998 resultados para bone plates


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In this paper we present a new population-based implant design methodology, which advances the state-of-the-art approaches by combining shape and bone quality information into the design strategy. The method enhances the mechanical stability of the fixation and reduces the intra-operative in-plane bending which might impede the functionality of the locking mechanism. The method is presented for the case of mandibular locking fixation plates, where the mandibular angle and the bone quality at screw locations are taken into account. Using computational anatomy techniques, the method automatically derives, from a set of computed tomography images, the mandibular angle and the bone thickness and intensity values at the path of every screw. An optimisation strategy is then used to optimise the two parameters of plate angle and screw position. Results for the new design are presented along with a comparison with a commercially available mandibular locking fixation plate. A statistically highly significant improvement was observed. Our experiments allowed us to conclude that an angle of 126° and a screw separation of 8mm is a more suitable design than the standard 120° and 9mm.


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In this paper we present a new population-based implant design methodology, which advances the state-of-the-art approaches by combining shape and bone quality information into the design strategy. The method may enhance the mechanical stability of the fixation and reduces the intra-operative in-plane bending which might impede the functionality of the locking mechanism. The computational method is presented for the case of mandibular locking fixation plates, where the mandibular angle and the bone quality at screw locations are taken into account. The method automatically derives the mandibular angle and the bone thickness and intensity values at the path of every screw from a set of computed tomography images. An optimization strategy is then used to optimize the two parameters of plate angle and screw position. The method was applied to two populations of different genders. Results for the new design are presented along with a comparison with a commercially available mandibular locking fixation plate (MODUS(®) TriLock(®) 2.0/2.3/2.5, Medartis AG, Basel, Switzerland). The proposed designs resulted in a statistically significant improvement in the available bone thickness when compared to the standard plate. There is a higher probability that the proposed implants cover areas of thicker cortical bone without compromising the bone mineral density around the screws. The obtained results allowed us to conclude that an angle and screw separation of 129° and 9 mm for females and 121° and 10 mm for males are more suitable designs than the commercially available 120° and 9 mm.


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The effects of medical grade polycaprolactone–tricalcium phosphate (mPCL–TCP) (80:20) scaffolds on primary human alveolar osteoblasts (AOs) were compared with standard tissue-culture plates. Of the seeded AOs, 70% adhered to and proliferated on the scaffold surface and within open and interconnected pores; they formed multi-layered sheets and collagen fibers with uniform distribution within 28 days. Elevation of alkaline phosphatase activity occurred in scaffold–cell constructs independent of osteogenic induction. AO proliferation rate increased and significant decrease in calcium concentration of the medium for both scaffolds and plates under induction conditions were seen. mPCL–TCP scaffolds significantly influenced the AO expression pattern of osterix and osteocalcin (OCN). Osteogenic induction down-regulated OCN at both RNA and protein level on scaffolds (3D) by day 7, and up-regulated OCN in cell-culture plates (2D) by day 14, but OCN levels on scaffolds were higher than on cell-culture plates. Immunocytochemical signals for type I collagen, osteopontin and osteocalcin were detected at the outer parts of scaffold–cell constructs. More mineral nodules were found in induced than in non-induced constructs. Only induced 2D cultures showed nodule formation. mPCL–TCP scaffolds appear to stimulate osteogenesis in vitro by activating a cellular response in AO's to form mineralized tissue. There is a fundamental difference between culturing AOs on 2D and 3D environments that should be considered when studying osteogenesis in vitro.


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Small animal fracture models have gained increasing interest in fracture healing studies. To achieve standardized and defined study conditions, various variables must be carefully controlled when designing fracture healing experiments in mice or rats. The strain, age and sex of the animals may influence the process of fracture healing. Furthermore, the choice of the fracture fixation technique depends on the questions addressed, whereby intra- and extramedullary implants as well as open and closed surgical approaches may be considered. During the last few years, a variety of different, highly sophisticated implants for fracture fixation in small animals have been developed. Rigid fixation with locking plates or external fixators results in predominantly intramembranous healing in both mice and rats. Locking plates, external fixators, intramedullary screws, the locking nail and the pin-clip device allow different degrees of stability resulting in various amounts of endochondral and intramembranous healing. The use of common pins that do not provide rotational and axial stability during fracture stabilization should be discouraged in the future. Analyses should include at least biomechanical and histological evaluations, even if the focus of the study is directed towards the elucidation of molecular mechanisms of fracture healing using the largely available spectrum of antibodies and gene-targeted animals to study molecular mechanisms of fracture healing. This review discusses distinct requirements for the experimental setups as well as the advantages and pitfalls of the different fixation techniques in rats and mice.


