983 resultados para angular deformations


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The evolution of crystallographic texture has been comprehensively studied for commercially pure Al as a function of amount of ECAE deformation for the three major routes of ECAE processing. It has been observed that processing through different routes leads to different type of texture, in both qualitative as well as quantitative sense. The results have been analyzed on the basis of existing concepts on ECAE deformation and simulations have been carried out using the simple shear model of ECAE implemented into the Viscoplastic Self Consistent model of polycrystal plasticity. The simulations revealed that non-octahedral slip is needed to reproduce the experimental texture development.


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Molecular dynamics simulations of the orientational dynamics of water molecules confined inside narrow carbon nanorings reveal that reorientational relaxation is mediated by large amplitude angular jumps. The distribution of waiting time between jumps peaks at about 60 fs, and has a slowly decaying exponential tail with a timescale of about 440 fs. These time scales are much faster than the mean waiting time between jumps of the water molecules in bulk.


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The effect of creep on the vibrations of a single degree of freedom system subjected to combined random and deterministic excitation has been studied in this paper. The deterministic part of the excitation is assumed to be a sinusoidal function while the random part of the excitation is considered as a narrow band process with a central frequency equal to the frequency of sinusoidal part of the excitation. Creep, an energy absorbing process, introduces an equivalent damping into the system. A measure of this damping and the statistical properties of the response of the mechanical system have been derived.


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The equal-channel angular extrusion (ECAE) of Ti-bearing interstitial-free (IF) steel was performed following two different routes, up to four passes, at a temperature of 300 degrees C. The ECAE led to a grain refinement to submicron size. After the second pass, the grain size attained saturation thereafter. The microstructural analysis indicated the presence of coincident-site lattice (CSL) boundaries in significant fraction, in addition to a high volume fraction of high-angle random boundaries and some low-angle boundaries after the deformation. Among the special boundaries, Sigma 3 and Sigma 13 were the most prominent ones and their fraction depended on the processing route followed. A deviation in the misorientation angle distribution from the Mackenzie distribution was noticed. The crystallographic texture after the first pass resembled that of simple shear, with the {112}, {110}, and {123} aligned to the macroscopic shear plane.


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The angular-momentum flux from an inspiralling binary system of compact objects moving in quasi-elliptical orbits is computed at the third post-Newtonian (3PN) order using the multipolar post-Minkowskian wave generation formalism. The 3PN angular-momentum flux involves the instantaneous, tail, and tail-of-tails contributions as for the 3PN energy flux, and in addition a contribution due to nonlinear memory. We average the angular-momentum flux over the binary's orbit using the 3PN quasi-Keplerian representation of elliptical orbits. The averaged angular-momentum flux provides the final input needed for gravitational-wave phasing of binaries moving in quasi-elliptical orbits. We obtain the evolution of orbital elements under 3PN gravitational radiation reaction in the quasi-elliptic case. For small eccentricities, we give simpler limiting expressions relevant for phasing up to order e(2). This work is important for the construction of templates for quasi-eccentric binaries, and for the comparison of post-Newtonian results with the numerical relativity simulations of the plunge and merger of eccentric binaries.


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The ultrafast vibrational phase relaxation of O–H stretch in bulk water is investigated in molecular dynamics simulations. The dephasing time (T2) of the O–H stretch in bulk water calculated from the frequency fluctuation time correlation function (Cω(t)) is in the range of 70–80 femtosecond (fs), which is comparable to the characteristic timescale obtained from the vibrational echo peak shift measurements using infrared photon echo [W.P. de Boeij, M.S. Pshenichnikov, D.A. Wiersma, Ann. Rev. Phys. Chem. 49 (1998) 99]. The ultrafast decay of Cω(t) is found to be responsible for the ultrashort T2 in bulk water. Careful analysis reveals the following two interesting reasons for the ultrafast decay of Cω(t). (A) The large amplitude angular jumps of water molecules (within 30–40 fs time duration) provide a large scale contribution to the mean square vibrational frequency fluctuation and gives rise to the rapid spectral diffusion on 100 fs time scale. (B) The projected force, due to all the atoms of the solvent molecules on the oxygen (FO(t)) and hydrogen (FH(t)) atom of the O–H bond exhibit a large negative cross-correlation (NCC). We further find that this NCC is partly responsible for a weak, non-Arrhenius temperature dependence of the dephasing rate.


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In this paper, we demonstrate a way to impart severe plastic deformation to magnesium at room temperature to produce ultrafine grain size of similar to 250 nm through equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE). The strategy to deform magnesium at lower temperature or to achieve such grain sizes has been proposed as: (i) to obtain a suitable initial orientation with high Schmid factor for basal slip and low Schmid factor for pyramidal/prismatic slip; (ii) to take advantage of low stacking fault energy of basal and high stacking fault energies of prismatic/pyramidal planes in order to relatively work-harden the basal plane with respect to the pyramidal/prismatic plane; and (iii) to lower the temperature of deformation in steps, leading to continual refinement of grains, resulting in finer grain size. The experimental as well as simulated texture of ECAE-processed samples indicate that the deformation mechanism leading to ultrafine grain size is slip-dominated. The recrystallization mechanism during ECAE has been found to be orientation-dependent. (C) 2010 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Local texture and microstructure was investigated to study the deformation mechanisms during equal channel angular extrusion of a high purity nickel single crystal of initial cube orientation. A detailed texture and microstructure analysis by various diffraction techniques revealed the complexity of the deformation patterns in different locations of the billet. A modeling approach, taking into account slip system activity, was used to interpret the development of this heterogeneous deformation.


