972 resultados para bread manufacture
Selostus: Taikinaan lisättyjen gluteenin ja transglutaminaasin vaikutus kauraleivän rakenteeseen
Suihku/viira-nopeussuhde on perälaatikon huulisuihkun ja viiran välinen nopeusero. Se vaikuttaa suuresti paperin ja kartongin loppuominaisuuksiin, kuten formaatioon sekä kuituorientaatioon ja näin ollen paperin lujuusominaisuuksiin. Tämän johdosta on erityisen tärkeää tietää todellinen suihku/viira-nopeussuhde paperin- ja kartonginvalmistuksessa. Perinteinen suihku/viira-nopeussuhteen määritysmenetelmä perustuu perälaatikon kokonaispaineeseen. Tällä menetelmällä kuitenkin todellinen huulisuihkun nopeus saattaa usein jäädä tietämättä johtuen mahdollisesta virheellisestä painemittarin kalibroinnista sekä laskuyhtälön epätarkkuuksista. Tämän johdosta on kehitetty useita reaaliaikaisia huulisuihkun mittausmenetelmiä. Perälaatikon parametrien optimaaliset asetukset ovat mahdollista määrittää ja ylläpitää huulisuihkun nopeuden “on-line” määrityksellä. Perälaatikon parametrejä ovat mm. huulisuihku, huuliaukon korkeusprofiili, reunavirtaukset ja syöttövirtauksen tasaisuus. Huulisuihkun nopeuden on-line mittauksella paljastuu myös muita perälaatikon ongelmakohtia, kuten mekaaniset viat, joita on perinteisesti tutkittu aikaa vievillä paperin ja kartongin lopputuoteanalyyseillä.
This thesis was made in Naantali plant of Finnfeeds Finland Oy. In this thesis the main study was in reducing, controlling, measuring and processing odour effluents in various methods. Also are considered legislation, marketing issues and environmental requirements of reducing of odour effluents. The literature review introduces odours complications, legislations and various methods of odour removal. There is also a review of volatile organic compounds detection and measuring methods. The experimental section consists TD-GC-MS-measurements and expansive measurements with electronic nose. Electronic nose is a new solution for recognition and measuring industrial odours. In this thesis the electronic nose was adapted into reliable recognition and measuring method. Measurements with electronic nose was made in betaine factory and main targets were odour removal process and other odours from factory. As a result of experimental work with TD-GC-MS-measurements becomes odour compound of 2-and 3- methylbutanal and dimethyldisulfide, which odour is sweet and fug. Extensive study with electronic nose found many developmental subjects. Odour balance measurements of factory and after calculation made adjustment of odour removal process, over all odour effluent to environment will reduce 25 %.
Aim of this thesis was to design and manufacture a microdistillation column. The literature review part of this thesis covers stainless steels, material processing and basics about engineering design and distillation. The main focus, however, is on the experimental part. Experimental part is divided into five distinct sections: First part is where the device is introduced and separated into three parts. Secondly the device is designed part by part. It consists mostly of detail problem solving, since the first drawings had already been drawn and the critical dimensions decided. Third part is the manufacture, which was not fully completed since the final assembly was left out of this thesis. Fourth part is the test welding for the device, and its analysis. Finally some ideas for further studies are presented. The main goal of this thesis was accomplished. The device only lacks some final assembly but otherwise it is complete. One thing that became clear during the process was how difficult it is to produce small and precise steel parts with conventional manufacturing methods. Internal stresses within steel plates and thermal distortions can easily ruin small steel structures. Designing appropriate welding jigs is an important task for even simple devices. Laser material processing is a promising tool for this kind of steel processing because of the flexibility, good cutting quality and also precise and low heat input when welding. Next step in this project is the final assembly and the actual distillation tests. The tests will be carried out at Helsinki University of Technology.
