966 resultados para citation analysis
En la permanente búsqueda de mejores condiciones que las organizaciones realizan con el propósito de dar respuesta a los cambios del entorno y la complejidad de la interacción con las organizaciones del mismo sector, se encuentra necesario identificar las características que les permiten a estas, sobrevivir, mantenerse en el mercado o crecer en él. En este orden de ideas, en este documento se desarrolla la caracterización de la forma como dos organizaciones importantes y líderes del sector asegurador en Colombia: Seguros Bolívar y Suramericana de Seguros, compiten, desde el punto de vista comercial, con el propósito de identificar como esto influye en cada organización. La investigación se centró en explicar a partir de los autores revisados y analizados con respecto al concepto de la competencia, en particular, la forma como se enfrenta la organización al entorno tanto interno como externo, la influencia de cada organización según su estructura, su importancia, la disponibilidad de los recursos necesarios para desarrollar sus actividades, el impacto y las implicaciones organizacionales a partir de la forma cómo se enfrenta el entorno. Para lo anterior y con base a la revisión conceptual, se realizó la recolección de datos y cifras tanto de las organizaciones como del sector al cual pertenecen, adicionalmente se realizaron entrevistas tanto estructuradas como semi estructuradas al área de ventas, debido a que es el área de las organizaciones encargada de generar estrategias de ventas, posicionar productos en el mercado, identificar el perfil del consumidor, conocer y comprender el mercado y la competencia. Lo anterior con el fin de caracterizar a las organizaciones analizadas, determinando cómo responden a la competencia y al entorno, para finalmente establecer cuáles son los comportamientos recurrentes, similares y diferentes entre ellas. Por lo tanto, los resultados obtenidos en la investigación permiten establecer si dos empresas con estructuras, tamaño y participación en el mercado similares compiten de igual forma y que implicación tiene esto en el comportamiento organizacional.
Este artigo apresenta um estudo de citações em escrita acadêmica na perspectiva da análise de citações e dos estudos de gêneros do discurso (Moravcsik & Murugesan, 1975; Swales, 1986, 1990, 2004; Bhatia, 2004). O estudo enfoca o uso de citações por membros expertos e membros novatos da comunidade acadêmica de Linguística e consistiu na análise e comparação de nove artigos acadêmicos e treze trabalhos finais de disciplina. Os resultados mostram que as escolhas linguísticas que orientam a escrita das citações são em grande parte compartilhadas pelos membros expertos (autores dos artigos acadêmicos) e pelos novatos (alunos de curso de pós-graduação, autores dos trabalhos finais de disciplina), haja vista que ambos fazem uso de citações confirmativas, em detrimento de negativas. Todavia, membros expertos, ao contrário dos novatos, utilizam a própria voz para confrontar outros autores. As implicações deste estudo reiteram a necessidade de os Cursos de Letras terem uma abordagem de ensino e aprendizagem de escrita acadêmica baseada em gêneros do discurso visando desenvolver a consciência retórica dos alunos em relação à escrita acadêmica e, consequentemente, ao uso de citações em textos escritos, de maneira a empoderar os alunos a construir um posicionamento autoral em sua comunidade discursiva.
The most visible researchers in Knowledge Organization and Representation were identified, from the perspective of Brazilian researchers, based on cocitations from the papers presented in the last five meetings of the Encontros Nacionais de Pesquisa of the Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós- Graduação em Ciência da Informação (ENANCIBs) from 2003 to 2008. First, the total number of references was identified, a total of 134 articles. Second, a citation analysis was conducted, being considered the most cited authors those who received 12 citations or more, which resulted in 31 most cited authors. Third, the Pajek software was used for the construction of the co-citation network and, thereafter, some indicators were calculated with the Ucinet software, which describe the structure and cohesion of the generated network, and, particularly, its density, and its degree of centrality, betweenness and proximity. The high cohesion of the network and the compliance between the most co-cited authors and the calculated indicators were verified.
