352 resultados para catalizzatori strutturati elettrosintesi metalli nobili nanoparticelle schiume metalliche


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The removal of aromatic hydrocarbons from diesel has received considerable attention after environmental regulations that require petroleum reners to raise cetane number and to limit aromatics in diesel fuel in order to improve combustion efficiency and reduce particulate and NOx emissions. An alternative is blending with FischerTropsch (FT) gas-to-liquid diesel fuel; however, this option may not be economically viable solution in case of extensive blend. Another alternative is to incorporate in the diesel pool a greater fraction of the so-called light cycle oil (LCO). Due to its high aromatics content and its low cetane number (typically between 20 and 30), the incorporation of LCO may have a negative impact on the quality of diesel. Current technologies for LCO improvement are based on hydrogenation to adjust both sulphur and cetane number but while an important fraction of the aromatics present in LCO can be saturated in a deep hydrogenation process, the cetane number may still be lower than the target values specified in diesel legislations, so further upgrading is needed. An interesting technology for improving the cetane number of diesels and maintaining meanwhile high diesel yields is achieved by combining a complete hydrogenation process with a selective ring opening (SRO) reaction of the naphthenic rings. The SRO can be defined as naphthene ring-opening to form compounds with high cetane number, but without any carbon losses. Controlling the interconversion of six- and five- membered rings via an acid-catalyzed ring-contraction step is also of great importance, since selective conversion of six-membered to five-membered naphthene rings greatly inuences ring-opening rates and selectivity. High intrinsic activity may be enhanced by deposition of noble metals on acidic, high surface area supports, because it is possible to arrange close proximity of the metal and acid sites. Moreover, in large-pore supports, the diffusion resistance of liquid reactants into the pores is minimized. In addition to metal centres, the acid sites of support also plays role in aromatics hydrogenation. However, the functions of different kinds of acid sites (Brnsted vs. Lewis acidity), and their optimal concentrations and strengths, remain unclear. In the present study we investigated the upgrading of an aromatic-rich feedstock over different type of metal supported on mesoporous silica-alumina. The selective hydrogenolysis and ring opening of tetrahydronaphthalene (THN or tetralin) was carried out as representative of LCO fractions after deep hydrogenation process. In this regards the aim of this study is to evaluate both the effect of metals and that of the supports characterized by different acid distribution and strength, on conversion and selectivity. For this purpose a series of catalysts were prepared by impregnation. The catalysts were characterized and conversion tests of THN were performed in a lab-scale plant operating in the pressure range from 7.0-5.0 MPa and in the temperature range from 300 to 360C.


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The work of this thesis has been focused on the characterization of metallic membranes for the hydrogen purification from steam reforming process and also of perfluorosulphonic acid ionomeric (PFSI) membranes suitable as electrolytes in fuel cell applications. The experimental study of metallic membranes was divided in three sections: synthesis of palladium and silver palladium coatings on porous ceramic support via electroless deposition (ELD), solubility and diffusivity analysis of hydrogen in palladium based alloys (temperature range between 200 and 400 C up to 12 bar of pressure) and permeation experiments of pure hydrogen and mixtures containing, besides hydrogen, also nitrogen and methane at high temperatures (up to 600 C) and pressures (up to 10 bar). Sequential deposition of palladium and silver on to porous alumina tubes by ELD technique was carried out using two different procedures: a stirred batch and a continuous flux method. Pure palladium as well as Pd-Ag membranes were produced: the Pd-Ag membranes composition is calculated to be close to 77% Pd and 23% Ag by weight which was the target value that correspond to the best performance of the palladium-based alloys. One of the membranes produced showed an infinite selectivity through hydrogen and relatively high permeability value and is suitable for the potential use as a hydrogen separator. The hydrogen sorption in silver palladium alloys was carried out in a gravimetric system on films produced by ELD technique. In the temperature range inspected, up to 400C, there is still a lack in literature. The experimental data were analyzed with rigorous equations allowing to calculate the enthalpy and entropy values of the Sieverts constant; the results were in very good agreement with the extrapolation made with literature data obtained a lower temperature (up to 150 C). The information obtained in this study would be directly usable in the modeling of hydrogen permeation in Pd-based systems. Pure and mixed gas permeation tests were performed on Pd-based hydrogen selective membranes at operative conditions close to steam-reforming ones. Two membranes (one produced in this work and another produced by NGK Insulators Japan) showed a virtually infinite selectivity and good permeability. Mixture data revealed the existence of non negligible resistances to hydrogen transport in the gas phase. Even if the decrease of the driving force due to polarization concentration phenomena occurs, in principle, in all membrane-based separation systems endowed with high perm-selectivity, an extensive experimental analysis lack, at the moment, in the palladium-based membrane process in literature. Moreover a new procedure has been introduced for the proper comparison of the mass transport resistance in the gas phase and in the membrane. Another object of study was the water vapor sorption and permeation in PFSI membranes with short and long side chains was also studied; moreover the permeation of gases (i.e. He, N2 and O2) in dry and humid conditions was considered. The water vapor sorption showed strong interactions between the hydrophilic groups and the water as revealed from the hysteresis in the sorption-desorption isotherms and thermo gravimetric analysis. The data obtained were used in the modeling of water vapor permeation, that was described as diffusion-reaction of water molecules, and in the humid gases permeation experiments. In the dry gas experiments the permeability and diffusivity was found to increase with temperature and with the equivalent weight (EW) of the membrane. A linear correlation was drawn between the dry gas permeability and the opposite of the equivalent weight of PFSI membranes, based on which the permeability of pure PTFE is retrieved in the limit of high EW. In the other hand O2 ,N2 and He permeability values was found to increase significantly, and in a similar fashion, with water activity. A model that considers the PFSI membrane as a composite matrix with a hydrophilic and a hydrophobic phase was considered allowing to estimate the variation of gas permeability with relative humidity on the basis of the permeability in the dry PFSI membrane and in pure liquid water.


