996 resultados para animal tissues


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Human monkeypox has never been reported in Ghana, but rodents captured in forested areas of southern Ghana were the source of the monkeypox virus introduced into the United States in 2003. Subsequent to the outbreak in the United States, 204 animals were collected from two commercial trapping sites in Ghana. Animal tissues were examined for the presence of orthopoxvirus (OPXV) DNA using a real-time polymerase chain reaction, and sera were assayed for antibodies against OPXV. Animals from five genera (Cricetomys , Graphiurus , Funiscirus, and Heliosciurus ) had antibodies against OPXV, and three genera (Cricetomys , Graphiurus , and Xerus) had evidence of OPXV DNA in tissues. Additionally, 172 persons living near the trapping sites were interviewed regarding risk factors for OPXV exposure, and their sera were analyzed. Fifty-three percent had IgG against OPXV; none had IgM. Our findings suggest that several species of forest-dwelling rodents from Ghana are susceptible to naturally occurring OPXV infection, and that persons living near forests may have low-level or indirect exposure to OPXV-infected animals, possibly resulting in sub-clinical infections.


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The present study investigated the effects of chronic hyperprolinemia on oxidative and metabolic status in liver and serum of rats. Wistar rats received daily subcutaneous injections of proline from their 6th to 28th day of life. Twelve hours after the last injection the rats were sacrificed and liver and serum were collected. Results showed that hyperprolinemia induced a significant reduction in total antioxidant potential and thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances. The activities of the antioxidant enzymes catalase and superoxide dismutase were significantly increased after chronic proline administration, while glutathione (GSH) peroxidase activity, dichlorofluorescin oxidation, GSH, sulfhydryl, and carbonyl content remained unaltered. Histological analyses of the liver revealed that proline treatment induced changes of the hepatic microarchitecture and increased the number of inflammatory cells and the glycogen content. Biochemical determination also demonstrated an increase in glycogen concentration, as well as a higher synthesis of glycogen in liver of hyperprolinemic rats. Regarding to hepatic metabolism, it was observed an increase on glucose oxidation and a decrease on lipid synthesis from glucose. However, hepatic lipid content and serum glucose levels were not changed. Proline administration did not alter the aminotransferases activities and serum markers of hepatic injury. Our findings suggest that hyperprolinemia alters the liver homeostasis possibly by induction of a mild degree of oxidative stress and metabolic changes. The hepatic alterations caused by proline probably do not implicate in substantial hepatic tissue damage, but rather demonstrate a process of adaptation of this tissue to oxidative stress. However, the biological significance of these findings requires additional investigation. J. Cell. Biochem. 113: 174183, 2012. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The in vitro stability of cocaine in horse blood, sheep vitreous humour (VH) and homogenised deer muscle is described. The stability of cocaine in horse blood was of interest because many toxicology laboratories utilise horse blood for the preparation of calibration and check standards and the latter are typically stored during routine use. The storage stability of cocaine in human VH and muscle has not been previously reported. In the absence of blank human VH and muscle, cocaine stability under varying conditions was demonstrated in animal tissues. Blood and VH were stored with and without addition of NaF at room temperature (RT), 4 degrees C and -18 degrees C for 84 days. Muscle homogenates were prepared in water, water/2% NaF, and phosphate buffer (pH 6.0)/2% NaF, and stored for 31 days at RT, 4 degrees C and -18 degrees C. Cocaine stability in human muscle obtained from cocaine positive forensic cases was assessed following storage at -18 degrees C for 13 months. Cocaine and benzoylecgonine (BZE) were extracted using SPE and quantified by GC-MS/MS. Cocaine was stable for 7 days in refrigerated (4 degrees C) horse blood fortified with 1 and 2% NaF. In the absence of NaF, cocaine was not detectable by day 7 in blood stored at RT and 4 degrees C and had declined by 81% following storage at -18 degrees C. At 4 degrees C the rate of cocaine degradation in blood preserved with 2% NaF was significantly slower than with 1% NaF. The stability of cocaine in horse blood appeared to be less than that reported for human blood, probably attributable to the presence of carboxylesterase in horse plasma. Cocaine stored in VH at -18 degrees C was essentially stable for the study period whereas at 4 degrees C concentrations decreased by >50% in preserved and unpreserved VH stored for longer than 14 days. Fluoride did not significantly affect cocaine stability in VH. The stability of cocaine in muscle tissue homogenates significantly exceeded that in blood and VH at every temperature. In preserved and unpreserved samples stored at 4 degrees C and below, cocaine loss did not exceed 2%. The increased stability of cocaine in muscle was attributed to the low initial pH of post-mortem muscle. In tissue from one human case stored for 13 months at -18 degrees C the muscle cocaine concentration declined by only 15% (range: 5-22%). These findings promote the use of human muscle as a toxicological specimen in which cocaine may be detected for longer compared with blood or VH. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Peptides derived from cytosolic, mitochondrial, and nuclear proteins have been detected in extracts of animal tissues and cell lines. To test whether the proteasome is involved in their formation, HEK293T cells were treated with epoxomicin (0.2 or 2 mu M) for 1 h and quantitative peptidomics analysis was performed. Altogether, 147 unique peptides were identified by mass spectrometry sequence analysis. Epoxomicin treatment decreased the levels of the majority of intracellular peptides, consistent with inhibition of the proteasome beta-2 and beta-5 subunits. Treatment with the higher concentration of epoxomicin elevated the levels of some peptides. Most of the elevated peptides resulted from cleavages at acidic residues, suggesting that epoxomicin increased the processing of proteins through the beta-1 subunit. Interestingly, some of the peptides that were elevated by the epoxomicin treatment had hydrophobic residues in P1 cleavage sites. Taken together, these findings suggest that, while the proteasome is the major source of intracellular peptides, other peptide-generating mechanisms exist. Because intracellular peptides are likely to perform intracellular functions, studies using proteasome inhibitors need to be interpreted with caution, as it is possible that the effects of these inhibitors are due to a change in the peptide levels rather than inhibition of protein degradation.