This piece of research aims at analyzing the absolute and relative co-citation indicators, especially Salton’s Cosine and comparing the contribution of these indicators to the understanding of a domain, applying them to the universe of "Metric Studies" at the BRAPCI base. It also aims at presenting the co-citation network generated from the absolute frequencies and highlighting the groupings of co-cited authors, depending on the relative values, integrating and explaining the information from the two indexes. The domain analysis, by means of its 11 approaches, including “Bibliometric Studies”, focuses on the science characterization and evaluation, in that it allows us to identify and to analyze the conditions under which the scientific knowledge is constructed and socialized. In these studies, the contribution of citation and co-citation analysis is highlighted. Of the total of 147 articles retrieved at BRAPCI base, the authors cited in at least 11 articles, in a total of 38 researchers, were selected. The 38 x 38 symmetric matrix with the absolute frequencies of co-citation and the matrix with the relative values of Salton’s Cosine were generated. The co-citation network with absolute frequency values were constructed, through Ucinet software. Cluster analysis of data with relative values wer performed, using the SPSS software. Significant differences between the absolute and relative indexes, with some high absolute values of co-citation were observed; when considered in relation to the presence of each author, their significance is decreased. As to the generated network, seven groups were determined, in which only one is established for close themes and comes from co-citations in the original sense of the term. Five groups present closeness in absolute and relative indicators. It can be concluded about the importance of the studies of authors' co-citation analysis, which associate the two indexes, absolute and relative, in order to visualize and understand the underlying structures of a scientific domain.
The management of information and knowledge has been one of the areas of expertise of the fastest growing Brazilian information science. The purpose of this work is to observe how this research front structure from the point of view of the subjects that compose and intellectual frameworks which supports. For this we have analyzed the content of scientific production published in four majo r national journals of the discipline: Ciência da Informação, DataGramaZero, Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação and Transinformação over 2000-2009. The methodology is based on co-occurrence analysis of keywords of articles and co-citation analysis of authors. For the representation and interpretation of the results are used to social network analysis (SNA). We conclude that both information management and knowledge management are closely linked areas within topics including approaches but no consensus answer from the point of view of intellectual frameworks referenced.
Of a theoretical-methodological nature, this research aims at analyzing the absolute and relative proximity indicators – Salton’s cosine and Jaccard’s index –, for authors’ co-citation analysis (ACA). It also aims at comparing the contribution of these three indicators to the understanding of a domain. Methodologically, it deepens the theoretical studies that motivate authors’ co-citation analysis (ACA) and the proximity indicators, and presents the studies of the normalized index of Salton’ cosine (SC) and Jaccard’s index (JI). It applies ACA to the GT7 of ANCIB, in the Information Science field, from 2007 to 2011.
Subject Cataloging is one of the processes of subject approach to information, beside indexing and subject analysis. In this sense, this research is a part of a broader project which analyses ISKO as an academic space that promotes a dialogical dimension among those theoretical questions. In this sense, it aims to analyze the presence of subject cataloguing in the discussions of knowledge organization as well as how the authors of such subject dialogue each other. Considering the questions, the full collection of ISKO and ISKO-Spain conference proceedings were analyzed in order to verify how present were subject cataloguing matters in those collections. It was possible to identify a group of 36 articles (27 from International ISKO and 9 from ISKO – Spain) whose references were bibliometrically analyzed in terms of documentary forms, average life, language and citation analysis. The results showed that the major ISKO and ISKO-Spain literature on subject cataloguing is based on journal articles, mostly published in English, presenting a relatively young average life (14 years for ISKO and 10 for ISKO-Spain).
