979 resultados para clinical reasoning


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RESUMO: Introdução: Vários estudos têm encontrado evidência para a relação entre as crenças e atitudes dos profissionais de saúde, a sua abordagem de tratamento, referida como orientada segundo o modelo biomédico ou modelo biopsicossocial (Bishop, 2008; Mutsaers, 2012), e os resultados obtidos. É sugerido que, no tratamento da dor lombar crónica, os profissionais que orientam o seu raciocínio e prática segundo o modelo biomédico, tendem a obter piores resultados quando comparados com os obtidos pelos profissionais que orientam o seu raciocínio e prática segundo uma abordagem biopsicossocial. Esta área de estudo tem salientado a importância de desenhar instrumentos capazes de identificar a orientação preferencial dos profissionais de saúde no tratamento da dor crónica de natureza músculo-esquelética, entre os quais se encontra a “Pain Attitudes and Beliefs Scale for Physiotherapists” (PABS-PT). Objetivo: Adaptar culturalmente a PABS-PT para a população de fisioterapeutas portugueses que intervêm em utentes com dor (lombar) crónica, e contribuir para a sua validação Metodologia: A versão original (língua inglesa) do PABS-PT foi adaptada para a língua e cultura portuguesas, através das etapas definidas nas normas orientadoras estabelecidas para este processo (Beaton et al., 2002; MAPI Institute, 2001). A avaliação das propriedades psicométricas da versão portuguesa foi realizada com recurso a uma amostra de 202 fisioterapeutas e estudantes finalistas do curso de licenciatura em Fisioterapia. Inicialmente foi realizada a análise fatorial exploratória da escala através do método das componentes principais. Posteriormente avaliou-se a consistência interna das componentes obtidas com recurso ao alpha de Cronbach (α). Para analisar a validade de constructo foram correlacionadas as componentes obtidas com a versão portuguesa da “Health Care Providers’ Pain and Impairment Relationship Scale” (HC-PAIRS), recorrendo ao cálculo do coeficiente de Spearman. Resultados: O processo de adaptação cultural não revelou dificuldades importantes sendo considerado que a versão portuguesa da PABS-PT é de fácil compreensão e preenchimento, e os seus itens adequados para avaliar as crenças e atitudes dos fisioterapeutas portugueses relativas à intervenção na dor crónica músculo-esquelética. Os resultados revelaram uma estrutura fatorial de duas componentes, identificadas com as componentes da escala original que explicam 30,96% da variância total. A consistência interna encontrada é boa, para a componente biomédica (α de Cronbach = 0,826), mas muito fraca para a componente biopsicossocial (α de Cronbach= 0,589). Relativamente à validade convergente e discriminativa, foi encontrada uma associação estatisticamente significativa e positiva, entre as componentes 1 (biomédica) da versão nportuguesa da PABS e a HC-PAIRS (Rs = 0,481, p≤ 0,005), e negativa, fraca e significativa entre a pontuação total da componente 2 (biopsicossocial) e a HC-PAIRS (Rs = -0,038, p=0,612). Conclusão: A versão portuguesa do PABS-PT é de fácil compreensão e aparenta ser um instrumento válido para a medição da orientação preferencial dos fisioterapeutas, relativamente às suas atitudes e crenças na avaliação e tratamento de utentes com dor crónica de natureza músculo-esquelética. No entanto, a componente biopsicossocial requer uma análise mais aprofundada para que possa, com rigor, ser utilizada na definição de uma orientação preferencialmente biopsicossocial.--------------ABSTRACT: Introduction: Previous studies have found a relation between the beliefs and attitudes of health professionals, their treatment approach, which can follows a biomedical or a biopsychosocial orientation (Bishop, 2008; Mutsaers, 2012), and the outcomes obtained. Therefore, is suggested that the professionals who tend to approach chronic low back pain patients according to the biomedical model have worse outcomes than professionals who use a biopsychosocial approach in there clinical reasoning. This research field has highlighted the importance of developing measures capable of identifying the preferred orientation of health professionals in the treatment of chronic pain of musculoskeletal nature, including the “Pain Attitudes and Beliefs Scale for Physiotherapists” (PABS-PT). Objective: To cross culturally adapt and validate the PABS-PT for the Portuguese population of physiotherapists. Methodology: The original version (English version) of the PABS-PT was adapted to the Portuguese language and culture, through the guidelines established for these processes (Beaton et al., 2002; MAPI Institute, 2001). The psychometric evaluation of the Portuguese version was carried out on a sample of 202 p physiotherapist and final year students of the physiotherapy course. Initially, an exploratory factorial analysis was performed through the method of the main components. Then, the internal consistence of the main components was evaluated using the Cronbach’s alpha (α). The convergent construct validity was analysed through the correlation between the obtained components of PABS-PT and the Health Care Provider’s Pain and Impairment Relationship Scale (HC-PAIRS), using the Spearmen correlation coefficient. Results: No major difficulties were found during the cultural adaptation process of PABS-PT to Portugal, which means that the Portuguese version is easy to understand and fulfill, and items are appropriated to evaluate the beliefs and attitudes of the Portuguese physiotherapists who treat chronic pain of musculoskeletal origins. The results revealed a factorial structure of two components, as the original scale, explaining 30,96% of the total variance. Internal consistence results were good, for the biomedical component (Cronbach’s α = 0,826), but very weak for the biopsychosocial componente (Cronbach’s α = 0,589). Relatively to convergent and discriminative validity, a statistically significant association was found, between the components 1 (biomedical) of the Portuguese version of PABS-PT and the HC-PAIRS (Rs= 0,481, p≤ 0,005) and negative, weak and significant between the total score of component 2 (biopsychosocial) and the HC-PAIRS (Rs = -0,038, p=0,612). Conclusion: The Portuguese Version of PABS-PT is easy to understand and seems to be a valid instrument to measure the attitudes and beliefs of physiotherapists in the management of patients with chronic low back pain. However, the biopsychosocial component requires a further deep analysis to examine a preferable biopsychosocial orientation.


