974 resultados para cell phone
The aims of this dissertation were 1) to investigate associations of weight status of adolescents with leisure activities, and computer and cell phone use, and 2) to investigate environmental and genetic influences on body mass index (BMI) during adolescence. Finnish twins born in 1983–1987 responded to postal questionnaires at the ages of 11-12 (5184 participants), 14 (4643 participants), and 17 years (4168 participants). Information was obtained on weight and height, leisure activities including television viewing, video viewing, computer games, listening to music, board games, musical instrument playing, reading, arts, crafts, socializing, clubs, sports, and outdoor activities, as well as computer and cell phone use. Activity patterns were studied using latent class analysis. The relationship between leisure activities and weight status was investigated using logistic and linear regression. Genetic and environmental effects on BMI were studied using twin modeling. Of individual leisure activities, sports were associated with decreased overweight risk among boys in both cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses, but among girls only cross-sectionally. Many sedentary leisure activities, such as video viewing (boys/girls), arts (boys), listening to music (boys), crafts (girls), and board games (girls), had positive associations with being overweight. Computer use was associated with a higher prevalence of overweight in cross-sectional analyses. However, musical instrument playing, commonly considered as a sedentary activity, was associated with a decreased overweight risk among boys. Four patterns of leisure activities were found: ‘Active and sociable’, ‘Active but less sociable’, ‘Passive but sociable’, and ‘Passive and solitary’. The prevalence of overweight was generally highest among the ‘Passive and solitary’ adolescents. Overall, leisure activity patterns did not predict overweight risk later in adolescence. An exception were 14-year-old ‘Passive and solitary’ girls who had the greatest risk of becoming overweight by 17 years of age. Heritability of BMI was high (0.58-0.83). Common environmental factors shared by family-members affected the BMI at 11-12 and 14 years but their effect had disappeared by 17 years of age. Additive genetic factors explained 90-96% of the BMI stability across adolescence. Genetic correlations across adolescence were high, which suggests similar genetic effects on BMI throughout adolescence, while unique environmental effects on BMI appeared to vary. These findings suggest that family-based interventions hold promise for obesity prevention into early and middle adolescence, but that later in adolescence obesity prevention should focus on individuals. A useful target could be adolescents' leisure time, and our findings highlight the importance of versatility in leisure activities.
[ES] El catalogar a un determinado bien o servicio como una de las «extensiones de los sentidos y las funciones humanas de la vista, el oído y el tacto», muestra la importancia del papel que desempeñan en nuestras vidas, muestra el desarrollo que alcanzaron impulsadas por las mismas necesidades de los seres humanos, muestra un mercado dinámico e importante. El servicio de telefonía móvil o celular es el desencadenador de estas expresiones y además tema de comentario, investigación y preocupación de comunidades científicas y organismos internacionales como el World Economic Forum de Davos.
Mechanical resonators are the most basic and ubiquitous physical systems known. In on-chip form, they are used to process high frequency signals in every cell phone, television, and laptop. They have also been in the last few decades in different shapes and forms, a critical part of progress in quantum information sciences with kilogram-scale mirrors for gravitational wave detection measuring motion at its quantum limits, and the motion of single ions being used to link qubits for quantum computation.
Optomechanics is a field primarily concerned with coupling light to the motion of mechanical structures. This thesis contains descriptions of recent work with mechanical systems in the megahertz to gigahertz frequency range, formed by nanofabricating novel photonic/phononic structures on a silicon chip. These structures are designed to have both optical and mechanical resonances, and laser light is used to address and manipulate their motional degrees of freedom through radiation pressure forces. We laser cool these mechanical resonators to their ground states, and observe for the first time the quantum zero-point motion of a nanomechanical resonator. Conversely, we show that engineered mechanical resonances drastically modify the optical response of our structures, creating large effective optical nonlinearities not present in bulk silicon. We experimentally demonstrate aspects of these nonlinearities by proposing and observing ``electromagnetically induced transparency'' and light slowed down to 6 m/s, as well as wavelength conversion, and generation of nonclassical optical radiation. Finally, the application of optomechanics to longstanding problems in quantum and classical communications are proposed and investigated.