Introduction: This paper considers that information science (IS) literature covers a diversity of thematics with low emphasis on researches about conducting research. The study analyzes the scientific production of authors who investigate about research methodology in the information science (IS) literature, and the references used to lay the foundation of the methodological issues regarding the area. It discusses the methodological and epistemological positions of the leading researchers highlighted as the most productive investigators on the subject in the country. Method: The research adopts the content analysis coupled with metric studies to contextualize the indicators related to productivity, to the types of authorship and citation analysis. The bibliographic coupling method is considered an analysis mode which analyzes concomitant citations. It develops a theoretical framework about the importance of scientific production analysis in different knowledge fields. The study investigates, from a theoretical perspective, the concepts about research methodology and the complementarity between methodology and epistemology in conducting research. Results: The results of the analysis showed that the production of the highlighted authors presents the methodology as a thematic focus to be applied to IS contexts, as well as a research object in the field. The prominent productivity of the authors is justified especially by deepening the meta studies about the ways to conduct research in IS. This study also identifies a trend to single-authored studies about the theme. Conclusions: The research considers that meta studies and applied and methodological studies are important to recognize a consistent theoretical and practical core in the IS area. Regarding the epistemological influences identified by the citation analysis, the study observes that the critical rationalist epistemology and the social and political epistemology are highlighted in the construction of the theoretical framework of the most productive authors.
Nel corso degli ultimi anni si è assistito ad un ampio dibattito sull’uso della valutazione della ricerca nelle università e nelle strutture di ricerca. Nell’ambito di tale dibattito, nella presente tesi, vengono analizzate le più importanti metodologie per la valutazione della ricerca presenti a livello internazionale, i principali strumenti qualitativi di valutazione della ricerca (in particolare la peer review), gli strumenti quantitativi, quali la bibliometria, e le caratteristiche dei più importanti archivi bibliografici citazionali (es. Scopus, Web of Science), approfondendo i principali indicatori citazionali utilizzati nelle scienze umane e sociali (es. Indice H). Inoltre la tesi affronta il tema dell’impatto socio-economico della ricerca e le principali criticità di questo innovativo strumento, attraverso uno studio di caso realizzato nel Regno Unito. Una successiva analisi empirica riguarda le principali liste di riviste realizzate a livello internazionale e nazionale, nel settore scientifico di Storia e Filosofia della scienza. I risultati degli studi mostrano che le liste internazionali di riviste possono rappresentare, un punto di partenza a cui devono necessariamente essere affiancati altri strumenti di valutazione (peer review, analisi citazionali, etc); mentre le liste nazionali rischiano, invece, di essere uno strumento poco utile ed in alcuni casi inadeguato al fine di una corretta valutazione della ricerca, a causa della scarsa internazionalizzazione dei repertori e dei giudizi generalmente troppo elevati attribuiti alle riviste. Un ulteriore risultato raggiunto nella presente tesi riguarda la valutazione della ricerca nelle diverse discipline scientifiche: nelle Scienze umane e sociali risulta esserci uno scarso grado di presenza di pubblicazioni scientifiche nei principali archivi bibliografici e citazionali internazionali. Questa situazione limita fortemente l’attendibilità delle analisi statistiche basate su indici e indicatori quantitativi, per valutare la produttività scientifica di un ricercatore, oppure di una istituzione di ricerca.
Although reciprocity is fundamental to all social orders, management research offers few reviews of the concept’s theoretical origins and current applications. To help bridge this gap, we elucidate the dominant understandings of reciprocity, ask which areas of research emerge from them, and explore how they interconnect. Our bibliometric methodology detects four clusters of management research on reciprocity. Across these clusters, authors subscribe mainly to substantialist ontology, marginalize morally oriented motives consistent with relational ontology, and largely assume that benefit-oriented motives underlie reciprocity. We outline the advantages of a moral-oriented relationalist concept of reciprocity and discuss potential areas for its development in management research.
