517 resultados para colloids


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In this paper, the fluorescence behaviour of nano colloids of ZnO has been studied as a function of the excitation wavelength. We have found that excitation at the tail of the absorption band gives rise to an emission that shifts with the change of the excitation wavelength. The excitation wavelength dependent shift of the fluorescence maximum is measured to be between 60 and 100 nm. This kind of excitation wavelength dependent fluorescence behaviour, which may appear to be in violation of Kasha’s rule of excitation wavelength independence of the emission spectrum, has been observed for nano ZnO colloids prepared by two different chemical routes and different capping agents. It is shown that the existence of a distribution of energetically different molecules in the ground state coupled with a low rate of the excited state relaxation processes, namely, solvation and energy transfer, are responsible for the excitation wavelength dependent fluorescence behaviour of the systems.


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We report enhanced back scattering in nanometer-sized ZnO colloids prepared in two different media, by different methods. The FWHM of the back scattered cone and hence the mean free path varied with concentration of ZnO as well as particle size. The Lorentzian profile of backscattered cone indicates the presence of coherence.


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Nanometer metal particles of tailored size (3-5 nm) and composition prepared via inverse microemulsion were encapsulated by ultrathin coatings (<2.5 nm) of inorganic porous aerogels covered with surface -OH groups. These composite materials formed metastable colloids in solvent(s), and the organic surfactant molecules were subsequently removed without leading to aggregation (the ethanolic colloid solution was shown to be stable against flocculation for at least weeks). We demonstrate that the totally inorganic-based composite colloids, after the removal of surfactant, can be anchored to conventional solid supports (gamma-alumina, carbons) upon mixing. Application of a high temperature resulted in the formation of strong covalent linkages between the colloids and the support because of the condensation of surface groups at the interface. Detailed characterizations (X-ray diffraction (XRD), pore analysis, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), CO chemisorption) and catalytic testing (butane combustion) showed that there was no significant metal aggregation from the fine metal particles individually coated with porous aerogel oxide. Most of these metal sites on the coated nanoparticles with and without support are fully accessible by small molecules hence giving extremely active metal catalysts. Thus, the product and technology described may be suitable to synthesize these precursor entities of defined metal sizes (as inks) for wash coat/impregnation applications in catalysis. The advantages of developing inorganic nanocomposite chemical precursors are also discussed.


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The interaction of emeraldine base (PANI-EB) with silver and gold colloids was probed by using Surface-Enhanced Resonance Raman Scattering (SERRS) at 3 different exciting radiations. Due to the great sensitivity of SERRS technique the detection limit of PANI-EB concentration was ca. 2 x 10(-7) mol L(-1) in Ag and Au colloidal suspensions. The UV-vis-NIR spectra of metal colloids in function of PANI-EB concentrations showed that gold colloids present a higher degree of aggregation than silver colloids. SERRS of PANI-EB on metal colloids allowed the study of the polymeric species formed primarily on the metallic surface. The polymer formed after the adsorption of PANI-EB on metallic nanoparticles is strongly dependent on the nature of the metal colloids. The oxidation of PANI-EB to pernigraniline occurred for silver colloids, while a doping process of PANI-EB on Au nanoparticles was evidenced through the observation of the characteristic SERRS spectrum of emeraldine salt at 1064nm.


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We have developed a novel method to grow ordered layers of monodisperse colloids on a flat substrate. The evaporation of the colloidal suspension in the presence of the inclined substrate is strengthened by an external gas flux directed on the meniscus. The meniscus oscillations caused by the gas flux have an evident effect on the ordering of the spheres on the substrate. Thick films (more than 150 layers in a single-step deposition) of large area single crystals (1 cm2) can be obtained in a very short time (~1 cm/h maximum growth rate) and from very diluted suspensions (up to 0.022% volume fraction).


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The surface of wool fabrics was coated with TiO2 and TiO2-based nanocomposite colloids and the impact of this coating on the photostability of wool was investigated. TiO2 along with TiO2/Metal and TiO2/Metal/SiO2 sols were synthesized through a low-temperature sol-gel method and applied to fabrics. Composite colloids were synthesized through integrating the silica and three noble metals of silver (Ag), gold (Au) and platinum (Pt) into the synthesis process of sols. Four different molar ratios of Metal to TiO2 (0.01%, 0.1%, 0.5% and 1%) were used to elucidate the role of metal type and amount on the obtained features. Photostability and UV protection features of fabrics were evaluated through measuring the photo-induced chemiluminescence (PICL), photoyellowing rate and ultraviolet protection factor (UPF) of fabrics. PICL and photoyellowing tests were carried out under UVA and UVC light sources, respectively. PICL profiles demonstrated that the presence of pure and modified TiO2 nanoparticles on fabrics reduced the intensity of PICL peak indicating a lower amount of polymer free radicals in coated wool, compared to that of pristine fabric. Moreover, a higher PICL peak intensity as well as photoyellowing rate was observed on fabrics coated with modified colloids in comparison with pure TiO2. The surface morphology of fabrics was further characterized using FESEM images.