O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi analisar como se dão as relações afetivas através da socialização de jovens cariocas de classe média da zona sul do Rio de Janeiro, estabelecidas através do contato por telefonia celular. Com isso, foi possível verificar as novas dinâmicas na subjetividade contemporânea, pautadas na cultura de consumo, a partir da apropriação desse conjunto de tecnologias da comunicação, nas relações sociais e afetivas, em especial na ficação, além das relações entre amigos e namorados. Parto do pressuposto de que os indivíduos contemporâneos estão se apropriando, em larga escala, das tecnologias de comunicação, tornando cotidiana e corriqueira a efetuação de contatos sociais intermediados por tais artefatos tecnológicos. Para este estudo, utilizei como metodologia uma compilação de etnografias (visto que cada antropólogo organiza no campo a sua etnografia), para que fosse possível o acesso de diversas nuanças das relações afetivas em territórios privados e íntimos dos jovens que participaram deste estudo através de entrevistas e observação participante. Constatei que eles se apropriaram do celular como conjunto de tecnologias de comunicação pessoal portáteis e, em especial, das mensagens de texto como uma forma de manutenção e ampliação das relações afetivas através de estratégias de performance que possibilitam: seduzir concomitantemente diversas pessoas com mínimo investimento afetivo e exposição e máximo aproveitamento no tocante a estímulos de sedução; manter registros afetivos regulares entre namorados, independente de onde e do que estejam fazendo, visto que as mensagens podem ficar armazenadas e serem acessadas com discrição mesmo em lugares e situações em que seria inapropriado falar por telefone; registrar memórias afetivas, em virtude de no celular poder ser armazenado e revisto um grande número de dados que se tornam marcos de referência de situações amorosas; estimular recordações de emoções vivenciadas em cada situação e; marcar encontros de sociabilização entre amigos com o mínimo investimento de tempo e baixo custo de comunicação e máxima eficiência na recepção do conteúdo informacional. Dentro deste cenário, verifiquei que a dinâmica social gerada possivelmente reflete em mudanças nas formas com que os relacionamentos afetivos são mantidos e ampliados, favorecendo com isso a constituição de novas subjetividades.
Fazendo filmes na ilha investiga as formas com que um grupo de jovens do sexo feminino e participantes assíduas do Cineclube Belém Insular na ilha de Cotijuba (Belém do Pará) se apropriam das imagens produzidas pelos diferentes dispositivos tecnológicos para exprimir as marcas territoriais do ambiente em que vivem. Analisa as produções realizadas por elas e verifica se expressam linhas de fuga às formas e formatos audiovisuais vigentes ou se apenas refletem os clichês visuais e sonoros, além das palavras de ordem, difundidos pelos meios de comunicação de massa. Esta pesquisa surge em decorrência do barateamento, facilidade de manuseio e de transmissão oferecidos pelo desenvolvimento das tecnologias de informação e comunicação, que permitiram novas formas de relação com as imagens. Se antes a produção e difusão das produções audiovisuais eram controladas pelos meios de comunicação de massa no formato um/todos, hoje, qualquer um com telefone celular, câmera fotográfica ou câmera de vídeo amadora é capaz de produzir um filme/vídeo e compartilhá-lo através das redes sociais e, principalmente, através de canais como o youtube. Dessa forma, territórios outrora isolados como a ilha de Cotijuba passam a ter acesso a informações locais e globais que se refletem em novos processos de subjetivação, transformando formas de pensar/agir e sentir na região. O campo conceitual circula entre Foucault, Deleuze e Guattari e outros autores pós-estruturalistas, além da bibliografia específica da área do audiovisual e das artes.
