974 resultados para concrete-element
The reinforcement mechanisms at the cross section level assured by fibres bridging the cracks in steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete (SFRSCC) can be significantly amplified at structural level when the SFRSCC is applied in structures with high support redundancy, such is the case of elevated slab systems. To evaluate the potentialities of SFRSCC as the fundamental material of elevated slab systems, a ¼ scale SFRSCC prototype of a residential building was designed, built and tested. The extensive experimental program includes material tests for characterizing the relevant properties of SFRSCC, as well as structural tests for assessing the performance of the prototype at serviceability and ultimate limit conditions. Three distinct approaches where adopted to derive the constitutive laws of the SFRSCC in tension that were used in finite element material nonlinear analysis to evaluate the reliability of these approaches in the prediction of the load carrying capacity of the prototype.
High performance fiber reinforced concrete (HPFRC) is developing rapidly to a modern structural material with unique rheological and mechanical characteristics. Despite applying several methodologies to achieve self15 compacting requirements, some doubts still remain regarding the most convenient strategy for developing a HPFRC. In the present study, an innovative mix design method is proposed for the development of high17 performance concrete reinforced with a relatively high dosage of steel fibers. The material properties of the developed concrete are assessed, and the concrete structural behavior is characterized under compressive, flexural and shear loading. This study better clarifies the significant contribution of fibers for shear resistance of concrete elements. This paper further discusses a FEM-based simulation, aiming to address the possibility of calibrating the constitutive model parameters related to fracture modes I and II.
Recent research is showing that the addition of Recycled Steel Fibres (RSF) from wasted tyres can decrease significantly the brittle behaviour of cement based materials, by improving its toughness and post-cracking resistance. In this sense, Recycled Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete (RSFRC) seems to have the potential to constitute a sustainable material for structural and non-structural applications. To assess this potential, experimental and numerical research was performed on the use of RSFRC in elements failing in bending and in beams failing in shear. The values of the fracture mode I parameters of the developed RSFRC were determined by performing inverse analysis with test results obtained in three point notched beam bending tests. To assess the possibility of using RSF as shear reinforcement in Reinforced Concrete (RC) beams, three point bending tests were executed with three series of RSFRC beams flexurally reinforced with a relatively high reinforcement ratio of longitudinal steel bars in order to assure shear failure for all the tested beams. By performing material nonlinear simulations with a computer program based on the finite element method (FEM), the applicability of the fracture mode I crack constitutive law derived from the inverse analysis is assessed for the prediction of the behaviour of these beams. The performance of the formulation proposed by RILEM TC 162 TDF and CEB-FIP 2010 for the prediction of the shear resistance of fibre reinforced concrete elements was also evaluated.
This paper aims to evaluate experimentally the potentialities of Hybrid Composite Plates (HCPs) technique for the shear strengthening of reinforced concrete (RC) beams that were previously subjected to intense damage in shear. HCP is a thin plate of Strain Hardening Cementitious Composite (SHCC) reinforced with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) laminates. For this purpose, an experimental program composed of two series of beams (rectangular and T cross section) was executed to assess the strengthening efficiency of this technique. In the first step of this experimental program, the control beams, without steel stirrups, were loaded up to their shear failure, and fully unloaded. Then, these pre-damaged beams were shear strengthened by applying HCPs to their lateral faces by using a combination of epoxy adhesive and mechanical anchors. The bolts were applied with a certain torque in order to increase the concrete confinement. The obtained results showed that the increase of load carrying capacity of the damaged strengthened beams when HCPs were applied with epoxy adhesive and mechanical anchors was 2 and 2.5 times of the load carrying capacity of the corresponding reference beams (without HCPs) for the rectangular and T cross section beam series, respectively. To further explore the potentialities of the HCPs technique for the shear strengthening, the experimental tests were simulated using an advanced numerical model by a FEM-based computer program. After demonstration the good predictive performance of the numerical model, a parametric study was executed to highlight the influence of SHCC as an alternative for mortar, as well as the influence of torque level applied to the mechanical anchors, on the load carrying capacity of beams strengthened with the proposed technique.
Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia Civil
Aquest treball final de carrera és un estudi del reforç d’un element estructural de formigó per mitjà de fibres FRP. Podem assimilar-lo a una guia pràctica per tal que un enginyer ambconeixements de construcció, pugui reforçar un membre que ha sofert danys produïts peraguantar càrregues, oscil·lacions, etc.per les que no havia estat dissenyat. El projecte conté teoria del FRP per tal de conèixer el material que utilitzarem pel nostre reforç, les normatives i prenormatives que s’utilitzen per fer el disseny, i un exemple pràctic de càlcul del reforç d’una biga sotmesa a flexió i el confinament d’un pilar, que són les dues opcions més utilitzades per reforçar amb FRP. El reforç d’estructures de formigó és el camp de la construcció on més ràpidament i amb major èxit s’estan aplicant els reforços amb FRP, degut a les propietats tant avantatjoses que presenten, entre altres, resistència a la corrosió i lleugeresa, que es tradueix en estalvi de transport i posada en obra
Over the years, bridge engineers have been concerned about the response of prestressed concrete (PC) girder bridges that had been hit by over-height vehicles or vehicle loads. When a bridge is struck by an over-height vehicle or vehicle load, usually the outside and in some instances one of the interior girders are damaged in a bridge. The effect of intermediate diaphragms in providing damage protection to the PC girders of a bridge is not clearly defined. This analytical study focused on the role of intermediate diaphragms in reducing the occurrence of damage in the girders of a PC-girder bridge that has been struck by an over-height vehicle or vehicle load. The study also investigated whether a steel, intermediate diaphragm would essentially provide the same degree of impact protection for PC girders as that provided by a reinforced-concrete diaphragm. This investigation includes the following: a literature search and a survey questionnaire to determine the state-of-the-art in the use and design of intermediate diaphragms in PC-girder bridges. Comparisons were made between the strain and displacement results that were experimentally measured for a large-scale, laboratory, model bridge during previously documented work and those results that were obtained from analyses of the finite-element models that were developed during this research for that bridge. These comparisons were conducted to calibrate the finite element models used in the analyses for this research on intermediate diaphragms. Finite-element models were developed for non-skewed and skewed PC-girder bridges. Each model was analyzed with either a reinforced concrete or two types of steel, intermediate diaphragms that were located at mid-span of an interior span for a PC-girder bridge. The bridge models were analyzed for lateral-impact loads that were applied to the bottom flange of the exterior girders at the diaphragms location and away from the diaphragms location. A comparison was conducted between the strains and displacements induced in the girders for each intermediate-diaphragm type. These results showed that intermediate diaphragms have an effect in reducing impact damage to the PC girders. When the lateral impact-load was applied at the diaphragm location, the reinforced-concrete diaphragms provided more protection for the girders than that provided by the two types of steel diaphragms. The three types of diaphragms provided essentially the same degree of protection to the impacted, PC girder when the lateral-impact load was applied away from the diaphragm location.
The importance of rapid construction technologies has been recognized by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Iowa DOT Office of Bridges and Structures. Recognizing this a two-lane single-span precast box girder bridge was constructed in 2007 over a stream. The bridge’s precast elements included precast cap beams and precast box girders. Precast element fabrication and bridge construction were observed, two precast box girders were tested in the laboratory, and the completed bridge was field tested in 2007 and 2008.
The need to upgrade a large number of understrength and obsolete bridges in the U.S. has been well documented in the literature. Through several Iowa DOT projects, the concept of strengthening simple-span bridges by post-tensioning has been developed. The purpose of the project described in this report was to investigate the use of post-tensioning for strengthening continuous composite bridges. In a previous, successfully completed investigation, the feasibility of strengthening continuous, composite bridges by post-tensioning was demonstrated on a laboratory 1/3-scale-model bridge (3 spans: 41 ft 11 in. x 8 ft 8 in.). This project can thus be considered the implementation phase. The bridge selected for strengthening was in Pocahontas County near Fonda, Iowa, on County Road N28. With finite element analysis, a post-tensioning system was developed that required post-tensioning of the positive moment regions of both the interior and exterior beams. During the summer of 1988, the strengthening system was installed along with instrumentation to determine the bridge's response and behavior. Before and after post-tensioning, the bridge was subjected to truck loading (1 or 2 trucks at various predetermined critical locations) to determine the effectiveness of the strengthening system. The bridge, with the strengthening system in place, was inspected approximately every three months to determine any changes in its appearance or behavior. In 1989, approximately one year after the initial strengthening, the bridge was retested to identify any changes in its behavior. Post-tensioning forces were removed to reveal any losses over the one-year period. Post-tensioning was reapplied to the bridge, and the bridge was tested using the same loading program used in 1988. Except for at a few locations, stresses were reduced in the bridge the desired amount. At a few locations flexural stresses in the steel beams are still above 18 ksi, the allowable inventory stress for A7 steel. Although maximum stresses are above the inventory stress by about 2 ksi, they are about 5 ksi below the allowable operating stress; therefore, the bridge no longer needs to be load-posted.