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Flugfähige Insekten sind äußerst leistungsfähige Tiere. Ihre Flugmuskulatur ist das Gewebe mit der höchsten ATP-Umsatzrate im Tierreich. Der hohe Energieumsatz ist möglich durch einen vollständig aeroben Stoffwechsel der Flugmuskulatur, der durch die effiziente Sauerstoffversorgung über das Tracheensystem gewährleistet wird. Andererseits haben Insekten einen offenen Blutkreislauf, d.h. ihre Gewebe werden nicht über Kapillaren mit Substraten versorgt, sondern von der Hämolymphe umspült, die daher eine hohe Konzentration an energieliefernden Substraten haben muss. Als schnell verfügbares Substrat nutzen Wanderheuschrecken bei Beginn eines Fluges als Hauptsubstrat Trehalose, die in hoher Konzentration als Hämolymphzucker vorliegt (20 bis 40mal höhere Konzentration als Glucose). Trehalose ist, anders als Glucose, ein nicht-reduzierender Zucker und daher nicht toxisch. Allerdings muss das Disaccharid Trehalose zu Glucose hydrolysiert werden, bevor sie im Zellstoffwechsel verwertet werden kann. Diese Funktion erfüllt die Trehalase (EC, ein Enzym, das membrangebunden ist und nach Zellfraktionierung in der Mikrosomenfraktion erscheint. Es ist schon lange offensichtlich, dass die Aktivität der Trehalase regulierbar sein muss und zwar reversibel (eine Eigenschaft, die für Hydrolasen ungewöhnlich ist), der Mechanismus ist allerdings bislang nicht klar, da alle üblichen Typen von Aktivitätsregulation nicht verwirklicht zu sein scheinen. Die meisten Autoren vermuten, dass die Regulation über den Transport des Substrats erfolgt. Ein Trehalosetransporter konnte allerdings bisher in der Flugmuskulatur von Locusta nicht nachgewiesen werden. In dieser Arbeit stelle ich Experimente vor, die dafür sprechen, dass Trehalase als Ektoenzym aktiv ist (overte Form), während eine inaktive Form (latente Form) in Vesikeln im Cytoplasma vorliegt und per Exocytose reversibel in die Plasmamembran transloziert werden kann. Für die Testung dieser Arbeitshypothese nutzte ich Trehazolin, einen sehr spezifischen Inhibitor der Trehalase, der äußerst fest und dauerhaft im aktiven Zentrum des Enzyms bindet. Dazu war es nötig, die Flugmuskulatur zu fraktionieren, um die Effekte von Trehazolin auf die verschiedenen Formen der Trehalase (gebunden, löslich, overt, latent) zu analysieren. Mit der Arbeitshypothese vereinbar sind die folgenden Befunde: (1) In die Hämolymphe injiziertes Trehazolin hemmt bevorzugt die overte Trehalase und erst bei höheren Dosen und nach längerer Zeit die latente Form. (2) Trehazolin wirkt in hoher Dosis (50µg pro Tier) auch nach Verfütterung, allerdings stark abgeschwächt, da nach 24 Stunden ein signifikanter Effekt nur auf die overte, aber nicht auf die latente Form sichtbar war. (3) In einem Langzeitversuch über 30 Tage führte die einmalige Injektion von 20µg Trehazolin zu einer schnellen Hemmung der overten Trehalase, der eine verzögerte Hemmung der latenten Aktivität folgte. Der Zeitverlauf von Hemmung und Erholung spricht für eine Vorläufer-Produkt-Beziehung zwischen latenter und overter Form. (4) Flugaktivität der Tiere führt zu einer starken Verminderung der latenten Aktivität, falls Trehazolin in der Hämolymphe der Tiere vorhanden war. (5) Neuropeptide könnten die Translokation fördern. Insulin hat einen entsprechenden Effekt, der aber unabhängig ist von der Flugaktivität. (6) Der PI3-Kinasehemmstoff Wortmannin stabilisiert die latente Form der Trehalase. Auch andere Organe als die Flugmuskulatur besitzen Trehalase, aber mit deutlich geringerer Aktivität. In der Sprungmuskulatur könnte auch eine latente Form vorhanden sein, für Darm und Gehirn ist das nicht wahrscheinlich.


