688 resultados para distributional congruence


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Here, we investigate the geographical constancy in the specificity level of the specialized lure-and-trap pollination antagonism involving the widespread European Arum maculatum and its associated Psychodid pollinators. Until now, studies concurred in demonstrating that one single insect species, Psychoda phalaenoides, efficiently cross-pollinated plants; researches were, however, performed locally in western Europe. In this study we characterize for the first time the flower visitors' composition at the scale of the distribution range of A. maculatum by intensively collecting plants and insects throughout the European continent. We further correlate local climatic characteristics with the community composition of visiting arthropods.Our results show that flowers are generally visited by P. phalaenoides females, but not over the whole distribution range of the plant. In some regions this fly species is less frequent or even absent and another species, Psycha grisescens, becomes the prevailing visitor. This variability is geographically structured and can be explained by climatic factors: the proportion of P. grisescens increases with higher annual precipitations and lower precipitations in the warmest trimester, two characteristics typical of the Mediterranean zone. Climate thus seems driving the specificity of this interaction, by potentially affecting the phenology of one or both interacting species, or even of volatile and heat production in the plant. This result therefore challenges the specificity of other presumably one-to-one interactions covering wide distribution ranges, and provides an example of the direct effect that the abiotic environment can have on the fate of plant-insect interactions.


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The aim of this thesis was to examine congruencies between university identity and university images of prospective and current students. Therefore, factors essentially influencing on expected and experienced university images were identified. Providing an understanding on the differences in the formation of both concepts allowed the analysis of potential incongruities between a university’s identity and the perceptions its students hold. The study was conducted in July and August 2013 at Lappeenranta University of Technology by means of a web-based research survey. The sample consisted of 160 international Master’s degree students who were admitted in 2011, 2012 and 2013. Descriptive and multivariate statistical analysis methods were used to process the data. The results of the study indicated statistically significant incongruities between the case university’s identity and its students’ images. Further, the expected and experienced university images showed incongruities to each other. Deviations were additionally detected to be dependent on the students’ home regions. All in all, there is potential for an improvement of the students’ experiences resulting from a low perception of the student’s preparation for future job life.


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With the recent growth in cultural complexity, many organizations are faced with increasingly diverse employee pools. Gaining a greater understanding of the values that employees possess is the first step in effectively satisfying their needs and achieving a more productive workforce (lung & Avolio, 2000). Values playa significant role in influencing individual behaviours. It is therefore necessary to assess the qualities of employee value systems and directly link them to the values of the organization. The importance of values and value congruence has been emphasized by many organizational behaviour researchers (cf. Adkins & Caldwell, 2004; Erdogan, Kraimer, & Liden, 2004; Jung & Avolio, 2000; Rokeach, 1973); however the emphasis on value studies remains fairly stagnant within the sport industry (Amis, Slack, & Hinings, 2002). In order to examine the realities that were constructed by the participants in this study a holistic view of the impact of values within a specific sport organization were provided. The purpose of this case study was to examine organizational and employee values to understand the effects of values and value congruence on employee behaviours within the context of a large Canadian sport organization. A mUltiple methods case study approach was adopted in order to fully serve the purpose and provide a comprehensive view of the organization being examined. Document analysis, observations, surveys, as well as semi-structured interviews were conducted. The process allowed for triangulation and confirmability of the findings. Each method functioned to create an overarching understanding of the values and value congruence within this organization. The analysis of the findings was divided into qualitative and quantitative sections. The qualitative documents were analyzed twice, once manually by the researcher and once via AtIas.ti Version 4 (1998). The a priori and emergent coding that took place was based on triangulating the findings and uncovering common themes throughout the data. The Rokeach Value Survey (1973) that was incorporated into the survey design of the study was analyzed using descriptive statistics, as well as Mann-Whitney U, and Kruskal Wallis formulas. These were deemed appropriate for analysis given the non-parametric nature of the survey instrument (Kinnear & Gray, 2004). The quantitative survey served to help define the values and value congruence that was then holistically examined through the qualitative interviews, document analyses, and observations. The results of the study indicated incongruent value levels between employees and those stated or perceived as the organization's values. Each finding demonstrated that varying levels of congruence may have diverse affects on individual behaviours. These behaviours range from production levels to interactions with fellow employees to turnover. In addition to the findings pertaining to the research questions, a number of other key issues were uncovered regarding departmentalization, communication, and board relations. Each has contributed to a greater understanding of the organization and has created direction for further research within this area of study.


