981 resultados para corn production
Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS
Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS
Oil content and grain yield in maize are negatively correlated, and so far the development of high-oil high-yielding hybrids has not been accomplished. Then a fully understand of the inheritance of the kernel oil content is necessary to implement a breeding program to improve both traits simultaneously. Conventional and molecular marker analyses of the design III were carried out from a reference population developed from two tropical inbred lines divergent for kernel oil content. The results showed that additive variance was quite larger than the dominance variance, and the heritability coefficient was very high. Sixteen QTL were mapped, they were not evenly distributed along the chromosomes, and accounted for 30.91% of the genetic variance. The average level of dominance computed from both conventional and QTL analysis was partial dominance. The overall results indicated that the additive effects were more important than the dominance effects, the latter were not unidirectional and then heterosis could not be exploited in crosses. Most of the favorable alleles of the QTL were in the high-oil parental inbred, which could be transferred to other inbreds via marker-assisted backcross selection. Our results coupled with reported information indicated that the development of high-oil hybrids with acceptable yields could be accomplished by using marker-assisted selection involving oil content, grain yield and its components. Finally, to exploit the xenia effect to increase even more the oil content, these hybrids should be used in the Top Cross((TM)) procedure.
En la Provincia de San Luis existen 400.000 hectáreas activas de superficie cultivable con un potencial de 700.000 hectáreas. Los cultivos preponderantes son las oleaginosas, principalmente soja, maíz y girasol. En los últimos años, la provincia se expandió tanto en agricultura como en ganadería: en 2010 el sector ganadería creció un 7; por su parte, la agricultura se encuentra en una transición importante gracias a que los productores han incorporado tecnología que permite el crecimiento en una provincia con un clima muy diferente al de la pampa húmeda. La conjunción de esta circunstancia y de la realización de obras públicas provoca un sinergismo que ha llevado a la expansión del sector productivo. En la cadena de productos agroindustriales, uno de los eslabones principales para agregar valor en origen es la industrialización, con vistas a la posterior comercialización tanto del producto obtenido como de los subproductos. En San Luis se dan las dos situaciones: la venta de granos sin procesar y la de productos y subproductos obtenidos a partir de los granos y las oleaginosas. Como consecuencia de los beneficios impositivos con los cuales cuenta la provincia, que se suman a la ventaja de su localización en el corredor bioceánico, la radicación industrial fue más importante que en otras provincias. Del total de este sector en San Luis, las industrias alimentarías representan el 8 (29 empresas), entre las cuales se encuentran empresas que utilizan como materia prima la soja y el maíz. El objetivo del presente trabajo es presentar datos de mercado de la soja y del maíz a nivel mundial, nacional y provincial y estudiar el eslabón de industrialización en la cadena de valor de dichas oleaginosas en la Provincia de San Luis. Para ello, se realizaron entrevistas a informantes clave del sector industrial, búsqueda bibliográfica, lectura de papers, asistencia a exposiciones de la agroindustria, validación de información obtenida a partir de páginas web y recopilación de datos del Ministerio de Economía de la Nación y de la Dirección Provincial de Estadística y Censos
En la Provincia de San Luis existen 400.000 hectáreas activas de superficie cultivable con un potencial de 700.000 hectáreas. Los cultivos preponderantes son las oleaginosas, principalmente soja, maíz y girasol. En los últimos años, la provincia se expandió tanto en agricultura como en ganadería: en 2010 el sector ganadería creció un 7; por su parte, la agricultura se encuentra en una transición importante gracias a que los productores han incorporado tecnología que permite el crecimiento en una provincia con un clima muy diferente al de la pampa húmeda. La conjunción de esta circunstancia y de la realización de obras públicas provoca un sinergismo que ha llevado a la expansión del sector productivo. En la cadena de productos agroindustriales, uno de los eslabones principales para agregar valor en origen es la industrialización, con vistas a la posterior comercialización tanto del producto obtenido como de los subproductos. En San Luis se dan las dos situaciones: la venta de granos sin procesar y la de productos y subproductos obtenidos a partir de los granos y las oleaginosas. Como consecuencia de los beneficios impositivos con los cuales cuenta la provincia, que se suman a la ventaja de su localización en el corredor bioceánico, la radicación industrial fue más importante que en otras provincias. Del total de este sector en San Luis, las industrias alimentarías representan el 8 (29 empresas), entre las cuales se encuentran empresas que utilizan como materia prima la soja y el maíz. El objetivo del presente trabajo es presentar datos de mercado de la soja y del maíz a nivel mundial, nacional y provincial y estudiar el eslabón de industrialización en la cadena de valor de dichas oleaginosas en la Provincia de San Luis. Para ello, se realizaron entrevistas a informantes clave del sector industrial, búsqueda bibliográfica, lectura de papers, asistencia a exposiciones de la agroindustria, validación de información obtenida a partir de páginas web y recopilación de datos del Ministerio de Economía de la Nación y de la Dirección Provincial de Estadística y Censos
