961 resultados para applied optics


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The angles at which a light beam gets diffracted by a grating depend strongly on the direction of incidence for diffraction angles close to a right angle. Accordingly, it is possible to amplify small beam deflections by placing a grating at an optimal orientation to the light path. We use this principle to amplify small beam deviations arising out of a light beam refracting at the interface of an optically active medium, and demonstrate a new technique of enhancing the limit of detection of chiro-optical measurements. (C) 2012 Optical Society of America


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We present in this paper, approximate analytical expressions for the intensity of light scattered by a rough surface, whose elevation. xi(x,y) in the z-direction is a zero mean stationary Gaussian random variable. With (x,y) and (x',y') being two points on the surface, we have h. = 0 with a correlation, = sigma(2)g(r), where r = (x - x')(2) + ( y - y')(2)](1/2) is the distance between these two points. We consider g(r) = exp-r/l)(beta)] with 1 <= beta <= 2, showing that g(0) = 1 and g(r) -> 0 for r >> l. The intensity expression is sought to be expressed as f(v(xy)) = {1 + (c/2y)v(x)(2) + v(y)(2)]}(-y), where v(x) and v(y) are the wave vectors of scattering, as defined by the Beckmann notation. In the paper, we present expressions for c and y, in terms of sigma, l, and beta. The closed form expressions are verified to be true, for the cases beta = 1 and beta = 2, for which exact expressions are known. For other cases, i.e., beta not equal 1, 2 we present approximate expressions for the scattered intensity, in the range, v(xy) = (v(x)(2) + v(y)(2))(1/2) <= 6.0 and show that the relation for f(v(xy)), given above, expresses the scattered intensity quite accurately, thus providing a simple computational methods in situations of practical importance.


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In this research work, we introduce a novel approach for phase estimation from noisy reconstructed interference fields in digital holographic interferometry using an unscented Kalman filter. Unlike conventionally used unwrapping algorithms and piecewise polynomial approximation approaches, this paper proposes, for the first time to the best of our knowledge, a signal tracking approach for phase estimation. The state space model derived in this approach is inspired from the Taylor series expansion of the phase function as the process model, and polar to Cartesian conversion as the measurement model. We have characterized our approach by simulations and validated the performance on experimental data (holograms) recorded under various practical conditions. Our study reveals that the proposed approach, when compared with various phase estimation methods available in the literature, outperforms at lower SNR values (i.e., especially in the range 0-20 dB). It is demonstrated with experimental data as well that the proposed approach is a better choice for estimating rapidly varying phase with high dynamic range and noise. (C) 2014 Optical Society of America


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A deformable mirror (DM) is an important component of an adaptive optics system. It is known that an on-axis spherical/parabolic optical component, placed at an angle to the incident beam introduces defocus as well as astigmatism in the image plane. Although the former can be compensated by changing the focal plane position, the latter cannot be removed by mere optical realignment. Since the DM is to be used to compensate a turbulence-induced curvature term in addition to other aberrations, it is necessary to determine the aberrations induced by such (curved DM surface) an optical element when placed at an angle (other than 0 deg) of incidence in the optical path. To this effect, we estimate to a first order the aberrations introduced by a DM as a function of the incidence angle and deformation of the DM surface. We record images using a simple setup in which the incident beam is reflected by a 37 channel micro-machined membrane deformable mirror for various angles of incidence. It is observed that astigmatism is a dominant aberration, which was determined by measuring the difference between the tangential and sagittal focal planes. We justify our results on the basis of theoretical simulations and discuss the feasibility of using such a system for adaptive optics considering a trade-off between wavefront correction and astigmatism due to deformation. (C) 2015 Optical Society of America


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A modified simplified rate-equation model that utilizes the Voigt profile function and another gain saturation model deduced from the kinetic equations are presented for performance analyses of a flowing chemical oxygen-iodine laser. Both models are adapted to both the condition of homogeneous broadening and that of inhomogeneous broadening being of importance and the condition of inhomogeneous broadening being predominant. Effects of temperature and iodine density on the output power and on variations of output power, optical intensity, and saturation intensity with flow distance are presented as well. There are differences between results of two models, but both qualitatively agree with known results.


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We present a method of rapidly producing computer-generated holograms that exhibit geometric occlusion in the reconstructed image. Conceptually, a bundle of rays is shot from every hologram sample into the object volume.We use z buffering to find the nearest intersecting object point for every ray and add its complex field contribution to the corresponding hologram sample. Each hologram sample belongs to an independent operation, allowing us to exploit the parallel computing capability of modern programmable graphics processing units (GPUs). Unlike algorithms that use points or planar segments as the basis for constructing the hologram, our algorithm's complexity is dependent on fixed system parameters, such as the number of ray-casting operations, and can therefore handle complicated models more efficiently. The finite number of hologram pixels is, in effect, a windowing function, and from analyzing the Wigner distribution function of windowed free-space transfer function we find an upper limit on the cone angle of the ray bundle. Experimentally, we found that an angular sampling distance of 0:01' for a 2:66' cone angle produces acceptable reconstruction quality. © 2009 Optical Society of America.


