989 resultados para criterion-referenced assessment


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Our aim was to determine the normative reference values of cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) and to establish the proportion of subjects with low CRF suggestive of future cardio-metabolic risk.


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The purpose of this paper is to understand how teachers’ identity as an assessor in a standards-referenced assessment system may be developed through their participation in online social moderation meetings. In these meetings teachers negotiate and share their understandings of assessment standards and judgement decisions. In particular, the paper focuses on the relationship between the technology, the moderation processes and teachers’ development in this assessment system. This paper draws on sociocultural theories of learning to analyse the qualitative data collected through observations of eleven online moderation meetings and interviews of the teachers involved in these meetings. The results provide insights into the mediating role of the technology with regard to teachers’ development of shared meanings and common practices within a standards-referenced assessment system.


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It is well recognised in the literature on first year higher education that there is a need for Universities to provide further support and development in student learning skills and engagement. Assessment and feedback is an area with differing expectations and understandings among academics and students (e.g. AUSSE, CEQ). Consistency and explicitness in academic feedback is fundamental in assisting students in their transition to university education and learning. This poster captures the progress of an 18 month funded by the Faculty of Law Teaching and Learning Grant scheme (QUT). The project sought to develop and trial an assessment checklist/diagnostic tool to accompany Criteria Referenced Assessment sheets for students within the School of Justice, Law Faculty, Queensland University of Technology (QUT).The checklist was trialled across four units in the School of Justice (Law faculty) amongst an estimated cohort of over 600 students undertaking single and dual degrees.


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The implementation of a new national curriculum and standards-referenced assessment in Australia has been an opportunity and a challenge for teacher assessment practices. In this case study of teachers in two Queensland schools, we explore how annotating student or exemplar assessment tasks could support teacher assessment practice. Three learning conversations between the researchers and the teacher teams are interpreted through the lens of Bernstein’s (1999) horizontal and vertical discourses to understand the complexities of coming to know an assessment standard. The study contributes to the literature on the use of annotations by exploring how teachers negotiated the purposes and processes of annotation, how annotating student work or exemplars before teaching commenced supported teachers to experience greater clarity about assessment standards and, finally, some of the tensions experienced by the teachers as they considered this practice within the practicalities of their daily work.


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Online interactions are becoming commonplace for a multitude of educational purposes. Each context presents a unique and dynamic mix of variables that combine to shape the practice and the identities of those involved. In this article, sociocultural theories of learning and sociocultural theories of technology are explored as a way to view and to map the complex interactions that can occur. The case of synchronous online moderation meetings are used as an example of the combination of variables that can impact on the development of shared understandings of a practice. Online moderation can involve teachers from geographically diverse areas discussing and negotiating their judgement decisions. These discussions represent an intersection of a national curriculum, standards-referenced assessment, moderation protocols, site-specific practices and understandings, and individual teachers’ knowledges and histories. It is suggested that the proposed theoretical combination addresses some of the limitations of each of the theories when investigating such a dynamic context. As higher education moves into increasing use of online modes of communication and a higher level of accountability the relevance of this discussion to higher education is evident.


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Project overview, promotional poster and how to access and use the checklist (student guide)


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This paper extends the previous application of Alfred Whitehead's educational ideas to the domain of enterprise education. In doing so, a unique approach to enterprise education is illustrated that links students to their reality whilst also connecting the curriculum to contemporary entrepreneurship theory. The paper reports upon past cycles of reflective practice related to the developing hic et nunc teaching and learning framework. Two specific findings of note have emerged. First, that student' learning outcomes are enhanced through the oscillating influence of freedom and discipline. However, in the absence of either factor, sub-optimal outcomes are seen to occur. That is, an imbalance between freedom and discipline has resulted in sub-optimal outcomes from either a lack of student interest or an inability to adequately apply acquired knowledge. Where gains have been made, the most obvious process has been through consultation with students. Second, that the students also play an important role in shaping the nature of the learning environments within which they interact. Both findings are of significant importance to all academics charged with the responsibility of developing enterprise education curriculum. The main implication of the paper is that in the absence of sound pedagogical practises, it is possible that enterprise programs may develop a tendency to reinforce past practises. The processes of constructive alignment and criterion-based assessment are argued to offer avenues through which students can influence the educational process. They also provide the educator with a reflective pathway through which continual improvements are constantly possible. This paper provides other academics with a window through which to view the ongoing development of a process that has been recognised nationally for teaching excellence and influenced many fine young entrepreneurs. The paper also draws attention to a set of core educational philosophies that have transferable value to any academic setting. It is noted that the task of developing a learner-centred curriculum for enterprise education has been an entrepreneurial endeavour in itself. Many mistakes have been made and many memorable achievements have been celebrated.


