987 resultados para business units


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This paper asks why organisations invest in non-integrated CRM point solutions when many of the benefits of enterprise systems are claimed to be due to integration of processes and information. This paper identifies six factors that explain why organisations invest in CRM point solutions: reduced risk; lower cost; quick benefits realization; low integration ability, low interdependence of business units, and high business-unit differentiation. The evidence suggests that when interdependence between parts of an organization is low, possibly due to one unit producing a clearly differentiated product, the attractions of lower risk, lower cost, and/or faster access to the benefits are likely to induce organizations to adopt CRM point solutions. The contribution of this study is that it recognizes that, and explains why, it is not always optimal for organizations to adopt integrated CRM solutions.


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Trata de um Estudo de Caso. Unidades estratégicas de negócio em saúde : o caso Alergoclínica. Aborda mudanças em estrutura, estratégia e processos, destacando o uso da estrutura por Unidades Estratégicas de Negócio provocadas por meio de alterações no cenário da prestação de serviços em saúde, identificando os limites entre cada um dos conceitos aplicados e o momento da organização estudada.


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Nos últimos anos a competição mundial aumentou significativamente o que tem levado a uma maior pressão por flexibilidade nas operações das empresas. Isso causou a mudança das estruturas burocráticas verticais para a organização horizontal, modificando o paradigma prévio, de que a competição se dava entre unidades de negócios. O modelo burocrático tradicional de organização tem se mostrado esgotado, assim a formação de redes de empresas tem possibilitado a emergência de novos modelos organizacionais mais flexíveis. A estratégia de operações, historicamente focada em unidades de negócios, se tornou um campo profícuo para uma nova análise das práticas e modelos existentes. Como a criação e entrega de valor são imprescindíveis para a sobrevivência das redes interfirmas, supõe-se que o valor percebido pelo cliente está conectado com o projeto das organizações em rede. Essa tese propõe, portanto, categorizar as redes simultâneas nas quais as firmas estão inseridas e apresentar uma abordagem metodológica para a investigação da relação entre o valor percebido pelo cliente e o projeto da rede de negócios. Com esse objetivo é conduzido um estudo qualitativo e explanatório das redes simultâneas dentro do campo da estratégia de operações. As conclusões sugerem que o projeto da rede de negócios pesquisada reflete a percepção de valor pelo cliente


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Nos últimos 30 anos os executivos têm consistentemente identificado o alinhamento estratégico entre TI e negócio como uma das suas principais preocupações ainda não devidamente endereçadas. Existem diversos conceitos definidos sobre o significado deste alinhamento e suas consequências na performance das empresas, mas os estudos ainda são vagos em relação a como ele pode ser atingido e focam principalmente no alinhamento entre executivos, explorando pouco o nível operacional nas organizações. O objetivo deste estudo foi aprofundar-se no alinhamento entre TI e unidades de negócio na dimensão operacional, através de um estudo de caso avaliando o impacto na percepção de alinhamento entre as áreas após a criação de uma área dedicada ao relacionamento entre TI/Negócio, composta por profissionais de TI especializados e com conhecimentos específicos das unidades de negócio que atendem, visando um melhor entendimento dos objetivos da organização. Para tanto, foi aplicada uma abordagem multi-metodológica utilizando-se de Insider Action Research, que investiga um fenômeno partindo de uma intervenção no ambiente (em que o pesquisador faz parte), em conjunto com Design Research, que realiza o estudo de forma qualitativa centrada na construção e avaliação cíclica de um artefato. Para este estudo de caso, o artefato criado foi o método de trabalho utilizando-se de uma área responsável pela gestão do relacionamento entre TI/Negócio e a intervenção foi a implantação deste artefato na organização. As percepções foram capturadas através de reuniões com gestores da organização. As avaliações de efetividade foram apoiadas no framework de Luftman que mede o nível de alinhamento entre TI/Negócio em seis dimensões (Comunicação, Mensuração, Governança, Parceria, Escopo/Arquitetura e Competências). Os resultados mostraram que a criação da área de relacionamento TI/Negócios teve um claro impacto positivo na percepção de alinhamento entre as áreas, principalmente nas dimensões de comunicação e parceria. O estudo mostra que este tipo de abordagem gera uma maior sensação de confiança e proximidade e, portanto, pode ser utilizada para evoluir o alinhamento operacional entre as áreas.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar como o método ABC - activity based costing foi implantado para realizar o custeio da logística interna da empresa química BASF SA., situada na cidade de Guaratinguetá - SP. Apresentam-se: a descrição do processo de mudança do método de custeio tradicional para o método ABC, as dificuldades encontradas e como foram ultrapassadas, bem como as vantagens constatadas pela empresa. O departamento de logística da empresa funciona como um prestador de serviços, atendendo a todos os processos produtivos das divisões (unidades de negócio) existentes na planta de Guaratinguetá, no que concerne à armazenagem e ao fornecimento de matérias-primas, além de atuar na retirada e na armazenagem de produto acabado. Como principais resultados, obteve-se uma distribuição de custos mais justa entre as divisões da planta, identificação de oportunidades de melhoria nos processos logísticos, identificação de processo e atividades que não agregavam valor aos produtos, entre outros. Finalmente, o processo de implantação e os resultados foram muito bem avaliados pelos gestores, o que foi decisivo para a adoção do método ABC como sistema gerencial de custos logísticos da empresa.


