983 resultados para ambient noise, acoustics, fjord, shipping
The rationalization of work in the Dentistry has been taking the professional to work for ways and systems based in the ergonomics, turning their work efficient and less tiring. Since their academic formation, the dentists surgeons are concerned with the high productivity in clinic and with the final result of the work, neglecting the way as it is executed, which reduce their work capacity and exhibits them to occupational diseases that could be minimized and/or forewarned. This research had as the main objective to investigate the knowledge of the Dentistry academics of Rio Grande do Norte Federal University concerning the Noise-induced Hearing Loss (NIHL), relating them at the noise levels that they are exposed, as well as to the preventive measures taken during the clinical activities. Was observed that 95% of the individuals know that the dentist surgeon is a professional in risk for NIHL. Among the causes of NIHL, the one that obtained the largest frequency citation was the high-speed handpieces, reminded by 92,4% of the academics. Among the students which enumerated protective measures for NIHL, 92% mentioned the use of the ear plugs, although 97% of the researched have told do not use any kind of preventive measure related to the noise. Was also observed that 96% of the academics notice the noise during the clinical attendance, what inconvenience 28,1% of them. Related the noise levels, the high-speed handpieces of the academics presented a medium value of 80,5 dB varying from 72,3 to 88,3 dB. The average of the ambient noise observed at the Integrated Clinic was about 74,8 dB. In spite of the noise levels in this research were observed below the established limits of tolerance by the legislation, they can provoke damages to the Dentistry professionals' health, or that suggests the need of an intervention and use of immediate preventive measures able to generate a healthy atmosphere of work and less risky
We studied the signaling, territorial, and courtship behaviors of the diurnal frog Hylodes asper. Visual and acoustic communication were used during intraspecific interactions involving males, females. and subadults. Hylodes aspcr has a complex visual communication system, of which foot-flagging is the most distinctive display observed in the repertoire of visual signals. The splash zone produced by the waterfalls and torrents creates a high, nearly constant, humidity near the streams, reducing the risk of desiccation which enables the diurnal activity of H. asper. Although the ambient sound pressure levels (SPL), measured at the calling sites, are similar to the SPL of the advertisement calls, the high-pitched calls of H, asper, are spectrally different from the noise produced by the water current. Thus. The ambient noise produced by the water current may not interfere significantly with the acoustic communication of this species. The noise and the nearly constant and high humidity produced by the torrents and waterfalls, along with the availability of Light, probably favored the evolution of contrasting colors and visual communication in H. asper: Males of H, aspcr excavate underwater chambers that are probably used to shelter the eggs and to prevent the clutch from being drifted downstream.
Visual communication is widespread among several anuran families, but seems to be more common than currently thought. We investigated and compared visual communication in six species of an anuran community in the Brazilian Atlantic forest. Four are nocturnal species: Hyalinobatrachium uranoscopum (Centrolenidae), Hyla albomarginata, Hyla sp. (aff. ehrhardti), and Scinax eurydice (Hylidae), and two are diurnal species: Hylodes phyllodes and Hylodes asper ( Leptodactylidae). For H. uranoscopum, H. albomarginata, S. eurydice, and H. phyllodes, this is the first record of visual communication. Observations were made at Nucleo Picinguaba, Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, in the Municipality of Ubatuba, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Descriptions of behaviour were based on individuals observed in the field, using sequence sampling with continuous tape recording for behavioural observations. Eight new behaviours are described: body wiping, face wiping, jump display, leg kicking, limb lifting, mouth opening, toe flagging, and vocal sac display. of the 42 anuran species known from Nucleo Picinguaba, at least six ( approximately 14%) display visual communication. The evolution of visual signals in these species may be related to the availability of ambient light, the structural complexity of the habitat, and/or the ambient noise. They may also have evolved to aid in the location of the individual, to avoid physical combat, and/or may be a by-product of seismic communication.