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La contaminazione chimica rappresenta uno dei rischi principali per la sicurezza alimentare e può arrecare anche gravi danni alla salute umana. Rientrano in questa tesi di dottorato tre famiglie di contaminanti: Micotossine, Metalli e Insetticidi. La ricerca di aflatossina B1 è stata effettuata su 90 confezioni di farina, sia biologici sia convenzionali. La presenza della micotossina è stata rilevata solo nelle farine di mais. Solo un campione di produzione convenzionale ha superato il limite di 2 ppb definito per legge. Il dato di maggior rilievo è stato che il quantitativo di 5 grammi di campionamento si è dimostrato non rappresentativo sul totale della confezione commerciale di farina. Più attendibile si è invece dimostrato un campionamento di 20 grammi. L’aflatossina M1 è stata ricercata in 58 campioni di latte di cui 35 sono risultati positivi. Tuttavia, i livelli riscontrati erano costantemente inferiori al limite previsto per legge. Sono stati sottoposti a estrazione e purificazione, e analizzati con metodica HPLC-FL per la ricerca di Ocratossina A, 114 campioni di bile, 35 campioni di plasma, 40 campioni di rene prelevati da polli in Giordania. Le analisi hanno fornito risultati costantemente negativi. Sono stati analizzati 72 campioni (30 di muscolo, 29 di fegato e 13 di rene) prelevati da 30 bovini nel macello di Irbid (Giordania), di età compresa tra 8 e 30 mesi e provenienti da allevamenti diversi, per la ricerca di 13 elementi essenziali e non essenziali. In questo studio nessun campione supera i livelli massimi stabiliti dalla normativa europea per quanto riguarda gli elementi considerati. Infine, sono stati analizzati 37 campioni di latte ovino e 31 campioni di latte bovino, prelevati in Giordania in diversi allevamenti, per la ricerca di 4 neonicotinoidi (imidacloprid, acetamiprid, thiamethoxam e thiacloprid). I campioni, analizzati con sistema HPLC/MS/MS, sono risultati costantemente negativi ai quattro neonicotinoidi ricercati.