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Computer generated holography is an extremely demanding and complex task when it comes to providing realistic reconstructions with full parallax, occlusion, and shadowing. We present an algorithm designed for data-parallel computing on modern graphics processing units to alleviate the computational burden. We apply Gaussian interpolation to create a continuous surface representation from discrete input object points. The algorithm maintains a potential occluder list for each individual hologram plane sample to keep the number of visibility tests to a minimum.We experimented with two approximations that simplify and accelerate occlusion computation. It is observed that letting several neighboring hologramplane samples share visibility information on object points leads to significantly faster computation without causing noticeable artifacts in the reconstructed images. Computing a reduced sample set via nonuniform sampling is also found to be an effective acceleration technique. © 2009 Optical Society of America.


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The optimization of off-null ellipsometry is described with emphasis on the improvement of sample thickness sensitivity. Optimal conditions are dependent on azimuth angle settings of the polarizer, compensator, and analyzer in a polarizer-compensator-sample-analyzer ellipsometer arrangement. Numerical simulation utilized offers an approach to present the dependence of the sensitivity on the azimuth angle settings, from which optimal settings corresponding to the best sensitivity are derived. For a series of samples of SiO2 layer (thickness in the range of 1.8-6.5 nm) on silicon substrate, the theory analysis proves that sensitivity at the optimal settings is increased 20 times compared to that at null settings used in most works, and the relationship between intensity and thickness is simplified as a linear type instead of the original nonlinear type, with the relative error reduced to similar to 1/100 at the optimal settings. Furthermore the discussion has been extended toward other factors affecting the sensitivity of the practical system, such as the linear dynamic range of the detector, the signal-to-noise ratio and the intensity from the light source, etc. Experimental results from the investigation Of SiO2 layer on silicon substrate are chosen to verify the optimization. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.


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Scanning electron microscopic (SEM) moire method was used to study the surface structure of three kinds of butterfly wings: Papilio maackii Menetries, Euploea midamus (Linnaeus), and Stichophthalma how-qua (Westwood). Gratings composed of curves with different orientations were found on scales. The planar characteristics of gratings and some other planar features of the surface structure of these wings were revealed, respectively, in terms of virtual strain. Experimental results demonstrate that SEM moire method is a simple, nonlocal, economical, effective technique for determining which grating exists on one whole scale, measuring the dimension and the whole planar structural character of the grating on each scale, as well as characterizing the relationship between gratings on different scales of each butterfly wing. Thus, the SEM moire method is a useful tool to assist with characterizing the structure of butterfly wings and explaining their excellent properties. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.


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The possibility of lifetime measurement in a flowing medium with phase fluorometry is investigated theoretically. A 3-D time dependent partial differential equation of the number density of atoms (or molecules) in the upper level of the fluorescence transition is solved analytically, taking flow, diffusion, optical excitation, decay, Doppler shift, and thickness of the excitation light sheet into account. An analytical expression of the intensity of the fluorescence signal in the flowing medium is deduced. Conditions are given, in which the principle of lifetime measurement with phase fluorometry in the static sample cell can be used in a flowing medium.


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phases should be specified when the particle Reynolds number is higher than


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The Talbot effect is one of the most basic optical phenomena that has received extensive investigations both because its new results provide us more understanding of the fundamental Fresnel diffraction and also because of its wide applications. We summarize our recent results on this subject. Symmetry of the Talbot effect, which was reported in Optics Communications in 1995, is now realized as the key to reveal other rules for explanation of the Talbot effect for array illumination. The regularly rearranged-neighboring-phase-differences (RRNPD) rule, a completely new set of analytic phase equations (Applied Optics, 1999), and the prime-number decomposing rule (Applied Optics, 2001) are the newly obtained results that reflect the symmetry of the Talbot effect in essence. We also reported our results on the applications of the Talbot effect. Talbot phase codes are the orthogonal codes that can be used for phase coding of holographic storage. A new optical scanner based on the phase codes for Talbot array illumination has unique advantages. Furthermore, a novel two-layered multifunctional computer-generated hologram based on the fractional Talbot effect was proposed and implemented (Optics Letters, 2003). We believe that these new results should bring us more new understanding of the Talbot effect and help us to design novel optical devices that should benefit practical applications. (C) 2004 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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