La idea principal de este proyecto es realizar un estudio temporal de los parámetros necesarios para evaluar el ruido ambiental. En la actualidad son muchas las medidas que se hacen a diario para evaluar el nivel de ruido ambiente, sin embargo, este nivel no es el mismo siempre. Dependiendo del momento en el que se realicen las medidas, de la longitud de la muestra tomada etc., los resultados pueden llegar a ser muy dispares entre sí. En este proyecto se estudiarán los parámetros temporales con el objetivo de determinar las características más apropiadas de la muestra que se debe tomar a la hora de realizar medidas del nivel de ruido, de tal forma que se obtengan los resultados más apropiados con un margen de error pequeño y conocido. Para comenzar, se eligieron los puntos de medida en los que se quiere centrar el estudio. En el presente proyecto se va a analizar el ruido ambiente, principalmente procedente del tráfico rodado, existente en 3 rotondas y una semirotonda. Para ello se comenzó realizando registros de larga duración del nivel de ruido de manera continua a lo largo de todo el periodo diurno, que comprende desde las 7:00 h hasta las 19:00 h. La adquisición de estos datos se realizó con una grabadora digital y un micrófono. Posteriormente, los datos registrados se volcaron al ordenador y se procesaron con el sistema de medida Symphonie con el que de obtuvieron los parámetros necesarios para el análisis. Una vez obtenidos los niveles de los registros, el siguiente paso consistió en realizar diferentes procesos de muestreo para obtener resultados y finalmente elaborar conclusiones. ABSTRACT The main idea of this project is to realice a temporary study of the necessary parameters to evaluate the ambiental noise. Nowadays, a lot of measures are done everyday to evaluate the ambiental noise, however, this level is not always the same. The results can be very different one from another depending of the moment when this measures are done, the length of the sample, etc. In this project, temporary parameters will be studied with the aim of determine the more apropiate characteristics to the sample to be taken when performing the noise level measurements, so as to obtain the most appropriate results with an small and known error margin. To start, the points where you want to focus the study were chosen. In this project we will analyze the ambient noise, mainly by road traffic, existing over three roundabouts and one semi-roundabout. For this purpose we begin performing long-term registers of the noise level throughout the day period continuously, which is from 7:00h to 19:00h. The acquisition of this data was performed with a digital recorder and a microphone. Later, data recorded were fed into the computer and processed with Symphonie measuring system, with which we obtained the parameters for the analysys. Once the level from the registers are obtained, the next step was to perform different sampling processes to get results and finally draw conclusions.
The 2010 Haiti earthquake, occurred on January 12th at 16:53:09 local time (21:53:09 UTC) with epicentral distance of 15 km from the capital Port au Prince, MW 7.0 and 13 km hypocenter deep, was the strongest event in the area since happened in 1770. The maximum macroseismic intensity was estimated as X (MMI scale). The aim of this research is to obtain a preliminary zonation of Port-au-Prince in terms of predominant resonance periods of ground. A total of 36 short-period ambient noise records have been carried out on a grid of about 500x500m. H/V spectral ratio method (HVSR) has been applied to determine the predominant period at each point. The lowest values (<0.2s) predominate in the southern part of the city, composed by Miocene conglomerates, while highest values (> 0.45s) correspond to the center and western parts, composed of Pleistocene-Holocene alluvial deposits and anthropogenic land reclaimed from the sea. We have determined the ground VS30 structure inside National Palace garden, using simultaneous ambient noise measurements. An array made up of 6 sensors were used, with 5 of them uniformly distributed along a circumference and a sixth one placed in its centre. The records were analyzed by using the spatial autocorrelation method (SPAC). The VS 30 value obtained was 331m/sec, in good agreement with the average values obtained for this area by other authors, using prospecting techniques.
