902 resultados para amplification-invariant


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While frame-invariant solutions for arbitrarily large rotational deformations have been reported through the orthogonal matrix parametrization, derivation of such solutions purely through a rotation vector parametrization, which uses only three parameters and provides a parsimonious storage of rotations, is novel and constitutes the subject of this paper. In particular, we employ interpolations of relative rotations and a new rotation vector update for a strain-objective finite element formulation in the material framework. We show that the update provides either the desired rotation vector or its complement. This rules out an additive interpolation of total rotation vectors at the nodes. Hence, interpolations of relative rotation vectors are used. Through numerical examples, we show that combining the proposed update with interpolations of relative rotations yields frame-invariant and path-independent numerical solutions. Advantages of the present approach vis-a-vis the updated Lagrangian formulation are also analyzed.


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Eleven new human polyomaviruses have been recently discovered, yet for most of these viruses, little is known of their biology and clinical impact. Rolling circle amplification (RCA) is an ideal method for the amplification of the circular polyomavirus genome due to its high fidelity amplification of circular DNA. In this study, a modified RCA method was developed to selectively amplify a range of polyomavirus genomes. Initial evaluation showed a multiplexed temperature-graded reaction profile gave the best yield and sensitivity in amplifying BK polyomavirus in a background of human DNA, with up to 1 × 10(8)-fold increases in viral genomes from as little as 10 genome copies per reaction. Furthermore, the method proved to be more sensitive and provided a 200-fold greater yield than that of random hexamers based standard RCA. Application of the method to other novel human polyomaviruses showed successful amplification of TSPyV, HPyV6, HPyV7, and STLPyV from low-viral load positive clinical samples, with viral genome enrichment ranging from 1 × 10(8) up to 1 × 10(10). This directed RCA method can be applied to selectively amplify other low-copy polyomaviral genomes from a background of competing non-specific DNA, and is a useful tool in further research into the rapidly expanding Polyomaviridae family.


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It is now well known that in extreme quantum limit, dominated by the elastic impurity scattering and the concomitant quantum interference, the zero-temperature d.c. resistance of a strictly one-dimensional disordered system is non-additive and non-self-averaging. While these statistical fluctuations may persist in the case of a physically thin wire, they are implicitly and questionably ignored in higher dimensions. In this work, we have re-examined this question. Following an invariant imbedding formulation, we first derive a stochastic differential equation for the complex amplitude reflection coefficient and hence obtain a Fokker-Planck equation for the full probability distribution of resistance for a one-dimensional continuum with a Gaussian white-noise random potential. We then employ the Migdal-Kadanoff type bond moving procedure and derive the d-dimensional generalization of the above probability distribution, or rather the associated cumulant function –‘the free energy’. For d=3, our analysis shows that the dispersion dominates the mobilitly edge phenomena in that (i) a one-parameter B-function depending on the mean conductance only does not exist, (ii) an approximate treatment gives a diffusion-correction involving the second cumulant. It is, however, not clear whether the fluctuations can render the transition at the mobility edge ‘first-order’. We also report some analytical results for the case of the one dimensional system in the presence of a finite electric fiekl. We find a cross-over from the exponential to the power-low length dependence of resistance as the field increases from zero. Also, the distribution of resistance saturates asymptotically to a poissonian form. Most of our analytical results are supported by the recent numerical simulation work reported by some authors.


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Twelve microsatellite DNA markers were isolated in the spot-tail shark (Carcharhinus sorrah) and nine were isolated in Australian black-tip shark (Carcharhinus tilstoni). These loci plus 18 others developed for sharks from the genera Negaprion, Ginglymostoma, Carcharodon and Isurus were tested for amplification success on four species of Carcharhinus (including C. sorrah and C. tilstoni) and four other species representing three diverse families. Cross-amplification was most common within families. Five loci were subsequently tested for polymorphism on 50 C. sorrah and 60 C. tilstoni. The number of alleles per locus was two to 24 and the average heterozygosity was 0.54 (range 0.16-0.87) for C. sorrah and 0.64 (range 0.44-0.78) for C. tilstoni. These loci may be useful tools for genetic analyses of the Carcharhinidae.