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OBJECTIVES: The aim of the study was to assess whether prospective follow-up data within the Swiss HIV Cohort Study can be used to predict patients who stop smoking; or among smokers who stop, those who start smoking again. METHODS: We built prediction models first using clinical reasoning ('clinical models') and then by selecting from numerous candidate predictors using advanced statistical methods ('statistical models'). Our clinical models were based on literature that suggests that motivation drives smoking cessation, while dependence drives relapse in those attempting to stop. Our statistical models were based on automatic variable selection using additive logistic regression with component-wise gradient boosting. RESULTS: Of 4833 smokers, 26% stopped smoking, at least temporarily; because among those who stopped, 48% started smoking again. The predictive performance of our clinical and statistical models was modest. A basic clinical model for cessation, with patients classified into three motivational groups, was nearly as discriminatory as a constrained statistical model with just the most important predictors (the ratio of nonsmoking visits to total visits, alcohol or drug dependence, psychiatric comorbidities, recent hospitalization and age). A basic clinical model for relapse, based on the maximum number of cigarettes per day prior to stopping, was not as discriminatory as a constrained statistical model with just the ratio of nonsmoking visits to total visits. CONCLUSIONS: Predicting smoking cessation and relapse is difficult, so that simple models are nearly as discriminatory as complex ones. Patients with a history of attempting to stop and those known to have stopped recently are the best candidates for an intervention.


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The case of a immunocompromised HIV patient with fever and lymphadenopathy discussed in an anatomo-pathological round. This complex clinical case was used as an opportunity to discuss the broad differential diagnosis of fever in an immunocompromized individual with multiples lymphadenopathies. Clinical reasoning leading to the probable diagnosis based on clinical, biological and radiological informations is not only a difficult task for the speaker but also a rich source of learning opportunities for our medical community.