En la Provincia de San Luis existen 400.000 hectáreas activas de superficie cultivable con un potencial de 700.000 hectáreas. Los cultivos preponderantes son las oleaginosas, principalmente soja, maíz y girasol. En los últimos años, la provincia se expandió tanto en agricultura como en ganadería: en 2010 el sector ganadería creció un 7; por su parte, la agricultura se encuentra en una transición importante gracias a que los productores han incorporado tecnología que permite el crecimiento en una provincia con un clima muy diferente al de la pampa húmeda. La conjunción de esta circunstancia y de la realización de obras públicas provoca un sinergismo que ha llevado a la expansión del sector productivo. En la cadena de productos agroindustriales, uno de los eslabones principales para agregar valor en origen es la industrialización, con vistas a la posterior comercialización tanto del producto obtenido como de los subproductos. En San Luis se dan las dos situaciones: la venta de granos sin procesar y la de productos y subproductos obtenidos a partir de los granos y las oleaginosas. Como consecuencia de los beneficios impositivos con los cuales cuenta la provincia, que se suman a la ventaja de su localización en el corredor bioceánico, la radicación industrial fue más importante que en otras provincias. Del total de este sector en San Luis, las industrias alimentarías representan el 8 (29 empresas), entre las cuales se encuentran empresas que utilizan como materia prima la soja y el maíz. El objetivo del presente trabajo es presentar datos de mercado de la soja y del maíz a nivel mundial, nacional y provincial y estudiar el eslabón de industrialización en la cadena de valor de dichas oleaginosas en la Provincia de San Luis. Para ello, se realizaron entrevistas a informantes clave del sector industrial, búsqueda bibliográfica, lectura de papers, asistencia a exposiciones de la agroindustria, validación de información obtenida a partir de páginas web y recopilación de datos del Ministerio de Economía de la Nación y de la Dirección Provincial de Estadística y Censos
Resumo A presente dissertação visou avaliar o efeito da utilização do pato de Pequim no controlo de infestantes em milho biológico em comparação com o método clássico da sacha e da sacha/amontoa, avaliando a percentagem de cobertura das infestantes no solo e a produtividade do milho. Para além disso, pretendeu-se, ainda, perceber em que estádio vegetativo do milho os patos já não provocavam danos consideráveis na cultura. A investigação decorreu entre maio e outubro de 2015, em Coimbra, na superfície agrícola da ESAC, em 0,2 ha da área certificada em Agricultura Biológica, utilizando milho da variedade regional Pigarro. Os patos foram adquiridos com 4 semanas e abatidos às 12 semanas, tendo-se avaliado o seu crescimento nesse período. O pastoreio com patos, em diferentes estados vegetativos da cultura (Ve, V3 e V5 - germinação e emergência, três e cinco folhas completamente desenvolvidas, respetivamente), não permitiu afirmar com rigor qual o estádio vegetativo em que os animais já não provocavam danos. Analisando e comparando o pastoreio com patos após a 1ª sacha, após a sacha/amontoa e o método clássico, concluiu-se que tanto a cobertura do solo pelas infestantes quanto a produção de milho Pigarro (kg/ha) não variaram significativamente, para α = 0,05, após realização de análise de variância de fator único. Os resultados obtidos, embora preliminares e carecendo de continuidade de estudos, permitem, no entanto, indiciar que as opções ensaiadas podem vir a substituir o método clássico e serem alternativas válidas no combate às infestantes em milho biológico. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Pato de Pequim; Milho biológico; Infestantes; Cobertura; Pastoreio. iii Abstract This dissertation aimed to evaluate the effect of using the Peking duck for weed control in organic corn compared to the classical method of hoeing and weeding / earthing up, assessing the percentage of coverage of weeds in soil and corn yield. Furthermore, it was also intended to realize in what corn's vegetative stage, ducks no longer caused considerable damage to the crop. The research took place between May and October 2015, in Coimbra, in the ESAC's agricultural area of 0.2 ha certified in organic farming, using corn's regional variety, Throat clearing. The ducks were purchased at 4 weeks old and slaughtered at the 12th week, while their growth in this period was estimated. The grazing with ducks in different vegetative states of culture (Ve, V3 and V5 - germination and emergence, three and five fully developed leaves, respectively), didn't allow us to say with accuracy in what vegetative stage the animals no longer caused damage. Analyzing and comparing grazing with ducks after 1st weeding, after weeding / ridging and the classical method, it was concluded that both the soil cover by weeds as the Throat clearing corn production (kg / ha) did not vary significantly, for α = 0.05, after performing single- factor analysis of variance. The results, although preliminary and lacking continuity studies allow, however, to indicate that the tested options may come to replace the traditional method and be valid alternatives to combat weeds in biological maize. KEY-WORDS: Peking Duck; organic corn; weeds; Roof; Pasturing.