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Microbeam radiation therapy (MRT), a form of experimental radiosurgery of tumours using multiple parallel, planar, micrometres-wide, synchrotron-generated X-ray beams ('microbeams'), can safely deliver radiation doses to contiguous normal animal tissues that are much higher than the maximum doses tolerated by the same normal tissues of animals or patients from any standard millimetres-wide radiosurgical beam. An array of parallel microbeams, even in doses that cause little damage to radiosensitive developing tissues, for example, the chick chorioallantoic membrane, can inhibit growth or ablate some transplanted malignant tumours in rodents. The cerebella of 100 normal 20 to 38g suckling Sprague-Dawley rat pups and of 13 normal 5 to 12kg weanling Yorkshire piglets were irradiated with an array of parallel, synchrotron-wiggler-generated X-ray microbeams in doses overlapping the MRT-relevant range (about 50-600Gy) using the ID17 wiggler beamline tangential to the 6GeV electron synchrotron ring at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility in Grenoble, France. Subsequent favourable development of most animals over at least 1 year suggests that MRT might be used to treat children's brain tumours with less risk to the development of the central nervous system than is presently the case when using wider beams.


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A microbiopsy system for fast excision and transfer of biological specimens from donor to high-pressure freezer was developed. With a modified, commercially available, Promag 1.2 biopsy gun, tissue samples can be excised with a size small enough (0.6 mm x 1.2 mm x 0.3 mm) to be easily transferred into a newly designed specimen platelet. A self-made transfer unit allows fast transfer of the specimen from the needle into the specimen platelet. The platelet is then fixed in a commercially available specimen holder of a high-pressure freezing machine (EM PACT, Leica Microsystems, Vienna, Austria) and frozen therein. The time required by a well-instructed (but not experienced) person to execute all steps is in the range of half a minute. This period is considered short enough to maintain the excised tissue pieces close to their native state. We show that a range of animal tissues (liver, brain, kidney and muscle) are well preserved. To prove the quality of freezing achieved with the system, we show vitrified ivy leaves high-pressure frozen in the new specimen platelet.


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Introduction: Dehiscence of the suture line of an anastomosis can lead to reoperation, temporary or permanent stoma, and even sepsis or death. Few techniques for the laboratory training of tubular anastomosis use ex-vivo animal tissues. We describe a novel model that can be used in the laboratory for the training of anastomosis in tubular tissues and objectively assess any anastomotic leak. [See PDF for complete abstract]


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Our model of the native fatty acid synthase (FAS) depicts it as a dimer of two identical multifunctional proteins (Mr ≈ 272,000) arranged in an antiparallel configuration so that the active Cys-SH of the β-ketoacyl synthase of one subunit (where the acyl group is attached) is juxtaposed within 2 Å of the pantetheinyl-SH of the second subunit (where the malonyl group is bound). This arrangement generates two active centers for fatty acid synthesis and predicts that if we have two appropriate halves of the monomer, we should be able to reconstitute an active fatty acid-synthesizing site. We cloned, expressed, and purified catalytically active thioredoxin (TRX) fusion proteins of the NH2-terminal half of the human FAS subunit protein (TRX-hFAS-dI; residues 1–1,297; Mr ≈ 166) and of the C-terminal half (TRX-hFAS-dII-III; residues 1,296–2,504; Mr ≈ 155). Adding equivalent amounts of TRX-hFAS-dI and TRX-hFAS-dII-III to a reaction mixture containing acetyl-CoA, malonyl-CoA, and NADPH resulted in the synthesis of long-chain fatty acids. The rate of synthesis was dependent upon the presence of both recombinant proteins and reached a constant level when they were present in equivalent amounts, indicating that the reconstitution of an active fatty acid-synthesizing site required the presence of every partial activity associated with the subunit protein. Analyses of the product acids revealed myristate to be the most abundant with small amounts of palmitate and stearate, possibly because of the way the fused recombinant proteins interacted with each other so that the thioesterase hydrolyzed the acyl group in its myristoyl state. The successful reconstitution of the human FAS activity from its domain I and domains II and III fully supports our model for the structure–function relationship of FAS in animal tissues.