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Complex bone contour and anatomical variations between individual bones complicate the process of deriving an implant shape that fits majority of the population. This thesis proposes an automatic fitting method for anatomically-precontoured plates based on clinical requirements, and investigated if 100% anatomical fit for a group of bone is achievable through manual bending of one plate shape. It was found that, for the plate used, 100% fit is impossible to achieve through manual bending alone. Rather, newly-developed shapes are also required to obtain anatomical fit in areas with more complex bone contour.


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Anatomically pre-contoured fracture fixation plates are a treatment option for bone fractures. A well-fitting plate can be used as a tool for anatomical reduction of the fractured bone. However, recent studies showed that some plates fit poorly for many patients due to considerable shape variations between bones of the same anatomical site. Therefore, the plates have to be manually fitted and deformed by surgeons to fit each patient optimally. The process is time-intensive and labor-intensive, and could lead to adverse clinical implications such as wound infection or plate failure. This paper proposes a new iterative method to simulate the patient-specific deformation of an optimally fitting plate for pre-operative planning purposes. We further demonstrate the validation of the method through a case study. The proposed method involves the integration of four commercially available software tools, Matlab, Rapidform2006, SolidWorks, and ANSYS, each performing specific tasks to obtain a plate shape that fits optimally for an individual tibia and is mechanically safe. A typical challenge when crossing multiple platforms is to ensure correct data transfer. We present an example of the implementation of the proposed method to demonstrate successful data transfer between the four platforms and the feasibility of the method.


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Gene-targeted disruption of Grg5, a mouse homologue of Drosophila groucho (gro), results in postnatal growth retardation in mice. The growth defect, most striking in approximately half of the Grg5 null mice, occurs during the first 4-5 weeks of age, but most mice recover retarded growth later. We used the nonlinear mixed-effects model to fit the growth data of wild-type, heterozygous, and Grg5 null mice. On the basis of preliminary evidence suggesting an interaction between Grg5 and the transcription factor Cbfa1/Runx2, critical for skeletal development, we further investigated the skeleton in the mice. A long bone growth plate defect was identified, which included shorter zones of proliferative and hypertrophic chondrocytes and decreased trabecular bone formation. This decreased trabecular bone formation is likely caused by a reduced recruitment of osteoblasts into the growth plate region of Grg5 null mice. Like the growth defect, the growth plate and trabecular bone abnormality improved as the mice grew older. The growth plate defect was associated with reduced Indian hedgehog expression and signaling. We suggest that Grg5, a transcriptional coregulator, modulates the activities of transcription factors, such as Cbfa1/Runx2 in vivo to affect Ihh expression and the function of long bone growth plates.


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Anatomically precontoured plates are commonly used to treat periarticular fractures. A well-fitting plate can be used as a tool for anatomical reduction of the fractured bone. Recent studies highlighted that some plates fit poorly for many patients due to considerable shape variations between bones of the same anatomical site. While it is impossible to design one shape that fits all, it is also burdensome for the manufacturers and hospitals to produce, store and manage multiple plate shapes without the certainty of utilization by a patient population. In this study, we investigated the number of shapes required for maximum fit within a given dataset, and if they could be obtained by manually deforming the original plate. A distal medial tibial plate was automatically positioned on 45 individual tibiae, and the optimal deformation was determined iteratively using finite element analysis simulation. Within the studied dataset, we found that: (i) 89% fit could be achieved with four shapes, (ii) 100% fit was impossible through mechanical deformation, and (iii) the deformations required to obtain the four plate shapes were safe for the stainless steel plate for further clinical use. The proposed framework is easily transferable to other orthopaedic plates.


