978 resultados para Wormlike Micellar Fluids


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Solutions are obtained for the stream function and the pressure field for the flow of non-Newtonian fluids in a tube by long peristaltic waves of arbitrary shape. The axial velocity profiles and stress distributions on the wall are discussed for particular waves of some practical interest. The effect of non- Newtonian character of the fluid is examined.


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The photochemical and photophysical processes of many organic compounds are a function of the environment in which they are present. In this connection we have chosen to investigate the environmental perturbations on the photodimerization of coumarin,l and the results of our study in aqueous and micellar media are presented in this paper. Coumarin has historically been the subject of intense photochemical and spectroscopic interest, mainly as a consequence of its importance in biological systems. Coumarin has been chosen for our investigation as its fascinating photochemical behavior has been fairly well explored,2 and therefore the environmental influence, which is the subject of our concern, would be easily understandable.


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The structure of time dependent jets in rotating fluids using similarity transformations is studied theoretically for which exact solutions are discussed. Approximate solution using a modified yon Mises transformation is also explored.


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In this paper we have studied the propagation of pressure shocks in viscous, heat-conducting, relativistic fluids. Velocities of wave fronts and growth equations for the strength of the waves are obtained in the case of low and high temperatures with variable transport coefficients. On the basis of numerical integrations the growth equation results have been discussed. In the case of constant transport coefficients and for all admissible values of ratio of specific heats of the fluid, an analytical solution for the velocity of the wave as a function of distance along the normal trajectory to the wave front, has been obtained.


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Tissue destruction associated with the periodontal disease progression is caused by a cascade of host and microbial factors and proteolytic enzymes. Aberrant laminin-332 (Ln-332), human beta defensin (hBD), and matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) functions have been found in oral inflammatory diseases. The null-allele mouse model appears as the next step in oral disease research. The MMP-8 knock-out mouse model allowed us to clarify the involvement of MMP-8 in vivo in oral and related inflammatory diseases where MMP-8 is suggested to play a key role in tissue destruction. The cleaved Ln-332 γ2-chain species has been implicated in the apical migration of sulcular epithelial cells during the formation of periodontal pockets. We demonstrated that increased Ln-332 fragment levels in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) are strongly associated with the severity of inflammation in periodontitis. Porphyromonas gingivalis trypsin-like proteinase can cleave an intact Ln-332 γ2-chain into smaller fragments and eventually promote the formation of periodontal pockets. hBDs are components of an innate mucosal defense against pathogenic microbes. Our results suggest that P. gingivalis trypsin-like proteinase can degrade hBD and thus reduce the innate immune response. Elevated levels and the increased activity of MMPs have been detected in several pathological tissue-destructive conditions where MMPs are shown to cleave extracellular matrix (ECM) and basement membrane (BM) molecules and to facilitate tissue destruction. Elevated levels of MMP-8 have been reported in many inflammatory diseases. In periodontitis, MMP-8 levels in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) and in peri-implant sulcular fluid (PISF) are elevated at sites of active inflammation, and the increased levels of MMP-8 are mainly responsible for collagenase activity, which leads to tissue destruction. MMP-25, expressed by neutrophils, is involved in inflammatory diseases and in ECM turnover. MMP-26 can degrade ECM components and serve as an activator of other MMP enzymes. We further confirmed that increased levels and activation of MMP-8, -25, and -26 in GCF, PISF, and inflamed gingival tissue are associated with the severity of periodontal/peri-implant inflammation. We evaluated the role of MMP-8 in P. gingivalis-induced periodontitis by comparing MMP-8 knock-out (MMP8-/-) and wild-type mice. Surprisingly, MMP-8 significantly attenuated P. gingivalis-induced site-specific alveolar bone loss. We also evaluated systemic changes in serum immunoglobulin and lipoprotein profiles among these mouse groups. P. gingivalis infection increased HDL/VLDL particle size in the MMP-8-/- mice, which is an indicator of lipoprotein responses during systemic inflammation. Serum total LPS and IgG antibody levels were enhanced in both mice groups. P. gingivalis-induced periodontitis, especially in MMP-8-/- mice, is associated with severe alveolar bone loss and with systemic inflammatory and lipoprotein changes that are likely to be involved in early atherosclerosis.


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New dimensionally consistent modified solvate complex models are derived to correlate solubilities of solids in supercritical fluids both in the presence and absence of entrainers (cosolvents). These models are compared against the standard solvate complex models [J.Chrastil, J. Phys. Chem. 86 (1982) 3016-3021; J.C. Gonzalez, M.R.Vieytes, A.M. Botana, J.M. Vieites, L.M. Botana, J. Chromatogr. A 910 (2001) 119-125; Y. Adachi, B.C.Y. Lu, Fluid Phase Equilb. 14 (1983) 47-156; J.M. del Valle, J.M. Aguilera, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 27 (1988) 1551-1553] by correlating the solubilities of 13 binary and 12 ternary systems. Though the newly derived models are not significantly better than the standard models in predicting the solubilities, they are dimensionally consistent. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The technique of micellar compartmentalization has been used to inhibit the diffusion-controlled self-quenching process in thioketones. By adjusting the ratio of the bulk concentration of the thioketone solute to the bulk concentration of micelles multiple occupancy of the micelles was avoided. Under these conditions enhanced phosphorescence intensity was observed in nitrogen-purged micellar solutions compared with that in acetonitrile solutions, indicating that the thioketone triple was indeed protected from deactivation by a ground statet


