56 resultados para biplot
O objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar os efeitos da interação genótipo x ambiente (GxE) sobre a produtividade de grãos em progênies de soja pré-selecionadas para resistência à ferrugem asiática (Phakopsora pachyrhizi). Doze ensaios de avaliação de progênies (linhagens F6 e F7) foram conduzidos em diferentes ambientes (combinação de locais, anos e tratamentos fungicidas para controle de doenças de final de ciclo, incluindo ou não a ferrugem). A análise "additive main effects and multiplicative interaction" (AMMI) capturou, como padrão da interação GxE, 57% da variação associada aos resíduos de não aditividade, dos quais 44% foram retidos no primeiro componente principal de interação e o restante, no segundo. O primeiro componente associou-se a diferenças entre os anos de avaliação, o que denota imprevisibilidade na predição. O segundo componente, no entanto, associou-se ao manejo diferenciado do cultivo, no que se refere ao controle ou não das doenças. Entre os genótipos de ampla adaptabilidade produtiva, as linhagens USP 02-16.045 e USP 10-10 apresentaram desempenho destacado.
Resumo:O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a resistência de genótipos de feijoeiro aos principais patógenos da cultura, bem como a adaptabilidade e a estabilidade de produção de grãos desses genótipos. Avaliaram-se 26 genótipos de feijoeiro quanto à resistência a Colletotrichum lindemuthianum, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. phaseolie Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli, por meio de inoculação, em laboratório, e em 19 ensaios de valor de cultivo e uso (VCU), em diferentes locais do Estado de São Paulo, nas safras das "águas", "seca" e "inverno", durante os anos agrícolas 2011, 2012 e 2013. Dezoito genótipos foram considerados resistentes: sete deles a C. lindemuthianum, sete a F. oxysporumf. sp. phaseolie quatro a X. axonopodispv. phaseoli. A reação de resistência aos patógenos está associada à estabilidade dos genótipos. Por meio das análises GGE biplot, foi possível identificar genótipos com adaptabilidade e estabilidade superiores às das testemunhas, nos dois grupos de tegumento avaliados, em todas as épocas de semeadura.
This work applied a 2² factorial design to the optimization of the extraction of seven elements (calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, copper and manganese) in brachiaria leaves, determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. The factors sample mass and digestion type were evaluated at two levels: 200/500 mg, and dry/wet, respectively. Principal component analysis allowed simultaneous discrimination of all the significant effects in one biplot. Wet digestion and mass of 200 mg were considered the best conditions. The decrease of 60% in sample mass allowed to save costs and reagents. The method was validated through the estimation of figures of merit.
The biplot has proved to be a powerful descriptive and analytical tool in many areas of applications of statistics. For compositional data the necessary theoretical adaptation has been provided, with illustrative applications, by Aitchison (1990) and Aitchison and Greenacre (2002). These papers were restricted to the interpretation of simple compositional data sets. In many situations the problem has to be described in some form of conditional modelling. For example, in a clinical trial where interest is in how patients’ steroid metabolite compositions may change as a result of different treatment regimes, interest is in relating the compositions after treatment to the compositions before treatment and the nature of the treatments applied. To study this through a biplot technique requires the development of some form of conditional compositional biplot. This is the purpose of this paper. We choose as a motivating application an analysis of the 1992 US President ial Election, where interest may be in how the three-part composition, the percentage division among the three candidates - Bush, Clinton and Perot - of the presidential vote in each state, depends on the ethnic composition and on the urban-rural composition of the state. The methodology of conditional compositional biplots is first developed and a detailed interpretation of the 1992 US Presidential Election provided. We use a second application involving the conditional variability of tektite mineral compositions with respect to major oxide compositions to demonstrate some hazards of simplistic interpretation of biplots. Finally we conjecture on further possible applications of conditional compositional biplots