The unifying objective of Phases I and II of this study was to determine the feasibility of the post-tensioning strengthening method and to implement the technique on two composite bridges in Iowa. Following completion of these two phases, Phase III was undertaken and is documented in this report. The basic objectives of Phase III were further monitoring bridge behavior (both during and after post-tensioning) and developing a practical design methodology for designing the strengthening system under investigation. Specific objectives were: to develop strain and force transducers to facilitate the collection of field data; to investigate further the existence and effects of the end restraint on the post-tensioning process; to determine the amount of post-tensioning force loss that occurred during the time between the initial testing and the retesting of the existing bridges; to determine the significance of any temporary temperature-induced post-tensioning force change; and to develop a simplified design methodology that would incorporate various variables such as span length, angle-of-skew, beam spacing, and concrete strength. Experimental field results obtained during Phases II and III were compared to the theoretical results and to each other. Conclusions from this research are as follows: (1) Strengthening single-span composite bridges by post-tensioning is a viable, economical strengthening technique. (2) Behavior of both bridges was similar to the behavior observed from the bridges during field tests conducted under Phase II. (3) The strain transducers were very accurate at measuring mid-span strain. (4) The force transducers gave excellent results under laboratory conditions, but were found to be less effective when used in actual bridge tests. (5) Loss of post-tensioning force due to temperature effects in any particular steel beam post-tensioning tendon system were found to be small. (6) Loss of post-tensioning force over a two-year period was minimal. (7) Significant end restraint was measured in both bridges, caused primarily by reinforcing steel being continuous from the deck into the abutments. This end restraint reduced the effectiveness of the post-tensioning but also reduced midspan strains due to truck loadings. (8) The SAP IV finite element model is capable of accurately modeling the behavior of a post-tensioned bridge, if guardrails and end restraints are included in the model. (9) Post-tensioning distribution should be separated into distributions for the axial force and moment components of an eccentric post-tensioning force. (10) Skews of 45 deg or less have a minor influence on post-tensioning distribution. (11) For typical Iowa three-beam and four-beam composite bridges, simple regression-derived formulas for force and moment fractions can be used to estimate post-tensioning distribution at midspan. At other locations, a simple linear interpolation gives approximately correct results. (12) A simple analytical model can accurately estimate the flexural strength of an isolated post-tensioned composite beam.
