954 resultados para cultural recognition


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This contribution aims at exploring the significance of the new generation of UNESCO conventions for the recognition of higher education qualifications. It discusses three possible scenarios and links them to the empirical findings of a study that compares the enabling conditions of the first generation of recognition conventions established in the 1970s and 1980s with the ones establishing the second generation today. Taking an interdisciplinary approach, the paper argues that the changes illustrate a more general shift in the architecture of the global order and highlights a new role of UNESCO.


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Many 3D objects in the world around us are strongly constrained. For instance, not only cultural artifacts but also many natural objects are bilaterally symmetric. Thoretical arguments suggest and psychophysical experiments confirm that humans may be better in the recognition of symmetric objects. The hypothesis of symmetry-induced virtual views together with a network model that successfully accounts for human recognition of generic 3D objects leads to predictions that we have verified with psychophysical experiments.


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El proyecto busca establecer las competencias que debe desempeñar el gestor cultural frente al reto de la cibercultura y la sociedad del conocimiento. A partir del análisis de las actividades de gestores en ejercicio y de la oferta de programas de formación se pueden elaborar nuevos significados e identificar nuevas prácticas del trabajo del gestor cultural en sus comunidades. La investigación del perfil profesional permitirá entender cómo fortalecer las redes sociales – integración social -; fomentar el reconocimiento de las diferencias – pluralismo -; promover el uso de TIC como vehículo de comunicación, proyección, formación de redes y gestión de comunidades; agenciar a los individuos y comunidades para una apropiación eficiente de sus saberes y tradiciones, de sus deberes y derechos como ciudadanos. Si la gestión cultural está íntimamente ligada a la construcción de nuevos sentidos de identidad, creatividad y participación democrática, entonces conocer, articular y fortalecer el perfil profesional de los gestores culturales coadyuvará para el logro de éstas y otras metas de la política cultural de Colombia.


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El propósito del presente estudio diagnóstico, es el de analizar el proceso de reconstrucción de la identidad del Pueblo Indígena Muisca de la Localidad de Bosa, en la ciudad de Bogotá D.C desde el año de 1999 hasta el 2013. Este diagnóstico tiene como punto de partida, el análisis de la pérdida del territorio ancestral por parte de esta comunidad de indígenas urbanos, debido a los proceso de expansión y de urbanización legales e ilegales que tienen lugar en el territorio. Con base en el análisis de los anteriores fenómenos, se estudian las características principales de las comunidades e individuos indígenas presentes en las ciudades, y los retos que enfrentan las instituciones oficiales en materia de desarrollar políticas de reconocimiento con base en modelos de planificación indígena.


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El interés de este estudio de caso, se centra en evaluar el tema de la Diplomacia Cultual como medio para lograr la internacionalización de Rio de Janeiro durante 1990 – 2012. Se analiza y se explica cómo por medio de elementos como la paradiplomacia entre otros, se ha logrado establecer un proceso que ha llevado a la ciudad a ser conocida internacionalmente a través de su identidad cultural, logrando con ello la exportación de la cultura carioca, lo que ha permitido que la ciudad sea foco de atracción para la sociedad internacional. Siendo una investigación de tipo explicativo, se establece el por qué y el cómo se vincula la diplomacia cultural con la internacionalización de ciudades, métodos cualitativos fueron usados para observar los fenómenos de la realidad social de la ciudad de Rio de Janeiro.


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The article is the result of an attempt to define universal categories which permit a nonandrocentric conceptualization of the natural environment, in which femenine experience in environmental topics is unveiled and emphatized as a collective heritage. The theoretic content concentrates on defining and outlining the characteristics of two basic concepts: the femenine model of conscience and environmental actionr and ccwomen's ecologismn. The potential of both concepts for structuring research in genderlenvironment relations is demostrated. Finally, the article offers reasoned criticism of the androcentric nature of the guide-lines which predominate in environmental management and proposes, as the basis of an alternative model, the recognition of the legitimacy and authority of feminine experience in environmental affairs


