888 resultados para animal cloning
The phytopathogenic fungus Moniliophthora perniciosa (Stahel) Aime & Philips-Mora, causal agent of witches' broom disease of cocoa, causes countless damage to cocoa production in Brazil. Molecular studies have attempted to identify genes that play important roles in fungal survival and virulence. In this study, sequences deposited in the M. perniciosa Genome Sequencing Project database were analyzed to identify potential biological targets. For the first time, the ergosterol biosynthetic pathway in M. perniciosa was studied and the lanosterol 14α-demethylase gene (ERG11) that encodes the main enzyme of this pathway and is a target for fungicides was cloned, characterized molecularly and its phylogeny analyzed. ERG11 genomic DNA and cDNA were characterized and sequence analysis of the ERG11 protein identified highly conserved domains typical of this enzyme, such as SRS1, SRS4, EXXR and the heme-binding region (HBR). Comparison of the protein sequences and phylogenetic analysis revealed that the M. perniciosa enzyme was most closely related to that of Coprinopsis cinerea.
O melhoramento genético animal é, normalmente, pesquisado e desenvolvido nas universidades e instituições públicas de pesquisa do Brasil. No entanto, os rebanhos de exploração zootécnica, verdadeiros objetivos desses estudos, pertencem à iniciativa privada. O melhoramento genético animal e as parcerias público-privadas constituem-se em um caso especial de grande sucesso, que é analisado no presente texto, com ênfase especial ao Grupo de Melhoramento Animal e Biotecnologia da Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de Alimentos da Universidade de São Paulo, instituição de origem dos autores. O sucesso desse grupo, medido em atividades de pesquisa e suas conseqüentes publicações, de ensino e formação de recursos humanos e de extensão de serviços à comunidade, é apresentado como incentivo aos pesquisadores das mais diversas áreas ligadas à produção animal.
cDNA coding for two digestive lysozymes (MdL1 and MdL2) of the Musca domestica housefly was cloned and sequenced. MdL2 is a novel minor lysozyme, whereas MdL1 is the major lysozyme thus far purified from M. domestica midgut. MdL1 and MdL2 were expressed as recombinant proteins in Pichia pastoris, purified and characterized. The lytic activities of MdL1 and MdL2 upon Micrococcus lysodeikticus have an acidic pH optimum (4.8) at low ionic strength (μ = 0.02), which shifts towards an even more acidic value, pH 3.8, at a high ionic strength (μ = 0.2). However, the pH optimum of their activities upon 4-methylumbelliferyl N-acetylchitotrioside (4.9) is not affected by ionic strength. These results suggest that the acidic pH optimum is an intrinsic property of MdL1 and MdL2, whereas pH optimum shifts are an effect of the ionic strength on the negatively charged bacterial wall. MdL2 affinity for bacterial cell wall is lower than that of MdL1. Differences in isoelectric point (pI) indicate that MdL2 (pI = 6.7) is less positively charged than MdL1 (pI = 7.7) at their pH optima, which suggests that electrostatic interactions might be involved in substrate binding. In agreement with that finding, MdL1 and MdL2 affinities for bacterial cell wall decrease as ionic strength increases.
A metodologia de produção in vitro de embriões de ovinos implica no desenvolvimento de meios de maturação, fertilização e cultivo que permitam aumentar a taxa de clivagem e desenvolvimento, tanto para o investimento biotecnológico em programas comerciais, quanto para sua utilização em clonagem e transgenia dessa espécie animal. Do ponto de vista da pesquisa, os ovócitos podem ser obtidos pelas técnicas de punção e slicing a partir de ovários oriundos de matadouros, ou através de aspiração folicular por laparoscopia. Como vantagem, este método permite o uso de uma mesma doadora estimulada hormonialmente em intervalos periódicos, mantida sob rigoroso controle sanitário, o que é de vital importância para a produção de biofármacos em programas que utilisem os ovinos como modelo biológico. Por outro lado, em nosso país a demanda pela multiplicação de animais de alto valor genético, seja pela produtividade ou pelo elevado valor comercial dos mesmos, impõe o desenvolvimento, adaptação e otimização das diferentes metodologias desenvolvidas ao longo dos ultimos anos em laboratórios de referência mundiais. Nesse contexto, cresce de importância o perfeito conhecimento da fisiologia dessa espécie e das raças criadas em nosso país, e da problemática da produção in vitro de seus embriões. Respeitando essas premissas, gerar o desenvolvimento de protocolos que permitam não apenas aumentar a população de ovócitos passíveis de maturação in vitro, mas de sua competência ao desenvolvimento ao estágio de blastocisto, ou, alternativamente, sua transferência a receptoras em estágios precoces do desenvolvimento, evitando assim as conhecidas perdas durante o desenvolvimento in vitro, e o baixo percentual de gestações que chegam a termo, com cordeiro saudáveis. Trata-se de um desafio, que já apresenta os primeiros resultados em nosso país, tanto na produção comercial de embriões produzidos in vitro, quanto em programas de clonagem e transgenia.