Bread is one of the most widely consumed foods. Its impact on human health is currently of special interest for researchers. We aimed to identify biomarkers of bread consumption by applying a nutrimetabolomic approach to a free-living population. An untargeted HPLC q-TOF-MS and multivariate analysis was applied to human urine from 155 subjects stratified by habitual bread consumption in three groups: non-consumers of bread (n = 56), white-bread consumers (n = 48) and whole-grain bread consumers (n = 51). The most differential metabolites (variable importance for projection ≥1.5) included compounds originating from cereal plant phytochemicals such as benzoxazinoids and alkylresorcinol metabolites, and compounds produced by gut microbiota (such as enterolactones, hydroxybenzoic and dihydroferulic acid metabolites). Pyrraline, riboflavin, 3-indolecarboxylic acid glucuronide, 2,8-dihydroxyquinoline glucuronide and N-α-acetylcitrulline were also tentatively identified. In order to combine multiple metabolites in a model to predict bread consumption, a stepwise logistic regression analysis was used. Receiver operating curves were constructed to evaluate the global performance of individual metabolites and their combination. The area under the curve values [AUC (95 % CI)] of combined models ranged from 77.8 % (69.1 86.4 %) to 93.7 % (89.4 98.1 %), whereas the AUC for the metabolites included in the models had weak values when they were evaluated individually: from 58.1 % (46.6 69.7 %) to 78.4 % (69.8 87.1 %). Our study showed that a daily bread intake significantly impacted on the urinary metabolome, despite being examined under uncontrolled free-living conditions. We further concluded that a combination of several biomarkers of exposure is better than a single biomarker for the predictive ability of discriminative analysis.
Bread is one of the most widely consumed foods. Its impact on human health is currently of special interest for researchers. We aimed to identify biomarkers of bread consumption by applying a nutrimetabolomic approach to a free-living population. An untargeted HPLC q-TOF-MS and multivariate analysis was applied to human urine from 155 subjects stratified by habitual bread consumption in three groups: non-consumers of bread (n = 56), white-bread consumers (n = 48) and whole-grain bread consumers (n = 51). The most differential metabolites (variable importance for projection ≥1.5) included compounds originating from cereal plant phytochemicals such as benzoxazinoids and alkylresorcinol metabolites, and compounds produced by gut microbiota (such as enterolactones, hydroxybenzoic and dihydroferulic acid metabolites). Pyrraline, riboflavin, 3-indolecarboxylic acid glucuronide, 2,8-dihydroxyquinoline glucuronide and N-α-acetylcitrulline were also tentatively identified. In order to combine multiple metabolites in a model to predict bread consumption, a stepwise logistic regression analysis was used. Receiver operating curves were constructed to evaluate the global performance of individual metabolites and their combination. The area under the curve values [AUC (95 % CI)] of combined models ranged from 77.8 % (69.1 86.4 %) to 93.7 % (89.4 98.1 %), whereas the AUC for the metabolites included in the models had weak values when they were evaluated individually: from 58.1 % (46.6 69.7 %) to 78.4 % (69.8 87.1 %). Our study showed that a daily bread intake significantly impacted on the urinary metabolome, despite being examined under uncontrolled free-living conditions. We further concluded that a combination of several biomarkers of exposure is better than a single biomarker for the predictive ability of discriminative analysis.