BACKGROUND: Despite its limitations, citation analysis remains one of the best currently available tools for quantifying the impact of articles. Bibliometric studies list the "best-sellers" in a single location, and they have been published frequently in many fields during recent years. The purpose of the present study was to report the qualities and characteristics of citation classics in orthopaedic knee research. METHODS: The database of the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) was utilized for identification of articles published from 1945 to March 2014. All knee articles that had been published in sixty-five orthopaedic and twenty-nine rheumatology journals and that had been cited at least 200 times were identified. The top 100 were selected for further analysis of authorship, source journal, number of citations, citation rate (both since publication and in 2013), geographic origin, article type, and level of evidence. RESULTS: The publication dates of the 100 most-cited articles ranged from 1948 to 2007, with the greatest number of articles published in the 1980s. Citations per article ranged from 2640 to 287. All articles were published in eleven of the ninety-four journals. The leading countries of origin were the U.S. followed by the U.K. and Sweden. The two main focus areas were sports traumatology and degenerative disease. The number of citations per article was also greatest for articles published in the 1980s. Basic research articles were cited more quickly, but not more often, than clinical articles. Most articles represented Level-IV evidence, followed by Levels II, III, and I. CONCLUSIONS: This bibliometric study is likely to include a list of intellectual milestones in orthopaedic knee research. It is apparent that a high level of evidence is not mandatory for an article to gain a large number of citations. Bibliometric reports provide a reflection of the quality of cited research published in a specific field and should therefore provoke thinking within the scientific community.
BACKGROUND Many studies quantitatively analyzing scientific papers have appeared in the last 2 years. Citation analysis is a commonly used bibliometric method. In spite of some limitations, it remains a good measure of the impact an article has on a specific field, specialty, or a journal. The aim of this study was to analyze the qualities and characteristics of the 100 most cited articles in the field of bariatric surgery. METHODS The Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge was used to list all bariatric surgery-related articles (BSRA) published from 1945 to 2014. The top 100 most cited BSRA in 354 surgical and high impact general journals were selected for further analysis. RESULTS Most of the articles were published in the 2000s (60%). The top 100 most cited were published in 17 of the 354 journals. Leading countries were USA followed by Canada and Australia. Most of the articles published (76%) were clinical experience articles. The most common level of evidence was IV (42%). CONCLUSIONS Many of the milestone papers in bariatric surgery have been included in this bibliometric study. A huge increase in research activity during the last decade is clearly visible in the field. It is apparent that the number of citations of an article is not related to its level of evidence; a fact that is increasingly being emphasized in surgical research.
Se presenta en este trabajo una aproximación metodológica al estudio de uso de revistas por parte de investigadores. Integrando la técnica de Análisis de Citaciones (AC) y de Análisis de Redes Sociales (ARS) se elaboran mapas bibliométricos que aportan capacidad de síntesis de información compleja. Se estima que su utilización en la evaluación de colecciones aportaría información valiosa para la distribución equitativa de los recursos económicos destinados a la compra de títulos, y para la optimización de su disponibilidad y acceso.
Se presenta en este trabajo una aproximación metodológica al estudio de uso de revistas por parte de investigadores. Integrando la técnica de Análisis de Citaciones (AC) y de Análisis de Redes Sociales (ARS) se elaboran mapas bibliométricos que aportan capacidad de síntesis de información compleja. Se estima que su utilización en la evaluación de colecciones aportaría información valiosa para la distribución equitativa de los recursos económicos destinados a la compra de títulos, y para la optimización de su disponibilidad y acceso.
The major purpose of this study was to identify and assess indexing coverage of core journals in cytotechnology. It was part of a larger project sponsored by the Nursing and Allied Health Resources Section of the Medical Library Association to map the literature of allied health. Three representative journals in cytotechnology were selected and subjected to citation analysis to determine what journals, other publication types, and years were cited and how often. Bradford's Law of Scattering was applied to the resulting list of cited journals to identify core titles in the discipline, and five indexes were searched to assess coverage of these core titles. Results indicated that the cytotechnology journal literature had a small core but wide dispersion: one third of the 21,021 journal citations appeared in only 3 titles; another third appeared in an additional 26 titles; the remaining third were scattered in 1,069 different titles. Science Citation Index Expanded rated highest in indexing coverage of the core titles, followed by MEDLINE, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, HealthSTAR, and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL). The study's results also showed that journals were the predominantly cited format and that citing authors relied strongly on more recent literature.