995 resultados para a-priori


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Between December 2010 and March 2013, volunteers for the Solar Stormwatch (SSW) Citizen Science project have identified and analyzed coronal mass ejections (CMEs) in the near real-time Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory Heliospheric Imager observations, in order to make “Fearless Forecasts” of CME arrival times and speeds at Earth. Of the 60 predictions of Earth-directed CMEs, 20 resulted in an identifiable Interplanetary CME (ICME) at Earth within 1.5–6 days, with an average error in predicted transit time of 22 h, and average transit time of 82.3 h. The average error in predicting arrival speed is 151 km s−1, with an average arrival speed of 425km s−1. In the same time period, there were 44 CMEs for which there are no corresponding SSW predictions, and there were 600 days on which there was neither a CME predicted nor observed. A number of metrics show that the SSW predictions do have useful forecast skill; however, there is still much room for improvement. We investigate potential improvements by using SSW inputs in three models of ICME propagation: two of constant acceleration and one of aerodynamic drag. We find that taking account of interplanetary acceleration can improve the average errors of transit time to 19 h and arrival speed to 77 km s−1.


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We present and analyse a space–time discontinuous Galerkin method for wave propagation problems. The special feature of the scheme is that it is a Trefftz method, namely that trial and test functions are solution of the partial differential equation to be discretised in each element of the (space–time) mesh. The method considered is a modification of the discontinuous Galerkin schemes of Kretzschmar et al. (2014) and of Monk & Richter (2005). For Maxwell’s equations in one space dimension, we prove stability of the method, quasi-optimality, best approximation estimates for polynomial Trefftz spaces and (fully explicit) error bounds with high order in the meshwidth and in the polynomial degree. The analysis framework also applies to scalar wave problems and Maxwell’s equations in higher space dimensions. Some numerical experiments demonstrate the theoretical results proved and the faster convergence compared to the non-Trefftz version of the scheme.


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This paper uses the exploration of the grounds of a common criticism of luck egalitarianism to try to make an argument about both the proper subject of theorising about justice and how to approach that subject. It draws a distinction between what it calls basic structure views and a priori baseline views, where the former take the institutional aspects of political prescriptions seriously and the latter do not. It argues that objections to luck egalitarianism on the grounds of its harshness can in part be explained by this blindness to relevant features of institutions. Further, it may be that luck egalitarianism cannot regard its own enactment as just. A related objection to Dworkin’s equality of resources, which claims that it cannot pick a particular institutional background to set the costs of resources and so is radically indeterminate, is also presented. These results, I argue, give us good reason to reject all a priori baseline views.


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We give an a priori analysis of a semi-discrete discontinuous Galerkin scheme approximating solutions to a model of multiphase elastodynamics which involves an energy density depending not only on the strain but also the strain gradient. A key component in the analysis is the reduced relative entropy stability framework developed in Giesselmann (SIAM J Math Anal 46(5):3518–3539, 2014). The estimate we derive is optimal in the L∞(0,T;dG) norm for the strain and the L2(0,T;dG) norm for the velocity, where dG is an appropriate mesh dependent H1-like space.


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My research proposes novel methods to reduce the cardinality of a priori data used in recognition based augmented reality, whilst retaining distinctive and persistent features in the sets. This research will help reduce latency and increase accuracy in recognition based pose estimation systems, thus improving the user experience for augmented reality applications.


