988 resultados para diesel common rail albero motore
Generally, the magnitude of pollutant emissions from diesel engines is ultimately coupled to the structure of fuel molecules. The presence of oxygen, level of unsaturation and the carbon chain length of respective molecules influence the combustion chemistry. It is speculated that increased oxygen content in the fuel may lead to the increased oxidative potential (Stevanovic, S. 2013). Also, upon the exposure to UV and ozone in the atmosphere, the chemical composition of the exhaust is changed. The presence of an oxidant and UV is triggering the cascade of photochemical reactions as well as the partitioning of semi-volatile compounds between the gas and particle phase. To gain an insight into the relationship between the molecular structures of the esters, their volatile organic content and the potential toxicity of diesel exhaust particulate matter, measurements were conducted on a modern common rail diesel engine. This research also investigates the contribution of atmospheric conditions on the transfer of semi-volatile fraction of diesel exhaust from the gas phase to the particle phase and the extent to which semi-volatile compounds (SVOCs) are related to the oxidative potential, expressed through the concentration of reactive oxygen species (ROS) (Stevanovic, S. 2013)...
In the prospect of limited energy resources and climate change, effects of alternative biofuels on primary emissions are being extensively studied. Our two recent studies have shown that biodiesel fuel composition has a significant impact on primary particulate matter emissions. It was also shown that particulate matter caused by biodiesels was substantially different from the emissions due to petroleum diesel. Emissions appeared to have higher oxidative potential with the increase in oxygen content and decrease of carbon chain length and unsaturation levels of fuel molecules. Overall, both studies concluded that chemical composition of biodiesel is more important than its physical properties in controlling exhaust particle emissions. This suggests that the atmospheric aging processes, including secondary organic aerosol formation, of emissions from different fuels will be different as well. In this study, measurements were conducted on a modern common-rail diesel engine. To get more information on realistic properties of tested biodiesel particulate matter once they are released into the atmosphere, particulate matter was exposed to atmospheric oxidants, ozone and ultra-violet light; and the change in their properties was monitored for different biodiesel blends. Upon the exposure to oxidative agents, the chemical composition of the exhaust changes. It triggers the cascade of photochemical reactions resulting in the partitioning of semi-volatile compounds between the gas and particulate phase. In most of the cases, aging lead to the increase in volatility and oxidative potential, and the increment of change was mainly dependent on the chemical composition of fuels as the leading cause for the amount and the type of semi-volatile compounds present in the exhaust.
Biodiesels produced from different feedstocks usually have wide variations in their fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) so that their physical properties and chemical composition are also different. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of the physical properties and chemical composition of biodiesels on engine exhaust particle emissions. Alongside with neat diesel, four biodiesels with variations in carbon chain length and degree of unsaturation have been used at three blending ratios (B100, B50, B20) in a common rail engine. It is found that particle emission increased with the increase of carbon chain length. However, for similar carbon chain length, particle emissions from biodiesel having relatively high average unsaturation are found to be slightly less than that of low average unsaturation. Particle size is also found to be dependent on fuel type. The fuel or fuel mix responsible for higher particle mass (PM) and particle number (PN) emissions is also found responsible for larger particle median size. Particle emissions reduced consistently with fuel oxygen content regardless of the proportion of biodiesel in the blends, whereas it increased with fuel viscosity and surface tension only for higher diesel–biodiesel blend percentages (B100, B50). However, since fuel oxygen content increases with the decreasing carbon chain length, it is not clear which of these factors drives the lower particle emission. Overall, it is evident from the results presented here that chemical composition of biodiesel is more important than its physical properties in controlling exhaust particle emissions.