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To improve the efficiency of liposome-mediated DNA transfer as a tool for gene therapy, we have developed a fusigenic liposome vector based on principles of viral cell fusion. The fusion proteins of hemagglutinating virus of Japan (HVJ; also Sendai virus) are complexed with liposomes that encapsulate oligodeoxynucleotide or plasmid DNA. Subsequent fusion of HVJ-liposomes with plasma membranes introduces the DNA directly into the cytoplasm. In addition, a DNA-binding nuclear protein is incorporated into the HVJ-liposome particle to enhance plasmid transgene expression. The fusigenic viral liposome vector has proven to be efficient for the intracellular introduction of oligodeoxynucleotide, as well as intact genes up to 100 kbp, both in vitro and in vivo. Many animal tissues have been found to be suitable targets for fusigenic viral liposome DNA transfer. In the cardiovascular system, we have documented successful cytostatic gene therapy in models of vascular proliferative disease using antisense oligodeoxynucleotides against cell cycle genes, double-stranded oligodeoxynucleotides as "decoys" to trap the transcription factor E2F, and expression of a transgene encoding the constitutive endothelial cell form of nitric oxide synthase. Similar strategies are also effective for the genetic engineering of vein grafts and for the treatment of a mouse model of immune-mediated glomerular disease.


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A apoptose constitui um processo fisiológico de morte celular, caracterizado por alterações morfológicas distintas e mecanismos bioquímicos e moleculares bem definidos. O seu papel de destaque em numerosos eventos biológicos e importantes processos patológicos conduziu a um crescente interesse na investigação dos mecanismos celulares que regulam o processo apoptótico. A aplicação de metodologias capazes de identificar células apoptóticas despoletou um enorme desenvolvimento de técnicas. No entanto, as propriedades demonstradas por estes ensaios nem sempre se aplicam ao estudo de amostras tecidulares, pelo que a escolha dos diferentes métodos deverá ser criteriosamente avaliada, tendo em conta a aplicação pretendida e as alterações morfológicas que se pretendem detetar. Das várias técnicas disponíveis para deteção da apoptose em tecidos, muitos investigadores recomendam o método TUNEL, o qual se baseia na marcação de produtos endonucleossómicos resultantes da fragmentação do DNA. Outros métodos histoquímicos também disponíveis incluem a deteção do citocromo c, libertado da mitocôndria ou a deteção das proteínas pró e anti-apoptóticas, Bax, Bidm e Bcl-2, envolvidas nos mecanismos intrínsecos da apoptose. Mais recentemente, a marcação de produtos específicos resultantes da clivagem de proteínas alvo pelas caspases, tem vindo a ser considerada uma abordagem promissora. Como principal objectivo deste trabalho pretendeu-se avaliar a técnica imunohistoquímica como método de deteção da apoptose a nível celular, em tecidos animais, tendo por base o método TUNEL, o qual permite a deteção de fragmentos de DNA. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que, apesar do método TUNEL possuir as suas limitações ao nível da sensibilidade e especificidade, o mesmo constitui um mecanismo imunohistoquímico útil na deteção de células apoptóticas. Contudo, segundo opinião de vários autores, adverte-se para a necessidade da aplicação de pelo menos dois métodos imunohistoquímicos como forma de validar a ocorrência do processo apoptótico, razão pela qual se optou pela deteção do citocromo c citosólico como método complementar, uma vez que a sua libertação para o espaço citosólico se encontra implicada na ativação da apoptose.