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K. Rasmani and Q. Shen. Data-driven fuzzy rule generation and its application for student academic performance evaluation. Applied Intelligence, 25(3):305-319, 2006.


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The use of high-quality quarried crushed rock aggregates is generally required to comply with current specifications for unbound granular materials (UGMs) in pavements. The source of these high-quality materials can be a long distance from the site, resulting in high transportation costs. The use of more local sources of marginal materials or the use of secondary aggregates is not allowed if they do not fully comply with existing specifications. These materials can, however, be assessed for their suitability for use in a pavement by considering performance criteria such as resistance to permanent deformation and degradation instead of relying on compliance with inflexible specifications. The final thickness of the asphalt cover and the pavement depth are governed by conventional pavement design methods, which consider the number of vehicle passes, subgrade strength, and some material property, commonly the California bearing ratio or resilient modulus. A pavement design method that includes as a design criterion an assessment of the resistance to deformation of a UGM in a pavement structure at a particular stress state is proposed. The particular stress state at which the aggregate is to perform in an acceptable way is related to the in situ stress, that is, the stress that the aggregate is anticipated to experience at a particular depth in the pavement. Because the stresses are more severe closer to the pavement surface, the aggregates should be better able to resist these stresses the closer they are laid to the surface in the pavement. This method was applied to two Northern Ireland aggregates of different quality (NI Good and NI Poor). The results showed that the NI Poor aggregate performed at an acceptable level with respect to permanent deformation, provided that a minimum of 70 mm of asphalt cover was provided. It was predicted that the NI Good material would require 60 mm of asphalt cover.


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Introduction Institutionalization in a nursing home restricts autonomy, most notably free will, free choice, and free action. Decreased physical activity and fitness are predictive of disability and dependence (Rikli & Jones, 2013; Tak, Kuiper, Chorus, & Hopman-Rock, 2014); however little is known about the impact of these factors on institutionalization. Thus, this study aimed to analyze the impact of physical activity and fitness and on the risk of elderly people without cognitive impairment become institutionalized. Methods This cross-sectional study involved 195 non-institutionalized (80.14.4yrs) and 186 institutionalized (83.85.2yrs) participants. Cognitive impairment was assessed using Mini-Mental State Examination, physical activity was assessed using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire, and measures of physical fitness were determined by the Senior Fitness Test. Results: Multivariate binary logistic analysis selected 4 main predictors of institutionalization in both genders. The likelihood of becoming institutionalized increased by +18.6% for each additional year of age, while it decreased by -24.8% by each fewer kg/m2 in BMI, by -0.9% for each additional meter performed in the aerobic endurance test and by -2.0% for each additional 100MET-min/wk of physical activity expenditure (p<0.05). Values ≤50th percentile (age ≥81yrs, BMI≥26.7kg/m2, aerobic endurance ≤367.6m, and physical activity ≤693MET-min/wk) were computed using Receiver Operating Characteristics analysis as cut-offs discriminating institutionalized from non-institutionalized elderly people. Conclusion The performance of physical activity, allied to an improvement in physical fitness (mainly BMI and aerobic endurance) may prevent the institutionalization of elderly people without cognitive impairment only if they are above the 50th percentile; the following is highly recommend: expending ≥693MET-min/wk on physical activity, being ≤26.7kg/m2 on BMI, and being able to walk ≥367.6m in the aerobic endurance test, especially above the age of 80 years. The discovery of this trigger justifies the development of physical activity programs targeting the pointed cut-offs in old, and very old people. References Rikli, R., & Jones, C. (2013). Development and validation of criterion-referenced clinically relevant fitness standards for maintaining physical independence in later years. Gerontologist, 53, 255-267. Tak, E., Kuiper, R., Chorus, A., & Hopman-Rock, M. (2014). Prevention of onset and progression of basic ADL disability by physical activity in community dwelling older adults: a meta-analysis. Ageing Res Rev, 12, 329-338.