Background: To date, there is limited research examining sleep patterns in elementary school children. Previous researchers focused on parental responses rather than student responses to determine factors that affect sleep. The presented study surveyed sleep patterns and examined external factors affecting total sleep time among elementary school children and adolescents. Methods: Students in grades 2-5 (n=885) and grade 10 (n=190) enrolled in a public school system in the Northeast, completed a district administered survey that included questions on sleep duration and hygiene. Results. Average reported sleep duration decreased with increasing grade level. Children in grades 2-5 woke up earlier (31.7-72.4%) and on their own in comparison to adolescents in grade 10 (6.8%). Significantly shorter sleep durations were associated with having a television (grades 2, 4, 5, p< 0.01) or a cell phone in the room (grades 3, 4; p < 0.05), playing on the computer or video games (grades 3, 4, p<.001) before going to bed. In contrast, students in grade 2, 3, & 4 who reported reading a book before going to bed slept on average 21 minutes more per night (p=.029, .007, .009, respectively). For tenth graders, only consumption of energy drinks led to significant reduction in sleep duration (p<.0001). Conclusion. Sleep is a fundamental aspect in maintaining a healthy and adequate life style. Understanding sleep patterns will assist parents, health care providers, and educators in promoting quality sleep hygiene in school-aged children.
Tese de mestrado, Educação (Área de especialidade em Educação e Tecnologias Digitais), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2015
L’insécurité routière chez les conducteurs âgés est attribuable en partie, aux effets délétères du vieillissement normal sur le fonctionnement cognitif. Les méthodes d’évaluation neuropsychologique par les tests ayant montré une certaine efficacité dans le cas du dépistage des habiletés de conduite chez les conducteurs âgés atteints d’affections neurologiques pathologiques, la présente thèse vise à évaluer la pertinence de cette approche chez les conducteurs vieillissants de la population générale. Le principal objectif de cette thèse est ainsi d’obtenir une vue d’ensemble sur le rôle et la sensibilité des mesures neuropsychologiques dans la prédiction des habiletés et habitudes de conduite automobile sécuritaire chez les conducteurs âgés. Dans la même perspective, la thèse explore d’autre part le rôle de variables sociodémographiques et psychologiques. L’article 1 évalue la validité prédictive de sept tests des fonctions visuo-attentionnelles et de la mémoire de travail en regard des habiletés de détection périphérique chez 50 conducteurs âgés de 62 à 83 ans. L’étude sur simulateur de conduite comprend une condition de conduite simple et une condition plus soutenue incluant une distraction téléphonique de type « mains-libres ». Selon les résultats, certains tests cognitifs prédisent bien les temps de détection. En outre, la validité prédictive des tests est plus importante dans la situation de conduite plus exigeante. Cela dit, les résultats de l’article 2 révèlent que le recours aux stratégies d’évitement des situations exigeantes est plus prononcé chez les individus qui présentent des faiblesses à certains des tests neuropsychologiques proposés. Les résultats indiquent en outre que l’utilisation des stratégies d’évitement routier est plus fréquente chez les conducteurs ayant tendance à déprécier leurs habiletés de conduite générales, à exprimer une moindre perception de contrôle ainsi qu’une attitude défavorable à l’endroit des situations de conduite complexes ou risquées. Les stratégies d’évitement se révèlent donc comme des réponses autorégulatrices proportionnelles aux limitations cognitives et aux perceptions individuelles. Dans les deux études, l’âge ne permet pas d’expliquer les différences individuelles, ceci ni en termes d’habiletés de détection périphérique ni de tendances autorégulatrices. Le rôle du genre est cependant plus nuancé. Ainsi, le principal apport de la présente thèse réside dans la constatation que si d’une part, certaines limitations neuropsychologiques sont associées à une réduction des habiletés de détection périphérique, ces mêmes limitations s’accompagnent aussi de mesures autorégulatrices qui peuvent contribuer à réduire le risque routier. Il appert conséquemment que les méthodes de dépistage de l’insécurité routière chez les conducteurs âgés se basant sur l’évaluation des limitations cognitives et attentionnelles doivent également rechercher et évaluer la teneur de leurs comportements routiers autorégulateurs. Dans le contexte de vieillissement de la population, des interventions pourront également miser sur le renforcement de ces comportements.