Forty-nine typical and atypical enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) strains belonging to different serotypes and isolated from humans, pets (cats and dogs), farm animals (bovines, sheep, and rabbits), and wild animals (monkeys) were investigated for virulence markers and clonal similarity by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and multilocus sequence typing (MLST). The virulence markers analyzed revealed that atypical EPEC strains isolated from animals have the potential to cause diarrhea in humans. A close clonal relationship between human and animal isolates was found by MLST and PFGE. These results indicate that these animals act as atypical EPEC reservoirs and may represent sources of infection for humans. Since humans also act as a reservoir of atypical EPEC strains, the cycle of mutual infection of atypical EPEC between animals and humans, mainly pets and their owners, cannot be ruled out since the transmission dynamics between the reservoirs are not yet clearly understood.
The aim of this work was to evaluate the performance of femtosecond laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (fs-LIBS) for the determination of elements in animal tissues. Sample pellets were prepared from certified reference materials, such as liver, kidney, muscle, hepatopancreas, and oyster, after cryogenic grinding assisted homogenization. Individual samples were placed in a two-axis computer-controlled translation stage that moved in the plane orthogonal to a beam originating from a Ti:Sapphire chirped-pulse amplification (CPA) laser system operating at 800 mu and producing a train of 840 mu J and 40 fs pulses at 90 Hz. The plasma emission was coupled into the optical fiber of a high-resolution intensified charge-coupled device (ICCD)-echelle spectrometer. Time-resolved characteristics of the laser-produced plasmas showed that the best results were obtained with delay times between 80 and 120 ns. Data obtained indicate both that it is a matrix-independent sampling process and that fs-LIBS can be used for the determination of Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Na, and P, but efforts must be made to obtain more appropriate detection limits for Al, Sr, and Zn.
Bloodsucking parasites such as ticks have evolved a wide variety of immunomodulatory proteins that are secreted in their saliva, allowing them to feed for long periods of time without being detected by the host immune system. One possible strategy used by ticks to evade the host immune response is to produce proteins that selectively bind and neutralize the chemokines that normally recruit cells of the innate immune system that protect the host from parasites. We have identified distinct cDNAs encoding novel chemokine binding proteins (CHPBs), which we have termed Evasins, using an expression cloning approach. These CHBPs have unusually stringent chemokine selectivity, differentiating them from broader spectrum viral CHBPs. Evasin-1 binds to CCL3, CCL4, and CCL18; Evasin-3 binds to CXCL8 and CXCL1; and Evasin-4 binds to CCL5 and CCL11. We report the characterization of Evasin-1 and -3, which are unrelated in primary sequence and tertiary structure, and reveal novel folds. Administration of recombinant Evasin-1 and - 3 in animal models of disease demonstrates that they have potent antiinflammatory properties. These novel CHBPs designed by nature are even smaller than the recently described single-domain antibodies (Hollinger, P., and P. J. Hudson. 2005. Nat. Biotechnol. 23: 1126-1136), and may be therapeutically useful as novel antiinflammatory agents in the future.
The relationship between the level of cell confluence near the plateau phase of growth and blastocyst yield following somatic cell cloning is not well understood. We examined the effect of distinct cell culture confluence levels on in vitro development of cloned bovine embryos. In vitro-matured bovine oocytes were manually bisected and selected by DNA staining. One or two enucleated hemi-cytoplasts were paired and fused with an adult skin somatic cell. Cultured skin cells from an adult Nellore cow harvested at three distinct culture confluence levels (70-80, 80-90, and > 95%) were used for construction of embryos and hemi-embryos. After activation, structures were cultured in vitro as one embryo (1 x 100%) or as aggregates of two hemi-embryos (2 x 50%) per microwell. Fusion, cleavage and blastocyst rates were compared using the chi(2) test. The fusion rate for hemi-embryos (51.4%) was lower than for embryos (67.6%), with no influence of degree of cell confluence. However, blastocyst rates improved linearly (7.0, 17.5, and 29.4%) with increases in cell confluence. We conclude that degree of cell culture confluence significantly influences subsequent embryo development; use of a cell population in high confluence (> 90%) for nuclear transfer significantly improved blastocyst yield after cloning.