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 An understanding of risks to biodiversity is needed for planning action to slow current rates of decline and secure ecosystem services for future human use. Although the IUCN Red List criteria provide an effective assessment protocol for species, a standard global assessment of risks to higher levels of biodiversity is currently limited. In 2008, IUCN initiated development of risk assessment criteria to support a global Red List of ecosystems. We present a new conceptual model for ecosystem risk assessment founded on a synthesis of relevant ecological theories. To support the model, we review key elements of ecosystem definition and introduce the concept of ecosystem collapse, an analogue of species extinction. The model identifies four distributional and functional symptoms of ecosystem risk as a basis for assessment criteria: a) rates of decline in ecosystem distribution; b) restricted distributions with continuing declines or threats; c) rates of environmental (abiotic) degradation; and d) rates of disruption to biotic processes. A fifth criterion, e) quantitative estimates of the risk of ecosystem collapse, enables integrated assessment of multiple processes and provides a conceptual anchor for the other criteria. We present the theoretical rationale for the construction and interpretation of each criterion. The assessment protocol and threat categories mirror those of the IUCN Red List of species. A trial of the protocol on terrestrial, subterranean, freshwater and marine ecosystems from around the world shows that its concepts are workable and its outcomes are robust, that required data are available, and that results are consistent with assessments carried out by local experts and authorities. The new protocol provides a consistent, practical and theoretically grounded framework for establishing a systematic Red List of the world’s ecosystems. This will complement the Red List of species and strengthen global capacity to report on and monitor the status of biodiversity.


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A necessidade de se desenvolverem instrumentos adequados a avaliação de programas educacionais é premente no momento atual. Segundo os estudos mais recentes no campo da medida educacional, os testes com referência a critério são os que atendem a esta necessidade. Este estudo teve por objetivo a construção de dois testes deste tipo para a avaliação do Programa de Alfabetização Funcional do MOBRAL nos dominios da aquisição das competências basicas em leitura e escrita. Inicialmente foram selecionadas e descritas quatro competências para serem medidas por cada teste. As competências foram selecionadas tendo como base os objetivos do programa apresentados no Roteiro de Orientação ao Alfabetizador (1977). A segunda etapa do estudo consistiu na criação das especificações para cada competência selecionadas nos dois dominios. A partir destas especificações foram construidos 32 itens para o teste de leitura e 40 para o de escrita. Estes itens foram, distribuidos randomicamente em 5 formas experimentais para cada teste. O teste de leitura é composto de itens de múltipla escolha e o teste de escrita de itens de resposta construida. Os criterios de correção e os padrões minimos de desempenho foram estabelecidos para cada teste. Para a analise destes padrões minimos foram calculados as medias e os desvios-padrão para cada forma aplicada. Estes resultados permitem a manutenção dos padrões minimos usados em estudos posteriores. A análise dos itens foi feita em duas etapas: na primeira foram calculados os indices de discriminância pelo processo tradicional e na segunda os indices de sensitivida de pelo processo desenvolvido por Gronlund (1976). Os resultados obtidos permitiram o aproveitamento de todos os itens. Os itens foram divididos em duas formas equivalentes para cada teste, cada um pode ser subdividido em três subtestes para a medida isolada das competências descritas. Para o exame de validade foram estabelecidos os indices de validade descritiva e de seleção de dominio. A fidedignidade dos testes ficou assegurada com a construção de mais de 5 itens para competência Gronlund (1976).