The chemical composition of sediments and rocks, as well as their distribution at the Martian surface, represent a long term archive of processes, which have formed the planetary surface. A survey of chemical compositions by means of Compositional Data Analysis represents a valuable tool to extract direct evidence for weathering processes and allows to quantify weathering and sedimentation rates. clr-biplot techniques are applied for visualization of chemical relationships across the surface (“chemical maps”). The variability among individual suites of data is further analyzed by means of clr-PCA, in order to extract chemical alteration vectors between fresh rocks and their crusts and for an assessment of different source reservoirs accessible to soil formation. Both techniques are applied to elucidate the influence of remote weathering by combined analysis of several soil forming branches. Vector analysis in the Simplex provides the opportunity to study atmosphere surface interactions, including the role and composition of volcanic gases
Sediment composition is mainly controlled by the nature of the source rock(s), and chemical (weathering) and physical processes (mechanical crushing, abrasion, hydrodynamic sorting) during alteration and transport. Although the factors controlling these processes are conceptually well understood, detailed quantification of compositional changes induced by a single process are rare, as are examples where the effects of several processes can be distinguished. The present study was designed to characterize the role of mechanical crushing and sorting in the absence of chemical weathering. Twenty sediment samples were taken from Alpine glaciers that erode almost pure granitoid lithologies. For each sample, 11 grain-size fractions from granules to clay (ø grades <-1 to >9) were separated, and each fraction was analysed for its chemical composition. The presence of clear steps in the box-plots of all parts (in adequate ilr and clr scales) against ø is assumed to be explained by typical crystal size ranges for the relevant mineral phases. These scatter plots and the biplot suggest a splitting of the full grain size range into three groups: coarser than ø=4 (comparatively rich in SiO2, Na2O, K2O, Al2O3, and dominated by “felsic” minerals like quartz and feldspar), finer than ø=8 (comparatively rich in TiO2, MnO, MgO, Fe2O3, mostly related to “mafic” sheet silicates like biotite and chlorite), and intermediate grains sizes (4≤ø <8; comparatively rich in P2O5 and CaO, related to apatite, some feldspar). To further test the absence of chemical weathering, the observed compositions were regressed against three explanatory variables: a trend on grain size in ø scale, a step function for ø≥4, and another for ø≥8. The original hypothesis was that the trend could be identified with weathering effects, whereas each step function would highlight those minerals with biggest characteristic size at its lower end. Results suggest that this assumption is reasonable for the step function, but that besides weathering some other factors (different mechanical behavior of minerals) have also an important contribution to the trend. Key words: sediment, geochemistry, grain size, regression, step function
In an earlier investigation (Burger et al., 2000) five sediment cores near the Rodrigues Triple Junction in the Indian Ocean were studied applying classical statistical methods (fuzzy c-means clustering, linear mixing model, principal component analysis) for the extraction of endmembers and evaluating the spatial and temporal variation of geochemical signals. Three main factors of sedimentation were expected by the marine geologists: a volcano-genetic, a hydro-hydrothermal and an ultra-basic factor. The display of fuzzy membership values and/or factor scores versus depth provided consistent results for two factors only; the ultra-basic component could not be identified. The reason for this may be that only traditional statistical methods were applied, i.e. the untransformed components were used and the cosine-theta coefficient as similarity measure. During the last decade considerable progress in compositional data analysis was made and many case studies were published using new tools for exploratory analysis of these data. Therefore it makes sense to check if the application of suitable data transformations, reduction of the D-part simplex to two or three factors and visual interpretation of the factor scores would lead to a revision of earlier results and to answers to open questions . In this paper we follow the lines of a paper of R. Tolosana- Delgado et al. (2005) starting with a problem-oriented interpretation of the biplot scattergram, extracting compositional factors, ilr-transformation of the components and visualization of the factor scores in a spatial context: The compositional factors will be plotted versus depth (time) of the core samples in order to facilitate the identification of the expected sources of the sedimentary process. Kew words: compositional data analysis, biplot, deep sea sediments