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The surface of wool fabrics was coated with TiO2 and TiO2-based nanocomposite colloids and the impact of this coating on the photostability of wool was investigated. TiO2 along with TiO2/Metal and TiO2/Metal/SiO2 sols were synthesized through a low-temperature sol-gel method and applied to fabrics. Composite colloids were synthesized through integrating the silica and three noble metals of silver (Ag), gold (Au) and platinum (Pt) into the synthesis process of sols. Four different molar ratios of Metal to TiO2 (0.01%, 0.1%, 0.5% and 1%) were used to elucidate the role of metal type and amount on the obtained features. Photostability and UV protection features of fabrics were evaluated through measuring the photo-induced chemiluminescence (PICL), photoyellowing rate and ultraviolet protection factor (UPF) of fabrics. PICL and photoyellowing tests were carried out under UVA and UVC light sources, respectively. PICL profiles demonstrated that the presence of pure and modified TiO2 nanoparticles on fabrics reduced the intensity of PICL peak indicating a lower amount of polymer free radicals in coated wool, compared to that of pristine fabric. Moreover, a higher PICL peak intensity as well as photoyellowing rate was observed on fabrics coated with modified colloids in comparison with pure TiO2. The surface morphology of fabrics was further characterized using FESEM images.


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The smart thermo-optical systems studied here are based on the unusual thermoreversible sol-gel transition of zirconyl chloride aqueous solution modified by sulfuric acid in the molar ratio Zr/SO4:3/1. The transparency to the visible light changes during heating due to light scattering. This feature is related to the aggregates growth that occurs during gelation. These reversible changes can be controlled by the amount of chloride ions in solution. The thermoreversible sol-gel transition temperature increases from 323 to 343 K by decreasing the molar ratio Cl/Zr from 7.0 to 1.3. In this work the effect of the concentration of chloride ions on the structural characteristics of the system has been analyzed by in situ SAXS measurements during the sol-gel transition carried out at 323 and 333 K. The experimental SAXS curves of sols exhibit three regions at small, medium and high scattering vectors characteristics of Guinier, fractal and Porod regimes, respectively. The radius of primary particles, obtained from the crossover between the fractal and Porod regimes, remains almost invariable with the chloride concentration, and the value (4 Angstrom) is consistent with the size of the molecular precursor. During the sol-gel transition the aggregates grow with a fractal structure and the fractal dimensionality decreases from 2.4 to 1.8. This last value is characteristic of a cluster-cluster aggregation controlled by a diffusion process. Furthermore, the time exponent of aggregate growth presents values of 0.33 and 1, typical of diffusional and hydrodynamic motions. A crossover between these two regimes is observed.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We study the effective interaction between two ellipsoidal particles at the interface of two fluid phases which are mediated by thermal fluctuations of the interface. Within a coarse-grained picture, the properties of fluid interfaces are very well described by an effective capillary wave Hamiltonian which governs both the equilibrium interface configuration and the thermal fluctuations (capillary waves) around this equilibrium (or mean-field) position. As postulated by the Goldstone theorem the capillary waves are long-range correlated. The interface breaks the continuous translational symmetry of the system, and in the limit of vanishing external fields - like gravity - it has to be accompanied by easily excitable long wavelength (Goldstone) modes – precisely the capillary waves. In this system the restriction of the long-ranged interface fluctuations by particles gives rise to fluctuation-induced forces which are equivalent to interactions of Casimir type and which are anisotropic in the interface plane. Since the position and the orientation of the colloids with respect to the interface normal may also fluctuate, this system is an example for the Casimir effect with fluctuating boundary conditions. In the approach taken here, the Casimir interaction is rewritten as the interaction between fluctuating multipole moments of an auxiliary charge density-like field defined on the area enclosed by the contact lines. These fluctuations are coupled to fluctuations of multipole moments of the contact line position (due to the possible position and orientational fluctuations of the colloids). We obtain explicit expressions for the behavior of the Casimir interaction at large distances for arbitrary ellipsoid aspect ratios. If colloid fluctuations are suppressed, the Casimir interaction at large distances is isotropic, attractive and long ranged (double-logarithmic in the distance). If, however, colloid fluctuations are included, the Casimir interaction at large distances changes to a power law in the inverse distance and becomes anisotropic. The leading power is 4 if only vertical fluctuations of the colloid center are allowed, and it becomes 8 if also orientational fluctuations are included.


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The steadily increasing diversity of colloidal systems demands for new theoretical approaches and a cautious experimental characterization. Here we present a combined rheological and microscopical study of colloids in their arrested state whereas we did not aim for a generalized treatise but rather focused on a few model colloids, liquid crystal based colloidal suspensions and sedimented colloidal films. We laid special emphasis on the understanding of the mutual influence of dominant interaction mechanisms, structural characteristics and the particle properties on the mechanical behavior of the colloid. The application of novel combinations of experimental techniques played an important role in these studies. Beside of piezo-rheometry we employed nanoindentation experiments and associated standardized analysis procedures. These rheometric methods were complemented by real space images using confocal microscopy. The flexibility of the home-made setup allowed for a combination of both techniques and thereby for a simultaneous rheological and three-dimensional structural analysis on a single particle level. Though, the limits of confocal microscopy are not reached by now. We show how hollow and optically anisotropic particles can be utilized to quantify contact forces and rotational motions for individual particles. In future such data can contribute to a better understanding of particle reorganization processes, such as the liquidation of colloidal gels and glasses under shear.