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El concepto de algoritmo es básico en informática, por lo que es crucial que los alumnos profundicen en él desde el inicio de su formación. Por tanto, contar con una herramienta que guíe a los estudiantes en su aprendizaje puede suponer una gran ayuda en su formación. La mayoría de los autores coinciden en que, para determinar la eficacia de una herramienta de visualización de algoritmos, es esencial cómo se utiliza. Así, los estudiantes que participan activamente en la visualización superan claramente a los que la contemplan de forma pasiva. Por ello, pensamos que uno de los mejores ejercicios para un alumno consiste en simular la ejecución del algoritmo que desea aprender mediante el uso de una herramienta de visualización, i. e. consiste en realizar una simulación visual de dicho algoritmo. La primera parte de esta tesis presenta los resultados de una profunda investigación sobre las características que debe reunir una herramienta de ayuda al aprendizaje de algoritmos y conceptos matemáticos para optimizar su efectividad: el conjunto de especificaciones eMathTeacher, además de un entorno de aprendizaje que integra herramientas que las cumplen: GRAPHs. Hemos estudiado cuáles son las cualidades esenciales para potenciar la eficacia de un sistema e-learning de este tipo. Esto nos ha llevado a la definición del concepto eMathTeacher, que se ha materializado en el conjunto de especificaciones eMathTeacher. Una herramienta e-learning cumple las especificaciones eMathTeacher si actúa como un profesor virtual de matemáticas, i. e. si es una herramienta de autoevaluación que ayuda a los alumnos a aprender de forma activa y autónoma conceptos o algoritmos matemáticos, corrigiendo sus errores y proporcionando pistas para encontrar la respuesta correcta, pero sin dársela explícitamente. En estas herramientas, la simulación del algoritmo no continúa hasta que el usuario introduce la respuesta correcta. Para poder reunir en un único entorno una colección de herramientas que cumplan las especificaciones eMathTeacher hemos creado GRAPHs, un entorno ampliable, basado en simulación visual, diseñado para el aprendizaje activo e independiente de los algoritmos de grafos y creado para que en él se integren simuladores de diferentes algoritmos. Además de las opciones de creación y edición del grafo y la visualización de los cambios producidos en él durante la simulación, el entorno incluye corrección paso a paso, animación del pseudocódigo del algoritmo, preguntas emergentes, manejo de las estructuras de datos del algoritmo y creación de un log de interacción en XML. Otro problema que nos planteamos en este trabajo, por su importancia en el proceso de aprendizaje, es el de la evaluación formativa. El uso de ciertos entornos e-learning genera gran cantidad de datos que deben ser interpretados para llegar a una evaluación que no se limite a un recuento de errores. Esto incluye el establecimiento de relaciones entre los datos disponibles y la generación de descripciones lingüísticas que informen al alumno sobre la evolución de su aprendizaje. Hasta ahora sólo un experto humano era capaz de hacer este tipo de evaluación. Nuestro objetivo ha sido crear un modelo computacional que simule el razonamiento del profesor y genere un informe sobre la evolución del aprendizaje que especifique el nivel de logro de cada uno de los objetivos definidos por el profesor. Como resultado del trabajo realizado, la segunda parte de esta tesis presenta el modelo granular lingüístico de la evaluación del aprendizaje, capaz de modelizar la evaluación y generar automáticamente informes de evaluación formativa. Este modelo es una particularización del modelo granular lingüístico de un fenómeno (GLMP), en cuyo desarrollo y formalización colaboramos, basado en la lógica borrosa y en la teoría computacional de las percepciones. Esta técnica, que utiliza sistemas de inferencia basados en reglas lingüísticas y es capaz de implementar criterios de evaluación complejos, se ha aplicado a dos casos: la evaluación, basada en criterios, de logs de interacción generados por GRAPHs y de cuestionarios de Moodle. Como consecuencia, se han implementado, probado y utilizado en el aula sistemas expertos que evalúan ambos tipos de ejercicios. Además de la calificación numérica, los sistemas generan informes de evaluación, en lenguaje natural, sobre los niveles de competencia alcanzados, usando sólo datos objetivos de respuestas correctas e incorrectas. Además, se han desarrollado dos aplicaciones capaces de ser configuradas para implementar los sistemas expertos mencionados. Una procesa los archivos producidos por GRAPHs y la otra, integrable en Moodle, evalúa basándose en los resultados de los cuestionarios. ABSTRACT The concept of algorithm is one of the core subjects in computer science. It is extremely important, then, for students to get a good grasp of this concept from the very start of their training. In this respect, having a tool that helps and shepherds students through the process of learning this concept can make a huge difference to their instruction. Much has been written about how helpful algorithm visualization tools can be. Most authors agree that the most important part of the learning process is how students use the visualization tool. Learners who are actively involved in visualization consistently outperform other learners who view the