This article discusses the potential of bio-dimethyl ether (DME) as a promising fuel for India in the transportation sector where a majority of imported petroleum in the form of diesel is used. Specifically, the suitability of DME in terms of its properties vis-a-vis those of diesel, ability to liquefy DME at low pressures similar to liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), and ease of production from renewable feedstock (biomass), and most importantly, very low emissions including near-zero soot levels are some of the features that make it an attractive option. A detailed review presents the state-of-the-art on various aspects such as estimates of potential bio-DME production, methods of synthesis of bio-DME, important physicochemical properties, fuel-injection system-related concerns (both conventional and common-rail system), fuel spray characteristics which have a direct bearing on the engine performance, and finally, exhaust emissions. Future research directions covering all aspects from production to utilization are summarized (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.3489529]
The high-pressure spray characteristics of biofuels, specifically, Pongamia oil and its blends with diesel are studied for various gas pressures. Two single-hole solenoid injectors with nozzle diameters of 200 and 260 mu m are used along with a high-pressure common-rail direct-injection system to inject fuel into a high-pressure spray visualization chamber. The spray structure is characterized using a high-speed laser-based shadowgraphy technique. The spray structure of Pongamia oil revealed the presence of an intact liquid core at low gas pressure. At high gas pressures, the spray atomization of the Pongamia oil showed marked improvement. The spray tip penetration of Pongamia oil and its blends with diesel is higher compared to that of diesel for all test conditions. The spray cone angle of Pongamia oil and 50% Pongamia oil blend with diesel is lower as compared to that of diesel. Both these observations are attributed to the presence of large droplets carrying higher momentum in oil and blend. The droplet size is measured at an injection pressure of 1000 bar and gas pressure of 30 bar at 25 mm below the nozzle tip using the particle/droplet image.analysis (PDIA) method. The droplet size measurements have shown that the Sauter mean diameter (SMD) in the spray core of Pongamia oil is more than twice that of diesel. The spray tip penetration of the 20% blend of Pongamia with diesel (P20) is similar to that of diesel but the SMD is 50% higher. Based on experimental data, appropriate spray tip penetration correlation is proposed for the vegetable oil fuels such as Pongamia.
Estudo térmico dos resíduos gerados da destilação atmosférica das misturas diesel/biodiesel de dendê
The growing world demand for energy supplied by fossil fuels, a major contributor to the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere and causing environmental problems, has been encouraging governments and international organizations to reflect and encourage the use of alternative renewable sources. Among these new possibilities deserves attention biodiesel, fuel cleaner and easy to reproduce. The study of new technologies involving that source is necessary. From this context, the paper aims at analyzing the thermal stability by thermogravimetric analysis, of the waste generated from atmospheric distillation of mixtures with ratios of 5, 10, 15 and 20% palm biodiesel in diesel with and without addition of BHT antioxidant. It was synthesized biodiesel through palm oil, via homogeneous catalysis in the presence of KOH, with and without the use of BHT and subsequently added to the diesel common indoor type (S1800) from a gas station BR. The diesel was already added with 5% biodiesel, and thus the proportions used for these blends were subtracted from the existing ratio in diesel fuel, resulting in the following proportions palm oil biodiesel: 0% (B5), 5% (B10), 10 % (B15) and 15% (B20). From atmospheric distillation analysis, performed in mixtures with and without BHT were collected residue generated by each sample and performed a thermal study from the thermogravimetric analysis at a heating rate of 10 °C.min-1, nitrogen atmosphere and heating to 600 ° C. According to the specifications of Resolution No. 7/2008 for biodiesel, it was found that the material was synthesized in accordance with the specifications. For mixtures, it was noted that the samples were in accordance with the ANP Resolution No. 42/2009. Given the TG / DTG curves of the samples of waste mixtures with and without BHT antioxidant was able to observe that they showed a single stage of thermal decomposition attributed to decomposition of heavy hydrocarbons and esters and other heavier constituents of the waste sample weighed. The thermal behavior of residues from atmospheric distillation of mixtures of diesel / biodiesel is very important to understand how this affects the proper functioning of the engine. A large amount of waste can generate a high content of particulate material, coke formation and carbonaceous deposits in engine valves, compromising their performance
Come ogni campo dell'ingegneria, anche quello inerente allo sviluppo di motori aerei, è in continuo sviluppo, e, di volta in volta, la progettazione richiede nuove soluzioni per rendere sempre più efficienti ed affidabili i velivoli, mantenendo ridotti i costi di produzione e manutenzione. In particolare, si è pensato di porre rimedio a queste molteplici necessità introducendo l'utilizzo di motori diesel di derivazione automobilistica: economici dal punto di vista della manutenzione e della produzione, in quanto largamente diffusi e testati, ben si prestano all'adattamento ad uso aeronautico. Nel caso specifico del progetto che intendo affrontare, si tratta di un motore Audi V12 tdi, elaborato fino a raggiungere i 900 hp e velocità su albero motore 5,000 rpm. Naturalmente, l'adattamento di tale motore implica una riprogettazione del riduttore, affinché si ottenga in uscita una velocità di 1185 rpm. Infatti, la rotazione dell'elica non dovrebbe mai superare i 2700-2800 giri al minuto, in quanto ad una velocità di rotazione superiore, le pale dell'elica raggiungerebbero una velocità prossima a quella del suono, creando rumori insopportabili e fastidiose vibrazioni, nonché la perdita dell'efficacia dell'elica stessa. La mia tesi nasce dal lavoro precedentemente sviluppato da un mio collega, il quale aveva elaborato un riduttore in grado di modificare la potenza in entrata da 600 a 900 hp, riprogettando le ruote dentate e selezionando nuovi cuscinetti, pur mantenendo i carter iniziali, opportunamente modificati. Il mio obiettivo è quello di elaborare ulteriormente il compito da lui svolto, sviluppando un nuovo riduttore in grado di utilizzare sempre la potenza in entrata di un motore da 900 hp ma di rendere il riduttore nel suo insieme, più compatto e leggero possibile.
