigner symmetry, but the relevance of this behaviour to the larger picture of the whole Hilbert space is made transparent at every stage.


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It is shown that the systems of definite actions described by polar and axial tensors of the second rank and their combinations during the superposition of their elements of complete symmetry with the elements of complete symmetry of the "grey" cube, result in 11 cubic crystallographical groups of complete symmetry. There are 35 ultimate groups (i.e., the groups having the axes of symmetry of infinite order) in complete symmetry of finite figures. 14 out of these groups are ultimate groups of symmetry of polar and axial tensors of the second rank and 24 are new groups. All these 24 ultimate groups are conventional groups since they cannot be presented by certain finite figures possessing the axes of symmetry {Mathematical expression}. Geometrical interpretation for some of the groups of complete symmetry is given. The connection between complete symmetry and physical properties of the crystals (electrical, magnetic and optical) is shown.


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The extension of the superposition principle of the symmetries (P. Curie principle of symmetry) for the case of complete symmetry is given. The enumeration of all crystallographical groups of complete symmetry is presented, the number of elements having complete symmetry for each class of the crystals being indicated. The change of complete symmetry of the crystals under the phase transitions is obtained by superimposing the elements of complete symmetry of polar or axial vectors on the one hand, and the elements of complete symmetry of the crystals on the other. The tables of complete symmetry changes for the cubic, rhombic, monoclinic and triclinic crystals during the ferroelectric and ferromagnetic phase transitions are given.


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Symmetry plays a key role in dictating the equilibrium morphology of crystals. However, several growth morphologies that deviate from the point group symmetry are routinely observed under several different growth conditions. In this article, we present a summary of symmetry-breaking mechanisms that are operative for crystals grown from the vapour phase as well as those formed as a result of wet chemical synthesis. This understanding is crucial for rationalizing the variety of morphologies observed during nanocrystal synthesis and also providesa rational framework for the synthesis of anisotropic nanostructures.


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We present here the detailed results of X-ray diffraction from single quasicrystals of Al6CuLi3. X-ray precession photographs taken down the two-, three- and five-fold axes along with rotation and zero-level Weissenberg photographs are shown. Preliminary analysis of the diffraction data rules out the twin hypothesis.


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An examination of radiation-damage processes consequent to high-energy irradiation in certain ammonium salts studied using ESR of free radical together with the structural information available from neutron diffraction studies shows that, other factors being equal/nearly equal, symmetry-related bonds are preserved in preference to those unrelated to one another by any symmetry.


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In this paper, a dual of a given linear fractional program is defined and the weak, direct and converse duality theorems are proved. Both the primal and the dual are linear fractional programs. This duality theory leads to necessary and sufficient conditions for the optimality of a given feasible solution. A unmerical example is presented to illustrate the theory in this connection. The equivalence of Charnes and Cooper dual and Dinkelbach’s parametric dual of a linear fractional program is also established.


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Symmetry?adapted linear combinations of valence?bond (VB) diagrams are constructed for arbitrary point groups and total spin S using diagrammatic VB methods. VB diagrams are related uniquely to invariant subspaces whose size reflects the number of group elements; their nonorthogonality leads to sparser matrices and is fully incorporated into a binary integer representation. Symmetry?adapated linear combinations of VB diagrams are constructed for the 1764 singlets of a half?filled cube of eight sites, the 2.8 million ??electron singlets of anthracene, and for illustrative S?0 systems.