To achieve high yields the corn crop is dependent on nitrogen. Systems of cover crops preceding corn and form of land cultivation are essential for the best use of nitrogen by corn. This study aimed to evaluate the use or not of nitrogen fertilization in corn in succession to cover crops, planted in three cropping systems. The experimental design was randomized blocks with sub-divided portion where the main plots consisted of three cultivation systems (tillage, conventional tillage and minimum tillage), the subplots by four plant cover in monocrop (oat, hairy vetch, field peas and turnip) and sub-subplots by nitrogen fertilization (0 and 160 kg ha-1 N). Evaluations were performed, the cover crops, soil cover rate, dry matter, content and accumulation of nutrients. In corn we evaluated yield components, yield, chlorophyll and nutrient levels in leaves. Among the species coverage studied the oat showed hardiness in the experiment, covering ground faster and showing more dry matter, however vetch hairy showed higher concentrations of N, P and K and higher accumulation of N ha-1. The soil tillage system influenced the K leaf content. The interaction cultivation x coverage showed significance for the total chlorophyll of corn. In the absence of N, N content and chlorophyll were higher where the corn was sown on the pea and hairy vetch. The corn production, despite a higher average in the presence of nitrogen fertilization, did not differ significantly when used the pea and hairy vetch as a cover crop.
En el marco del desarrollo del sector primario en Colombia, se observa la existencia de una serie de situaciones o factores adversos que le impiden alcanzar su productividad y competitividad, entre los cuales destacan los altos costos de la materia prima e insumos utilizados en los procesos productivos de siembra y cosecha, la inexistencia de políticas públicas que garanticen un verdadero apoyo al campesinado colombiano, como los subsidios y/o estrategias de protección a la producción nacional, estas últimas, como barrera a la entrada en grandes volúmenes de productos importados, resultantes de los acuerdos internacionales donde se les da mayor participación a los productos importados, como ha sido en los últimos años, los provenientes de Canadá y Estados Unidos, este último, con la firma del TLC. Lo anterior ha coadyuvando a una reducción en las áreas de cultivo, así como en el rendimiento por hectáreas; como es el caso de la agrocadena de cereales, entre los que destaca el maíz amarillo, el cual ha experimentado un alto incremento en su volumen de importación, resultado de los excedentes exportables dados en la producción agrícola norteamericana, siendo los subsidios que a través de la ley Farm Bill, el gobierno norteamericano le otorga a los productores agropecuarios, un incentivo importante para tal fin. Con base en esto, los precios internacionales de comercialización del maíz amarillo han presentado una tendencia de decrecimiento, imposibilitando a los productores colombianos afrontar esta situación. Por medio de esta investigación se busca evaluar y esclarecer los posibles efectos del TLC de Colombia con Estados Unidos sobre los productores de maíz, y así mismo porporcionar alternativas de solución tanto para los campesinos como para el gobierno, identificando las principales variables que afectan la producción del cereal
Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a major greenhouse gas (GHG) product of intensive agriculture. Fertilizer nitrogen (N) rate is the best single predictor of N2O emissions in row-crop agriculture in the US Midwest. We use this relationship to propose a transparent, scientifically robust protocol that can be utilized by developers of agricultural offset projects for generating fungible GHG emission reduction credits for the emerging US carbon cap and trade market. By coupling predicted N2O flux with the recently developed maximum return to N (MRTN) approach for determining economically profitable N input rates for optimized crop yield, we provide the basis for incentivizing N2O reductions without affecting yields. The protocol, if widely adopted, could reduce N2O from fertilized row-crop agriculture by more than 50%. Although other management and environmental factors can influence N2O emissions, fertilizer N rate can be viewed as a single unambiguous proxy—a transparent, tangible, and readily manageable commodity. Our protocol addresses baseline establishment, additionality, permanence, variability, and leakage, and provides for producers and other stakeholders the economic and environmental incentives necessary for adoption of agricultural N2O reduction offset projects.
