50 resultados para cursive


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Há três teorias distintas que buscam explicar a origem da postura invertida (INV) em canhotos. O Modelo genético de McKeever postula que o traço esteja ligado ao sexo, sendo transmitido via cromossomo X, através das mães, o que explica a prevalência maior da postura INV entre o sexo masculino. De acordo com o modelo patológico a postura invertida decorre de fatores neuropatológicos, enquanto a teoria de adaptação técnica considera a postura INV como um ajuste manual para enfrentar as exigências abdutivas implícitas no sistema ortográfico romano. Muitos partidários da última teoria julgam a postura INV como prejudicial, resultando em problemas físicos e em escrita ilegível, recomendando que a mesma seja substituída pela postura não invertida (NI). Um estudo prévio foi realizado entre 96 adolescentes de classe socioeconômica (CSE) baixa, sendo 48 canhotos e 48 destros, subdivididos por sexo e postura para escrever. A presente investigação representa uma extensão deste estudo, através da avaliação de 106 alunos da CSE média, sendo 68 destros e 66 canhotos. Os objetivos principais foram averiguar se a postura invertida estava associada a problemas físicos, complicações no parto, padrões diferentes de direção grafológica, desempenho caligráfico inferior e verificar se as mesmas características variavam em função do nível da CSE. Os resultados não indicaram nenhuma relação entre postura invertida e problemas físicos e pré-natais no estímulo grafológico. Os canhotos com postura INV mais do que os canhotos NI e destros tenderam a desenhar as linhas horizontais na direção direita para esquerda; nas outras tarefas de desenhos grafológicos não diferiram dos outros grupos. Nas tarefas cursivas e letras de forma o desempenho das alunas foi consistentemente superior ao dos alunos de modo geral. Os canhotos emitiram mais erros quando escreveram em letras de forma, mas não na escrita cursiva. O tempo de resposta foi à única variável dependente relacionada a CSE: alunos da CSE média escreveram as frases em letras cursivas e letras de forma mais rapidamente do que os alunos da CSE baixa. De modo geral, esses resultados não apóiam a afirmação de que a postura invertida acarreta problemas físicos, desempenho caligráfico inferior e não justifica a prática pedagógica em desencorajar o uso da postura INV.


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Histórias infantis têm sido utilizadas como recurso lúdico-didático na instalação de comportamentos. Nesta literatura, estes comportamentos geralmente estão descritos na forma de regras de conduta, explícitas (regras prescritivas) ou implicitamente (regras descritivas). O presente estudo avaliou o efeito da exposição continuada a histórias infantis, sobre a frequência e o tempo de engajamento em comportamentos relevantes à aprendizagem escolar, de quatro crianças entre sete e oito anos. Foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas com as professoras objetivando coletar relatos sobre o desempenho de seus alunos em atividades escolares. Em seguida, o experimentador realizou registros cursivos dos comportamentos das crianças em situação de sala de aula, com o objetivo de identificar a ocorrência e a freqüência dos comportamentos relatados pela professora, para selecionar e categorizar os comportamentos alvos. Foram selecionados os comportamentos de Cópia, Responder e Visto, a partir de então foram realizados registros de ocorrências da emissão destes comportamentos, com o objetivo de ter uma linha de base da freqüência de emissão destes comportamentos. A Condição Experimental era composta de linha de base e seis fases, em cada fase eram lidas histórias diferentes. A Fase sempre era iniciada com a leitura de uma história, seguida do registro de ocorrências dos comportamentos alvos. As histórias apresentavam regras descritivas mostrando as conseqüências positivas da emissão dos comportamentos selecionados e as conseqüências negativas da emissão de comportamentos incompatíveis com os mesmos. Os resultados sugerem que a exposição continuada às histórias foram eficientes para instalar e ou aumentar a frequência dos comportamentos de Cópia, Responder e Visto, bem como o tempo de engajamento das crianças nestas atividades.