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RESUMO: O Clube Atlético e Cultural (C.A.C.), apesar de ser relativamente recente, é reconhecido como um Clube Desportivo de formação de atletas de referência na zona de Lisboa. O seu pico de reconhecimento e a sua maior “montra” de formação é sem dúvida o Torneio Internacional da Pontinha (escalão Sub-13), onde é palco de jogos durante 4 dias entre os maiores clubes nacionais, bem como, alguns clubes mundialmente conhecidos. Como prova desse facto, se analisarmos alguns jogadores de elite profissional, têm no seu percurso de formação o C.A.C. como instituição representada. O relatório que de seguida se apresenta, surge no âmbito do estágio de Mestrado em Treino Desportivo e pretende divulgar todas as decisões, acções e reflexões subjacentes ao Treino Desportivo de jovens jogadores. O contexto onde foi realizado foi na equipa de Iniciados “A” (Sub-15), que disputou o Campeonato da Divisão de Honra da Associação Futebol de Lisboa. O relatório encontra-se estruturado do geral para o particular, estando dividido em três tipos de planificação: (1) Planificação Conceptual – na qual abrange uma análise ao Clube em questão, o seu contexto, os seus recursos e os vários constrangimentos. Compreende ainda um estudo prévio de situações anteriores, leia-se, épocas anteriores, bem como, a formação da equipa e dos seus jogadores, em função dos objectivos traçados e assumidos no inicio da época desportiva. Integra também a preparação de todo o período Pré-Competitivo e o recurso a meios de observação e análise visando a melhoria de todo o processo de planeamento do treino. (2) Planificação Estratégica – Esta prevê todas as acções que dizem respeito ao Período Competitivo da equipa, como por exemplo a recolha de dados tanto da nossa equipa como dos adversários, a antecipação dos graus de dificuldade dos nossos adversários, o planeamento mais operacional (Microciclos) e a escolha de estratégias consoante os diferentes adversários e por fim, as reflexões necessárias entre os vários intervenientes no processo. (3) Planificação Táctica – Por fim este tipo de planificação abarca todas as acções, decisões e reacções nos momentos que antecedem o jogo, no momento em que este decorre e ainda após este terminar. Em suma, o relatório pretende expor toda a preparação de uma equipa ao longo de uma época desportiva, visto de uma perspectiva das funções de um treinador principal. ABSTRACT: The Clube Atlético e Cultural (C.A.C.), although relatively recent, is recognized as a reference club in youths training in the Lisbon area. The peak recognition and more “showcase” training ins undoubtedly the Torneio Internacional da Pontinha (Under-13), which is host to games during four days among the biggest national clubs, as well as some world-renowned clubs. As proof thereof, if we look at some elite professional players, have in their educational path C.A.C. represented as an institution. The report that presents itself, appears in the stage of Master of Sports Training and intends to disclose all the decisions, actions and thoughts behind the Sports Training of young players. The report is structured from general to particular, being divided into three types of planning: (1) Conceptual Planning - which includes an analysis on the club in question, its context, its resources and various constraints. It also includes a previous study of past situations like earlier seasons, as well as the formation of the team and its players, according to the objectives and commitments outlined in the beginning of the season. Also includes the preparation of all pre-competition period and the use of means of observation and analysis aimed at improving the entire process of planning the training. (2) Strategic Planning - This provides all the activities that concern the competitive period of the team, such as collecting information both from our team as well as opponents, anticipating the degree of difficulty of our adversaries, the more operational planning (microcycles) and the choice of strategies depending on different opponents and finally the necessary reflections between the various actors in the process. (3) Tactical Planning - Finally this type of planning includes all actions, decisions and reactions in the moments before, during and even after the game. To resume, the report seeks to expose all the preparation of the team throughout a sports season, by the perspective of the functions of a head coach.


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Human resource management (HRM) plays a pivotal role in attracting and retaining talents. However, there is growing recognition in international HRM literature that the adoption of the widely accepted US/Harvard-inspired HRM model ignores the influences of cultural contexts on HRM practices in different countries. This notion has not been empirically investigated in the construction industry. Based on survey responses from 604 construction professionals from Australia and Hong Kong, this study examines whether: (i) national cultural differences influence individuals’ preference for types of remuneration and job autonomy, (ii) actual organizational HRM practices reflect such preferences and (iii) gaps between individuals’ preferences and actual organizational HRM practices affect job satisfaction. Results showed significant difference in HRM preferences between Australian and Hong Kong respondents and these are reflected in the distinct types of HRM practices adopted by construction firms in the two countries. Findings further indicated that the gap between individuals’ preferences and actual organizational HRM practices is associated with job satisfaction. The results support existing mainstream research and highlight the deficiency of the acultural treatment of HRM that is still apparent in construction management literature. An uncritical literature in the area not only hinders theory development but also potentially undermines the ability of construction firms to attract, recruit, and retain scarce talents.