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The self-similar solution of the unsteady laminar incompressible two-dimensional and axisymmetric stagnation point boundary layers for micropolar fluids governing the flow and heat transfer problem has been obtained when the free stream velocity and the square of the mass transfer vary inversely as a linear function of time. The nonlinear ordinary differential equations governing the flow have been solved numerically using a quasilinear finite-Difference scheme. The results indicate that the coupling parameter, mass transfer and unsteadiness in the free stream velocity strongly affect the skin friction, microrotation gradient and heat transfer whereas the effect of microrotation parameter is strong only on the microrotation gradient. The heat transfer is strongly dependent on the prandtl number whereas the skin friction gradient are unaffected by it.


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Micelles as media for chemical reactions exhibit features that are unique in comparison to ordinary non-aqueous or aqueous solvent media. A thermal or photochemical reaction conducted in micellar media is influenced by the micellar environmental effects resulting in control and/or modification of reactivity. The salient features of micelles and their influence on photochemical reactivity are briefly discussed in this paper.


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Determination of testosterone and related compounds in body fluids is of utmost importance in doping control and the diagnosis of many diseases. Capillary electromigration techniques are a relatively new approach for steroid research. Owing to their electrical neutrality, however, separation of steroids by capillary electromigration techniques requires the use of charged electrolyte additives that interact with the steroids either specifically or non-specifically. The analysis of testosterone and related steroids by non-specific micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC) was investigated in this study. The partial filling (PF) technique was employed, being suitable for detection by both ultraviolet spectrophotometry (UV) and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS). Efficient, quantitative PF-MEKC UV methods for steroid standards were developed through the use of optimized pseudostationary phases comprising surfactants and cyclodextrins. PF-MEKC UV proved to be a more sensitive, efficient and repeatable method for the steroids than PF-MEKC ESI-MS. It was discovered that in PF-MEKC analyses of electrically neutral steroids, ESI-MS interfacing sets significant limitations not only on the chemistry affecting the ionization and detection processes, but also on the separation. The new PF-MEKC UV method was successfully employed in the determination of testosterone in male urine samples after microscale immunoaffinity solid-phase extraction (IA-SPE). The IA-SPE method, relying on specific interactions between testosterone and a recombinant anti-testosterone Fab fragment, is the first such method described for testosterone. Finally, new data for interactions between steroids and human and bovine serum albumins were obtained through the use of affinity capillary electrophoresis. A new algorithm for the calculation of association constants between proteins and neutral ligands is introduced.


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Fetal flavor conditioning during the perinatal stage could be essential at the time of the weaning to reduce the stress and improve the feed intake in pigs. The transfer of flavor compounds from maternal diet to amniotic fluid and milk has been shown in behavioral experiments, but not through analytical procedures such as gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS). The aim of the experiment was to trace the principal essential oils compounds supplied in the diet in maternal fluids. Twenty Large White sows around their 104th gestational day were allocated to individual farrowing crates. Two groups of 10 sows were fed either a standard gestation diet or the same diet supplemented with a mix of 8 essential oils at a rate of 1kg/ton during the last 10 days of gestation. At approximately the 113th gestational day, animals were individually treated with 10mg of Lutalyse IM was to induce farrowing. Fresh amniotic fluid was collected during the farrowing in 100-mL glass bottles and immediately stored at −20 °C freezer. During the second lactation day, 10–20 IU of Oxytocin IM was administered to each sow to facilitate collection of milk samples in 20-mL glass bottles. The samples were stored at −20 °C until analyzed by GC–MS. The presence of significant amounts of principal components of all the essential oils except one were found in the milk and amniotic fluid samples of the treated sows relative to the control sows. Our data prove the transfer of selected dietary flavors to maternal fluids and sets the scenario for further trials to manipulate postweaning behavior in piglets.


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Photodimerization of acenaphthylene and 5,6-dichloroacenaphthylene solubilized in sodium dodecylsulphate (SDS), cetyltrimethylammonium chloride (CTAC), dodecyltrimethylammonium chloride (DTAC), cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) and Triton X-100 micelles gives a mixture of cis and trans dimers. The magnitude of the cis:trans ratio is sensitive to the type of micelle used. In CTAB micelles the heavy atom effect of the bromide counter-ions leads to an increased triplet-derived trans dimer yield, whereas in micelles with light atom counter-ions (CTAC, DTAC and SDS) the singlet-derived cis dimer predominates.


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In view of the vast potential of micellar systems as media in which reactions may be conducted, a clear understanding of the structure of micelles is essential. The unique features of micelles and how these have been utilized to catalyse and control photochemical reactivity are briefly surveyed here. Micellar media, when used for chemical reactions, exhibit features that are completely different from those of ordinary non-aqueous solvents. A thermal or photochemical reaction conducted in micellar media is influenced by the effects of the micellar environment which result in control and/or modification of reactivity. The salient features of micelles that influence the photochemical reactivity are cage and microviscosity effects, localization and compartmentalization effects, pre-orientational, polarity and counterion effects.