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Pós-graduação em Fonoaudiologia - FFC


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Visual-motor integration is a skill that involves visual perception and eye-hand coordination. Deficit in perceptual ability and motor organization capacity may reflect in reading, writing and arithmetic learning difficulties. This study aimed to verify the relationship between visual-motor integration ability and academic performance, as well, whether visual perception ability was correlated with reading performance and whether motor coordination ability was correlated with writing performance. Participants were 77 students in the 2nd. year of elementary education at a public school. To data collect were applied the Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration and the Academic Performance Test. The results showed a significant correlation between visual-motor integration ability and academic skills of reading (r = 0.230, p = 0.044), writing (r = 0.244, p = 0.033) and arithmetic (r = 0.277, p = 0.015). In addition, was also identified significant correlation between visual perception and reading performance (r = 0.407, p = 0) and between the motor coordination and cursive writing (p = 0.039). The results of this study are consistent with the literature, concerning the verification of visual-motor integration, visual perception and motor coordination abilities influence on the students performance in school activities.


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Schachzabelbuch (ff. 1-87r; incomplete at the beginning) -- Heil- und Segenssprüche (87r-88v) -- Tageszeiten (89r-144v) -- Kalender (145r-159v) -- Heil- und Segenssprüche (160r-v).


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Tryon's official letter book containing copies of letters and documents relating to his work as colonial governor of North Carolina; with references concerning drawing a boundary between North Carolina and South Carolina; talks with the Cherokee Indians; the establishment of a postal service; working with the Propagation of the Gospels in Foreign Parts; establishing the Church of England in North Carolina; strengthening the defenses of the colony; maintaining better communication with Great Britain; and other events.


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List of ship's expenses between Feb. 7 and May 25; dated at Aux Cayes, (Haiti) May 27, 1790; includes money paid to an interpreter at Tobago, workers for ship maintenance, and various harbor officials; and notation of purchases for goods such as sugar, coffee, rice, tar, food, and rum.


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Document concerns how certain lands around Casco Bay, York Co., Maine, were partitioned in accordance with an order of a writ.


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Arithmetic copybook containing mathematical rules, problems, proofs, and charts of weights and measures.


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This layer is part of a set of georeferenced, raster images of the manuscript, paper map set entitled: Ch'ing-Hai upper Yellow River expedition : Rock and Simpson, 1925-27, [cartography by J.F. Rock]. Scale 1:250,000. This layer image is of Sheet II [of 10] covering a portion of the Yellow River (Huang He) region in eastern Qinghai Sheng and southern Gansu Sheng, China. The map set details the route and surrounding environs of the Arnold Arboretum's "Western China" expedition led by Joseph Rock, 1924-1927. The set covers a portion of the Yellow River (Huang He) region in south central China (Qinghai, Gansu, and Sichuan shengs (a portion of historic Tibet)). It shows features, labeled variously in English, Chinese, Wade-Giles transliteration, and Tibetan, including: rivers, streams, lakes, mountains, gorges, valleys, plateaus, plains, cities, towns, villages, provincial capitals, county seats, passes, monasteries, ruin sites, native tribe locations, and more. Relief is shown by hachures, spot heights, and landform drawings. The original manuscript map set is part of the Harvard College Library, Harvard Map Collection. "Joseph Rock traced his travels for the [Arnold] Arboretum's [Western China] 1924-1927 expedition in a colorful, hand-drawn map entitled 'Ch'ing-Hai upper Yellow River expedition.' The pen-and-ink drawing was made on ten sheets that when joined form a single, irregularly-shaped map, approximately six by eight feet in size. The individual sheets are numbered, using roman numerals; on sheet VII is a second title, 'Choni Territory, Upper and Lower T'ieh-Pu country and route to Sung-Pan, J. F. Rock, 1925-1927.' Topographical and other features are identified using a combination of English, Chinese characters, Wade-Giles transliterations and Tibetan script. Rock's attractive cursive style and use of hachures, spot heights, and landform drawings to depict relief add character to the map." -- Text from the Arnold Arboretum Web site.