In order to evaluate ground shaking characteristics due to surface soil layers in the urban area of Port-au-Prince, short-period ambient noise observation has been performed approximately in a 500x500m grid. The HVSR method was applied to this set of 36 ambient noise measurement points to determine a distribution map of soil predominant periods. This map reveals a general increasing trend in the period values, from the Miocene conglomerates in the northern and southern parts of the town to the central and western zones formed of Pleistocene and Holocene alluvial deposits respectively, where the shallow geological materials that cover the basement increase in thickness. Shorter predominant periods (less than 0.3 s) were found in mountainous and neighbouring zones, where the thickness of sediments is smaller whereas longer periods (greater than 0.5 s) appear in Holocene alluvial fans, where the thickness of sediments is larger. The shallow shear-wave velocity structure have been estimated by means of inversion of Rayleigh wave dispersion data obtained from vertical-component array records of ambient noise. The measurements were carried out at one open space located in Holocene alluvial deposits, using 3 regular pentagonal arrays with 5, 10 and 20m respectively. Reliable dispersion curves were retrieved for frequencies between 4.0 and 14 Hz, with phase velocity values ranging from 420m/s down to 270 m/s. Finally, the average shear-wave velocity of the upper 30 m (VS30) was inverted for characterization of this geological unit.
The availability of suitable laser sources is one of the main challenges in future space missions for accurate measurement of atmospheric CO2. The main objective of the European project BRITESPACE is to demonstrate the feasibility of an all-semiconductor laser source to be used as a space-borne laser transmitter in an Integrated Path Differential Absorption (IPDA) lidar system. We present here the proposed transmitter and system architectures, the initial device design and the results of the simulations performed in order to estimate the source requirements in terms of power, beam quality, and spectral properties to achieve the required measurement accuracy. The laser transmitter is based on two InGaAsP/InP monolithic Master Oscillator Power Amplifiers (MOPAs), providing the ON and OFF wavelengths close to the selected absorption line around 1.57 µm. Each MOPA consists of a frequency stabilized Distributed Feedback (DFB) master oscillator, a modulator section, and a tapered semiconductor amplifier optimized to maximize the optical output power. The design of the space-compliant laser module includes the beam forming optics and the thermoelectric coolers.The proposed system replaces the conventional pulsed source with a modulated continuous wave source using the Random Modulation-Continuous Wave (RM-CW) approach, allowing the designed semiconductor MOPA to be applicable in such applications. The system requirements for obtaining a CO2 retrieval accuracy of 1 ppmv and a spatial resolution of less than 10 meters have been defined. Envelope estimated of the returns indicate that the average power needed is of a few watts and that the main noise source is the ambient noise.
En el Campus Sur de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid se ha llevado a cabo un proyecto para obtener una caracterización del subsuelo mediante ensayos ReMi, en colaboración con el departamento de Geofísica del Instituto Geográfico Nacional. La técnica ReMi (Refraction Microtremor) permite, mediante ensayos geofísicos realizados localmente sobre el terreno,obtener los parámetros físicos del mismo, que resultan de especial interés en el ámbito de la ingeniería civil. Esta técnica se caracteriza por englobarse dentro de la sísmica pasiva, muy empleada en prospección geofísica y basada en la obtención del modelo subyacente de distribución de velocidades de propagación de la onda S en función de la profundidad, con la ventaja de aprovechar el ruido sísmico ambiental como fuente de energía. Fue desarrollada en el Laboratorio Sismológico de Nevada (EEUU) por Louie (2001), con el objetivo de presentar una técnica innovadora en la obtención de las velocidades de propagación de manera experimental. Presenta ciertas ventajas, como la observación directa de la dispersión de ondas superficiales,que da un buen resultado de la velocidad de onda S, siendo un método no invasivo, de bajo coste y buena resolución, aplicable en entornos urbanos o sensibles en los que tanto otras técnicas sismológicas como otras variedades de prospección presentan dificultades. La velocidad de propagación de la onda S en los 30 primeros metros VS30, es ampliamente reconocida como un parámetro equivalente válido para caracterizar geotécnicamente el subsuelo y se halla matemáticamente relacionada con la velocidad de propagación de las ondas superficiales a observar mediante la técnica ReMi. Su observación permite el análisis espectral de los registros adquiridos, obteniéndose un modelo representado por la curva de dispersión de cada emplazamiento, de modo que mediante una inversión se obtiene el modelo de velocidad de propagación en función de la profundidad. A través