A 2007 Cummins ISL 8.9L direct-injection common rail diesel engine rated at 272 kW (365 hp) and 317 kW (425 hp) was used to load the filter to 2.2 g/L and passively oxidize particulate matter (PM) within an aftertreatment system consisting of a diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) and catalyzed particulate filter (CPF). The tests conducted with the engine rated at 365 hp used a 2007 DOC and CPF. The tests conducted with the engine rated at 425 hp used a 2010 DOC and 2007 CPF. Understanding the passive NO2 oxidation kinetics of PM within the CPF allows for reducing the frequency of active regenerations (hydrocarbon injection) and the associated fuel penalties. Modeling the passive oxidation of accumulated PM in the CPF will lead to creating accurate state estimation strategies. The MTU 1-D CPF model will be used to simulate data collected from this study to examine differences in the PM oxidation kinetics when soy methyl ester (SME) biodiesel is used as the source of fuel for the engine, and when the engine is operated at a higher power rating. A test procedure developed by Hutton et al. [1, 2] was modified to improve the ability to model the experimental data and provide additional insight into passively oxidized PM in a partially regenerated CPF. A test procedure was developed to allow PM oxidation rates by NO2 to be determined from engine test cell data. An experimental matrix consisting of CPF inlet temperatures from 250 to 450 °C with varying NOX/PM from 25 to 583and NO2/PM ratios from 5 to 240 was used. SME biodiesel was volumetrically blended with ULSD in 10% (B10) and 20% (B20) portions. This blended fuel was then used to evaluate the effect of biodiesel on passive oxidation rates. Four tests were performed with B10 and four tests with B20. Gathering data to determine the effect of fuel type (ULSD and biodiesel blends) on PM oxidation is the primary goal. The engine used for this testing was then configured to a higher power rating and one of the tests planned was performed. Additional testing is scheduled to take place with ULSD fuel to determine the affect the engine rating has on the PM oxidation. The experimental reaction rates during passive oxidation varied based upon the average CPF temperature, NO2 concentrations, and the NOX/PM ratios for each engine rating and with all fuels. The data analysis requires a high fidelity model that includes NO2 and thermal oxidation mechanisms and back diffusion to determine the details of the PM oxidation process.
The viscosity of biodiesels of soybean and rapeseed biodiesels blended with mineral diesel fuel were measured at pressures of up to 200 MPa. Using a falling sinker-type viscometer reproducible viscosity data were obtained based on the time taken for a sinker to descend a fixed distance down an enclosed tube under the influence of gravity. Measurements were taken using pressures which correspond to those of interest in automotive common rail diesel engines, and at temperatures of between 25oC and 80oC. In all cases, the viscosity of the biodiesel blends were found to increase exponentially for which the blends were noted as being more viscous than pure mineral fuels. A pressure-freezing effect was not observed for the blends.