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This layer is part of a set of georeferenced, raster images of the manuscript, paper map set entitled: Ch'ing-Hai upper Yellow River expedition : Rock and Simpson, 1925-27, [cartography by J.F. Rock]. Scale 1:250,000. This layer image is of Sheet III [of 10] covering a portion of the Yellow River (Huang He) region in eastern Qinghai Sheng and southern Gansu Sheng, China. The map set details the route and surrounding environs of the Arnold Arboretum's "Western China" expedition led by Joseph Rock, 1924-1927. The set covers a portion of the Yellow River (Huang He) region in south central China (Qinghai, Gansu, and Sichuan shengs (a portion of historic Tibet)). It shows features, labeled variously in English, Chinese, Wade-Giles transliteration, and Tibetan, including: rivers, streams, lakes, mountains, gorges, valleys, plateaus, plains, cities, towns, villages, provincial capitals, county seats, passes, monasteries, ruin sites, native tribe locations, and more. Relief is shown by hachures, spot heights, and landform drawings. The original manuscript map set is part of the Harvard College Library, Harvard Map Collection. "Joseph Rock traced his travels for the [Arnold] Arboretum's [Western China] 1924-1927 expedition in a colorful, hand-drawn map entitled 'Ch'ing-Hai upper Yellow River expedition.' The pen-and-ink drawing was made on ten sheets that when joined form a single, irregularly-shaped map, approximately six by eight feet in size. The individual sheets are numbered, using roman numerals; on sheet VII is a second title, 'Choni Territory, Upper and Lower T'ieh-Pu country and route to Sung-Pan, J. F. Rock, 1925-1927.' Topographical and other features are identified using a combination of English, Chinese characters, Wade-Giles transliterations and Tibetan script. Rock's attractive cursive style and use of hachures, spot heights, and landform drawings to depict relief add character to the map." -- Text from the Arnold Arboretum Web site.


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This layer is part of a set of georeferenced, raster images of the manuscript, paper map set entitled: Ch'ing-Hai upper Yellow River expedition : Rock and Simpson, 1925-27, [cartography by J.F. Rock]. Scale 1:250,000. This layer image is of Sheet IV [of 10] covering a portion of the Yellow River (Huang He) region in eastern Qinghai Sheng, China. The map set details the route and surrounding environs of the Arnold Arboretum's "Western China" expedition led by Joseph Rock, 1924-1927. The set covers a portion of the Yellow River (Huang He) region in south central China (Qinghai, Gansu, and Sichuan shengs (a portion of historic Tibet)). It shows features, labeled variously in English, Chinese, Wade-Giles transliteration, and Tibetan, including: rivers, streams, lakes, mountains, gorges, valleys, plateaus, plains, cities, towns, villages, provincial capitals, county seats, passes, monasteries, ruin sites, native tribe locations, and more. Relief is shown by hachures, spot heights, and landform drawings. The original manuscript map set is part of the Harvard College Library, Harvard Map Collection. "Joseph Rock traced his travels for the [Arnold] Arboretum's [Western China] 1924-1927 expedition in a colorful, hand-drawn map entitled 'Ch'ing-Hai upper Yellow River expedition.' The pen-and-ink drawing was made on ten sheets that when joined form a single, irregularly-shaped map, approximately six by eight feet in size. The individual sheets are numbered, using roman numerals; on sheet VII is a second title, 'Choni Territory, Upper and Lower T'ieh-Pu country and route to Sung-Pan, J. F. Rock, 1925-1927.' Topographical and other features are identified using a combination of English, Chinese characters, Wade-Giles transliterations and Tibetan script. Rock's attractive cursive style and use of hachures, spot heights, and landform drawings to depict relief add character to the map." -- Text from the Arnold Arboretum Web site.


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This layer is part of a set of georeferenced, raster images of the manuscript, paper map set entitled: Ch'ing-Hai upper Yellow River expedition : Rock and Simpson, 1925-27, [cartography by J.F. Rock]. Scale 1:250,000. This layer image is of Sheet IX [of 10] covering a portion of the Yellow River (Huang He) region in southern Gansu Sheng and northwestern Sichuan Sheng, China, including parts of Baishui Jiang and Pai Ho (Gar He). The map set details the route and surrounding environs of the Arnold Arboretum's "Western China" expedition led by Joseph Rock, 1924-1927. The set covers a portion of the Yellow River (Huang He) region in south central China (Qinghai, Gansu, and Sichuan shengs (a portion of historic Tibet)). It shows features, labeled variously in English, Chinese, Wade-Giles transliteration, and Tibetan, including: rivers, streams, lakes, mountains, gorges, valleys, plateaus, plains, cities, towns, villages, provincial capitals, county seats, passes, monasteries, ruin sites, native tribe locations, and more. Relief is shown by hachures, spot heights, and landform drawings. The original manuscript map set is part of the Harvard College Library, Harvard Map Collection. "Joseph Rock traced his travels for the [Arnold] Arboretum's [Western China] 1924-1927 expedition in a colorful, hand-drawn map entitled 'Ch'ing-Hai upper Yellow River expedition.' The pen-and-ink drawing was made on ten sheets that when joined form a single, irregularly-shaped map, approximately six by eight feet in size. The individual sheets are numbered, using roman numerals; on sheet VII is a second title, 'Choni Territory, Upper and Lower T'ieh-Pu country and route to Sung-Pan, J. F. Rock, 1925-1927.' Topographical and other features are identified using a combination of English, Chinese characters, Wade-Giles transliterations and Tibetan script. Rock's attractive cursive style and use of hachures, spot heights, and landform drawings to depict relief add character to the map." -- Text from the Arnold Arboretum Web site.