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Välikorvaleikkauksiin usein liittyvän välikorvan ja kuuloluuketjun kirurgisen rekonstruktion tavoitteena on luoda olosuhteet, jotka mahdollistavat hyvän kuulon sekä välikorvan säilymisen tulehduksettomana ja ilmapitoisena. Välikorvan rekonstruktiossa on käytetty implanttimateriaaleina perinteisesti potilaan omia kudoksia sekä tarvittaessa erilaisia hajoamattomia biomateriaaleja, mm. titaania ja silikonia. Ongelmana biomateriaalien käytössä voi olla bakteerien adherenssi eli tarttuminen vieraan materiaalin pintaan, mikä saattaa johtaa biofilmin muodostumiseen. Tämä voi aiheuttaa kroonisen, huonosti antibiootteihin reagoivan infektion kudoksessa, mikä usein käytännössä johtaa uusintaleikkaukseen ja implantin poistoon. Maitohappo- ja glykolihappopohjaiset biologisesti hajoavat polymeerit ovat olleet kliinisessä käytössä jo vuosikymmeniä. Niitä on käytetty erityisesti tukimateriaaleina mm. ortopediassa sekä kasvo- ja leukakirurgiassa. Niitä ei ole toistaiseksi käytetty välikorvakirurgiassa. Korvan kuvantamiseen käytetään ensisijaisesti tietokonetomografiaa (TT). TT-tutkimuksen ongelmana on potilaan altistuminen suhteellisen korkealle sädeannokselle, joka kasvaa kumulatiivisesti, jos kuvaus joudutaan toistamaan. Väitöskirjatyö selvittää uuden, aiemmin kliinisessä työssä rutiinisti lähinnä hampaiston ja kasvojen alueen kuvantamiseen käytetyn rajoitetun kartiokeila-TT:n soveltuvuutta korvan alueen kuvantamiseen. Väitöskirjan kahdessa ensimmäisessä osatyössä tutkittiin ja verrattiin kahden kroonisia ja postoperatiivisia korvainfektioita aiheuttavan bakteerin, Staphylococcus aureuksen ja Pseudomonas aeruginosan, in vitro adherenssia titaanin, silikonin ja kahden eri biohajoavan polymeerin (PLGA) pintaan. Lisäksi tutkittiin materiaalien albumiinipinnoituksen vaikutusta adherenssiin. Kolmannessa osatyössä tutkittiin eläinmallissa PLGA:n biokompatibiliteettia eli kudosyhteensopivuutta kokeellisessa välikorvakirurgiassa. Chinchillojen välikorviin istutettiin PLGA-materiaalia, eläimiä seurattiin, ja ne lopetettiin 6 kk:n kuluttua operaatiosta. Biokompatibiliteetin arviointi perustui kliinisiin havaintoihin sekä kudosnäytteisiin. Neljännessä osatyössä tutkittiin kartiokeila-TT:n soveltuvuutta korvan alueen kuvantamiseen vertaamalla sen tarkkuutta perinteisen spiraali-TT:n tarkkuuteen. Molemmilla laitteilla kuvattiin ohimo- eli temporaaliluita korvan alueen kliinisesti ja kirurgisesti tärkeiden rakenteiden kuvantumisen tarkkuuden arvioimiseksi. Viidennessä osatyössä arvioitiin myös operoitujen temporaaliluiden kuvantumista kartiokeila-TT:ssa. Bakteeritutkimuksissa PLGA-materiaalin pintaan tarttui keskimäärin korkeintaan saman verran tai vähemmän bakteereita kuin silikonin tai titaanin. Albumiinipinnoitus vähensi bakteeriadherenssia merkitsevästi kaikilla materiaaleilla. Eläinkokeiden perusteella PLGA todettiin hyvin siedetyksi välikorvassa. Korvakäytävissä tai välikorvissa ei todettu infektioita, tärykalvon perforaatioita tai materiaalin esiin työntymistä. Kudosnäytteissä näkyi lievää tulehdusreaktiota ja fibroosia implantin ympärillä. Temporaaliluutöissä rajoitettu kartiokeila-TT todettiin vähintään yhtä tarkaksi menetelmäksi kuin spiraali-TT välikorvan ja sisäkorvan rakenteiden kuvantamisessa, ja sen aiheuttama kertasäderasitus todettiin spiraali-TT:n vastaavaa huomattavasti vähäisemmäksi. Kartiokeila-TT soveltui hyvin välikorvaimplanttien ja postoperatiivisen korvan kuvantamiseen. Tulokset osoittavat, että PLGA on välikorvakirurgiaan soveltuva, turvallinen ja kudosyhteensopiva biomateriaali. Biomateriaalien pinnoittaminen albumiinilla vähentää merkittävästi bakteeriadherenssia niihin, mikä puoltaa pinnoituksen soveltamista implanttikirurgiassa. Kartiokeila-TT soveltuu korvan alueen kuvantamiseen. Sen tarkkuus kliinisesti tärkeiden rakenteiden osoittamisessa on vähintään yhtä hyvä ja sen potilaalle aiheuttama sädeannos pienempi kuin nykyisen korva-spiraali-TT:n. Tämä tekee menetelmästä spiraali-TT:aa potilasturvallisemman vaihtoehdon erityisesti, jos potilaan tilanne vaatii seurantaa ja useampia kuvauksia, ja jos halutaan kuvata rajoitettuja alueita uni- tai bilateraalisesti.