Estudo térmico dos resíduos gerados da destilação atmosférica das misturas diesel/biodiesel de dendê
The growing world demand for energy supplied by fossil fuels, a major contributor to the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere and causing environmental problems, has been encouraging governments and international organizations to reflect and encourage the use of alternative renewable sources. Among these new possibilities deserves attention biodiesel, fuel cleaner and easy to reproduce. The study of new technologies involving that source is necessary. From this context, the paper aims at analyzing the thermal stability by thermogravimetric analysis, of the waste generated from atmospheric distillation of mixtures with ratios of 5, 10, 15 and 20% palm biodiesel in diesel with and without addition of BHT antioxidant. It was synthesized biodiesel through palm oil, via homogeneous catalysis in the presence of KOH, with and without the use of BHT and subsequently added to the diesel common indoor type (S1800) from a gas station BR. The diesel was already added with 5% biodiesel, and thus the proportions used for these blends were subtracted from the existing ratio in diesel fuel, resulting in the following proportions palm oil biodiesel: 0% (B5), 5% (B10), 10 % (B15) and 15% (B20). From atmospheric distillation analysis, performed in mixtures with and without BHT were collected residue generated by each sample and performed a thermal study from the thermogravimetric analysis at a heating rate of 10 °C.min-1, nitrogen atmosphere and heating to 600 ° C. According to the specifications of Resolution No. 7/2008 for biodiesel, it was found that the material was synthesized in accordance with the specifications. For mixtures, it was noted that the samples were in accordance with the ANP Resolution No. 42/2009. Given the TG / DTG curves of the samples of waste mixtures with and without BHT antioxidant was able to observe that they showed a single stage of thermal decomposition attributed to decomposition of heavy hydrocarbons and esters and other heavier constituents of the waste sample weighed. The thermal behavior of residues from atmospheric distillation of mixtures of diesel / biodiesel is very important to understand how this affects the proper functioning of the engine. A large amount of waste can generate a high content of particulate material, coke formation and carbonaceous deposits in engine valves, compromising their performance
With the advent of alternative fuels, such as biodiesels and related blends, it is important to develop an understanding of their effects on inter-cycle variability which, in turn, influences engine performance as well as its emission. Using four methanol trans-esterified biomass fuels of differing carbon chain length and degree of unsaturation, this paper provides insight into the effect that alternative fuels have on inter-cycle variability. The experiments were conducted with a heavy-duty Cummins, turbo-charged, common-rail compression ignition engine. Combustion performance is reported in terms of the following key in-cylinder parameters: indicated mean effective pressure (IMEP), net heat release rate (NHRR), standard deviation of variability (StDev), coefficient of variation (CoV), peak pressure, peak pressure timing and maximum rate of pressure rise. A link is also established between the cyclic variability and oxygen ratio, which is a good indicator of stoichiometry. The results show that the fatty acid structures did not have a significant effect on injection timing, injection duration, injection pressure, StDev of IMEP, or the timing of peak motoring and combustion pressures. However, a significant effect was noted on the premixed and diffusion combustion proportions, combustion peak pressure and maximum rate of pressure rise. Additionally, the boost pressure, IMEP and combustion peak pressure were found to be directly correlated to the oxygen ratio. The emission of particles positively correlates with oxygen content in the fuel as well as in the air-fuel mixture resulting in a higher total number of particles per unit of mass.
The crude glycerine is a raw material that can be used in a wide variety of products. Even with all the impurities inherent in the process of being obtained, the crude glycerin is already in a marketable product. However, the market is much more favorable to the commercialization of purified glycerine. The glycerin is a byproduct gotten from the process of transesterification of waste oils and fats in the production of biodiesel. More recently, the deployment of the new Federal Law of Brazil, related to the implementation of energy resources, forces, from 2008, the increase of 2% biodiesel in diesel common with prospects for 5% (B5). Therefore, it is indispensable that new routes of purification as well as new markets are developed. The objective of this work was to purify, through ion exchange, the crude glycerin, obtained from the reaction of transesterification of cottonseed oil. The cottonseed oil was characterized as the fatty acid composition and physical-chemical properties. The process of ion exchange was conducted in batch. In this process were used strong cation, low anion resins and a mixed resin used to de-ionize water. The purified glycerin was characterized as the content of metals. Tests were performed with