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The case of a patient with severe pulmonary hypertension whose etiology has remained unknown until an autopsy was performed is discussed in a symposium of pathological anatomy. This case helped to address the diagnostic and therapeutic management of pulmonary hypertension. The broad differential diagnosis of this disease requires a diagnostic strategy to be developped. Clinical reasoning leading to a probable diagnosis based on clinical biological and radiological information is not only a difficult task for the speaker but also a rich source of learning opportunities for our medical community.


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The treatment of the recently ruptured Achilles tendon can be conservative or surgical. The conservative treatment may be carried out using either a static cast immobilisation or using a dynamic brace and an early functional rehabilitation. The surgical technique can be either open or mini-invasive. Neglected and ancient ruptures may need to be treated surgically by a tendinoplasty. There is an ongoing discussion about how to manage the recently ruptured Achilles tendon, especially since recent descriptions of conservative-functional treatment procedures and mini-invasive surgical techniques. We present the choice of the different treatment options and the clinical reasoning to identify the best adapted treatment for the individual patient. The ideal treatment option depends on the functional demand and the medical condition of the patient.


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A hybrid study combining technological production and methodological research aiming to establish associations between the data and information that are part of a Computerized Nursing Process according to the ICNP® Version 1.0, indicators of patient safety and quality of care. Based on the guidelines of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and the American Association of Critical Care Nurses for the expansion of warning systems, five warning systems were developed: potential for iatrogenic pneumothorax, potential for care-related infections, potential for suture dehiscence in patients after abdominal or pelvic surgery, potential for loss of vascular access, and potential for endotracheal extubation. The warning systems are a continuous computerized resource of essential situations that promote patient safety and enable the construction of a way to stimulate clinical reasoning and support clinical decision making of nurses in intensive care.


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There is a lack of knowledge about the effective value of the experience gained by medical students who participate in the Family Health Strategy (Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF)) during the early stages of their medical training. This teaching strategy is based on learning by experiencing the problems that exist in real life. This study proposed to understand the value of this teaching strategy from the viewpoint of the students who had participated, after their graduation. The method adopted was a qualitative study conducted through interviews with students who graduated in the years 2009, 2010 and 2011. The data analysis used the hermeneutic dialectic technique as its model. The graduates considered that this experience enabled them to understand the organization and functioning of the health service and the context of the daily life of the users. This experience facilitated the doctor patient relationship, the development of clinical reasoning and the bond with the user. However the students emphasized that a lack of maturity prevented them gaining a higher level of benefit from the experience. Therefore, although the structure of the course is permeated by advances and challenges, it was concluded that this experience contributed to the student's learning of certain essential elements of medical training.


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Pain assessment in critically ill infants and nonverbal children remains a challenge for health professionals. Despite the numerous pain observational measures that have been developed or adapted for infants and children with impaired communication, pain prevalence in paediatric and neonatal intensive care unit remains too high. As pain assessment has been recognised as a pre-requisite for appropriate pain management, much effort was put in the validation or the adaptation of pain measures with little emphasis on implementation of these instruments into practice. Only a few studies demonstrated the benefit of using standardised protocols for the management of pain to guide practice with variable effects. When standardised protocols are undeniably useful in practice, they do not replace health professionals' clinical reasoning necessary to care for individuals. The diversity of the PICU population makes that pain scores need to be interpreted within its clinical context. This session will present pain assessment as a complex transaction that describes structured clinical reasoning from expert nurses that goes beyond the "silver" standard of hetero-evaluation of pain in non-communicative children. Besides pain scores, several patients and nurses factors play a major role in making decisions about analgesia and/or sedation. Patient's clinical instability, change in patient's clinical status, source for observed agitated behaviour, patient's known reactions to analgesia and sedation and anticipation of risks are factors that should be taken into account when implementing pain assessment and management guidelines in PICU and NICU.


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The current lack of general practitioners in Switzerland is the result of health care policy which aimed in the past years to reduce the number of medical students and physicians in private practice. Furthermore, during the past decades, the Swiss Medical Schools emphasized on the transmission of medical care by specialists and neglected primary care medicine. The Faculty of medicine at the University of Lausanne recently decided to renew the curriculum. The Department of ambulatory care and community medicine (Policlinique Médicale Universitaire) of Lausanne is committed to the elaboration of this move. The biomedical model, essential to the acquisition of clinical competence, is still taught to the students. Nevertheless, from the beginning to the end of the curriculum, an emphasis is now put on the clinical skills and the clinical reasoning.