Quantifying the local crop response to irrigation is important for establishing adequate irrigation management strategies. This study evaluated the effect of irrigation applied with subsurface drip irrigation on field corn (Zea mays L.) evapotranspiration (ETc), yield, water use efficiencies (WUE = yield/ETc, and IWUE = yield/irrigation), and dry matter production in the semiarid climate of west central Nebraska. Eight treatments were imposed with irrigation amounts ranging from 53 to 356 mm in 2005 and from 22 to 226 mm in 2006. A soil water balance approach (based on FAO-56) was used to estimate daily soil water and ETc. Treatments resulted in seasonal ETc of 580-663 mm and 466-656 mm in 2005 and 2006, respectively. Yields among treatments differed by as much as 22% in 2005 and 52% in 2006. In both seasons, irrigation significantly affected yields, which increased with irrigation up to a point where irrigation became excessive. Distinct relationships were obtained each season. Yields increased linearly with seasonal ETc (R 2 = 0.89) and ETc/ETp (R 2 = 0.87) (ETp = ETc with no water stress). The yield response factor (ky), which indicates the relative reduction in yield to relative reduction in ETc, averaged 1.58 over the two seasons. WUE increased non-linearly with seasonal ETc and with yield. WUE was more sensitive to irrigation during the drier 2006 season, compared with 2005. Both seasons, IWUE decreased sharply with irrigation. Irrigation significantly affected dry matter production and partitioning into the different plant components (grain, cob, and stover). On average, the grain accounted for the majority of the above-ground plant dry mass (≈59%), followed by the stover (≈33%) and the cob (≈8%). The dry mass of the plant and that of each plant component tended to increase with seasonal ETc. The good relationships obtained in the study between crop performance indicators and seasonal ETc demonstrate that accurate estimates of ETc on a daily and seasonal basis can be valuable for making tactical in-season irrigation management decisions and for strategic irrigation planning and management.
The objectives were to compare the chemical composition, nutritive value, feed intake, milk production and composition, and presence in milk of transgenic DNA and the encoded protein Cry1Ab when corn silages containing 2 transgenes (2GM: herbicide tolerance: mepsps and insect resistance: cry1Ab) were fed as part of a standard total mixed ration (TMR) compared with a near isogenic corn silage ( C) to 8 multiparous lactating Holstein dairy cows in a single reversal design study. Cows were fed a TMR ration ad libitum and milked twice daily. Diets contained [ dry matter (DM) basis] 45% corn silage, 10% alfalfa hay, and 45% concentrate (1.66 Mcal of net energy for lactation/kg of DM, 15.8% crude protein, 35% neutral detergent fiber, and 4.1% fat). Each period was 28-d long. During the last 4 d of each period, feed intake and milk production data were recorded and milk samples taken for compositional analysis, including the presence of transgenic DNA and Cry1Ab protein. There was no significant difference in the chemical composition between C and 2GM silages, and both were within the expected range (37.6% DM, 1.51 Mcal of net energy for lactation/kg, 8.6% crude protein, 40% neutral detergent fiber, 19.6% acid detergent fiber, pH 3.76, and 62% in vitro DM digestibility). Cows fed the 2GM silage produced milk with slightly higher protein (3.09 vs. 3.00%), lactose ( 4.83 vs. 4.72%) and solids-not-fat (8.60 vs. 8.40%) compared with C. However, the yield (kg/d) of milk (36.5), 3.5% fat-corrected milk (34.4), fat (1.151), protein (1.106), lactose (1.738), and solids-not-fat ( 3.094), somatic cell count (log(10): 2.11), change in body weight (+ 7.8 kg), and condition score (+ 0.09) were not affected by type of silage, indicating no overall production difference. All milk samples were negative for the presence of transgenic DNA from either trait or the Cry1Ab protein. Results indicate that the 2GM silage modified with 2 transgenes did not affect nutrient composition of the silages and had no effect on animal performance and milk composition. No transgenic DNA and Cry1Ab protein were detected in milk.
Data from 60 multiparous Holstein cows were used in a 12-wk continuous design feeding trial. Cows were allocated to 1 of 4 experimental treatments (T1 to T4). In T1 and T2, the total mixed ration (TMR) contained either corn silage from the genetically modified (GM) variety Chardon Liberty Link, which is tolerant to the herbicide glufosinate ammonium, or its near isogenic nonGM counterpart, whereas the TMR used in T3 and T4 contained corn silage from the commercially available nonGM varieties Fabius and Antares, respectively. The objectives of the study were to determine if the inserted gene produced a marked effect on chemical composition, nutritive value, feed intake, and milk production, and to determine if transgenic DNA and the protein expressed by the inserted gene could be detected in bovine milk. The nutritive value, fermentation characteristics, mineral content, and amino acid composition of all 4 silages were similar. There were no significant treatment effects on milk yield, milk composition, and yield of milk constituents, and the dry matter (DM) intake of the GM variety was not significantly different from the 2 commercial varieties. However, although the DM intake noted for the nonGM near-isogenic variety was similar to the commercial varieties, it was significantly lower when compared with the GM variety. Polymerase chain reaction analyses of milk samples collected at wk 1, 6, and 12 of the study showed that none of the 90 milk samples tested positive, above a detection limit of 2.5 ng of total genomic DNA/mL of milk, for either tDNA (event T25) or the single-copy endogenous Zea mays gene, alcohol dehydrogenase. Using ELISA assays, the protein expressed by the T25 gene was not detected in milk.