de estos modelos, pueden obtenerse otros parámetros de interés sismológico. Estos resultados se representan sobre mapas isométricos para obtener una relación espacial de los mismos, particularmente conocido como zonación sísmica. De este análisis se extrae que la VS30 promedio del Campus no es baja en exceso, correspondiéndose a posteriori con los resultados de amplificación sísmica, período fundamental de resonancia del lugar y profundidad del sustrato rocoso. En última instancia se comprueba que los valores de amplificación sísmica máxima y el período al cual se produce posiblemente coincidan con los períodos fundamentales de resonancia de algunos edificios del Campus. ABSTRACT In South Campus at Polytechnic University of Madrid, a project has been carried out to obtain a proper subsoil description by applying ReMi tests, in collaboration with the Department of Geophysics of the National Geographic Institute. Through geophysical tests conducted locally, the ReMi (Refraction Microtremor) technique allows to establish the physical parameters of soil, which are of special interest in the field of civil engineering. This technique is part of passive seismic methods, often used in geophysical prospecting. It focuses in obtaining the underlying model of propagation velocity distribution of the shear wave according to depth and has the advantage of being able to use seismic ambient noise as a source of energy. It was developed in the Nevada Seismological Laboratory (USA) by Louie (2001) as an innovative technique for obtaining propagation velocities experimentally. It has several other advantages, including the direct observation of the dispersion of surface waves, which allows to reliably measure S wave velocity. This is a non-invasive, low cost and good resolution method, which can be applied in urban or sensitive environments where other prospection methods present difficulties. The propagation velocity of shear waves in the first 30 meters Vs30 is widely recognized as a valid equivalent parameter to geotechnically characterize the subsurface. It is mathematically related to surface wave's velocity of propagation, which are to observe using REMI technique. Spectral analysis of acquired data sets up a model represented by the dispersion curve at each site, so that, using an inversion process, propagation velocity model in relation to depth is obtained. Through this models, other seismologically interesting parameters can be obtained. These results are represented on isometric maps in order to obtain a spatial relationship between them, a process which is known as seismic zonation. This analysis infers that Vs30 at South Campus is not alarmingly low , corresponding with subsequent results of seismic amplification, fundamental period of resonance of soil and depth of bedrock. Ultimately, it's found that calculated values of soil's fundamental periods at which maximum seismic amplification occurs, may possibly match fundamental periods of some Campus buildings.
The tragic events of September 11th ushered a new era of unprecedented challenges. Our nation has to be protected from the alarming threats of adversaries. These threats exploit the nation's critical infrastructures affecting all sectors of the economy. There is the need for pervasive monitoring and decentralized control of the nation's critical infrastructures. The communications needs of monitoring and control of critical infrastructures was traditionally catered for by wired communication systems. These technologies ensured high reliability and bandwidth but are however very expensive, inflexible and do not support mobility and pervasive monitoring. The communication protocols are Ethernet-based that used contention access protocols which results in high unsuccessful transmission and delay. An emerging class of wireless networks, named embedded wireless sensor and actuator networks has potential benefits for real-time monitoring and control of critical infrastructures. The use of embedded wireless networks for monitoring and control of critical infrastructures requires secure, reliable and timely exchange of information among controllers, distributed sensors and actuators. The exchange of information is over shared wireless media. However, wireless media is highly unpredictable due to path loss, shadow fading and ambient noise. Monitoring and control applications have stringent requirements on reliability, delay and security. The primary issue addressed in this dissertation is the impact of wireless media in harsh industrial environment on the reliable and timely delivery of critical data. In the first part of the dissertation, a combined networking and information theoretic approach was adopted to determine the transmit power required to maintain a minimum wireless channel capacity for reliable data transmission. The second part described a channel-aware scheduling scheme that ensured efficient utilization of the wireless link and guaranteed delay. Various analytical evaluations and simulations are used to evaluate and validate the feasibility of the methodologies and demonstrate that the protocols achieved reliable and real-time data delivery in wireless industrial networks.