Determinar las características de los alumnos de octavo de EGB y de segundo de BUP en relación con las variables de inteligencia, atención, memoria, razonamiento, personalidad, intereses, integración de grupo -subjetiva y objetiva- adaptación -familiar, social, emocional y fisiológica- y hábitos de estudio. En consecuencia, se pretende definir un perfil diferencial de los alumnos que obtienen rendimientos suficiente, bien, notable y sobresaliente en función de las características obtenidas. Además, se trata de analizar si son las mismas variables las que determinan un bajo o alto rendimiento en octavo de EGB y en segundo de BUP Por último, se intenta pronosticar los resultados académicos en segundo de BUP a partir de los datos obtenidos en octavo de EGB. 520 alumnos de octavo de EGB de los cuales volvieron a ser estudiados 305 en segundo de BUP. Todos los alumnos pertenecían a 4 colegios de religiosos de Madrid. La variable dependiente medida fue el rendimiento académico. Las variables independientes seleccionadas fueron: Inteligencia, atención, memoria, razonamiento, personalidad, intereses, integración en el grupo, adaptación familiar, social, emocional y fisiológica, y hábitos de estudio. Se utilizaron las pruebas y tests de inteligencia, 2 pruebas de memoria y visual y auditiva, un inventario de personalidad, el cuestionario de adaptación de Bell, una escala de integración social, un test de intereses profesionales, un cuestionario sobre hábitos de estudio y un test sociométrico. HJ-BIPLOT. Los resultados muestran perfiles suficientemente delineados para los alumnos de octavo de EGB y segundo de BUP en función de su calificación - insuficiente, suficiente, bien, notable y sobresaliente- y por asignaturas. Existe un perfil cláramente diferenciado para los alumnos de insuficiente y para los de notable-sobresaliente. Los alumnos de insuficiente y suficiente presentan mayor similitud entre si que los de suficiente y bien, pareciéndose éstos últimos más a los de notable-sobresaliente. Los alumnos más rechazados en el grupo son los que obtienen las puntuaciones más bajas, y los más aceptados son los de puntuaciones más altas. En el buen rendimiento influyen más los hábitos de estudio adecuados que las aptitudes. Los alumnos con bajas calificaciones acostumbran a tener problemas emocionales -adaptación familiar, social, etc. La memoria visual no parece ser muy importante a la hora de determinar un buen rendimiento, pero sí lo es la atención y el razonamiento. Las profesiones más elegidas por los alumnos de insuficiente son las que implican manipulación mecánica, y las que menos, aquellas que supongan cálculos matemáticos. Los alumnos de notable-sobresaliente prefieren jústamente lo contrario, y el mayor rechazo para ellos también lo llevan las profesiones que conlleven contacto personal -relaciones públicas, etc.- Los alumnos de calificaciones insuficiente tienen más suspensos en materias como Ciencias Naturales, Física y Química y Latín. En estas asignaturas es dónde los alumnos de notable y sobresaliente obtienen las puntuaciones más altas. Existe paralelismo entre los resultados, en todas las variables, de los alumnos de octavo de EGB y de segundo de Bup, y puede hacerse un pronóstico de resultados con ciertas garantías de éxito.
A análise da interação genótipo x ambiente utilizda no melhoramento de plantas tem sofrido mudanças na última década, melhorando a sua eficiência quanto à seleção dos genótipos sob diferentes condições ambientais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a produtividade e estabilidade de 12 genótipos de arroz em oito ambientes, durante os anos 2005 e 2006, na Colômbia. O delineamento utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições. Os parâmetros de estabilidade fenotípica e o agrupamento dos ambientes foram estimados pelo estudo da interação genótipo x ambiente, segundo o método SREG (Regressão nos sítios ou locais) e seu gráfico biplot (GGE). As análises estatísticas indicaram diferenças significativas (com 5% de probabilidade de erro) entre genótipos e entre ambientes e significância (com 5% de probabilidade de erro) da interação genótipo x ambiente, sugerindo uma resposta diferente dos genótipos nos vários ambientes. No método SREG, os dois primeiros componentes principais da interação explicaram 75,29% da interação. Os genótipos 400094, 350361 e a variedade Fedearroz 50 foram considerados os de maior produtividade. Segundo o gráfico biplot GGE, os ambientes La Libertad e Escobal foram os mais favoráveis para o cultivo do arroz.