Umbilical cord mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) have been widely investigated for cell-based therapy studies as an alternative source to bone marrow transplantation. Umbilical cord tissue is a rich source of MSCs with potential to derivate at least muscle, cartilage, fat, and bone cells in vitro. The possibility to replace the defective muscle cells using cell therapy is a promising approach for the treatment of progressive muscular dystrophies (PMDs), independently of the specific gene mutation. Therefore, preclinical studies in different models of muscular dystrophies are of utmost importance. The main objective of the present study is to evaluate if umbilical cord MSCs have the potential to reach and differentiate into muscle cells in vivo in two animal models of PMDs. In order to address this question we injected (1) human umbilical cord tissue (hUCT) MSCs into the caudal vein of SJL mice; (2) hUCT and canine umbilical cord vein (cUCV) MSCs intra-arterially in GRMD dogs. Our results here reported support the safety of the procedure and indicate that the injected cells could engraft in the host muscle in both animal models but could not differentiate into muscle cells. These observations may provide important information aiming future therapy for muscular dystrophies.
Dental implant materials are required to enable good apposition of bone and soft tissues. They must show sufficient resistance to chemical, physical and biological stress in the oral cavity to achieve good long-term outcomes. A critical issue is the apposition of the soft tissues, as they have provided a quasi-physiological closure of oral cavity. The present experiment was performed to study the peri-implant tissue response to non-submerged (1-stage) implant installation procedures. Two different implants types (NobelBiocare, NobelReplace (R) Tapered Groovy 4.3 x 10 mm and Replace (R) Select Tapered TiU RP 4.3 x 10 mm) were inserted into the right and left sides of 8 domestic pigs (Sus scrofa domestica) mandibles, between canines and premolars and immediately provided with a ceramic crown. Primary implant stability was determined using ressonance frequency analysis. Soft tissue parameters were assessed: sulcus depth (SDI) and junctional epithelium (JE). Following 70 days of healing, jaw sections were processed for histology and histomorphometric examination. Undecalcified histological sections demonstrated osseointegration with direct bone contact. The soft tissue parameters revealed no significant differences between the two implant types. The peri-implant soft tissues appear to behave similarly in both implant types.
Background: The effects of renal denervation on cardiovascular reflexes and markers of nephropathy in diabetic-hypertensive rats have not yet been explored. Methods: Aim: To evaluate the effects of renal denervation on nephropathy development mechanisms (blood pressure, cardiovascular autonomic changes, renal GLUT2) in diabetic-hypertensive rats. Forty-one male spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) similar to 250 g were injected with STZ or not; 30 days later, surgical renal denervation (RD) or sham procedure was performed; 15 days later, glycemia and albuminuria (ELISA) were evaluated. Catheters were implanted into the femoral artery to evaluate arterial pressure (AP) and heart rate variability (spectral analysis) one day later in conscious animals. Animals were killed, kidneys removed, and cortical renal GLUT2 quantified (Western blotting). Results: Higher glycemia (p < 0.05) and lower mean AP were observed in diabetics vs. nondiabetics (p < 0.05). Heart rate was higher in renal-denervated hypertensive and lower in diabetic-hypertensive rats (384.8 +/- 37, 431.3 +/- 36, 316.2 +/- 5, 363.8 +/- 12 bpm in SHR, RD-SHR, STZ-SHR and RD-STZ-SHR, respectively). Heart rate variability was higher in renal-denervated diabetic-hypertensive rats (55.75 +/- 25.21, 73.40 +/- 53.30, 148.4 +/- 93 in RD-SHR, STZ-SHR-and RD-STZ-SHR, respectively, p < 0.05), as well as the LF component of AP variability (1.62 +/- 0.9, 2.12 +/- 0.9, 7.38 +/- 6.5 in RD-SHR, STZ-SHR and RD-STZ-SHR, respectively, p < 0.05). GLUT2 renal content was higher in all groups vs. SHR. Conclusions: Renal denervation in diabetic-hypertensive rats improved previously reduced heart rate variability. The GLUT2 equally overexpressed by diabetes and renal denervation may represent a maximal derangement effect of each condition.