Bread-making quality is one of the most important targets in the genetic improvement of wheat. Although extensive analyses of quality traits such as farinography, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) sedimentation, alveography, and baking are made in breeding programs, these analyses require high amounts of seeds which are obtained only in late generations. In this experiment the statistical correlations between the high molecular weight subunit of glutenin and bread-making quality measured by alveograph, farinograph and SDS sedimentation were evaluated. Seventeen wheat genotypes were grown under the same conditions, each producing about 1 kg of seeds for the evaluations. The high molecular weight (HMW) glutenin subunits were analyzed by SDS-PAGE. Statistical correlations were highly significant between HMW glutenin subunits and alveograph and SDS sedimentation. These results indicate the possibility of manipulating major genes for wheat seed quality by coupling traditional breeding with non-destructive single seed analysis. Only half seed is necessary to perform the SDS-PAGE analysis. Therefore, the other half seed can be planted to generate the progeny. Seed yield and SDS sedimentation were statistically correlated, indicating the possibility of simultaneous selection for both traits
Yhdysvaltain maavoimien ja samalla huollon doktriinia kehitettiin 1990-luvulla vastaamaan kylmän sodan päättymisen jälkeisiä uhkakuvia. Uutta doktriinia kehitettäessä pyrittiin huo-mioimaan operaatio Desert Stormin (1991) kokemukset. Doktriiniin otettiin runsaasti vai-kutteita siviiliyritysten logistiikasta kustannustehokkuuden ja ajankäytön parantamiseksi. Uusi doktriini oli käytössä vuonna 2003 operaatio Iraqi Freedomissa. Tämän tutkielman tarkoitus on selvittää V Armeijakunnan huollon ja täydennystoimialan näkökulmasta, miten uudistettu huollon doktriini toimi operaatiossa, mitkä olivat sen vahvuudet ja heikkoudet sekä mitä vaikutuksia huollon toiminnalla ja taistelutoiminnalla oli toisiinsa. Lähdeaineisto on enimmäkseen kirjallisuutta, pääosin operaatioon osallistuneiden sotilaiden kirjoittamia teoksia. Lisäksi on käytetty sotilasammatillisissa lehdissä julkaistuja artikkelei-ta, asevoimien ohjesääntöjä ja Yhdysvaltain Puolustusministeriön teettämiä raportteja. Opinnäytteiden osuus on vähäinen. Haastatteluja ei ole käytetty. Tutkimusmenetelmä on aineistoanalyysiin perustuva kirjallisuustutkimus. Työssä korostuu lähdekritiikki ja lähtei-den vertailu, koska ajoittain niissä esitetyt tiedot ovat ristiriitaisia. Monet vastoinkäymiset vaikuttivat operaation huoltoon. Sotanäyttämöllä oli hyökkäyksen alkaessa vain puolet sinne alun perin suunnitellusta henkilöstöstä ja kalustosta. Tämä johtui Puolustusministeriön päätöksestä vähentää koko operaatioon käytettäviä resursseja. Henki-löstö- ja kalustopuutteet aiheuttivat muun muassa viivytyksiä kuljetuksiin ja huoltojoukko-jen ylirasittumista. Pääosa huollon henkilöstöstä oli reserviläisiä, jotka olivat tottuneet toi-mimaan vanhan huoltojärjestelmän parissa. Puutteellinen koulutus esimerkiksi uusimman teknologian käytössä aiheutti materiaalikeskuksissa virheitä ja laiminlyöntejä kirjanpidossa. Myös olosuhteet Irakissa olivat ajoittain vaikeat: esimerkiksi ilmasto ja huono tiestö hidas-tivat huollon toimintaa. Haasteista huolimatta liittouman ja V Armeijakunnan huoltojärjes-telmä kykeni kriittisimmiltä osin täyttämään tuettaviensa tarpeet. Tärkeimpänä havaintona operaatiosta voidaan pitää, että huollon doktriiniin tehdyt muutok-set olivat oikeansuuntaisia, mutta ne olivat liian radikaaleja valmistautumisaikaan nähden. Uudistetun doktriinin toimintaperiaate oli alun perin tarkoitettu siviiliyritysten logistiikkaan rauhanomaisissa olosuhteissa, mutta sotatoimialueen epävakautta ne eivät kestäneet. Poliit-tisista päätöksistä johtuen resurssit olivat muutoinkin liian vähäiset doktriinin perusajatuk-sen toteuttamiseen puhtaasti. Sitä vastoin huoltojoukkojen motivaatio sekä mukautumis- ja improvisointikyky olivat tärkeässä roolissa operaation huollon onnistumisen suhteen. Mikä-li käytössä olisi ollut täydet voimavarat, toiminta olisi kokonaisuutena luultavasti ollut huomattavasti lähempänä doktriinin perusajatusta.