Precast prestressed concrete panels have been used as subdecks in bridge construction in Iowa and other states. To investigate the performance of these types of composite slabs at locations adjacent to abutment and pier diaphragms in skewed bridges, a research prcject which involved surveys of design agencies and precast producers, field inspections of existing bridges, analytical studies, and experimental testing was conducted. The survey results from the design agencies and panel producers showed that standardization of precast panel construction would be desirable, that additional inspections at the precast plant and at the bridge site would be beneficial, and that some form of economical study should be undertaken to determine actual cost savings associated with composite slab construction. Three bridges in Hardin County, Iowa were inspected to observe general geometric relationships, construction details, and to note the visual condition of the bridges. Hairline cracks beneath several of the prestressing strands in many of the precast panels were observed, and a slight discoloration of the concrete was seen beneath most of the strands. Also, some rust staining was visible at isolated locations on several panels. Based on the findings of these inspections, future inspections are recommended to monitor the condition of these and other bridges constructed with precast panel subdecks. Five full-scale composite slab specimens were constructed in the Structural Engineering Laboratory at Iowa State University. One specimen modeled bridge deck conditions which are not adjacent to abutment or pier diaphragms, and the other four specimens represented the geometric conditions which occur for skewed diaphragms of 0, 15, 30, and 40 degrees. The specimens were subjected to wheel loads of service and factored level magnitudes at many locations on the slab surface and to concentrated loads which produced failure of the composite slab. The measured slab deflections and bending strains at both service and factored load levels compared reasonably well with the results predicted by simplified Finite element analyses of the specimens. To analytically evaluate the nominal strength for a composite slab specimen, yield-line and punching shear theories were applied. Yield-line limit loads were computed using the crack patterns generated during an ultimate strength test. In most cases, these analyses indicated that the failure mode was not flexural. Since the punching shear limit loads in most instances were close to the failure loads, and since the failure surfaces immediately adjacent to the wheel load footprint appeared to be a truncated prism shape, the probable failure mode for all of the specimens was punching shear. The development lengths for the prestressing strands in the rectangular and trapezoidal shaped panels was qualitatively investigated by monitoring strand slippage at the ends of selected prestressing strands. The initial strand transfer length was established experimentally by monitoring concrete strains during strand detensioning, and this length was verified analytically by a finite element analysis. Even though the computed strand embedment lengths in the panels were not sufficient to fully develop the ultimate strand stress, sufficient stab strength existed. Composite behavior for the slab specimens was evaluated by monitoring slippage between a panel and the topping slab and by computation of the difference in the flexural strains between the top of the precast panel and the underside of the topping slab at various locations. Prior to the failure of a composite slab specimen, a localized loss of composite behavior was detected. The static load strength performance of the composite slab specimens significantly exceeded the design load requirements. Even with skew angles of up to 40 degrees, the nominal strength of the slabs did not appear to be affected when the ultimate strength test load was positioned on the portion of each slab containing the trapezoidal-shaped panel. At service and factored level loads, the joint between precast panels did not appear to influence the load distribution along the length of the specimens. Based on the static load strength of the composite slab specimens, the continued use of precast panels as subdecks in bridge deck construction is recommended.
Each year several prestressed concrete girder bridges in Iowa and other states are struck and damaged by vehicles with loads too high to pass under the bridge. Whether or not intermediate diaphragms play a significant role in reducing the effect of these unusual loading conditions has often been a topic of discussion. A study of the effects of the type and location of intermediate diaphragms in prestressed concrete girder bridges when the bridge girder flanges were subjected to various levels of vertical and horizontal loading was undertaken. The purpose of the research was to determine whether steel diaphragms of any conventional configuration can provide adequate protection to minimize the damage to prestressed concrete girders caused by lateral loads, similar to the protection provided by the reinforced concrete intermediate diaphragms presently being used by the Iowa Department of Transportation. The research program conducted and described in this report included the following: A comprehensive literature search and survey questionnaire were undertaken to define the state-of-the-art in the use of intermediate diaphragms in prestressed concrete girder bridges. A full scale, simple span, restressed concrete girder bridge model, containing three beams was constructed and tested with several types of intermediate diaphragms located at the one-third points of the span or at the mid-span. Analytical studies involving a three-dimensional finite element analysis model were used to provide additional information on the behavior of the experimental bridge. The performance of the bridge with no intermediate diaphragms was quite different than that with intermediate diaphragms in place. All intermediate diaphragms tested had some effect in distributing the loads to the slab and other girders, although some diaphragm types performed better than others. The research conducted has indicated that the replacement of the reinforced concrete intermediate diaphragms currently being used in Iowa with structural steel diaphragms may be possible.
The need to upgrade understrength bridges in the United States has been well documented in the literature. The concept of strengthening steel stringer bridges in Iowa has been developed through several Iowa DOT projects. The objective of the project described in this report was to investigate the use of one such strengthening system on a three-span continuous steel stringer bridge in the field. In addition, a design methodology was developed to assist bridge engineers with designing a strengthening system to obtain the desired stress reductions. The bridge selected for strengthening was in Cerro Gordo County near Mason City, Iowa on County Road B65. The strengthening system was designed to remove overstresses that occurred when the bridge was subjected to Iowa legal loads. A two part strengthening system was used: post-tensioning the positive moment regions of all the stringers and superimposed trusses in the negative moment regions of the two exterior stringers at the two piers. The strengthening system was installed in the summers of 1992 and 1993. In the summer of 1993, the bridge was load tested before and after the strengthening system was activated. The load test results indicate that the strengthening system was effective in reducing the overstress in both the negative and positive regions of the stringers. The design methodology that was developed includes a procedure for determining the magnitude of post-tensioning and truss forces required to strengthen a given bridge. This method utilizes moment and force fractions to determine the distribution of strengthening axial forces and moments throughout the bridge. Finite element analysis and experimental results were used in the formulation and calibration of the methodology. A spreadsheet was developed to facilitate the calculation of these required strengthening forces.