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Il presente lavoro di tesi stato realizzato al fine di valutare la distribuzione geografica ed i livelli ambientali di concentrazione per una serie di metalli (Cr, Cu, Ni, Zn, Mn, Co, V, Ba, Pb, Sr e Hg) presenti allinterno dei sedimenti della laguna costiera Pialassa Baiona, situata nei pressi del porto e dellarea industriale di Ravenna. Larea di studio considerata rappresenta un esempio di ambiente di transizione, dove i fattori fisici e chimici variano su scala spaziale e temporale e dove le attivit antropiche, recenti e non, hanno provocato impatti significativi sullo stato di qualit dei sedimenti, delle acque e degli ecosistemi. Lo studio stato progettato seguendo un disegno di campionamento ortogonale, che tiene conto del gradiente naturale terra-mare, tipico delle zone di transizione, e del gradiente antropico, legato alla vicinanza con larea industriale. Sulla base di questo disegno sono state campionate 4 aree differenti e per ciascuna area sono stati scelti casualmente tre siti. La caratterizzazione dei sedimenti dal punto di vista chimico stata effettuata determinando la frazione labile e quindi pi biodisponibile dei metalli, oggetto del presente studio, per mezzo di una tecnica di estrazione parziale con HCl 1 M. Le concentrazioni biodisponibili ottenute sono state poi confrontate con il contenuto totale dei metalli, determinato mediante digestione totale al micronde. I sedimenti sono stati inoltre caratterizzati dal punto di vista granulometrico e del contenuto in sostanza organica (Loss on Ignition, LOI%). I risultati ottenuti dalle analisi chimiche sono stati confrontati con i valori tipi di fondo naturale del Mar Adriatico e con i valori guida di riferimento nazionale (SQA-MA) ed internazionale (ERL, ERM, TEL e PEL), al fine di valutare lo stato di qualit dei sedimenti della Baiona e di effettuare uno screening per individuare eventuali situazioni di rischio per gli organismi bentonici. I risultati ottenuti sono stati poi elaborati statisticamente con un analisi della varianza (ANOVA) con lo scopo di valutare la variabilit spaziale dei metalli nei campioni analizzati e la presenza di eventuali differenze significative.


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Among various nanoparticles, noble metal nanoparticles have attracted considerable attention due to their optical, catalytic and conducting properties. This work has been focused on the development of an innovative method of synthesis for the preparation of metal nanosuspensions of Au, Ag, Cu, in order to achieve stable sols, showing suitable features to allow an industrial scale up of the processes. The research was developed in collaboration with a company interested in the large scale production of the studied nanosuspensions. In order to develop a commercial process, high solid concentration, long time colloidal stability and particle size control, are required. Two synthesis routes, differing by the used solvents, have been implemented: polyol based and water based synthesis. In order to achieve a process intensification the microwave heating has been applied. As a result, colloidal nanosuspensions with suitable dimensions, good optical properties, very high solid content and good stability, have been synthesized by simple and environmental friendly methods. Particularly, due to some interesting results an optimized synthesis process has been patented. Both water and polyol based synthesis, developed in the presence of a reducing agent and of a chelating polymer, allowed to obtain particle size-control and colloidal stability by tuning the different parameters. Furthermore, it has been verified that microwave device, due to its rapid and homogeneous heating, provides some advantages over conventional method. In order to optimize the final suspensions properties, for each synthesis it has been studied the effect of different parameters (temperature, time, precursors concentrations, etc) and throughout a specific optimization action a right control on nucleation and growth processes has been achieved. The achieved nanoparticles were confirmed by XRD analysis to be the desired metal phases, even at the lowest synthesis temperatures. The particles showed a diameter, measured by STEM and dynamic light scattering technique (DLS), ranging from 10 to 60 nm. Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) was monitored by UV-VIS spectroscopy confirming its dependence by nanoparticles size and shape. Moreover the reaction yield has been assessed by ICP analysis performed on the unreacted metal cations. Finally, thermal conductivity and antibacterial activity characterizations of copper and silver sols respectively are now ongoing in order to check their application as nanofluid in heat transfer processes and as antibacterial agent.