Effect of wheat flour protein variations on sensory attributes, texture and staling of Taftoon bread
The quality of flat breads depends in part on the textural properties of breads during storage. These properties are largely affected by flour protein quality and quantity. The present study aimed to examine differences between sensory properties, textural and staling of Tandoori breads made from flours of different quality and different quantities of protein. This was implemented by using three flours with 9.4, 11.5 and 13.5% protein contents and different protein qualities shown by Zeleney sedimentation volume 16.25, 22.75 and 23.25 mL respectively. Bread strips were submitted to uniaxial compression between two parallel plates on an Instron Universal Testing machine, and firmness of the breads was determined. Results indicated the differences in the sensory attributes of breads produced by flours of different protein content and quality, demonstrating that high protein high quality flours are not able to sheet and expand under the high temperature - short time conditions employed in Taftoon bread production and are therefore not suitable for this kind of bread. Results showed that flour with 11.5% protein content, produced bread with better sensory characteristics and acceptable storage time.
The purpose of this study was to elaborate bread with yacon flour at two different levels (6% and 11%) and to analyze their proximate composition, their glycemic indices and their prebiotic potentials in vitro. Bread with 6% and 11% of yacon flour presented, simultaneously, low and moderate glycemic index. As for the prebiotic potentials, it was evident the presence of probiotic bacteria, particularly Lactobacillus. The results showed that, the addition of yacon flour on bread rendered products from low to moderate GI, with prebiotic potential, low fat and high fiber contents, according to the Brazilian food legislation.
Effect of incorporation of amaranth on the physical properties and nutritional value of cheese bread
At the present celiac disease has no known cure, and its only treatment is a strict lifelong adherence to a gluten-free diet. Cheese bread is a traditional Brazilian product and a safe option for celiacs. However, like other gluten-free breads, it has inherent low levels of fibers and minerals. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of incorporation of whole amaranth flour on the physical properties and nutritional value of cheese bread. Amaranth flour was incorporated at 10, 15, and 20% proportions in different formulations. The increasing amaranth levels darkened the product, reduced specific volume, and increased compression force. Ten percent amaranth-content cheese breads exhibited slight differences in physical properties compared with the controls. These results demonstrated the possibility of incorporating 10% of whole amaranth flour in the formulation of cheese bread resulting in a product with higher dietary fiber and iron contents and the same level of acceptance as that of the conventional formulation. The aim of this approach is to increase the availability of gluten-free bakery products with added nutritional value contributing to increase the variety of the diet of celiac patients.
The aim of this study was to verify the influence of the addition of the enzyme xylanase (four concentrations: 0, 4, 8, and 12 g.100 kg-1 flour) on the characteristics of loaf bread made with white wheat flour or whole grain wheat flour. Breads made from white flour and added with xylanase had higher specific volumes than those of the control sample (no enzyme); however, the specific volume did not differ significantly (p < 0.05) among the breads with different enzyme concentrations. All formulations made from whole grain wheat flour and added with xylanase also had specific volumes significantly higher than those of the control sample, and the highest value was found for the 8 g xylanase.100 kg-1 flour formulation. With respect to moisture content, the formulations with different enzyme concentrations showed small significant differences when compared to the control samples. In general, breads made with the addition of 8 g enzyme.100 kg-1 flour had the lowest firmness values, thus presenting the best technological characteristics.
The effect of Brea Gum (BG) addition on a basic bread formulation is described. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of BG on the characteristics of wheat bread in terms of changes in moisture, texture, retrogradation of amylopectin, and microstructure. Bread quality was assessed by the physical parameters (volume, specific volume index, width/height ratio, crumb moisture, color, and hardness) and crumb grain structure (total cell number, total cell area, average size of cells, and number of cells per unit area). The effect of BG on the characteristics of the crumb during 24, 48, and 72 hours of storage was determined according to changes in moisture, hardness, and amylopectin retrogradation. Furthermore, the microstructure of the crumb was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results show the ability of BG to retain moisture in the bread crumb, which was expressed by the lower hardness of the bread crumbs with the addition of the hydrocolloid at 48 and 72 hours of storage. This effect was also evident in the microstructure.