algorithms passively. Therefore we think that one of the best exercises to learn an algorithm is for the user to simulate the algorithm execution while using a visualization tool, thus performing a visual algorithm simulation. The first part of this thesis presents the eMathTeacher set of requirements together with an eMathTeacher-compliant tool called GRAPHs. For some years, we have been developing a theory about what the key features of an effective e-learning system for teaching mathematical concepts and algorithms are. This led to the definition of eMathTeacher concept, which has materialized in the eMathTeacher set of requirements. An e-learning tool is eMathTeacher compliant if it works as a virtual math trainer. In other words, it has to be an on-line self-assessment tool that helps students to actively and autonomously learn math concepts or algorithms, correcting their mistakes and providing them with clues to find the right answer. In an eMathTeacher-compliant tool, algorithm simulation does not continue until the user enters the correct answer. GRAPHs is an extendible environment designed for active and independent visual simulation-based learning of graph algorithms, set up to integrate tools to help the user simulate the execution of different algorithms. Apart from the options of creating and editing the graph, and visualizing the changes made to the graph during simulation, the environment also includes step-by-step correction, algorithm pseudo-code animation, pop-up questions, data structure handling and XML-based interaction log creation features. On the other hand, assessment is a key part of any learning process. Through the use of e-learning environments huge amounts of data can be output about this process. Nevertheless, this information has to be interpreted and represented in a practical way to arrive at a sound assessment that is not confined to merely counting mistakes. This includes establishing relationships between the available data and also providing instructive linguistic descriptions about learning evolution. Additionally, formative assessment should specify the level of attainment of the learning goals defined by the instructor. Till now, only human experts were capable of making such assessments. While facing this problem, our goal has been to create a computational model that simulates the instructor’s reasoning and generates an enlightening learning evolution report in natural language. The second part of this thesis presents the granular linguistic model of learning assessment to model the assessment of the learning process and implement the automated generation of a formative assessment report. The model is a particularization of the granular linguistic model of a phenomenon (GLMP) paradigm, based on fuzzy logic and the computational theory of perceptions, to the assessment phenomenon. This technique, useful for implementing complex assessment criteria using inference systems based on linguistic rules, has been applied to two particular cases: the assessment of the interaction logs generated by GRAPHs and the criterion-based assessment of Moodle quizzes. As a consequence, several expert systems to assess different algorithm simulations and Moodle quizzes have been implemented, tested and used in the classroom. Apart from the grade, the designed expert systems also generate natural language progress reports on the achieved proficiency level, based exclusively on the objective data gathered from correct and incorrect responses. In addition, two applications, capable of being configured to implement the expert systems, have been developed. One is geared up to process the files output by GRAPHs and the other one is a Moodle plug-in set up to perform the assessment based on the quizzes results.


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Physical employment standards (PES) are developed with the aim of ensuring that an employee's physical and physiological capacities are commensurate with the demands of their occupation. While previous commentaries and narrative reviews have provided frameworks for the development of PES, this is the first systematic review of the methods used to translate job analysis findings to PES tests and performance standards for physically demanding occupations. A search of PubMed and Google Scholar was conducted for research articles published in English up to and including March 2015. Two authors independently reviewed and extracted data.

The search yielded 87 potentially eligible papers, including 60 peer reviewed journal articles and 17 technical reports. 57 papers were excluded leading to a final data set of 31 papers, representing 22 studies. Job analysis was most commonly conducted through subjective determination of job tasks followed by objective quantification and validation. Determination of criterion tasks was evenly distributedthrough subjective and objective methods with criterion tasks being defined most commonly as most demanding, critical and/or frequent. Generic predictive and task-related predictive tests were more commonly observed in isolation or in combination when compared to task simulation tests. Performance standards were more commonly criterion-referenced than norm-referenced with a variety of statistical methods utilised. This review provides recommendations for researchers when developing physical employment standards for a variety of occupations.