984 resultados para breast screening


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Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB


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In this thesis we focus on optimization and simulation techniques applied to solve strategic, tactical and operational problems rising in the healthcare sector. At first we present three applications to Emilia-Romagna Public Health System (SSR) developed in collaboration with Agenzia Sanitaria e Sociale dell'Emilia-Romagna (ASSR), a regional center for innovation and improvement in health. Agenzia launched a strategic campaign aimed at introducing Operations Research techniques as decision making tools to support technological and organizational innovations. The three applications focus on forecast and fund allocation of medical specialty positions, breast screening program extension and operating theater planning. The case studies exploit the potential of combinatorial optimization, discrete event simulation and system dynamics techniques to solve resource constrained problem arising within Emilia-Romagna territory. We then present an application in collaboration with Dipartimento di Epidemiologia del Lazio that focuses on population demand of service allocation to regional emergency departments. Finally, a simulation-optimization approach, developed in collaboration with INESC TECH center of Porto, to evaluate matching policies for the kidney exchange problem is discussed.


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In questo lavoro di tesi sono state studiate le caratteristiche di una macchina per tomosintesi Fujifilm AMULET Innovality in uso presso l'Istituto Scientifico Romagnolo per lo Studio e la Cura dei Tumori (I.R.S.T.) di Meldola. Le valutazioni sono state fatte utilizzando diversi fantocci, uno dei quali costruito durante il lavoro di tesi. Per la valutazione delle immagini di mammografia digitale e di tomosintesi sono state seguite le linee guida della International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) e della European Reference Organisation for Quality Assured Breast Screening and Diagnostic Services (EUREF). Per lo studio delle mammografie digitali sono stati valutati, utilizzando i software COQ e ImageJ, i parametri di NPS, MTF e DQE. Per lo studio delle immagini di tomosintesi sono stati appositamente sviluppati degli algoritmi in linguaggio Java, integrati poi all'interno del software COQ. Il programma sviluppato ha permesso di valutare ASF, MTF, NPS e omogeneità delle immagini ricostruite.


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This thesis describes a project which has investigated the evaluation of information systems. The work took place in, and is related to, a specific organisational context, that of the National Health Service (NHS). It aims to increase understanding of the evaluation which takes place in the service and the way in which this is affected by the NHS environment. It also investigates the issues which surround some important types of evaluation and their use in this context. The first stage of the project was a postal survey in which respondents were asked to describe the evaluation which took place in their authorities and to give their opinions about it. This was used to give an overview of the practice of IS evaluation in the NHS and to identify its uses and the problems experienced. Three important types of evaluation were then examined in more detail by means of action research studies. One of these dealt with the selection and purchase of a large hospital information system. The study took the form of an evaluation of the procurement process, and examined the methods used and the influence of organisational factors. The other studies are concerned with post-implementation evaluation, and examine the choice of an evaluation approach as well as its application. One was an evaluation of a community health system which had been operational for some time but was of doubtful value, and suffered from a number of problems. The situation was explored by means of a study of the costs and benefits of the system. The remaining study was the initial review of a system which was used in the administration of a Breast Screening Service. The service itself was also newly operational and the relationship between the service and the system was of interest.


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Background - Image blurring in Full Field Digital Mammography (FFDM) is reported to be a problem within many UK breast screening units resulting in significant proportion of technical repeats/recalls. Our study investigates monitors of differing pixel resolution, and whether there is a difference in blurring detection between a 2.3 MP technical review monitor and a 5MP standard reporting monitor. Methods - Simulation software was created to induce different magnitudes of blur on 20 artifact free FFDM screening images. 120 blurred and non-blurred images were randomized and displayed on the 2.3 and 5MP monitors; they were reviewed by 28 trained observers. Monitors were calibrated to the DICOM Grayscale Standard Display Function. T-test was used to determine whether significant differences exist in blurring detection between the monitors. Results - The blurring detection rate on the 2.3MP monitor for 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1 mm blur was 46, 59, 66, 77and 78% respectively; and on the 5MP monitor 44, 70, 83 , 96 and 98%. All the non-motion images were identified correctly. A statistical difference (p <0.01) in the blurring detection rate between the two monitors was demonstrated. Conclusions - Given the results of this study and knowing that monitors as low as 1 MP are used in clinical practice, we speculate that technical recall/repeat rates because of blurring could be reduced if higher resolution monitors are used for technical review at the time of imaging. Further work is needed to determine monitor minimum specification for visual blurring detection.