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The microstructure, thermal stability and hardness of ultra-fine grained (UFG) Ni produced by 12 passes of equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) through the route Bc were studied. Comparing the microstructure and hardness of the as-ECAPed samples with the published data on UFG Ni obtained after 8 passes of ECAP through the route Bc reveals a smaller average grain size (230 nm in the present case compared with 270 nm in 8-pass Ni), significantly lower dislocation density (1.08 x 10(14) m(-2) compared with 9 x 10(14) m(-2) in 8-pass Ni) and lower hardness (2 GPa compared with 2.45 GPa for 8-pass Ni). Study of the thermal stability of the 12-pass UFG Ni revealed that recovery is dominant in the temperature range 150-250A degrees C and recrystallisation occurred at temperatures > 250 A degrees C. The UFG microstructure is relatively stable up to about 400 A degrees C. Due to the lower dislocation density and consequently a lower stored energy, the recrystallisation of 12-pass ECAP Ni occurred at a higher temperature (similar to 250 A degrees C) compared with the 8-pass Ni (similar to 200 A degrees C). In the 12-pass Nickel, hardness variation shows that its dependence on grain size is inversely linear rather than the common grain size(-0.5) dependence.


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The synthesis, X-ray crystal structure, and magnetic properties of an angular trinuclear copper(II) complex [Cu3(O2CMC)4(bpy)3(H2O)](PF6)2 (1), obtained from a reaction of Cu2(O2CMe)4(H2O)2 With 2,2'-bipyridine (bpy) and NH4PF6 in ethanol, are reported. Complex 1 crystallizes in triclinic space group P1BAR with a = 11.529(1) angstrom, b = 12.121(2) angstrom, c = 17.153(2) angstrom, alpha = 82.01(1)-degrees, beta = 79.42(1)-degrees, gamma = 89.62(1)-degrees, and Z = 2. A total of 6928 data with I > 2.5sigma(I) were refined to R = 0.0441 and R(w) = 0.0557. The structure consists of a trinuclear core bridged by four acetate ligands showing different bonding modes. The coordination geometry at each copper is distorted square-pyramidal with a CuN2O2...O chromophore. The Cu...Cu distances are 3.198(1) angstrom, 4.568(1) angstrom, and 6.277(1) angstrom. There are two monoatomic acetate bridges showing Cu-O-Cu angles of 93.1(1) and 97.5(1)-degrees. Magnetic studies in the temperature range 39-297 K show the presence of a strong ferromagnetically coupled dicopper(II) unit (2J = +158 cm-1) and an essentially isolated copper(II) center (2J' = -0.4 cm-1) in 1. The EPR spectra display an axial spectrum giving g(parallel-to) = 2.28 (A(parallel-to) = 160 X 10(-4) cm-1) and g(perpendicular-to) = 2.06 (A(perpendicular-to) = 12 X 10(-4) cm-1) for the normal copper and two intense isotropic signals with g values 2.70 and 1.74 for the strongly coupled copper pair. The structural features of 1 compare well with the first generation models for ascorbate oxidase.


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A primary flexure problem defined by Kirchhoff theory of plates in bending is considered. Significance of auxiliary function introduced earlier in the in-plane displacements in resolving Poisson-Kirchhoffs boundary conditions paradox is reexamined with reference to reported sixth order shear deformation theories, in particular, Reissner's theory and Hencky's theory. Sixth order modified Kirchhoff's theory is extended here to include shear deformations in the analysis. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A method is described for estimating the incremental angle and angular velocity of a spacecraft using integrated rate parameters with the help of a star sensor alone. The chief advantage of this method is that the measured stars need not be identified, whereas the identification of the stars is necessary in earlier methods. This proposed estimation can be carried out with all of the available measurements by a simple linear Kalman filter, albeit with a time-varying sensitivity matrix. The residuals of estimated angular velocity by the proposed spacecraft incremental-angle and angular velocity estimation method are as accurate as the earlier methods. This method also enables the spacecraft attitude to be reconstructed for mapping the stars into an imaginary unit sphere in the body reference frame, which will preserve the true angular separation of the stars. This will pave the way for identification of the stars using any angular separation or triangle matching techniques applied to even a narrow field of view sensor that is made to sweep the sky. A numerical simulation for inertial as well as Earth pointing spacecraft is carried out to establish the results.


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In this article, the effect of initial microstructure on the texture evolution in 2014 Al alloy during equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) through route A has been reported. Three heat treatment conditions were chosen to generate the initial microstructures, namely (i) the recrystallization anneal (as-received), (ii) solution treatment at 768 K for 1 h, and (iii) solution treatment (768 K for 1 h) plus aging at 468 K for 5 h. Texture analyses were performed using orientation distribution function (ODF) method. The texture strength after ECAP processing was different for the three samples in the order, solutionised > solutionised plus aged condition > as-received. The prominent texture components were A (E) /(A) over bar (E) and B(E)/(B) over bar (E) in addition to several weaker components for the three materials. The strong texture evolution in solutionised condition has been attributed to higher strain hardening of the matrix due to higher amount of solute. In case of the as-received as well as solutionised plus aged alloy, the weaker texture could be due to the strain scattering from extensive precipitate fragmentation and dissolution during ECAP.