559 resultados para dissipative semigroup


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Excitation functions are measured for different charge products of the F-19+(27) Al reaction in the laboratory energy range 110.25-118.75MeV in steps of 250keV at theta(lab) = 57 degrees, 31 degrees and -29 degrees. The coherence rotation angular velocities of the intermediate dinuclear systems formed in the reaction are extracted from the cross section energy autocorrelation functions. Compared the angular velocity extracted from the experimental data with the ones deduced from the sticking limit, it is indicated that a larger deformation of the intermediate dinuclear system exists.


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Excitation functions of the reaction products B, C, N, O, F and Ne emitted from the dissipative reaction of (19) F+(27) Al have been measured at incident energies from 110.25MeV to 118.75MeV in steps of 250keV. The moments of inertia of the intermediate dinuclear system formed in the reaction are extracted from the energy autocorrelation functions of the products. Comparing the moment of inertia extracted from the experimental data with the calculated one by using the sticking limit, it indicates that the formed dinuclear system has a large deformation in the reaction process.


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The differential cross sections of the dissipative products B, Q N, O, F, Ne, Na and Mg induced from the reactions of F-19+Al-27 at two incident energies have been measured at the HI-13 tandem accelerator, Beijing. In the case of a fixed beam incident energy 114MeV or 118.75MeV respectively, identical reaction system and the same detection system, 20 target points in steps of 2mm on(.)a 10mmx50mm rectangular Al foil have been bombarded. The experimental results indicate that the probability distribution of the cross sections is much wider than a standard Gaussian distribution. This non-reproducibility of the cross sections can't be interpreted by the statistical property of a finite count rate.


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Wood, Ian; Geissert, M.; Heck, H.; Hieber, M., (2005) 'The Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semigroup in exterior domains', Archiv der Mathematik 86 pp.554-562 RAE2008


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We consider the motion of ballistic electrons in a miniband of a semiconductor superlattice (SSL) under the influence of an external, time-periodic electric field. We use the semi-classical balance-equation approach which incorporates elastic and inelastic scattering (as dissipation) and the self-consistent field generated by the electron motion. The coupling of electrons in the miniband to the self-consistent field produces a cooperative nonlinear oscillatory mode which, when interacting with the oscillatory external field and the intrinsic Bloch-type oscillatory mode, can lead to complicated dynamics, including dissipative chaos. For a range of values of the dissipation parameters we determine the regions in the amplitude-frequency plane of the external field in which chaos can occur. Our results suggest that for terahertz external fields of the amplitudes achieved by present-day free electron lasers, chaos may be observable in SSLs. We clarify the nature of this novel nonlinear dynamics in the superlattice-external field system by exploring analogies to the Dicke model of an ensemble of two-level atoms coupled with a resonant cavity field and to Josephson junctions.


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We discuss the generation of states close to the boundary family of maximally entangled mixed states as defined by the use of concurrence and linear entropy. The coupling of two qubits to a dissipation-affected bosonic mode is able to produce a bipartite state having, for all practical purposes, the entanglement and mixedness properties of one of such boundary states. We thoroughly study the effects that thermal and squeezed characters of the bosonic mode have in such a process and we discuss tolerance to qubit phase-damping mechanisms. The nondemanding nature of the scheme makes it realizable in a matter-light-based physical setup, which we address in some details.


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Dissipative optomechanics studies the coupling of the motion of an optical element to the decay rate of a cavity. We propose and theoretically explore a realization of this system in the optical domain, using a combined Michelson-Sagnac interferometer, which enables a strong and tunable dissipative coupling. Quantum interference in such a setup results in the suppression of the lower motional sideband, leading to strongly enhanced cooling in the non-sideband-resolved regime. With state-of-the-art parameters, ground-state cooling and low-power quantum-limited position transduction are both possible. The possibility of a strong, tunable dissipative coupling opens up a new route towards observation of such fundamental optomechanical effects as nonlinear dynamics. Beyond optomechanics, the suggested method can be readily transferred to other setups involving nonlinear media, atomic ensembles, or single atoms.


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A quadratic semigroup algebra is an algebra over a field given by the generators x_1, . . . , x_n and a finite set of quadratic relations each of which either has the shape x_j x_k = 0 or the shape x_j x_k = x_l x_m . We prove that a quadratic semigroup algebra given by n generators and d=(n^2+n)/4 relations is always infinite dimensional. This strengthens the Golod–Shafarevich estimate for the above class of algebras. Our main result however is that for every n, there is a finite dimensional quadratic semigroup algebra with n generators and d_n relations, where d_n is the first integer greater than (n^2+n)/4 . That is, the above Golod–Shafarevich-type estimate for semigroup algebras is sharp.


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We show that for every supercyclic strongly continuous operator
semigroup $\{T_t\}_{t\geq 0}$ acting on a complex $\F$-space, every
$T_t$ with $t>0$ is supercyclic. Moreover, the set of supercyclic
vectors of $T_t$ does not depend on the choice of $t>0$.


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We study the dissipative dynamics of two independent arrays of many-body systems, locally driven by a common entangled field. We showthat in the steady state the entanglement of the driving field is reproduced in an arbitrarily large series of inter-array entangled pairs over all distances. Local nonclassical driving thus realizes a scale-free entanglement replication and long-distance entanglement distribution mechanism that has immediate bearing on the implementation of quantum communication networks.