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The broader objective of this study undertaking can briefly be articulated in particulate aims as follows: to measure the attitudes of consumers regarding the brand displayed by this strategy as well as to highlight recall, recognition and purchase intentions generated by product placement on consumers. In addition, check the differences and similarities between the behavior of Brazilian and American consumers caused by the influence of product placements. The study was undertaken targeting consumer audience in Brazil and the U.S. A rang3 modeling set ups were performed in order to realign study instruments and hypothesis towards the research objectives. This study gave focus on the following hypothesized models. H1: Consumers / Participants who viewed the brands / products in the movie have a higher brand / product recall compared to the consumers / participants who did not view the brands / products in the movie. H2: US Consumers / Participants are able to recognize and recall brands / products which appear in the background of the movie than Brazil. H3: Consumers / participants from USA are more accepting of product placements compared to their counterparts in Brazil. H4: There are discernible similarities in consumer / participant brand attitudes and purchase intentions in consumers / participants from USA and Brazil in spite of the fact that their country of origin is different. Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient ensured the reliability of survey instruments. The study involved the use of the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) for the hypothesis testing. This study used the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) to assess both the convergent and discriminant validities instead of using the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) or the Principal Component Analysis (PCA). This reinforced for the use of the regression Chi Square and T statistical tests in further. Only hypothesis H3 was rejected, the rest were not. T test provided insight findings on specific subgroup significant differences. In the SEM testing, the error variance for product placement attitudes was negative for both the groups. On this The Heywood Case came in handy to fix negative values. The researcher used both quantitative and qualitative approach where closed ended questionnaires and interviews respectively were used to collect primary data. The results were additionally provided with tabulations. It can be concluded that, product placement varies markedly in the U.S. from Brazil based on the influence a range of factors provided in the study. However, there are elements of convergence probably driven by the convergence in technology. In order, product placement to become more competitive in the promotional marketing, there will be the need for researchers to extend focus from the traditional variables and add knowledge on the conventional marketplace factors that is the sell-ability of the product placement technologies and strategies.


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Contemporary studies have shown that the evolution of the heritage concepts is accompanied by an affirmation of the importance of social participation in recognizing heritage values and in managing cultural assets. We used the Brazilian context to emphasize the challenges for democratizing this process. This problematic is discussed based on the cases of Cidade Altaand Ribeira, neighborhoods that date from the formation of Natal-RNand have cultural assets recognized by levels of government. The study builds elements to answer the research question: what meanings and representations does the culturalheritage in the case study have for its users? The research method analyzes the representations and the meanings of the neighborhoods, firstly is based on historiographical studies, memories records of the city and on the process of heritage management. Secondly, it isbased on the field research, it is structured in environmental perception studies (areas of Environmental Psychology, Architecture and Urbanism) and has been applied with users with different bonds with the studied environment (residents, workers and visitors). The data were obtained with the multi-method which included direct observation, questionnaire survey and mentalmaps (that replicate Kevin Lynch). The analysis of result verified the research hypothesis, emphasizing aspects of the relationship between users and cultural heritage relevant to strengthening collective memory, local identity, contributing to heritage management. Among the results, the socio-environmental image obtained which emphasized a "cultural axis" linkingboth studied neighborhoods and confirms the influences of elements rein the memories records of the city and in the area s management. Identified aspects to strengthen the relationship between the users and cultural assets, such as the presence of placeswith affective ties to certain groups, as well as the need to fight off negative images (of degradation and insecurity) associated to the site and also expand the participation of the population, including residents, in policies and cultural activities. After all, recognition of value and the involvement of societycultural assets have the potential of contribute to integrate city development with heritage conservation