Hace varios años atrás el uso del celular era un bien que muy pocas personas tenían la oportunidad de adquirirlo. Por un lado esta adquisición era muy cara y además había muy poca oferta en el mercado. El uso de los celulares era estrictamente para llamadas urgentes y muy pocas personas podían tener este bien en sus manos. A medida que iban avanzando los años las personas generaban mas necesidades y las empresas hacían todo lo posible por satisfacer estas necesidades. Por esta misma razón las empresas empezaron a ir más allá que simplemente satisfacer estas necesidades. Por lo que empezaron a no solo crear un simple celular que sirviera para llamadas sino un celular que también incluyera cámara, video, mensajes de texto, mails, bluetooth, música, entre más funciones. Hoy en día un celular que no tenga este tipo de funciones es obsoleto y ahora las personas se vuelven cada vez más dependientes a un teléfono celular. Por eso es importante investigar si es verdaderamente importante y necesario tener toda la vida de las personas en el celular, si estas nuevas tecnologías son relevantes para la sustentabilidad de las empresas y también que beneficios trae la evolución de las nuevas tecnologías. En la actualidad se ha dado que para las personas es fundamental el uso de los smartphones, no solo en la vida personal sino también laboral. Por eso es relevante conocer qué tan importante es el Smartphone para las personas y también cómo se puede aprovechar esta tecnología. Para la sociedad en la que vivimos actualmente, estar en contacto con el mundo es fundamental y también ser parte de el, por lo que la aparición de estos smartphones ha permitido que ese acercamiento sea mas rápido y con mayor facilidad. En los últimos años, ha habido un boom en la oferta y demanda de este tipo de productos, en el cual las empresas han estado peleando por ofrecer tanto nuevos dispositivos y tecnologías, como también nuevos servicios en cuanto a conectividad y aplicaciones de estos.
The new tech has introduced the traits of the hypermedia, interactivity and convergence in the journalism field. Moreover, it has involved the emergence of new media and changes in the informative contents. In 2006 Al Jazeera in English was created for covering the underreported regions, inasmuch as new media arise, new contents do so, thus, the research examines the agendas of The Stream, the TV show from Al Jazeera that relies heavily on social networks.
We propose and analyse a class of evolving network models suitable for describing a dynamic topological structure. Applications include telecommunication, on-line social behaviour and information processing in neuroscience. We model the evolving network as a discrete time Markov chain, and study a very general framework where, conditioned on the current state, edges appear or disappear independently at the next timestep. We show how to exploit symmetries in the microscopic, localized rules in order to obtain conjugate classes of random graphs that simplify analysis and calibration of a model. Further, we develop a mean field theory for describing network evolution. For a simple but realistic scenario incorporating the triadic closure effect that has been empirically observed by social scientists (friends of friends tend to become friends), the mean field theory predicts bistable dynamics, and computational results confirm this prediction. We also discuss the calibration issue for a set of real cell phone data, and find support for a stratified model, where individuals are assigned to one of two distinct groups having different within-group and across-group dynamics.