The efficacy of fluorescence spectroscopy to detect squamous cell carcinoma is evaluated in an animal model following laser excitation at 442 and 532 nm. Lesions are chemically induced with a topical DMBA application at the left lateral tongue of Golden Syrian hamsters. The animals are investigated every 2 weeks after the 4th week of induction until a total of 26 weeks. The right lateral tongue of each animal is considered as a control site (normal contralateral tissue) and the induced lesions are analyzed as a set of points covering the entire clinically detectable area. Based on fluorescence spectral differences, four indices are determined to discriminate normal and carcinoma tissues, based on intraspectral analysis. The spectral data are also analyzed using a multivariate data analysis and the results are compared with histology as the diagnostic gold standard. The best result achieved is for blue excitation using the KNN (K-nearest neighbor, a interspectral analysis) algorithm with a sensitivity of 95.7% and a specificity of 91.6%. These high indices indicate that fluorescence spectroscopy may constitute a fast noninvasive auxiliary tool for diagnostic of cancer within the oral cavity. (C) 2008 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.
Layer-by-layer (LBL) assembly was used to combine crystalline rod-like nanoparticles obtained from a vegetable source, cellulose nanowhiskers (CNWs), with collagen, the main component of skin and connective tissue found exclusively in animals. The film growth of the multilayered collagen/CNW was monitored by UV-Vis spectroscopy and ellipsometry measurements, whereas the film morphology and surface roughness were characterized by SEM and AFM. UV-Vis spectra showed the deposition of the same amount of collagen, 5 mg m(-2), in each dipping cycle. Ellipsometry data showed an increment in thickness with the number of layers, and the average thickness of each bilayer was found to be 8.6 nm. The multilayered bio-based nanocomposites were formed by single layers of densely packed CNWs adsorbed on top of each thin collagen layer where the hydrogen bonding between collagen amide groups and OH groups of the CNWs plays a mandatory role in the build-up of the thin films. The approach used in this work represents a potential strategy to mimic the characteristics of natural extracellular matrix (ECM) which can be used for applications in the biomedical field.
A procedure for partial digestion of bovine tissue is proposed using polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) microvessels inside a baby-bottle sterilizer under microwave radiation for multi-element determination by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP OES). Samples were directly weighed in laboratory-made polytetrafluoroethylene vessels. Nitric acid and hydrogen peroxide were added to the uncovered vessels, which were positioned inside the baby-bottle sterilizer, containing 500 mL of water. The hydrogen peroxide volume was fixed at 100 mu L The system was placed in a domestic microwave oven and partial digestion was carried out for the determination of Ca, Cu, Fe. Mg, Mn and Zn by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. The single-vessel approach was used in the entire procedure, to minimize contamination in trace analysis. Better recoveries and lower residual carbon content (RCC) levels were obtained under the conditions established through a 2(4-1) fractional factorial design: 650 W microwave power, 7 min digestion time, 50 mu L nitric acid and 50 mg sample mass. The digestion efficiency was ascertained according to the residual carbon content determined by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. The accuracy of the proposed procedure was checked against two certified reference materials. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background: Leptin-deficient mice (Lep(ob)/Lep(ob), also known as ob/ob) are of great importance for studies of obesity, diabetes and other correlated pathologies. Thus, generation of animals carrying the Lep(ob) gene mutation as well as additional genomic modifications has been used to associate genes with metabolic diseases. However, the infertility of Lep(ob)/Lep(ob) mice impairs this kind of breeding experiment. Objective: To propose a new method for production of Lep(ob)/Lep(ob) animals and Lep(ob)/Lep(ob)-derived animal models by restoring the fertility of Lep(ob)/Lep(ob) mice in a stable way through white adipose tissue transplantations. Methods: For this purpose, 1 g of peri-gonadal adipose tissue from lean donors was used in subcutaneous transplantations of Lep(ob)/Lep(ob) animals and a crossing strategy was established to generate Lep(ob)/Lep(ob)-derived mice. Results: The presented method reduced by four times the number of animals used to generate double transgenic models (from about 20 to 5 animals per double mutant produced) and minimized the number of genotyping steps (from 3 to 1 genotyping step, reducing the number of Lep gene genotyping assays from 83 to 6). Conclusion: The application of the adipose transplantation technique drastically improves both the production of Lep(ob)/Lep(ob) animals and the generation of Lep(ob)/Lep(ob)-derived animal models. International Journal of Obesity (2009) 33, 938-944; doi: 10.1038/ijo.2009.95; published online 16 June 2009