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The present study aimed to understand how and to what extent the electronic forró, currently hegemonic in the music market in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, establishes and maintains relations of domination in the social contexts in which it is produced, transmitted and received. Based, in significant form-content, on the writings of the first generation of theorists of the so-called Frankfurt School (Critical Theory), particularly with Theodor W. Adorno, and systematically using the contributions of the Cultural Studies (from the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies of Birmingham) and of the sociology of Pierre Bourdieu, this study aimed to perform, in the fertile intersection of these references, a critical possibility of interpretation of the electronic forró predominantly spread in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. To this end, aiming at a better apprehension of the so-called capital circuits/culture circuits , this study resulted from a qualitative investment of research, based on structured interviews with musicians, entrepreneurs of the sector and music consumers, as well as on the analysis of the themes contained in the official discography of the electronic forró band called Garota Safada (Shameless Girl). As a general empirical conclusion, it was possible to infer that far from the significant presence of domination or mere prevalence of oppositions, there is a relational pluralism of forms of domination and ways of resistances present in the production and consumption of electronic forró, regardless of gender, age, income, education or place of residence. However, the artifices of the cultural industry has been shown to be efficient: from large-scale businessmen to small producers enabled by the so-called open markets . The currentness of the concept of cultural industry is based on the idea that its products are offered systematically (the systematic insistence of everything to everyone) and on the notion that its production primarily meets the administrative criteria of control over the effects on the receiver (capacity of prescription of desires). Thus, the Adornian reflection on the pseudo-individualization leads to the inference that even in some of the most apparent ways of negotiation and/or refusal regarding the consumption of forró, certain behaviors of the cultural industry still prevail both in the very (re)interpretation of the forró and in the choice of other music genres also standardized, rationalized and massified. Therefore, despite the absence of cause-effect relation and the recognition of the popular capacity of re-elaboration and contestation of the media consumption, some world views prevailing in relation to the electronic forró establish or, at least, support some hegemonic ideologies, especially those concerning the life style, consumption and genre relations (fun by all means). Therefore, due the massification of certain songs, some ways of dissemination of values, beliefs and feelings are potentially experienced from the electronic forró. So, it is presumable that in the current advance of the process of semiformation (Halbbildung), the habitus of a part of the youth from the state of Rio Grande do Norte reinforces and is reinforced by the centrality of the trinomial fun, love and sex present in the songs, emphasized in some constructive practices of sense and in certain flows of social significance


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Norms for three visual memory tasks, including Corsi's block tapping test and the BEM 144 complex figures and visual recognition, were developed for neuropsychological assessment in Brazilian children. The tasks were measured in 127 children ages 7 to 10 years from rural and urban areas of the States of São Paulo and Minas Gerais. Analysis indicated age-related but not sex-related differences. A cross-cultural effect was observed in relation to copying and recall of Complex pictures. Different performances between rural and urban children were noted. © Perceptual and Motor Skills 2005.


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With the evolution of the organizations theory, new management practices have transformed the institutions. The improvement of these management practices in cultural unities (UCs) is constant, and interacts in the international axis, since each unity increasingly communicate with other. As a reflection of organizational administrative practices, UCs had developed and assumed the organizational theories to make easy a framework for effective management practices. Comprehending the importance of the studies on UCs requires both a new approach of existing public politics for this field, and the recognition of the Information Science knowledge on area. In this way, it was planned to develop a model constituting a tool for managers in these institutions through the experience of laboratory works carried out with researchers from the European community. Libraries and museums are institutions that operate in the social process of their communities and the archives establish their structural spaces in parallel with the political, economic and social environments of the communities, translate the society and its organic sphere of informational performance. The information transposes a cyclical and essential role for the arrangement of the effective and necessary record to the organizational process and the institutional growth. Studies of this nature contribute to value a economy based on knowledge, and its production emphasizes the human capital that permeates the condition of the information in support for the development of communities and the growth of the organizational environment in political, social and cultural spheres.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Esta pesquisa problematizou a educação no contexto da uma comunidade quilombola, sobre a qual procurou saber como a educação influencia a identidade cultural de jovens quilombolas. A investigação teve por finalidade analisar a relação entre educação e identidade cultural de jovens na comunidade quilombola de Itaboca no Município de Inhangapi–PA, que para atingi-la adotou-se como percurso metodológico a pesquisa participante e a análise de conteúdo para examinar as narrativas de sujeitos e jovens da referida comunidade. Os resultados mostraram que a comunidade ainda está em processo de apropriação do processo de reconhecimento de seu território, tendo a educação um valor indelével, especialmente para os jovens que veem nela chance de continuidade de estudos e profissionalização sem modificar sua identidade. No entanto, a relação do quilombo com a cidade revelada na narrativa dos jovens, por um lado, mostra a assimilação das identidades urbanas que propiciam sociabilidades diversas. Por outro lado, essa sociabilização também traz o contato danoso com a violência e as drogas. A finalização da pesquisa aponta para a necessidade de maior mobilização em torno da educação com a perspectiva da ampliação da igualdade social.