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Domain-invariant representations are key to addressing the domain shift problem where the training and test exam- ples follow different distributions. Existing techniques that have attempted to match the distributions of the source and target domains typically compare these distributions in the original feature space. This space, however, may not be di- rectly suitable for such a comparison, since some of the fea- tures may have been distorted by the domain shift, or may be domain specific. In this paper, we introduce a Domain Invariant Projection approach: An unsupervised domain adaptation method that overcomes this issue by extracting the information that is invariant across the source and tar- get domains. More specifically, we learn a projection of the data to a low-dimensional latent space where the distance between the empirical distributions of the source and target examples is minimized. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on the task of visual object recognition and show that it outperforms state-of-the-art methods on a stan- dard domain adaptation benchmark dataset


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This paper describes a vision-only system for place recognition in environments that are tra- versed at different times of day, when chang- ing conditions drastically affect visual appear- ance, and at different speeds, where places aren’t visited at a consistent linear rate. The ma- jor contribution is the removal of wheel-based odometry from the previously presented algo- rithm (SMART), allowing the technique to op- erate on any camera-based device; in our case a mobile phone. While we show that the di- rect application of visual odometry to our night- time datasets does not achieve a level of perfor- mance typically needed, the VO requirements of SMART are orthogonal to typical usage: firstly only the magnitude of the velocity is required, and secondly the calculated velocity signal only needs to be repeatable in any one part of the environment over day and night cycles, but not necessarily globally consistent. Our results show that the smoothing effect of motion constraints is highly beneficial for achieving a locally consis- tent, lighting-independent velocity estimate. We also show that the advantage of our patch-based technique used previously for frame recogni- tion, surprisingly, does not transfer to VO, where SIFT demonstrates equally good performance. Nevertheless, we present the SMART system us- ing only vision, which performs sequence-base place recognition in extreme low-light condi- tions where standard 6-DOF VO fails and that improves place recognition performance over odometry-less benchmarks, approaching that of wheel odometry.


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Obesity has long been linked with prostate cancer progression, although the underlying mechanism is still largely unknown. Here, we report that adipocytes promote the enrichment of prostate cancer stem cells (CSCs) through a vicious cycle of autocrine amplification. In the presence of adipocytes, prostate cancer cells actively secrete the peptide hormone cholecystokinin (CCK), which not only stimulates prostate CSC self-renewal, but also induces cathepsin B (CTSB) production of the adipocytes. In return, CTSB facilitates further CCK secretion by the cancer cells. More importantly, inactivation of CCK receptor not only suppresses CTSB secretion by the adipocytes, but also synergizes the inhibitory effect of CTSB inhibitor on adipocyte-promoted prostate CSC self-renewal. In summary, we have uncovered a novel mechanism underlying the mutual interplay between adipocytes and prostate CSCs, which may help explaining the role of adipocytes in prostate cancer progression and provide opportunities for effective intervention.


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Genetic variation among 29 isolates of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. zingiberi (Foz) collected from diseased ginger rhizome in production regions throughout Queensland was analysed using DNA amplification fingerprinting (DAF). Eight isolates of other Fusarium species and/or formae speciales were included for comparative analysis. Within the Foz isolates, three haplotypes were identified based on 17 polymorphic bands generated with five primers. Two groups showed very little genetic variation (98.6% similarity), whereas the third single isolate was quite distinct in terms of its molecular profile (77.2% similarity). Genetic similarity among the Fusarium solani, F. oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici and F. oxysporum f.sp. cubense races 1, 3 and 4 isolates compared well with the published literature.


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Typhoid fever is becoming an ever increasing threat in the developing countries. We have improved considerably upon the existing PCR-based diagnosis method by designing primers against a region that is unique to Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhi and Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Paratyphi A, corresponding to the STY0312 gene in S. Typhi and its homolog SPA2476 in S. Paratyphi A. An additional set of primers amplify another region in S. Typhi CT18 and S. Typhi Ty2 corresponding to the region between genes STY0313 to STY0316 but which is absent in S. Paratyphi A. The possibility of a false-negative result arising due to mutation in hypervariable genes has been reduced by targeting a gene unique to typhoidal Salmonella serovars as a diagnostic marker. The amplified region has been tested for genomic stability by amplifying the region from clinical isolates of patients from various geographical locations in India, thereby showing that this region is potentially stable. These set of primers can also differentiate between S. Typhi CT18, S. Typhi Ty2, and S. Paratyphi A, which have stable deletions in this specific locus. The PCR assay designed in this study has a sensitivity of 95% compared to the Widal test which has a sensitivity of only 63%. As observed, in certain cases, the PCR assay was more sensitive than the blood culture test was, as the PCR-based detection could also detect dead bacteria.


