982 resultados para cold stress
Developments in mammalian cell culture and recombinant technology has allowed for the production of recombinant proteins for use as human therapeutics. Mammalian cell culture is typically operated at the physiological temperature of 37°. However, recent research has shown that the use of low-temperature conditions (30-33°) as a platform for cell-culture results in changes in cell characteristics, such as increased specific productivity and extended periods of cell viability, that can potentially improve the production of recombinant proteins. Furthermore, many recent reports have focused on investigating low-temperature mammalian cell culture of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, one of the principal cell-lines used in industrial production of recombinant proteins. Exposure to low ambient temperatures exerts an external stress on all living cells, and elicits a cellular response. This cold-stress response has been observed in bacteria, plants and mammals, and is regulated at the gene level. The exact genes and molecular mechanisms involved in the cold-stress response in prokaryotes and plants have been well studied. There are also various reports that detail the modification of cold-stress genes to improve the characteristics of bacteria or plant cells at low temperatures. However, there is very limited information on mammalian cold-stress genes or the related pathways governing the mammalian cold-stress response. This project seeks to investigate and characterise cold-stress genes that are differentially expressed during low-temperature culture of CHO cells, and to relate them to the various changes in cell characteristics observed in low-temperature culture of CHO cells. The gene information can then be used to modify CHO cell-lines for improved performance in the production of recombinant proteins.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos de dietas com diferentes relações entre ácidos graxos poliinsaturados ômega-6 e ômega-3 nos parâmetros hematológicos e lipídeos plasmáticos de tilápias-do-nilo, antes e após estímulo pelo frio. Foram utilizados 320 alevinos invertidos para macho (±7,5 g), distribuídos aleatoriamente em 40 tanques (250 L) e alimentados com oito dietas: basal (sem adição de óleo), 6% de óleo de girassol (OG), 5% de OG + 1% de óleo de linhaça (OL), 4% de OG + 2% OL, 3% de OG + 3% de OL, 2% de OG + 4% de OL, 1% de OG + 5% de OL e 6% de OL. Os parâmetros hematológicos e os lipídeos plasmáticos foram determinados ao final de 85 dias de cultivo e após três dias de estímulo pelo frio. Não houve efeito das dietas sobre nenhuma das variáveis analisadas no período anterior ao estímulo. O número de leucócitos foi reduzido em peixes alimentados com a dieta 6% de OL, após estímulo pelo frio. O estímulo pelo frio provocou um declínio do estado geral de saúde, como leucopenia. Tilápias-do-nilo alimentadas com dietas com 6% de OL apresentaram menor resistência ao frio.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da temperatura ambiente sobre as características morfométricas das fibras musculares do músculo flexor longo do hálux de frangos de corte alimentados com a mesma quantidade de ração (pair-feeding), isolando-se o efeito do consumo voluntário de alimento. Foram utilizados 16 frangos de corte machos, Ross, distribuídos em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado com dois tratamentos (estresse pelo calor e frio), com sete e nove repetições cada, respectivamente. Aos 43 dias de idade, o peso médio das aves estressadas pelo calor (1255 g) foi maior que o das aves estressadas pelo frio em pair-feeding (1086 g). O músculo das aves submetidas ao estresse pelo calor e pelo frio apresentou 22,82 e 27,93% de fibras brancas (FG - Fast Glycolytic), 52,76 e 47,67% de intermediárias (FOG - Fast Oxidative Glycolytic) e 24,42 e 24,40% de vermelhas (SO - Slow Oxidative), respectivamente. O diâmetro das fibras FG foi maior no músculo das aves submetidas ao calor (48,69 mm), quando comparado ao das aves submetidas ao frio (37,74 mm). A freqüência e o número dos tipos de fibras no músculo não diferiram entre as aves estressadas pelo calor e pelo frio. O estresse pelo frio associado à limitação no consumo de alimento determinou redução no crescimento e alterou a composição dos tipos de fibras no músculo flexor longo do hálux de frangos de corte, reduzindo o tamanho das fibras do tipo FG e mantendo o tamanho das fibras SO e FOG, as quais apresentam metabolismo oxidativo, associado à maior produção de calor.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FMVZ
Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Untersuchungen zur Funktion multipler DnaJ-Proteine in dem Cyanobakterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803
Sowohl in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 als auch in anderen Cyanobakterien konnten multiple DnaJ-Proteine nachgewiesen werden, deren Funktion jedoch noch weitestgehend unverstanden ist. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden die Funktionen der multiplen DnaJ-Proteine von Synechocystis sp. charakterisiert. Das DnaJ-Protein, Sll0897 gehört aufgrund seiner Domänenstruktur zu den Typ I-Proteinen, Slr0093 und Sll1933 zu den Typ II-Proteinen und Sll0909, Sll1011, Sll1384 und Sll1666 zu den Typ III DnaJ-Proteinen. Durch Komplementationsstudien des E. coli ΔdnaJ-Stammes OD259 konnte eine Komplementation des Wachstumsdefekts bei höheren Temperaturen durch die Proteine Slr0093 und Sll0897 gezeigt werden. In Synechocystis war eine komplette Disruption von sll1933 nicht möglich, weshalb das Protein Sll1933 unter normalen Wachstumsbedingungen essentiell ist. Doppelte Insertionmutationen waren lediglich bei der Kombination der Gene sll0909 und sll1384 möglich. Untersuchungen des Wachstumsverhaltens der dnaJ-Disruptions-stämme unter Hitze- und Kältestressbedingungen zeigten, dass das Protein Sll0897 eine wichtige Funktion bei der Stressantwort in Synechocystis besitzt und unter Hitzestressbedingungen essentiell ist. Eine vollständige Deletion des Gens sll0897 war Synechocystis sp. bereits unter normalen Wachstumsbedingungen nicht möglich. Bei den für ein Wachstum mindestens notwendigen Domänen des Sll0897 handelt es sich um die charakteristische J-Domäne und die Glycin-Phenylalanin-reiche Domäne. Unter Hitzestressbedingungen ist das Volllängen-Protein Sll0897 für ein Wachstum essentiell. rnNeben den in vivo Wachstumsexperimenten wurde eine Methode zur heterologen Expression der sieben DnaJ-Proteine in E. coli und einer nativen Reinigung von Slr0093, Sll0897, Sll0909 und Sll1666 etabliert. Untersuchungen zur Thermostabilität der gereinigten Proteine zeigten für das Slr0093 und Sll1666 einen reversiblen Prozess, wodurch sie auch nach dem Hitzestress noch als Faltungshelfer fungieren können. Bei den Proteinen Sll0897 und Sll0909 ist der Prozess jedoch nicht reversibel, so dass sie nach Hitzestresseinwirkung neu synthetisiert oder durch Chaperoneinwirkung korrekt gefaltet werden müssen. Die Affinitäts-„Pull-Down“ Analysen lieferten keine klaren Hinweise auf die DnaK-Interaktionspartner der Proteine Slr0093, Sll0897, Sll0909 und Sll1666, weshalb weitere Untersuchungen notwendig sind. Mit Hilfe der Gelfiltrationsanalysen konnten die errechneten molaren Massen der Proteine Slr0093 und Sll1666 bestätigt und beide Proteine in einer monomeren Form nachgewiesen werden. Die DnaJ-Proteine Sll0897 und Sll0909 konnten in zwei oligomeren Zuständen detektiert werden. Analysen der ATPase-Aktivität des DnaK2-Proteins alleine und des DnaK2-Proteins zusammen mit den DnaJ-Proteinen Slr0093, Sll0897, Sll0909 und Sll1666 zeigten eine Steigerung der ATP-Hydrolyserate bei der Interaktion von DnaK und DnaJ, wobei Sll0897 die größte Steigerung der ATPase-Aktivität des DnaK2 induzierte.
Alien plants provide a unique opportunity to study evolution in novel environments, but relatively little is known about the extent to which they become locally adapted to different environments across their new range. Here, we compare northern and southern populations of the introduced species Senecio squalidus in Britain; S. squalidus has been in southern Britain for approximately 200 years and reached Scotland only about 50 years ago. We conducted common garden experiments at sites in the north and south of the species’ range in Britain. We also conducted glasshouse and growth chamber experiments to test the hypothesis that southern genotypes flower later, are more drought-tolerant, germinate and establish better at warmer temperatures, and are less sensitive to cold stress than their more northern counterparts. Results from the common garden experiments are largely consistent with the hypothesis of rapid adaptive divergence of populations of the species within the introduced range, with genotypes typically showing a home-site advantage. Results from the glasshouse and growth chamber experiments demonstrate adaptive divergence in ability to tolerate drought stress and high temperatures, as well as in phenology. In particular, southern genotypes were more tolerant of dry conditions and high temperatures and they flowered later than northern genotypes. Our results show that rapid local adaptation can occur in alien species, and they have implications for our understanding of the ecological genetics of range expansion of introduced weeds.
