956 resultados para curvas de intensidad
Strong and sometimes extreme responses in runoff and soil erosion following wildfires have been reported worldwide. However, in the case of North-Central Portugal, little research had been carried out regarding the hydrologic and erosive impacts of several land management activities in recently burnt areas (such as ground preparation, post-fire logging or post-fire mitigation treatments). This study aims to assess post-fire runoff and soil erosion response on Eucalypt and Maritime pine plantations during the first, second and third years following wildfires. The effect of several pre-fire ground preparation operations (ploughed down-slope, contour ploughed and inclined terraces), post-fire logging activities (on both the eucalypt and pine plantations), as well as the application of hydromulch (a post-fire emergency treatment) on overland flow and soil erosion were compared to burnt but undisturbed and untreated areas. The intensive monitoring of runoff, soil erosion and selected soil properties served to determine the main factors involved in post-fire runoff and soil erosion and their spatial and temporal variation. Soil water repellency deserved special attention, due to its supposed important role for overland flow generation. Repeated rainfall simulation experiments (RSE’s), micro-scale runoff plots and bounded sediment fences were carried out and/or installed immediately after the wildfire on seven burnt slopes. Micro-scale runoff plots results under natural rainfall conditions were also compared to the RSE’s results, which was useful for assessing the representativeness of the data obtained with artificial rainfall. The results showed comparable runoff coefficient (20-60%) but lower sediment losses (125-1000 g m-2) than prior studies in Portugal, but especially outside Portugal. Lower sediment losses were related with the historic intensive land use in the area. In evaluating these losses, however, the shallowness and stoniness of the soils, as well as the high organic matter fraction of the eroded sediments (50%) must not be overlooked. Sediment limited erosion was measured in all the ploughed sites, probably due to the time since ploughing (several years). The disturbance of the soil surface cover due to post-fire logging and wood extraction substantially increased sediment losses at both the pine and eucalypt sites. Hydromulch effectiveness in reducing the runoff (70%) and sediment losses (83%) was attributed to the protective high coverage provided by hydromulch. The hydromulch significantly affected the soil cover and other soil properties and these changes also reduced the soil erosion risk. The rainfall amount was the main factor explaining the variance in runoff. However, a shift from rainfall amount to rainfall intensity was detected when either the surface cover or the infiltration capacity (hydrophilic conditions) increased. Sediment losses were controlled by rainfall intensity and surface cover. The role of soil water repellency on runoff generation was not consistent; the overall repellency levels alone were not enough to assess its hydrological impact. Soil water repellency explained runoff generation in the specific-sites model better than in the overall model. Additionally, soil moisture content was a better predictor for soil water repellency than antecedent rainfall. The natural rainfall results confirmed that RSE’s were able to capture the specific sediment losses and its organic matter content as well as the differences between the ploughed and unploughed sites. Repeated RSE’s also captured the seasonal variations in runoff and sediment losses attributed to soil water repellency. These results have implications for post-fire soil erosion modelling and soil conservation practices in the region, or areas with the same land use, climate and soil characteristics. The measured sediment loss, as well as the increasing frequency of ploughing in recently burnt and unburnt eucalypt stands, suggests ploughing is not an effective as a soil conservation measure. Logging activities with less impact are recommended in order to maintain the forest litter protecting the soil surface. Due to its high effectiveness in reducing runoff and soil erosion, hydromulch is recommended for highly sensitive and vulnerable areas.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química
Estimados de rendimiento por recluta y biomasa por recluta obtenidos con el modelo de Beverton y Holt se combinan con la relación stock-reclutamiento (Ricker, 1954), para construir curvas de rendimiento relacionando el rendimiento total de la mortalidad por pesca. Asumiendo un reclutamieto a la pesca a la edad tc=2 y tc=3 se obtienen, para condiciones normales, valores de rendimientos sostenible de 105,600 y 144,000 TM respectivamente.
Un marcado incremento den la extensión y densidad de las áreas de desove de la "sardina" en 1972 con respecto al los años anteriores así como el aumento considerable de las capturas comerciales de esta especie, nos indujo a efectuar un estudio de las variaciones del desove con el fin de analizar las fluctuaciones, como parte del Programa de Ictioplancton que desarrolla el Instituto del Mar del Perú (IMARPE). Con el propósito anterior hemos analizado un total de 3,389 muestras de zooplancton colectadas en 29 cruceros, desde febrero de 1966 hasta enero de 1973. Las muestras fueron colectadas a lo largo del litoral peruano, de 03°16 ' a 20°52 ' Latitud Sur y hasta una distancia máxima de 350 millas de la costa. Se describe el huevo de "sardina", en la diferentes fases de desarrollo y larva hasta la longitud de 16.6 mm. El huevo de "sardina" es característico por la presencia de una sola gota oleosa y amplio espacio perivitelínico y mide de 1.12 a 1.94 mm. La larva es diferenciable por las proporciones del cuerpo, especialmente, boca-ano en longitud estándar y posición de aletas dorsal y anal. Las temperaturas superficiales en las que fueron hallados los huevos, fluctúan entre 15.4 a 27.2 °C, y las más adecuadas para el desove de esta especie variaron entre 19 y 22 °C, y salinidades entre 35 y 35.26%, a juzgar por el hallazgo de las mejores y más frecuentes concentraciones de huevos en estos niveles.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Producción Animal) UANL
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Ingeniería Nuclear) U.A.N.L.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias de la Ingeniería Mecánica con Especialidad en Materiales) - U.A.N.L, 2004
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias en Ingeniería Eléctrica con Orientación en Sistemas Eléctricos de Potencia) UANL, 2012
Tesis (Doctor en Ingeniería Eléctrica) UANL, 2014.
La presente monografía explora las nociones de la guerra internacional analizando los conceptos tanto de la guerra clásica, como de los conflictos de baja intensidad en la guerra contra el terrorismo internacional en Afganistán.
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