This study was done to determine compactness of soil strata in the urban area of Bauru, central São Paulo State using standard penetration test (SPT) and seismic refraction methods. Frequency distribution within boreholes was measured every meter to a depth of 30 meters. The geometric mean of standard penetration test values was computed every meter. A biplot graph showing the relationship of SPT with depth indicates soil stratification. In addition, five sections of seismic refraction values, which also indicate the compactness of soil strata, were obtained. A comparison of the two methods shows significant correlation between the results obtained from each.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Biplot graphics are widely employed in the study of the genotypeenvironment interactions, but they are only a graphical tool without a statistical hypothesis test. The singular values and scores (singular vectors) used in biplots correspond to specific estimates of its parameters, and the use of uncertainty measures may lead to different conclusions from those provided by a simple visual evaluation. The aim of this work is to estimate the genotype-environment interactions, using AMMI analysis, through Bayesian approach. Therefore the credibility intervals can be used for decision-making in different situations of analyses. It allows to verify the consistency of the selection and recommendation of cultivars. Two analyses were performed. The first analysis looked into 10 regular commercial hybrids and all possible 45 hybrids obtained from them. They were assessed in 15 locations. The second analysis evaluated 28 hybrids in 35 different environments, with imbalance data. The ellipses were grouped according to the standard of interaction in the biplot. The AMMI analysis with a Bayesian approach proved to be a complete analysis of stability and adaptability, which provides important information that may help the breeder in their decisions. The regions of credibility, built in the biplots, allow to perform an accurate selection and a precise genotype recommendation, with a level of credibility. Genotypes and environments can be grouped according to the existing interaction pattern, which makes possible to formulate specific recommendations. Moreover the environments can be evaluated, in order to find out which ones contribute similarly to the interaction and those to be discarted. The method makes possible to deal with imbalanced data in a natural way, showing efficiency for multienvironment trials. The prediction takes into account instability and the interaction standard of the observed data, in order to establish a direct comparison between genotypes of both 1st and 2nd seasons.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Genética e Melhoramento de Plantas) - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia Animal - FEIS
Electromagnetic, rock magnetic, and geochemical properties of surficial sediments in Eckernförde Bay
Submarine groundwater discharge in coastal settings can massively modify the hydraulic and geochemical conditions of the seafloor. Resulting local anomalies in the morphology and physical properties of surface sediments are usually explored with seismo-acoustic imaging techniques. Controlled source electromagnetic imaging offers an innovative dual approach to seep characterization by its ability to detect pore-water electrical conductivity, hence salinity, as well as sediment magnetic susceptibility, hence preservation or diagenetic alteration of iron oxides. The newly developed electromagnetic (EM) profiler Neridis II successfully realized this concept for a first time with a high-resolution survey of freshwater seeps in Eckernförde Bay (SW Baltic Sea). We demonstrate that EM profiling, complemented and validated by acoustic as well as sample-based rock magnetic and geochemical methods, can create a crisp and revealing fingerprint image of freshwater seepage and related reductive alteration of near-surface sediments. Our findings imply that (1) freshwater penetrates the pore space of Holocene mud sediments by both diffuse and focused advection, (2) pockmarks are marked by focused freshwater seepage, underlying sand highs, reduced mud thickness, higher porosity, fining of grain size, and anoxic conditions, (3) depletion of Fe oxides, especially magnetite, is more pervasive within pockmarks due to higher concentrations of organic and sulfidic reaction partners, and (4) freshwater advection reduces sediment magnetic susceptibility by a combination of pore-water injection (dilution) and magnetite reduction (depletion). The conductivity vs. susceptibility biplot resolves subtle lateral litho- and hydrofacies variations.