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This paper shows the Gini Coefficient, the dissimilarity Index and the Lorenz Curve for the Spanish Port System by type of goods from 1960 to the year 2010 for business units: Total traffic, Liquid bulk cargo, Solid bulk cargo, General Merchandise and Container (TEUs) with the aim of carcaterizar the Spanish port systems in these periods and propose future strategies.


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This paper explains how strategic planning is able to deliver strategic integration within organizations. While communication and participation within planning processes are perceived to have an integrative effect, we argue that these effects are unlikely to arise simply from bringing people together. Rather, we suggest that, given the varying interests of actors in different business units, integration will only arise from active negotiations and compromises between these actors. The paper is based upon a case of strategic planning in a multinational that was attempting to develop greater strategic integration across Europe. Drawing upon an activity theory framework, we examine how a common strategy emerges over time through modifications to the planning process and to different actors’ roles within it. The findings are used to develop a process model that shows how different business unit characteristics of planning experience and relative power shape different experiences of communication and participation activities and different processes for achieving integration. The paper concludes with a discussion of how this process model contributes to the literature on strategic planning, political processes of strategy-making, and strategy-as-practice.


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This review is structured in three sections and provides a conceptual framework for the empirical analysis of strategy tools as they are used in practice. Examples of strategy tools are SWOT analysis or Porter’s Five Forces, among others. Section one reviews empirical research into the use of strategy tools, classifying them according to variations in their use. Section two explains the concept of boundary objects as the basis for our argument that strategy tools may be understood as boundary objects. Boundary objects are artefacts that are meaningfully and usefully incorporated to enable sharing of information and transfer of knowledge across intra-organizational boundaries, such as laterally across different strategic business units or vertically across hierarchical levels. Section three draws the two bodies of literature together, conceptualizing strategy tools in practice as boundary objects. This review contributes to knowledge on using strategy tools in practice.


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Multinational companies (MNCs) are known to establish country-specific headquarters (CSHQs) or centres to create and transfer knowledge in order to better co-ordinate and control their operations, and also to share knowledge between affiliates both within and outside the country. This paper highlights the role played by the human resource (HR) function in Indian CSHQs. The analysis is based on interview and survey data from senior HR specialists in 74 foreign firms operating CSHQs in India. The study identifies the range of services that the Indian CSHQs' HR function provides to the local business units of the MNC. A high level of freedom from the MNCs' corporate headquarters to both develop and implement HR policies and practices is found. The CSHQ is found to be instrumental in the creation and dissemination of HR-related learning. The study also identifies the problems faced by the HR function operating with a CSHQ and the actions necessary to overcome these issues.


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In this concluding chapter, we bring together the threads and reflections on the chapters contained in this text and show how they relate to multi-level issues. The book has focused on the world of Human Resource Management (HRM) and the systems and practices it must put in place to foster innovation. Many of the contributions argue that in order to bring innovation about, organisations have to think carefully about the way in which they will integrate what is, in practice, organisationally relevant — but socially distributed — knowledge. They need to build a series of knowledge-intensive activities and networks, both within their own boundaries and across other important external inter-relationships. In so doing, they help to co-ordinate important information structures. They have, in effect, to find ways of enabling people to collaborate with each other at lower cost, by reducing both the costs of their co-ordination and the levels of unproductive search activity. They have to engineer these behaviours by reducing the risks for people that might be associated with incorrect ideas and help individuals, teams and business units to advance incomplete ideas that are so often difficult to codify. In short, a range of intangible assets must flow more rapidly throughout the organisation and an appropriate balance must be found between the rewards and incentives associated with creativity, novelty and innovation, versus the risks that innovation may also bring.