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This layer is part of a set of georeferenced, raster images of the manuscript, paper map set entitled: Ch'ing-Hai upper Yellow River expedition : Rock and Simpson, 1925-27, [cartography by J.F. Rock]. Scale 1:250,000. This layer image is of Sheet V [of 10] covering a portion of the Yellow River (Huang He) region in eastern Qinghai Sheng and southern Gansu Sheng, China. The map set details the route and surrounding environs of the Arnold Arboretum's "Western China" expedition led by Joseph Rock, 1924-1927. The set covers a portion of the Yellow River (Huang He) region in south central China (Qinghai, Gansu, and Sichuan shengs (a portion of historic Tibet)). It shows features, labeled variously in English, Chinese, Wade-Giles transliteration, and Tibetan, including: rivers, streams, lakes, mountains, gorges, valleys, plateaus, plains, cities, towns, villages, provincial capitals, county seats, passes, monasteries, ruin sites, native tribe locations, and more. Relief is shown by hachures, spot heights, and landform drawings. The original manuscript map set is part of the Harvard College Library, Harvard Map Collection. "Joseph Rock traced his travels for the [Arnold] Arboretum's [Western China] 1924-1927 expedition in a colorful, hand-drawn map entitled 'Ch'ing-Hai upper Yellow River expedition.' The pen-and-ink drawing was made on ten sheets that when joined form a single, irregularly-shaped map, approximately six by eight feet in size. The individual sheets are numbered, using roman numerals; on sheet VII is a second title, 'Choni Territory, Upper and Lower T'ieh-Pu country and route to Sung-Pan, J. F. Rock, 1925-1927.' Topographical and other features are identified using a combination of English, Chinese characters, Wade-Giles transliterations and Tibetan script. Rock's attractive cursive style and use of hachures, spot heights, and landform drawings to depict relief add character to the map." -- Text from the Arnold Arboretum Web site.


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This layer is part of a set of georeferenced, raster images of the manuscript, paper map set entitled: Ch'ing-Hai upper Yellow River expedition : Rock and Simpson, 1925-27, [cartography by J.F. Rock]. Scale 1:250,000. This layer image is of Sheet VI [of 10] covering a portion of the Yellow River (Huang He) region in eastern Qinghai Sheng, southern Gansu Sheng, and northwestern Sichuan Sheng, China. The map set details the route and surrounding environs of the Arnold Arboretum's "Western China" expedition led by Joseph Rock, 1924-1927. The set covers a portion of the Yellow River (Huang He) region in south central China (Qinghai, Gansu, and Sichuan shengs (a portion of historic Tibet)). It shows features, labeled variously in English, Chinese, Wade-Giles transliteration, and Tibetan, including: rivers, streams, lakes, mountains, gorges, valleys, plateaus, plains, cities, towns, villages, provincial capitals, county seats, passes, monasteries, ruin sites, native tribe locations, and more. Relief is shown by hachures, spot heights, and landform drawings. The original manuscript map set is part of the Harvard College Library, Harvard Map Collection. "Joseph Rock traced his travels for the [Arnold] Arboretum's [Western China] 1924-1927 expedition in a colorful, hand-drawn map entitled 'Ch'ing-Hai upper Yellow River expedition.' The pen-and-ink drawing was made on ten sheets that when joined form a single, irregularly-shaped map, approximately six by eight feet in size. The individual sheets are numbered, using roman numerals; on sheet VII is a second title, 'Choni Territory, Upper and Lower T'ieh-Pu country and route to Sung-Pan, J. F. Rock, 1925-1927.' Topographical and other features are identified using a combination of English, Chinese characters, Wade-Giles transliterations and Tibetan script. Rock's attractive cursive style and use of hachures, spot heights, and landform drawings to depict relief add character to the map." -- Text from the Arnold Arboretum Web site.