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Abbiamo studiato una nuova classe di catalizzatori per la sintesi di biodiesel mediante transesterificazione di trigliceridi in fase liquida con metanolo. Si sono preparate diverse serie di catalizzatori rispettivamente a base di magnesio ossido e idrotalcite dispersi su allumina commerciale mesoporosa. Partendo dai medesimi precursori ottenuti tramite wet-impregnation dellallumina con soluzioni di magnesio metossido, si sono poi seguiti differenti metodi di calcinazione. Per la creazione della fase idrotalcite si sfruttato un processo idrotermale di dealluminazione, comunemente impiegato nella sintesi delle zeoliti. Gli spettri XRD e le analisi TPD con biossido di carbonio confermano lavvenuta formazione delle fasi ricercate. Il confronto tra il rapporto Mg/Al superficiale (ottenuto da analisi XPS) e bulk (ottenuto da analisi SEM/EDX) suggeriscono che la formazione della fase idrotalcite dovuta ad una reazione allo stato solido avvenuta a seguito del trattamento dei campioni con vapore ad alta temperatura. Tutti i materiali preparati si sono dimostrati essere catalizzatori attivi per la transesterificazione in fase liquida del tributirrato e del triottanoato (molecole modello per la sintesi del biodiesel) con metanolo. I catalizzatori a base di idrotalcite hanno dimostrato le migliori propriet catalitiche.


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Lidrogeno un elemento di elevato interesse economico, con una produzione industriale che supera i 55 x 1010 m3/anno e notevoli prospettive di sviluppo delle sue applicazioni. Attualmente lidrogeno prodotto principalmente in impianti di larga scala (circa 1000 m3/h) da combustibili fossili attraverso processi di steam reforming ed ossidazione parziale catalitica. Per aumentare la produzione di idrogeno un ruolo fondamentale svolto dalla reazione di water gas shift (WGS) che abbatte il contenuto di CO, massimizzando la produzione di idrogeno. La reazione condotta industrialmente in due stadi, operanti ad alta temperatura (HTS, circa 350 C) e bassa temperatura (LTS, circa 250 C), utilizzando rispettivamente catalizzatori a base di ferro o rame. Tuttavia, evidente linteresse per nuove formulazioni in grado di operare in un unico stadio a temperatura intermedia (MTS), mantenendo le caratteristiche ottimali di attivit e stabilit. In questo lavoro di tesi, condotto in collaborazione con AIR LIQUIDE (F), stato affrontato uno studio della reazione di WGS finalizzato allo sviluppo di nuove formulazioni attive e stabili nellMTS. In particolare, sono stati sintetizzati precursori idrotalcitici Cu/Zn/Al (contenenti carbonati o silicati), con bassi contenuti di rame (diversamente da quanto riportato in letteratura), modulandone le propriet chimico-fisiche, lattivit catalitica e la stabilit con il tempo di reazione. Si osservato come i catalizzatori con minori contenuti di rame ed ottenuti da precursori contenenti carbonati mostrassero unelevata attivit e selettivit nellMTS, raggiungendo valori di conversione del CO analoghi a quelli allequilibrio termodinamico gi a 300 C, indipendentemente dai valori del rapporto S/DG e del tempo di contatto. Tutti i catalizzatori mostrano unelevata stabilit con il tempo di reazione, con incrementi del quantitativo del CO in uscita dopo 100h di circa lo 0,7 % v/v. I catalizzatori scaricati dopo le prove catalitiche evidenziano gli effetti dei processi di sinterizzazione (diminuzione dellarea superficiale ed incremento delle dimensioni dei cristalliti), la cui entit diminuisce al diminuire del contenuto di rame. Infine, confrontando lattivit dei migliori catalizzatori preparati in questo lavoro di tesi con quella di uno dei pi utilizzati catalizzatori commerciali per la reazione di WGS a bassa temperatura, si sono osservati valori di attivit analoghi, raggiungendo quelli di equilibrio per temperature 300C, ma con una attivit significativamente superiore nelle condizioni LTS, soprattutto considerando il valore del tempo di contatto inferiore a quelli comunemente utilizzati negli impianti industriali.