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Lipid extraction of biomass prior to stable isotope analysis is known to cause variable changes in the stable nitrogen isotopic composition (d15N) of residual biomass. However, the underlying factors causing these changes are not yet clear. Here we address this issue by comparing the d15N of bulk and residual biomass of several marine animal tissues (fish, crab, cockle, oyster, and polychaete), as well as the d15N of the extracted lipids. As observed previously, lipid extraction led to a variable offset in d15N of biomass (differences ranging from -2.3 to +1.8 per mil). Importantly, the total lipid extract (TLE) was highly depleted in 15N compared to bulk biomass, and also highly variable (differences ranging from -14 to +0.7 per mil). The TLE consisted mainly of phosphatidylcholines, a group of lipids with one nitrogen atom in the headgroup. To elucidate the cause for the 15N-depletion in the TLE, the d15N of amino acids was determined, including serine because it is one of the main sources of nitrogen to N-containing lipids. Serine d15N values differed by -7 to +2 per mil from bulk biomass d15N, and correlated well with the 15N depletion in TLEs. On average, serine was less depleted (-3 per mil) than the TLE (-7 per mil), possibly due to fractionation during biosynthesis of N-containing headgroups, or that other nitrogen-containing compounds, such as urea and choline, or recycled nitrogen contribute to the nitrogen isotopic composition of the TLE. The depletion in 15N of the TLE relative to biomass increased with the trophic level of the organisms.


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A study was conducted to investigate the persistence of rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV) in the environment. Virus was impregnated onto two carrier materials (cotton tape and bovine liver) and exposed to environmental conditions on pasture during autumn in New Zealand. Samples were collected after 1, 10, 44 and 91 days and the viability of the virus was determined by oral inoculation of susceptible 11- to 14-week-old New Zealand White rabbits. Evidence of RHDV infection was based on clinical and pathological signs and/or seroconversion to RHDV. Virus impregnated on cotton tape was viable at 10 days of exposure but not at 44 days, while in bovine liver it was still viable at 91 days. The results of this study suggest that RHDV in animal tissues such as rabbit carcasses can survive for at least 3 months in the field, while virus exposed directly to environmental conditions, such as dried excreted virus, is viable for a period of less than I month. Survival of RHDV in the tissues of dead animals could, therefore, provide a persistent reservoir of virus, which could initiate new outbreaks of disease after extended delays.


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The basement membrane (BM) is a highly conserved form of extracellular matrix that underlies or surrounds and supports most animal tissues. BMs are crossed by cells during various remodeling events in development, immune surveillance, or during cancer metastasis. Because BMs are dense and not easily penetrable, most of these cells must open a gap in order to facilitate their migration. The mechanisms by which cells execute these changes are poorly understood. A developmental event that requires the opening of a BM gap is C. elegans uterine-vulval connection. The anchor cell (AC), a specialized uterine cell, creates a de novo BM gap. Subsequent widening of the BM gap involves the underlying vulval precursor cells (VPCs) and the π cells, uterine neighbors of the AC through non-proteolytic BM sliding. Using forward and reverse genetic screening, transcriptome profiling, and live-cell imaging, I investigated how the cells in these tissues accomplish BM gap formation. In Chapter 2, I identify two potentially novel regulators of BM breaching, isolated through a large-scale forward genetic screen and characterize the invasion defect in these mutants. In Chapter 3, I describe single-cell transcriptome sequencing of the invasive AC. In Chapter 4, I describe the role of the π cells in opening the nascent BM gap. A complete developmental pathway for this process has been elucidated: the AC induces the π fate through Notch signaling, after which the π cells upregulate the Sec14 family protein CTG-1, which in turn restricts the trafficking of DGN-1 (dystroglycan), a laminin receptor, allowing the BM to slide. Chapter 5 outlines the implications of these discoveries.