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INTERMED training implies a three week course, integrated in the "primary care module" for medical students in the first master year at the school of medicine in Lausanne. INTERMED uses an innovative teaching method based on repetitive sequences of e-learning-based individual learning followed by collaborative learning activities in teams, named Team-based learning (TBL). The e-learning takes place in a web-based virtual learning environment using a series of interactive multimedia virtual patients. By using INTERMED students go through a complete medical encounter applying clinical reasoning and choosing the diagnostic and therapeutic approach. INTERMED offers an authentic experience in an engaging and safe environment where errors are allowed and without consequences.


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INTRODUCTION : Le raisonnement clinique est au coeur de l’exercice professionnel. Cependant, nous manquons d'instruments pour identifier et objectiver les difficultés de raisonnement clinique, et il existe relativement peu de descriptions de méthodes de remédiation définies. Un important travail reste donc à faire, pour mieux comprendre comment les difficultés se manifestent dans le raisonnement clinique des étudiants en formation, mais également pour rendre ces concepts plus accessibles aux enseignants; ceci permettra alors d’améliorer la qualité de la démarche d’identification des difficultés, et d’envisager des remédiations ciblées et efficaces. OBJECTIFS : Cette recherche s’articule d’une part, autour de l’objectivation et la compréhension des pratiques actuelles des cliniciens enseignants en médecine, d’autre part, autour de la construction et l’implantation d’outils et de processus susceptibles de faciliter la démarche de diagnostic et de remédiation des difficultés de raisonnement clinique. MÉTHODOLOGIE : Une recherche de type qualitative, utilisant les méthodes de la recherche action participative s’est révélée pertinente pour atteindre nos objectifs. La recherche est composée de quatre étapes : 1. Une étude exploratoire. 2. La construction et de l’implantation d’un premier outil dans trois milieux cliniques en médecine familiale. 3. L’élaboration d’une taxonomie des difficultés de raisonnement clinique ainsi que la construction d’un nouvel outil. 4. Le développement d’une approche globale pour soutenir et former les cliniciens enseignants. RÉSULTATS : Les enseignants ont une perception rapide, mais qui demeure globale et intuitive, des potentielles difficultés de raisonnement clinique des résidents. Cette perception ne se traduit pas forcément en termes pédagogiques. Nous avons pu observer l’absence de processus pédagogiques organisés et structurés pour la gestion de ces difficultés. Ceci semble projeter les cliniciens enseignants dans une zone d’inconfort, en les confrontant à un manque de maîtrise et à l’incertitude au sujet de leurs actions pédagogiques. La catégorisation des difficultés de raisonnement clinique que nous avons construite permet d’identifier les difficultés telles qu’elles se manifestent dans le quotidien des supervisions cliniques. Cet outil a cependant besoin d’être intégré dans un processus plus global. CONCLUSION : Une approche globale qui comprenne le développement de processus implantés par le Département, l’implantation d’outils, la vulgarisation de la théorie, et la formation des enseignants est déterminante.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Cette recherche qualitative avait pour but d’explorer le raisonnement clinique d’infirmières de première ligne en CSSS/CLSC lorsqu’elles priorisent leurs interventions auprès de familles vivant en contexte de vulnérabilité dans le cadre du programme des Services intégrés en périnatalité et pour la petite enfance (SIPPE). Il s’agit d’une étude de cas qui comporte un échantillon intentionnel de sept épisodes de soins impliquant deux infirmières auprès de sept familles en période postnatale lorsqu’elles priorisent leurs interventions. La collecte de données a procédé par méthode think aloud, suivie d’entretiens semi-dirigés auprès des infirmières. Une analyse qualitative des données a été effectuée selon des méthodes interprétatives et par comptage de catégories. Ces dernières ont été formulées et mises en relation en s’inspirant de la modélisation du processus de raisonnement clinique de Tanner (2006) ainsi que des stratégies de raisonnement clinique proposés par Fonteyn (1998). Au terme de cette étude, le processus de raisonnement clinique ne semble pas être différent selon le type de priorité d’intervention auprès de familles en contexte de vulnérabilité, particulièrement lorsque nous distinguons la priorité selon un degré d’urgence (prioritaire ou secondaire). Aussi, nous constatons qu’il existe peu de diversité dans les processus de raisonnement clinique mobilisés à travers les sept épisodes de soins; et qu’un processus narratif de raisonnement est fréquent. Si une famille exprime un besoin urgent, l’infirmière y répond prioritairement. Par ailleurs, lorsque des conditions suggèrent un potentiel accru de vulnérabilité des familles, un mode de raisonnement clinique plus systématique, qui comporte une collecte et une mise en relation d’informations afin de formuler une proposition pour soutenir le passage à l’action, semble être mobilisé pour prioriser l’intervention. Il en est ainsi s’il s’agit d’un premier bébé, que la famille n’utilise pas d’autres ressources formelles de soutien. Autrement, s’il s’agit d’un deuxième bébé et que les familles utilisent d’autres ressources, les infirmières tendent plutôt à appliquer une routine d’intervention SIPPE. Aussi, cette recherche témoigne de l’engagement soutenu des infirmières auprès de familles vivant d’importants défis. Il importe toutefois de soutenir le développement d’un répertoire plus varié de processus de raisonnement clinique afin de renforcer leur capacité de prioriser leur intervention qui se déroule dans un contexte de multiples contraintes organisationnelles et interpersonnelles.