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A pénzügyekben mind elméletileg, mind az alkalmazások szempontjából fontos kérdés a tőkeallokáció. Hogyan osszuk szét egy adott portfólió kockázatát annak alportfóliói között? Miként tartalékoljunk tőkét a fennálló kockázatok fedezetére, és a tartalékokat hogyan rendeljük az üzleti egységekhez? A tőkeallokáció vizsgálatára axiomatikus megközelítést alkalmazunk, tehát alapvető tulajdonságok megkövetelésével dolgozunk. Cikkünk kiindulópontja Csóka-Pintér [2010] azon eredménye, hogy a koherens kockázati mértékek axiómái, valamint a tőkeallokációra vonatkozó méltányossági, ösztönzési és stabilitási követelmények nincsenek összhangban egymással. Ebben a cikkben analitikus és szimulációs eszközökkel vizsgáljuk ezeket a követelményeket. A gyakorlati alkalmazások során használt, illetve az elméleti szempontból érdekes tőkeallokációs módszereket is elemezzük. A cikk fő következtetése, hogy a Csóka-Pintér [2010] által felvetett probléma gyakorlati szempontból is releváns, tehát az nemcsak az elméleti vizsgálatok során merül fel, hanem igen sokszor előforduló és gyakorlati probléma. A cikk további eredménye, hogy a vizsgált tőkeallokációs módszerek jellemzésével segítséget nyújt az alkalmazóknak a különböző módszerek közötti választáshoz. / === / Risk capital allocation in finance is important theoretically and also in practical applications. How can the risk of a portfolio be shared among its sub-portfolios? How should the capital reserves be set to cover risks, and how should the reserves be assigned to the business units? The study uses an axiomatic approach to analyse risk capital allocation, by working with requiring basic properties. The starting point is a 2010 study by Csoka and Pinter (2010), who showed that the axioms of coherent measures of risk are not compatible with some fairness, incentive compatibility and stability requirements of risk allocation. This paper discusses these requirements using analytical and simulation tools. It analyses methods used in practical applications that have theoretically interesting properties. The main conclusion is that the problems identified in Csoka and Pinter (2010) remain relevant in practical applications, so that it is not just a theoretical issue, it is a common practical problem. A further contribution is made because analysis of risk allocation methods helps practitioners choose among the different methods available.


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In finance risk capital allocation raises important questions both from theoretical and practical points of view. How to share risk of a portfolio among its subportfolios? How to reserve capital in order to hedge existing risk and how to assign this to different business units? We use an axiomatic approach to examine risk capital allocation, that is we call for fundamental properties of the methods. Our starting point is Csóka and Pintér (2011) who show by generalizing Young (1985)'s axiomatization of the Shapley value that the requirements of Core Compatibility, Equal Treatment Property and Strong Monotonicity are irreconcilable given that risk is quantified by a coherent measure of risk. In this paper we look at these requirements using analytic and simulations tools. We examine allocation methods used in practice and also ones which are theoretically interesting. Our main result is that the problem raised by Csóka and Pintér (2011) is indeed relevant in practical applications, that is it is not only a theoretical problem. We also believe that through the characterizations of the examined methods our paper can serve as a useful guide for practitioners.


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The present report describes in detail the activities and knowledge aquired during my internship as study coordinator in Blueclinical – Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Saúde, Ltd., in order to obtain the master degree in Pharmaceutical Biomedicine. According to the type of services provided, Blueclinical is formed by three business units: Blueclinical Clinical Research Partnership, Blueclinical Phase I and Blueclinical Research and Development. The fact of belonging to such a company gave me the opportunity to be in touch with different areas of pharmaceutical development and to contact with different research teams, which for me was an added advantage to the integration and consolidation of knowledge, as well as in the development and improvement of soft and hard skills. The main activity developed was the coordination of clinical studies, in Unidade Local de Saúde de Matosinhos, E.P.E., which was one of the institutions that established a partnership with Blueclinical, Ltd. During my internship I was able to contact with various stages of development and coordination of clinical trials, which will be reported in this report.