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Le succès de carrière a fait l’objet d’une multitude d’études et deux formes de succès ont été identifiées; le succès subjectif et le succès objectif de carrière. Dans le cadre de notre recherche, nous nous sommes intéressés au succès subjectif de carrière compte tenu de son association confirmée avec le bien-être psychologique, la qualité de la vie au travail (Nabi, 2003; Peluchette, 1993), la motivation intrinsèque, la confiance en soi (Abele et Spurk, 2009b) et l’engagement envers l’organisation (Hennequin, 2009a). En outre, selon diverses études (Arthur, Khapova et Wilderom, 2005; El Akremi, Guerrero et Neveu, 2006), le succès de carrière a tendance à être examiné plus sur la base des critères objectifs (salaire et promotions) que des critères subjectifs (la perception de l’individu). Par ailleurs, il y a eu une méta-analyse, élaborée par Ng, Eby, Sorensen et Feldman (2005) qui a examiné les déterminants du succès de carrière, à la lumière de deux perspectives théoriques développées par Turner (1960); soit la perspective de la mobilité par concours « contest mobility » et la perspective de la mobilité sponsorisée « sponsored mobility ». Ces auteurs ont révélé que les recherches sur le succès de carrière ont une portée limitée; « there is only a limited range of variables being examined as predictor of career success » (p. 396); d’où la nécessité d’examiner d’autres déterminants de succès de carrière, en les associant aux deux perspectives théoriques développées par Turner (1960). La présente recherche s’inscrit également dans la lignée des études qui ont pour but d’analyser les déterminants du succès de carrière. Toutefois, elle traite des liens entre le succès subjectif de carrière, les possibilités de mobilité externe et la congruence personne-organisation. Sur la base des recommandations de Ng, Eby, Sorensen et Feldman (2005), nous avons associé la congruence personne-organisation au modèle de la mobilité sponsorisé et les possibilités de mobilité externe au modèle de la mobilité par concours. Notre étude est de type explicatif, compte tenu du fait qu’elle tente de vérifier les liens entre le succès subjectif de carrière, les possibilités de mobilité externe et la congruence personne-organisation. À cet effet, nous avons eu recours à des données qui ont été colligées auprès de professionnels des ressources humaines, membre de l’ordre des conseillers en ressources humaines et en relations industrielles (Saba et Dufour, 2005) afin de pouvoir tester empiriquement les liens que nous anticipions entre notre variable dépendante (succès subjectif de carrière) et nos variables indépendantes (congruence personne-organisation et possibilités de mobilité externe) en tenant compte à la fois de notre variable médiatrice, à savoir le sponsorat organisationnel qui intervient dans le lien entre la congruence personne-organisation, et de nos variables de contrôle, qui sont l’âge, le genre, le statut marital, la scolarité, l'ancienneté dans l'organisation et l'ancienneté sur le marché du travail. Par ailleurs, nous avons adopté une méthode quantitative et nous avons procédé à des analyses statistiques, afin de faire sortir les caractéristiques de la distribution des variables; à des analyses bivariées, afin d’analyser les relations (statistiques) entre notre variable dépendante (succès subjectif de carrière) et chacune de nos variables indépendantes (la congruence personne-organisation et les possibilités de mobilité externe) et à une régression multiple, afin de déterminer si des corrélations existent entre les différentes variables à l’étude, nous avons également effectué un test de médiation afin de vérifier le rôle médiateur du sponsorat organisationnel dans le lien entre la congruence personne-organisation et le succès subjectif de carrière. De façon générale, nos hypothèses de recherche on été confirmées. Les possibilités de mobilité externe et la congruence personne-organisation sont liées positivement au succès subjectif de carrière. De plus, nous avons identifié une médiation partielle du sponsorat organisationnel dans le lien entre la congruence personne-organisation et le succès subjectif de carrière.