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Nanoindentation is a popular technique for measuring the intrinsic mechanical response of bone and has been used to measure a single-valued elastic modulus. However, bone is a composite material with 20-80 nm hydroxyapatite plates embedded in a collagen matrix, and modern instrumentation allows for measurements at these small length scales. The present study examines the indentation response of bone and artificial gelatin-apatite nanocomposite materials across three orders of magnitude of lengthscale, from nanometers to micrometers, to isolate the composite phase contributions to the overall response. The load-displacement responses were variable and deviated from the quadratic response of homogeneous materials at small depths. The distribution of apparent elastic modulus values narrowed substantially with increasing indentation load. Indentation of particulate nanocomposites was simulated using finite element analysis. Modeling results replicated the convergence in effective modulus seen in the experiments. It appears that the apatite particles are acting as the continuous ("matrix") phase in bone and nanocomposites. Copyright © 2004 by ASME.


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During bone development and repair, angiogenesis, osteogenesis and bone remodelling are closely associated processes that share some common mediators. In the present study non-adherent human bone marrow mononuclear cells under the induction of sRANKL and M-CSF, differentiated into osteoclasts with TRAP positive staining, VNR expression, and Ca-P resorptive activity. The effects of various combinations of rhBMP-2 (0, 3, 30, 300 ng/ml) and rhVEGF (0, 25 ng/ml) on osteoclastogenesis potentials were examined in this experimental system. The percentages of TRAP-positive multiple nucleated cells represent osteoclast differentiation potential and the percentages of resorptive areas in the Ca-P coated plates resemble osteoclast resorption capability. The presence of rhBMP-2 at 30 and 300 ng/ml showed inhibitory effects on osteoclast differentiation and their resorptive capability in the human osteoclast culture system. rhVEGF (25 ng/ml) enhanced the resorptive function of osteoclast whenever it was used alone or combined with 3 ng/ml rhBMP-2. However, rhVEGF induced resorptive function was inhibited by 30 ng/ml and 300 ng/ml rhBMP-2 at a dose-dependent manner. Statistical analysis demonstrated that an interactive effect exists between rhBMP-2 and rhVEGF on human osteoclastogenesis. These findings suggested that an interactive regulation may exist between BMPs and VEGF signaling pathways during osteoclastogenesis, exact mechanisms are yet to be elucidated.