The Askar'yan Radio Array (ARA), a neutrino detector to be situated at the South Pole next to the IceCube detector, will be sensitive to ultrahigh-energy cosmic neutrinos above 0.1 EeV and will have the greatest sensitivity within the favored energy range from 0.1 EeV up to 10 EeV. Neutrinos of this energy are guaranteed by current observations of the GZK-cutoff by the HiRes and Pierre Auger Observatories. The detection method is based on Cherenkov emission by a neutrino induced cascade in the ice, coherent at radio wavelengths, which was predicted by Askar'yan in 1962 and verified in beam tests at SLAC in 2006. The detector is planned to consist of 37 stations with 16 antennas each, deployed at depths of up to 200 m under the ice surface. During the last two polar seasons (2010-2011, 2011-2012), a prototype station and a first detector station were successfully deployed and are taking data. These data have been and are currently being analyzed to study the ambient noise background and the radio frequency properties of the South Pole ice sheet. A worldwide collaboration is working on the planning, construction and data analysis of the detector array. This article will give a short report on the status of the ARA detector and show recent results from the recorded data. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.
International audience
Senior thesis written for Oceanography 445
The ocean is a hub of noise. Bioacoustic noise, noise from precipitation and wind, and noise from oceanic shelf slides and other geologic processes have occurred consistently as marine species have evolved over time. However, with the discovery of oceanic oil and gas reserves, submarine systems, ship propulsion and the emergence of global trade, anthropogenic sources of sound have added significant quantities of sound to the oceanic system. Shipping has been found to be the largest input of low-frequency anthropogenic noise and Humpback Whales (Megaptera novaengliae), known to be the most vocal marine species, have an auditory sensitivity that falls within the range of frequencies emitted by shipping vessels. As Humpback Whales are heavily dependent on vocalizations, for reasons relatively unconfirmed, a better understanding of why they sing and how their communication is being impacted by vessel noise is critical. Evaluating existing literature both on Humpback behavior and communication, the mechanics of their communication, sound emissions from modern ships, oceanic sound transmission, and studies regarding Humpback's exposure to other sources of low-frequency anthropogenic noise, it is clear that more research is needed to draw any causational conclusions between vessel noise and detrimental impacts on Humpback Whales. With a projected increase in global consumption and vessel traffic, there is an urgent need for further research exploring shipping noise impacts and behavioural alterations of Humpbacks. Existing research has shown changes in Humpback communication when exposed to low-frequency sonar noise, however few studies have been conducted on their communication when in close proximity to shipping vessels. In order for the impacts to be properly assessed, preliminary understanding of humpback communication, their auditory thresholds and more studies between vessel noise exposure and Humpback Whale behavior must be conducted.
Shipping noise is a threat to marine wildlife. Grey seals are benthic foragers, and thus experience acoustic noise throughout the water column, which makes them a good model species for a case study of the potential impacts of shipping noise. We used ship track data from the Celtic Sea, seal track data and a coupled ocean-acoustic modelling system to assess the noise exposure of grey seals along their tracks. It was found that the animals experience step changes in sound levels up to ~20dB at a frequency of 125Hz, and ~10dB on average over 10-1000Hz when they dive through the thermocline, particularly during summer. Our results showed large seasonal differences in the noise level experienced by the seals. These results reveal the actual noise exposure by the animals and could help in marine spatial planning.