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Low concentrations of elements in geochemical analyses have the peculiarity of being compositional data and, for a given level of significance, are likely to be beyond the capabilities of laboratories to distinguish between minute concentrations and complete absence, thus preventing laboratories from reporting extremely low concentrations of the analyte. Instead, what is reported is the detection limit, which is the minimum concentration that conclusively differentiates between presence and absence of the element. A spatially distributed exhaustive sample is employed in this study to generate unbiased sub-samples, which are further censored to observe the effect that different detection limits and sample sizes have on the inference of population distributions starting from geochemical analyses having specimens below detection limit (nondetects). The isometric logratio transformation is used to convert the compositional data in the simplex to samples in real space, thus allowing the practitioner to properly borrow from the large source of statistical techniques valid only in real space. The bootstrap method is used to numerically investigate the reliability of inferring several distributional parameters employing different forms of imputation for the censored data. The case study illustrates that, in general, best results are obtained when imputations are made using the distribution best fitting the readings above detection limit and exposes the problems of other more widely used practices. When the sample is spatially correlated, it is necessary to combine the bootstrap with stochastic simulation


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Aquesta tesi tracta la jerarquia i l'heterogeneïtat dels sistemes fluvials que afecten l'estructura de les comunitats bentòniques de diatomees. A nivell regional, es van buscar diferents grups de punts i les seves espècies indicadores, es va estudiar la resposta de les comunitats de diatomees als gradients ambientals, es va avaluar la utilitat de diferents índexs de diatomees i es va buscar el millor sistema de classificació per a condicions de referència. A nivell de conca, es volien definir els factors que determinen la distribució longitudinal de la diversitat de les comunitats de diatomees. Finalment, a nivell d'hàbitat es van determinar quins factors afecten les algues i els cianobacteris a aquesta escala i es va examinar la contribució relativa de l'ambient i l'espai en la distribució de la biomassa i composició d'algues i cianobacteris. Per tant, els diferents capítols d'aquesta tesi han estat desenvolupats seguint aquest esquema.


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[EU]Lan honetan semantika distribuzionalaren eta ikasketa automatikoaren erabilera aztertzen dugu itzulpen automatiko estatistikoa hobetzeko. Bide horretan, erregresio logistikoan oinarritutako ikasketa automatikoko eredu bat proposatzen dugu hitz-segiden itzulpen- probabilitatea modu dinamikoan modelatzeko. Proposatutako eredua itzulpen automatiko estatistikoko ohiko itzulpen-probabilitateen orokortze bat dela frogatzen dugu, eta testuinguruko nahiz semantika distribuzionaleko informazioa barneratzeko baliatu ezaugarri lexiko, hitz-cluster eta hitzen errepresentazio bektorialen bidez. Horretaz gain, semantika distribuzionaleko ezagutza itzulpen automatiko estatistikoan txertatzeko beste hurbilpen bat lantzen dugu: hitzen errepresentazio bektorial elebidunak erabiltzea hitz-segiden itzulpenen antzekotasuna modelatzeko. Gure esperimentuek proposatutako ereduen baliagarritasuna erakusten dute, emaitza itxaropentsuak eskuratuz oinarrizko sistema sendo baten gainean. Era berean, gure lanak ekarpen garrantzitsuak egiten ditu errepresentazio bektorialen mapaketa elebidunei eta hitzen errepresentazio bektorialetan oinarritutako hitz-segiden antzekotasun neurriei dagokienean, itzulpen automatikoaz haratago balio propio bat dutenak semantika distribuzionalaren arloan.


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Using mixed logit models to analyse choice data is common but requires ex ante specification of the functional forms of preference distributions. We make the case for greater use of bounded functional forms and propose the use of the Marginal Likelihood, calculated using Bayesian techniques, as a single measure of model performance across non nested mixed logit specifications. Using this measure leads to very different rankings of model specifications compared to alternative rule of thumb measures. The approach is illustrated using data from a choice experiment regarding GM food types which provides insights regarding the recent WTO dispute between the EU and the US, Canada and Argentina and whether labelling and trade regimes should be based on the production process or product composition.