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Programas de melhoramento são atividades que se desenvolvem durante anos e, por isso, devem ser flexíveis ao ajuste às novas situações criadas por mudanças nas tendências de mercado, na situação econômica e aquelas causadas por aumento do volume e qualidade dos dados e, também, por novas técnicas propostas pela comunidade científica. O ajuste a essas últimas deve ser feito, principalmente, por meio da substituição e escolha do modelo mais adequado para a descrição do fenômeno, em um determinado cenário. Os dados de ganho de peso médio diário, de um programa de melhoramento de suínos, envolvendo as raças Duroc, Landrace e Large White, foram analisados por meio da teoria bayesiana, por meio de dois modelos candidatos. Foram simulados três níveis de informação à priori: informativa, pouco informativa e não informativa. O comportamento das curvas das distribuições à posteriori e as respectivas estimativas associadas a cada nível de informação à priori foram analisadas e comparadas. Os resultados indicam que no modelo mais simples, as amostras das três raças são suficientes para produzir estimativas que não são alteradas pela informação à priori. Com relação ao mais parametrizado, as estimativas, para a raça Duroc, são alteradas pelo conhecimento prévio e, nesse caso, deve se buscar a melhor representação possível da distribuição à priori para obtenção de estimativas que são mais adequadas, dado o estado de conhecimento atual do melhorista.


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In many production processes, a key material is prepared and then transformed into different final products. The lot sizing decisions concern not only the production of final products, but also that of material preparation in order to take account of their sequence-dependent setup costs and times. The amount of research in recent years indicates the relevance of this problem in various industrial settings. In this paper, facility location reformulation and strengthening constraints are newly applied to a previous lot-sizing model in order to improve solution quality and computing time. Three alternative metaheuristics are used to fix the setup variables, resulting in much improved performance over previous research, especially regarding the use of the metaheuristics for larger instances. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Pós-graduação em Filosofia - FFC


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Esta Tese apresenta dois estudos aplicados à inversão de dados magnetotelúricos. No primeiro deles, os parâmetros obtidos na inversão são as dimensões da malha de parametrização da subsuperfície, sendo conhecida, a priori, a resistividade de uma heterogeneidade e a do seu meio envolvente; no outro estudo, é abordado o uso de operadores de derivadas de ordem maior do que um com a finalidade de estabilizar o problema inverso. No primeiro estudo, os resultados podem ser considerados satisfatórios somente se a informação sobre as resistividades tem erro menor do que 20%. No segundo estudo, os resultados demonstram que o uso de operadores de ordem maior do que um podem ser mais eficazes do que o uso convencional do operador de primeira derivada, pois além de estabilizarem o problema inverso, esses operadores contribuem para melhorar a resolução das heterogeneidades de resistividade da subsuperfície. Ambos os estudos são inéditos, pois a prática de inversão de dados magnetotelúricos consiste de obter como resultado do problema inverso a resistividade dos prismas de uma malha de parametrização de dimensões fixas, usando como estabilizador o operador de primeira derivada. Os modelos usados nos estudos são bidimensionais e representam uma subsuperfície com uma e duas heterogeneidades de forma prismática envolvidas por ambiente homogêneo. O desempenho das técnicas foi testado com dados sintéticos com e sem ruído gaussiano, bem como dados reais do perfil COPROD2. Durante o trabalho, são, ainda, descritas as técnicas de inversão denominadas creeping e jumping e feita uma comparação e avaliação sobre elas. Mostra-se aqui que, ao contrário do que afirmam muitos pesquisadores, a inclusão de informação a priori sore os parâmetros pode ser feita na técnica do creeping com a mesma facilidade com que é feita na técnica do jumping.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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In this paper we discuss the question of the a priori character of the necessary structures of knowledge according to Genetic Epistemology, focusing on the notion of space in particular. We establish some relations between Jean Piaget’s Genetic Epistemology and Immanuel Kant’s Critical Philosophy, discuss the notion of the a priori according to Kant in relation to the notion of space, and discuss the construction of the notion of space by the epistemic subject according to Genetic Epistemology, focusing on the Sensory-Motor Period. We conclude that, in Genetic Epistemology, space is still thought of as an a priori form of phenomena in the sense that the notion of space is what spatially organizes the data of perception, being the condition of perception. Furthermore, it is not directly abstracted from experience, but is constructed by the epistemic subject in its interaction with the environment, occurring with the structuring of the system of schemes of action. This analysis leads to the notion of the constructed a priori that, after its construction, has the characteristics of the a priori as conceived by Kant.