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Genotyping in DNA pools reduces the cost and the time required to complete large genotyping projects. The aim of the present study was to evaluate pooling as part of a strategy for fine mapping in regions of significant linkage. Thirty-nine single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were analyzed in two genomic DNA pools of 384 individuals each and results compared with data after typing all individuals used in the pools. There were no significant differences using data from either 2 or 8 heterozygous individuals to correct frequency estimates for unequal allelic amplification. After correction, the mean difference between estimates from the genomic pool and individual allele frequencies was .033. A major limitation of the use of DNA pools is the time and effort required to carefully adjust the concentration of each individual DNA sample before mixing aliquots. Pools were also constructed by combining DNA after Multiple Displacement Amplification (MDA). The MDA pools gave similar results to pools constructed after careful DNA quantitation (mean difference from individual genotyping .040) and MDA provides a rapid method to generate pools suitable for some applications. Pools provide a rapid and cost-effective screen to eliminate SNPs that are not polymorphic in a test population and can detect minor allele frequencies as low as 1% in the pooled samples. With current levels of accuracy, pooling is best suited to an initial screen in the SNP validation process that can provide high-throughput comparisons between cases and controls to prioritize SNPs for subsequent individual genotyping.


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Malli on logiikassa käytetty abstraktio monille matemaattisille objekteille. Esimerkiksi verkot, ryhmät ja metriset avaruudet ovat malleja. Äärellisten mallien teoria on logiikan osa-alue, jossa tarkastellaan logiikkojen, formaalien kielten, ilmaisuvoimaa malleissa, joiden alkioiden lukumäärä on äärellinen. Rajoittuminen äärellisiin malleihin mahdollistaa tulosten soveltamisen teoreettisessa tietojenkäsittelytieteessä, jonka näkökulmasta logiikan kaavoja voidaan ajatella ohjelmina ja äärellisiä malleja niiden syötteinä. Lokaalisuus tarkoittaa logiikan kyvyttömyyttä erottaa toisistaan malleja, joiden paikalliset piirteet vastaavat toisiaan. Väitöskirjassa tarkastellaan useita lokaalisuuden muotoja ja niiden säilymistä logiikkoja yhdistellessä. Kehitettyjä työkaluja apuna käyttäen osoitetaan, että Gaifman- ja Hanf-lokaalisuudeksi kutsuttujen varianttien välissä on lokaalisuuskäsitteiden hierarkia, jonka eri tasot voidaan erottaa toisistaan kasvavaa dimensiota olevissa hiloissa. Toisaalta osoitetaan, että lokaalisuuskäsitteet eivät eroa toisistaan, kun rajoitutaan tarkastelemaan äärellisiä puita. Järjestysinvariantit logiikat ovat kieliä, joissa on käytössä sisäänrakennettu järjestysrelaatio, mutta sitä on käytettävä siten, etteivät kaavojen ilmaisemat asiat riipu valitusta järjestyksestä. Määritelmää voi motivoida tietojenkäsittelyn näkökulmasta: vaikka ohjelman syötteen tietojen järjestyksellä ei olisi odotetun tuloksen kannalta merkitystä, on syöte tietokoneen muistissa aina jossakin järjestyksessä, jota ohjelma voi laskennassaan hyödyntää. Väitöskirjassa tutkitaan minkälaisia lokaalisuuden muotoja järjestysinvariantit ensimmäisen kertaluvun predikaattilogiikan laajennukset yksipaikkaisilla kvanttoreilla voivat toteuttaa. Tuloksia sovelletaan tarkastelemalla, milloin sisäänrakennettu järjestys lisää logiikan ilmaisuvoimaa äärellisissä puissa.


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Invariant magneto-electric coefficients and invariant piezomagnetic coefficients are obtained for all the magnetic crystal classes.


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For an operator T in the class B-n(), introduced by Cowen and Douglas, the simultaneous unitary equivalence class of the curvature and the covariant derivatives up to a certain order of the corresponding bundle E-T determine the unitary equivalence class of the operator T. In a subsequent paper, the authors ask if the simultaneous unitary equivalence class of the curvature and these covariant derivatives are necessary to determine the unitary equivalence class of the operator T is an element of B-n(). Here we show that some of the covariant derivatives are necessary. Our examples consist of homogeneous operators in B-n(). For homogeneous operators, the simultaneous unitary equivalence class of the curvature and all its covariant derivatives at any point w in the unit disc are determined from the simultaneous unitary equivalence class at 0. This shows that it is enough to calculate all the invariants and compare them at just one point, say 0. These calculations are then carried out in number of examples. One of our main results is that the curvature along with its covariant derivative of order (0, 1) at 0 determines the equivalence class of generic homogeneous Hermitian holomorphic vector bundles over the unit disc.