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Objective: To determine factors associated with symptom detected breast cancers in a population offered screening. Methods We interviewed 1,459 Australian women aged 40–69, 946 with symptom detected and 513 with mammogram detected invasive breast cancers ≥1.1 cm in diameter, about their personal, mammogram and breast histories before diagnosis and reviewed medical records for tumour characteristics and mammogram dates, calculating ORs and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for symptom- vs mammogram-detected cancers in logistic regression models. Results: Lack of regular mammograms (<2 mammograms in the 4.5 years before diagnosis) was the strongest correlate of symptom detected breast cancer (OR=3.04 for irregular or no mammograms). In women who had regular mammograms (≥2 mammograms in the 4.5 years before diagnosis), the independent correlates of symptom detected cancers were low BMI (OR <25kg/m2 vs ≥30kg/m2=2.18, 95% CI 1.23-3.84; p=0.008), increased breast density (available in 498 women) (OR highest quarter vs lowest =3.50, 95% CI 1.76-6.97; ptrend=0.004), high grade cancer and a larger cancer (each p<0.01). In women who did not have regular mammograms, the independent correlates were age <50 years, a first cancer and a ≥2cm cancer. Smoking appeared to modify the association of symptom detected cancer with low BMI (higher ORs for low BMI in current smokers) and estrogen receptor (ER) status (higher ORs for low BMI in ER− cancers). Conclusion: Women with low BMI may benefit from a tailored approach to breast cancer detection, particularly if they smoke.


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A population-based early detection program for breast cancer has been in progress in Finland since 1987. According to regulations during the study period 1987-2001, free of charge mammography screening was offered every second year to women aged 50-59 years. Recently, the screening service was decided to be extended to age group 50-69. However, the scope of the program is still frequently discussed in public and information about potential impacts of mass-screening practice changes on future breast cancer burden is required. The aim of this doctoral thesis is to present methodologies for taking into account the mass-screening invitation information in breast cancer burden predictions, and to present alternative breast cancer incidence and mortality predictions up to 2012 based on scenarios of the future screening policy. The focus of this work is not on assessing the absolute efficacy but the effectiveness of mass-screening, and, by utilizing the data on invitations, on showing the estimated impacts of changes in an existing screening program on the short-term predictions. The breast cancer mortality predictions are calculated using a model that combines incidence, cause-specific and other cause survival on individual level. The screening invitation data are incorporated into modeling of breast cancer incidence and survival by dividing the program into separate components (first and subsequent rounds and years within them, breaks, and post screening period) and defining a variable that gives the component of the screening program. The incidence is modeled using a Poisson regression approach and the breast cancer survival by applying a parametric mixture cure model, where the patient population is allowed to be a combination of cured and uncured patients. The patients risk to die from other causes than breast cancer is allowed to differ from that of a corresponding general population group and to depend on age and follow-up time. As a result, the effects of separate components of the screening program on incidence, proportion of cured and the survival of the uncured are quantified. According to the predictions, the impacts of policy changes, like extending the program from age group 50-59 to 50-69, are clearly visible on incidence while the effects on mortality in age group 40-74 are minor. Extending the screening service would increase the incidence of localized breast cancers but decrease the rates of non-localized breast cancer. There were no major differences between mortality predictions yielded by alternative future scenarios of the screening policy: Any policy change would have at the most a 3.0% reduction on overall breast cancer mortality compared to continuing the current practice in the near future.


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The study of non-invasive characterization of elastic properties of soft biological tissues has been a focus of active researches since recent years. Light is highly scattered by biological tissues and hence, sophisticated reconstruction algorithms are required to achieve good imaging depth and a reasonable resolution. Ultrasound (US), on the otherhand, is less scattered by soft tissues and it has been in use for imaging in biomedical ultrasound systems. Combination of the contrast sensitivity of light and good localization of ultrasound provides a challenging technique for characterization of thicker tissues deep inside the body non-invasively. The elasticity of the tissues is characterized by studying the response of tissues to mechanical excitation induced by an acoustic radiation force (remotely) using an optical laser. The US modulated optical signals which traverse the tissue are detected by using a CCD camera as detector array and the pixel map formed on the CCD is used to characterize the embedded inhomogeneities. The use of CCD camera improves the signal-noise-ratio (SNR) by averaging the signals from all of the CCD pixels.


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Background: Breast cancer mortality is declining in many Western countries. If mammography screening contributed to decreases in mortality, then decreases in advanced breast cancer incidence should also be noticeable.
Patients and methods: We assessed incidence trends of advanced breast cancer in areas where mammography screening is practiced for at least 7 years with 60% minimum participation and where population-based registration of advanced breast cancer existed. Through a systematic Medline search, we identified relevant published data for Australia, Italy, Norway, Switzerland, The Netherlands, UK and the USA. Data from cancer registries in Northern Ireland, Scotland, the USA (Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER), and Connecticut), and Tasmania (Australia) were available for the study. Criterion for advanced cancer was the tumour size, and if not available, spread to regional/distant sites.
Results: Age-adjusted annual percent changes (APCs) were stable or increasing in ten areas (APCs of -0.5% to 1.7%). In four areas (Firenze, the Netherlands, SEER and Connecticut) there were transient downward trends followed by increases back to pre-screening rates.
Conclusions: In areas with widespread sustained mammographic screening, trends in advanced breast cancer incidence do not support a substantial role for screening in the decrease in mortality.