This study will collaborate by bringing some detailed analysis and findings on a special case study of a discontinuous product development process, trying to answer how the discontinuous product development process takes place and the main factors that influence this process. Additionally, it tried to explore some explanations for the difficulties generally faced by the companies to sustain innovation. The case is about the Motorola cell phone RAZR V3, launched in 2004. RAZR V3 was noted by industry experts as game-changing feat of design and engineering, selling more than 110 million units by end of 2008 and recognized as one of the fastest selling products in the industry. The study uses a single case methodology, which is appropriate given the access to a phenomenon that happened inside corporate dominium and it is not easily accessed for academic studies, besides being a rare case of success in the cellular phone industry. In order to magnify the understanding of the phenomenon, the exploration was extended to contrast the RAZR development process and the standard product development process in Motorola. Additionally, it was integrated a longitudinal reflection of the company product development evolution until the next breakthrough product hitting the cellular phone industry. The result of the analysis shows that discontinuous products do not fit well traditional product development process (in this case, stage-gate). This result reinforces the results obtained on previous studies of discontinuous product development conducted by other authors. Therefore, it is clear that the dynamics of discontinuous product development are different from the continuous product development, requiring different treatment to succeed. Moreover, this study highlighted the importance of the management influence in all the phases of the process as one of the most important factors, suggesting a key component to be carefully observed in future researches. Some other findings of the study that were considered very important for a discontinuous product development process: have champions (who believe and protect the project) and not only one champion; create a right atmosphere to make flow the creative process; question paradigms to create discontinuous products; simple guiding light to focus the team; company culture that accepts and knows how to deal with risks; and undoubtedly, have a company strategy that understands the different dynamics of continuous and discontinuous product development processes and treat them accordingly.
VoiceThread (VT) is a collaborative and asynchronous web 2.0 tool, which permits the creation of oral presentations with the help of images, documents, texts and voice, allowing groups of people to browse and contribute with comments using several options: voice (microphone or cell phone), text and audio-file or video (webcam) (BOTTENTUIT JUNIOR, LISBÔA E COUTINHO, 2009). The hybrid experience with VoiceThread allows learners to plan their speech before recording it, without the pressure often existent in the classroom. Furthermore, the presentations can be recorded several times, enabling students to listen to them, notice the gaps in their oral production (noticing) and edit innumerous times before publishing them online. In this perspective, oral production is seen as a process of L2 acquisition, not only as practice of already existent knowledge, because it can stimulate the learner to process the language syntactically (SWAIN, 1985; 1995). In this context, this study aims to verify if there is a relation between the oral production of the learners more specifically the grammatical accuracy and the global oral grade and their noticing capacity, how the systematic practice with VoiceThread, in a hybrid approach, can impact the learners global oral development, their oral production in terms of fluency (number of words per minute), accuracy (number of errors in hundred words), and complexity (number of dependent clauses per minute), and on their noticing capacity (SCHMIDT, 1990; 1995; 2001), that is, the learner s capacity of noticing the gaps existent in their oral production. In order to answer these research questions, 49 L2 learners of English were divided into an experimental group (25 students) and a control group (24 students). The experimental group was exposed to the hybrid approach with VT during two months and, through a pre- and post-test, we verified if this systematic practice would positively influence these participants oral production and noticing capacity. These results were compared to the pre- and post-test scores from the control group, which was not exposed to VT. Finally, learners impressions in relation to the use of this tool were also sought through a questionnaire applied after the post-test. The results indicate that there is a statistically significant correlation between the learners speech production (accuracy and global oral grade) and their noticing capacity. Besides, it was verified a positive impact of VoiceThread on the learners speech production variables and on their noticing capacity. They also reveal a positive reaction by the learners in relation to the hybrid experience with this web tool
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Neste trabalho são apresentadas simulações computacionais inéditas para o cálculo de tensões induzidas em linhas de baixa tensão provenientes de descargas atmosféricas em estações rádio-base de telefonia celular (ERBs). Foram construídas estruturas representativas que denotam um grau de complexidade bastante avançado e semelhante ao encontrado em campo, visando assim a obtenção o de resultados bem próximos aos da realidade. Para tal, desenvolveu-se um software, no qual as equações de Maxwell são resolvidas numericamente utilizando o Método das Diferenças Finitas no Domínio do Tempo (FDTD), associado à truncagem de domínio de análise pela técnica da UPML e representação de condutores elétricos pela formulação de fio fino para meios condutivos, gerando soluções de onda completa para o problema.