Recent data compiled by the National Bridge Inventory revealed 29% of Iowa's approximate 24,600 bridges were either structurally deficient or functionally obsolete. This large number of deficient bridges and the high cost of needed repairs create unique problems for Iowa and many other states. The research objective of this project was to determine the load capacity of a particular type of deteriorating bridge – the precast concrete deck bridge – which is commonly found on Iowa's secondary roads. The number of these precast concrete structures requiring load postings and/or replacement can be significantly reduced if the deteriorated structures are found to have adequate load capacity or can be reliably evaluated. Approximately 600 precast concrete deck bridges (PCDBs) exist in Iowa. A typical PCDB span is 19 to 36 ft long and consists of eight to ten simply supported precast panels. Bolts and either a pipe shear key or a grouted shear key are used to join adjacent panels. The panels resemble a steel channel in cross-section; the web is orientated horizontally and forms the roadway deck and the legs act as shallow beams. The primary longitudinal reinforcing steel bundled in each of the legs frequently corrodes and causes longitudinal cracks in the concrete and spalling. The research team performed service load tests on four deteriorated PCDBs; two with shear keys in place and two without. Conventional strain gages were used to measure strains in both the steel and concrete, and transducers were used to measure vertical deflections. Based on the field results, it was determined that these bridges have sufficient lateral load distribution and adequate strength when shear keys are properly installed between adjacent panels. The measured lateral load distribution factors are larger than AASHTO values when shear keys were not installed. Since some of the reinforcement had hooks, deterioration of the reinforcement has a minimal affect on the service level performance of the bridges when there is minimal loss of cross-sectional area. Laboratory tests were performed on the PCDB panels obtained from three bridge replacement projects. Twelve deteriorated panels were loaded to failure in a four point bending arrangement. Although the panels had significant deflections prior to failure, the experimental capacity of eleven panels exceeded the theoretical capacity. Experimental capacity of the twelfth panel, an extremely distressed panel, was only slightly below the theoretical capacity. Service tests and an ultimate strength test were performed on a laboratory bridge model consisting of four joined panels to determine the effect of various shear connection configurations. These data were used to validate a PCDB finite element model that can provide more accurate live load distribution factors for use in rating calculations. Finally, a strengthening system was developed and tested for use in situations where one or more panels of an existing PCDB need strengthening.
The discrepancies between the designed and measured camber of precast pretensioned concrete beams (PPCBs) observed by the Iowa DOT have created challenges in the field during bridge construction, causing construction delays and additional costs. This study was undertaken to systematically identify the potential sources of discrepancies between the designed and measured camber from release to time of erection and improve the accuracy of camber estimations in order to minimize the associated problems in the field. To successfully accomplish the project objectives, engineering properties, including creep and shrinkage, of three normal concrete and four high-performance concrete mix designs were characterized. In parallel, another task focused on identifying the instantaneous camber and the variables affecting the instantaneous camber and evaluated the corresponding impact of this factor using more than 100 PPCBs. Using a combination of finite element analyses and the time-step method, the long-term camber was estimated for 66 PPCBs, with due consideration given to creep and shrinkage of concrete, changes in support location and prestress force, and the thermal effects. Utilizing the outcomes of the project, suitable long-term camber multipliers were developed that account for the time-dependent behavior, including the thermal effects. It is shown that by using the recommended practice for the camber measurements together with the proposed multipliers, the accuracy of camber prediction will be greatly improved. Consequently, it is expected that future bridge projects in Iowa can minimize construction challenges resulting from large discrepancies between the designed and actual camber of PPCBs during construction.