activated charcoal adsorption, and for this, it was made tests of time contact with coal as well as quantity of coal used. The time of activation, the amount of the activation solution, the contact time of the glycerol solution in resins, the amount and type of resin applied were evaluated. Considering the analysis made with activated charcoal, when the glycerin solution was treated using the resins individually it was observed that in the conditions for treatment with 10 g of resin, 5 hours of contact with each resin and 50 mL of glycerin solution, its conductivity decreased to a cationic resin, increased to the anionic resin and had a variable value with respect to resin mixed. In the treatment in series, there was a constant decrease in the conductivity of the solution of glycerin. Considering two types of treatment, in series and individually, the content of glycerol in glycerin pre-purified solution with the different resins varied from 12,46 to 29.51% (diluted solution). In analysis performed without the use of activated charcoal, the behavior of the conductivity of the solution of glycerin were similar to results for treatment with activated charcoal, both in series as individually. The solution of glycerin pre-purified had a glycerol content varying from 8.3 to 25.7% (diluted solution). In relation to pH, it had a behavior in accordance with the expected: acid for the glycerin solution treated with cationic resin, basic when the glycerin solution was treated with the anionic resin and neutral when treated with the mixed resin, independent of the kind of procedure used (with or without coal, resins individually or in series). In relation to the color of the glycerin pre-purified solution, the resin that showed the best result was the anionic (colorless), however this does not mean that the solution is more in pure glycerol. The chromatographic analysis of the solutions obtained after the passage through the resins indicated that the treatment was effective by the presence of only one component (glycerol), not considering the solvent of the analysis
Durante il periodo di dottorato, l’attività di ricerca di cui mi sono occupato è stata finalizzata allo sviluppo di metodologie per la diagnostica e l’analisi delle prestazioni di un motore automobilistico. Un primo filone di ricerca è relativo allo sviluppo di strategie per l’identificazione delle mancate combustioni (misfires) in un motore a benzina. La sperimentazione si è svolta nella sala prove della Facoltà di Ingegneria dell’Università di Bologna, nei quali è presente un motore Fiat 1.200 Fire, accoppiato ad un freno a correnti parassite, e comandato da una centralina virtuale, creata mediante un modello Simulink, ed interfacciata al motore tramite una scheda di input/output dSpace. Per quanto riguarda la campagna sperimentale, sono stati realizzati delle prove al banco in diverse condizioni di funzionamento (sia stazionarie, che transitorie), durante le quali sono stati indotti dei misfires, sia singoli che multipli. Durante tali test sono stati registrati i segnali provenienti sia dalla ruota fonica usata per il controllo motore (che, nel caso in esame, era affacciata al volano), sia da quella collegata al freno a correnti parassite. Partendo da tali segnali, ed utilizzando un modello torsionale del sistema motoregiunto-freno, è possibile ottenere una stima sia della coppia motrice erogata dal motore, sia della coppia resistente dissipata dal freno. La prontezza di risposta di tali osservatori è tale da garantirci la possibilità di effettuare una diagnosi misfire. In particolare, si è visto che l’indice meglio correlato ala mancata combustione risultaessere la differenza fra la coppia motrice e la coppia resistente; tale indice risulta inoltre essere quello più semplice da calibrare sperimentalmente, in quanto non dipende dalle caratteristiche del giunto, ma solamente dalle inerzie del sistema. Una seconda attività della quale mi sono occupato è relativa alla stima della coppia indicata in un motore diesel automobilistico. A tale scopo, è stata realizzata una campagna sperimentale presso i laboratori della Magneti Marelli Powertrain (Bologna), nella quale sono state effettuati test in molteplici punti motori, sia in condizioni di funzionamento “nominale”, sia variando artificiosamente alcuni dei fattori di controllo (quali Start of Injection, pressione nel rail e, nei punti ove è stato possibile, tasso di EGR e pressione di sovralimentazione), sia effettuando degli sbilanciamenti di combustibile fra un cilindro e l’altro. Utilizzando il solo segnale proveniente da una ruota fonica posta sul lato motore, e sfruttando un modello torsionale simile a quello utilizzato nella campagna di prove relativa alla diagnosi del misfire, è possibile correlare la componente armonica con frequenza di combustione della velocità all’armonica di pari ordine della coppia indicata; una volta stimata tale componente in frequenza, mediante un’analisi di tipo statistico, è possibile eseguire una stima della coppia indicata erogata dal motore. A completamento dell’algoritmo, sfruttando l’analisi delle altre componenti armoniche presenti nel segnale, è possibile avere una stima dello sbilanciamento di coppia fra i vari cilindri. Per la verifica dei risultati ottenuti, sono stati acquisiti i segnali di pressione provenienti da tutti e quattro i cilindri del motore in esame.