Aims: To evaluate the thermal responses and weight gain in preterm infants nursed in a cot on a heated, water-filled mattress (HWM) compared with infants receiving care in an air-heated incubator and to compare mothers' stress, anxiety levels and perceptions of their infants in the two groups. Methods: Stable preterm infants weighing 1300 to 1500 g were enrolled, being randomly allocated to either the study group (n = 41) receiving care in a cot on an HWM, or the control group ( n = 33) receiving incubator care. The mean daily body temperature and episodes of cold stress and hyperthermia were recorded. Weight gain (g kg(-1) body weight d(-1)) was also calculated. The mothers completed questionnaires on their perceptions of their infants, and their anxiety and stress levels before randomization, and 2 - 3 wk later during the trial. Results: The mean body temperature was similar for the first week of the trial ( study group 36.9degreesC vs controls 36.9degreesC). There were no significant differences in the incidence of cold stress, while more hyperthermic episodes were seen in the study group ( p = 0.03). There were no significant differences in weight gain during the first ( study group 21.4 g vs controls 19.6 g) or second weeks of the trial ( study group 20.5 g vs controls 19.2 g). Neonatal morbidity did not differ between the groups. There were no differences in mothers' perceptions of their babies, or feelings of stress or anxiety. Conclusion: There were no differences between infants cot-nursed on an HWM and those receiving incubator care, with the exception of episodes of high temperature. The results suggest that the HWM may be used safely for low-weight preterm infants.
In this study we describe optimization of polyethylenimine (PEI)-mediated transient production of recombinant protein by CHO cells by facile manipulation of a chemically defined culture environment to limit accumulation of nonproductive cell biomass, increase the duration of recombinant protein production from transfected plasmid DNA, and increase cell-specific production. The optimal conditions for transient transfection of suspension-adapted CHO cells using branched, 25 kDa PEI as a gene delivery vehicle were experimentally determined by production of secreted alkaline phosphatase reporter in static cultures and recombinant IgG(4) monoclonal antibody (Mab) production in agitated shake flask cultures to be a DNA concentration of 1.25 mu g 10(6) cells(-1) mL(-1) at a PEI nitrogen: DNA phosphate ratio of 20:1. These conditions represented the optimal compromise between PEI cytotoxicity and product yield with most efficient recombinant DNA utilization. Separately, both addition of recombinant insulin-like growth factor (LR3-IGF) and a reduction in culture temperature to 32 degrees C were found to increase product titer 2- and 3-fold, respectively. However, mild hypothermia and LR3-IGF acted synergistically to increase product titer 11-fold. Although increased product titer in the presence of LR3-IGF alone was solely a consequence of increased culture duration, a reduction in culture temperature post-transfection increased both the integral of viable cell concentration (IVC) and cell-specific Mab production rate. For cultures maintained at 32 degrees C in the presence of LR3-IGF, IVC and qMab were increased 4- and 2.5-fold, respectively. To further increase product yield from transfected DNA, the duration of transgene expression in cell populations maintained at 32 C in the presence of LR3-IGF was doubled by periodic resuspension of transfected cells in fresh media, leading to a 3-fold increase in accumulated Mab titer from similar to 13 to similar to 39 mg L-1. Under these conditions, Mab glycosylation at Asn297 remained essentially constant and similar to that of the same Mab produced by stably transfected GS-CHO cells. From these data we suggest that the efficiency of transient production processes (protein output per rDNA input) can be significantly improved using a combination of mild hypothermia and growth factor(s) to yield an extended activated hypothermic synthesis.
Funded by Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in a Changing Climate Wenner-Gren Foundation Swedish Research Council The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Stiftelsen Anna-Greta Holger Crafoords Fund The Crafoord Foundation