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O cimento ósseo acrílico é o único material utilizado para a fixação de próteses em cirurgias ortopédicas, surgindo como uma alternativa às técnicas não cimentadas. Cerca de um milhão de pacientes são anualmente tratados para a substituição total da articulação do quadril e do joelho. Com a maior expectativa de vida da população e o aumento do número de cirurgias realizadas por ano espera-se que o uso do cimento ósseo aumente substancialmente. A fraca ligação do cimento ao osso é um problema comum que pode causar perda asséptica da prótese. Assim, torna-se necessário investir no desenvolvimento de cimentos ósseos alternativos que permitam promover maior estabilidade e melhor desempenho do implante. O principal objetivo desta tese foi desenvolver um cimento ósseo bioativo, capaz de ligar-se ao osso, com propriedades melhoradas relativamente aos sistemas convencionais. A preparação dos materiais foi realizada por dois processos diferentes, a polimerização por via térmica e a polimerização por via química. Inicialmente, utilizando o processo térmico, foram desenvolvidos compósitos de PMMA-co-EHA reforçados com vidro de sílica (CSi) e vidro de boro (CB) e comparados em termos do seu comportamento in vitro em meio acelular e celular. A formação de precipitados de fosfato de cálcio foi observada sobre a superfície de todos os compósitos indicando que estes materiais são potencialmente bioativos. Em relação à avaliação biológica o CSi demonstrou um efeito indutor da proliferação das células. As células apresentaram uma morfologia normal e alta taxa de crescimento quando comparadas com o padrão de cultura. Por outro lado ocorreu inibição da proliferação celular para o CB provavelmente devido à sua elevada taxa de degradação, levando a uma elevada concentraçao de iões de B e de Mg no meio de cultura. O efeito do vidro nos cimentos curados por via química, incorporando um activador de baixa toxicidade, também foi avaliado. Os resultados sugerem que as novas formulações podem diminuir o efeito exotérmico na cura do cimento e melhorar as propriedades mecânicas (flexão e compressão). Outro estudo conduzido neste trabalho explorou a possibilidade de incorporar ibuprofeno (fármaco anti-inflamatório) no cimento, dando origem a um material capaz de ser simultaneamente, bioativo e promotor da libertação controlada de fármacos. Neste contexto foi evidenciado que o desempenho do cimento desenvolvido pode contribuir para minimizar o processo inflamatório associado a uma cirurgia ortopédica. Finalmente, a fase sólida do cimento ósseo bioativo foi modificada por diferentes polímeros biodegradáveis. A adição deste enchimento deu origem a um cimento parcialmente biodegradável que pode permitir a formação de poros e o crescimento ósseo para o interior do cimento, resultando numa melhor fixação da prótese.


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A giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) was found with closed comminuted fractures on the fight radius and ulna and left humerus he duration of which was unknown. The animal was unable to use either of he thoracic limbs. The fractures were stabilized with 3.5-mm titanium plates and a commercially available mixture of micro lyophilized bovine cortical osseous and bovine BMP (Gen-tech(R), Baumer, Brazil) was implanted into the fractures sites. Postoperative radiographic evaluations were performed every 30 days and after four months. Bone healing was observed in all of he fractures. The animal was able to be reintroduced into its natural habitat. From his case we conclude that despite he low metabolic fate of the giant anteater, which is an inherent characteristic of this species, he treatment of radius, ulna and humerus fractures by means of plates and screws, associated with BMP on the Myrmecophaga tridactyla, was a success.


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Aim: To evaluate the influence of deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM) particles concomitant with the placement of a collagen membrane on alveolar ridge preservation and on osseointegration of implants placed into alveolar sockets immediately after tooth extraction. Material and methods: The pulp tissue of the mesial roots of 3P3 was removed in six Labrador dogs and the root canals were filled. Flaps were elevated in the right side of the mandible, and the buccal and lingual alveolar bony plates were exposed. The third premolar was hemi-sectioned and the distal root was removed. A recipient site was prepared and an implant was placed lingually. After implant installation, defects of about 0.6mm wide and 3.1mm depth resulted at the buccal aspects of the implant, both at the test and at the control sites. The same surgical procedures and measurements were performed on the left side of the mandible. However, DBBM particles with a size of 0.25-1mm were placed into the remaining defect concomitant with the placement of a collagen membrane. Results: All implants were integrated into mature bone. No residual DBBM particles were detected at the test sites after 4 months of healing. Both the test and the control sites showed buccal alveolar bone resorption, 1.8 +/- 1.1 and 2.1 +/- 1mm, respectively. The most coronal bone-to-implant contact at the buccal aspect was 2 +/- 1.1 an 2.8 +/- 1.3mm, at the test and the control sites, respectively. This difference in the distance was statistically significant. Conclusion: The application of DBBM concomitant with a collagen membrane to fill the marginal defects around implants placed into the alveolus immediately after tooth extraction contributed to improved bone regeneration in the defects. However, with regard to buccal bony crest preservation, a limited contribution of DBBM particles was achieved.