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L'enseignement, l'apprentissage et l'évaluation du raisonnement clinique en sciences infirmières est un défi pour les éducateurs de cette profession et leurs étudiants. Depuis plusieurs décennies, les chercheurs et les éducateurs dans le domaine des sciences de la santé ont travaillé pour élaborer des instruments d'évaluation dans le but de pouvoir mesurer le raisonnement clinique (Charlin, Bordage & Van der Vleuten, 2003). Plusieurs études semblent appuyer le test de concordance de script (TCS) en termes de validité, fiabilité, faisabilité et applicabilité pour plusieurs disciplines et différents contextes (Carrière & al, 2009). Deschênes et ses collaborateurs (2006; Deschênes, Charlin, Gagnon & Goudreau, 2011) ont mis au point et validé un TCS spécifiquement pour le raisonnement clinique en sciences infirmières (RCI). Comme l'évaluation a un impact important sur les stratégies d'apprentissage des étudiants (Sibert et al, 2001; Durak, Caliskan & Bor, 2007), les outils d'évaluation valides et fiables qui permettraient l'identification des problèmes spécifiques dans le développement du raisonnement clinique en sciences infirmières seraient très utiles pour guider les décisions concernant l'éducation (Gierl, 2007). Nous avons donc mené une étude pour explorer le potentiel diagnostique des questions d'un TCS. La question de recherche est la suivante: «Dans quelle mesure chaque question d’un TCS visant à évaluer le RCI peut-elle être reliée à des catégories et des stratégies de pensée spécifiques?" Avec une sous-question: «Comment peut-on décrire le potentiel diagnostique d’un TCS pour évaluer le RCI?". Nous avons fait une deuxième analyse de contenu des données qui ont été obtenues dans une étude précédente dans laquelle cinq vignettes (15 questions) du TCS de Deschênes (2006) ont été utilisées. Les résultats ont montré les catégories et stratégies de pensées utilisées pour répondre à certaines questions du TCS selon les groupes de participants. Aussi, nos résultats ont permis de découvrir des disparités importantes entre les groupes, notamment que le RCI des expertes est si différent des étudiantes, qu’il ne peut servir de référence. Enfin, cette étude démontre que le TCS a un potentiel diagnostique niveau par niveau (1ère, 2e, 3e année et expertes) et non d’un niveau à un autre.