91 resultados para Witchcraft.


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Nosso eixo temático se desenvolve a partir do questionamento do epíteto de Deusa da Feitiçaria atribuído tardiamente à deidade grega Hekate. A partir do período Clássico em Atenas iniciaram-se críticas às práticas mágico-religiosas cujo objetivo era fazer mal ao inimigo; realizadas por indivíduos (mágoi - magos) os quais também sabiam utilizá-las para a cura, como o uso das phármaka (ervas). O desenvolvimento da Escola de Medicina Hipocrática, no período Clássico, e seus tratados médicos, se configuram como uma das críticas direcionadas aos mágoi e das divindades que evocavam em suas práticas mágicas. Um tratado em especial, Da Doença Sagrada, combate a divinização da epilepsia e as práticas curativas desta enfermidade através da persuasão dos deuses. Platão também teceu críticas aos que ofereciam seus serviços mágicos de porta em porta por uma pequena quantia. Acreditamos que a partir dessas críticas se desenvolveu no imaginário social ateniense a relação entre a deusa grega Hekate e a magia de fazer mal ao inimigo cuja permanência é observada nos dias atuais. Nosso arcabouço teórico constitui-se dos conceitos desenvolvidos pelo filósofo polonês Bronislaw Baczko no verbete imaginação social na Enciclopedia Einaudi.


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O presente trabalho investiga as motivações para a escolha do neopaganismo como religião por indivíduos de contextos diferenciados na cidade do Rio de Janeiro e adjacências. Foram etnografados rituais e eventos públicos neopagãos na cidade durante o período de 2012 a 2014. Também foram realizadas entrevistas com neopagãos e analisada sua literatura religiosa. A pesquisa concentrou-se, sobretudo, nas atividades e vivências do coven Chuva Vernal, de Wicca Xamânica. Como conclusão sugerem-se duas hipóteses principais sobre quais elementos explicariam a motivação para aderir e permanecer nessa religião: a lógica da distinção, discutida por Simmel, e o conceito, usado por Manuel Castells, de identidade de projeto.


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Esta dissertação de mestrado realizou um estudo sobre a identificação de memórias e representações sociais das práticas religiosas de matriz africana na população negra do bairro Dom Bosco situado no município de Juiz de Fora - MG. Foram entrevistados 60 sujeitos, de ambos os sexos, que se auto identificavam como negros, pardos, mulatos e outras denominações que caracterizam a ascendência negra. Através dos dados levantados na pesquisa concluímos que as representações sociais que esta população possui, são de que as práticas de matriz africana são demoníacas, feitiçarias para o mal e ações que causam prejuízo para as pessoas. As lembranças se mesclam com esquecimento, e as representações e memórias dos sujeitos da pesquisa estão associados com as práticas de sincretismo religioso existentes no Brasil. Os entrevistados não possuem lembrança dos líderes religiosos negros e nem dos locais de memória do bairro. Os participantes da pesquisa não se associam com estas práticas religiosas e têm em relação a elas uma visão de distanciamento e desinteresse. Constatamos que isto ocorre devido à dificuldade de aceitação pela sociedade em geral que as desvaloriza e discrimina, sempre atribuindo negatividade a elas e aos praticantes. Estas práticas são estereotipadas, folclorizadas e menosprezadas socialmente. O que faz com que a população afrodescendente não queira ser identificada com as tradições históricas, culturais e religiosos dos seus ancestrais


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Neo-paganism is a vibrant, dynamic global movement, which has had a significant cultural impact. Neo-paganism is an umbrella term for a wide range of spiritual practices, often described as nature- or earth-based spirituality. There are different “paths” or spiritual traditions within this movement, of which Druidry, Wicca and other forms of Pagan Witchcraft are included in this research. The present work is an ethnographic study of the worldview and ritual practices of the Irish neo-pagan community. It is an enquiry into (a) what characterises the neo-pagan worldview and (b) how this worldview is expressed through ritual behaviour. In order to collect data, the methodology of participant observation and ethnographic interviewing was employed. The thesis comprises a collection of “insider” accounts of what it is like to be a neo-pagan in Ireland and analysis of these narratives, which gives insight into different aspects of neopagan culture. In the discussion, the use of mythology is examined in regard to how mythic narrative is connected to identity formation. Irish cultural symbols are observed as resources utilised in the construction of the movement’s overall character. The interconnectedness of the natural landscape, the numinous and mythology gives rise to creative expression through various forms of neo-pagan artworks, which are discussed herein. The identifying features and key issues of Irish neo-pagan culture are addressed. These key issues are expressed as prominent themes and symbols of their discourse. Neo-pagan dialogue often features discussion of the relationship that this cultural group has with the Irish landscape, history, and indigenous and popular Irish religion. Some of the specific aspects of neo-pagan culture examined are magical worldview, the notion of holism, different types of ritual practices (festivals, life cycle rituals, healing), and material culture. The thesis presents an in-depth analysis of neopagan cultural expressions and their significance as cultural processes


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In this study, I build upon my previous research in which I focus on religious doctrine as a gendered disciplinary apparatus, and examine the witch trials in early modem England and Italy in light of socio-economic issues relating to gender and class. This project examines the witch hunts/trials and early modem visual representations of witches, and what I suggest is an attempt to create docile bodies out of members of society who are deemed unruly, problematic and otherwise 'undesirable'; it is the witch's body that is deemed counternormative. This study demonstrates that it is neighbours and other acquaintances of accused witches that take on the role of the invisible guard of Bantham's Panoptic on. As someone who is trained in the study of English literature and literary theory, my approach is one that is informed by this methodology. It is my specialization in early modem British literature that first exposed me to witch-hunting manuals and tales of the supernatural, and it is for this reason that my research commences with a study of representations of witches and witchcraft in early modem England. From my initial exposure to such materials I proceed to examine the similarities and the differences of the cultural significance of the supernatural vis-a.-vis women's activities in early modem Italy. The subsequent discussion of visual representations of witches involves a predominance of Germanic artists, as the seminal work on the discernment of witches and the application of punishment known as the Malleus Meleficarum, was written in Germany circa 1486. Textual accounts of witch trials such as: "A Pitiless Mother (1616)," "The Wonderful Discovery of the Witchcrafts of Margaret and Philippa Flower (1619)," "Magic and Poison: The Trial ofChiaretta and Fedele (circa 1550)", and the "The Case of Benvegnuda Pincinella: Medicine Woman or Witch (1518),"and witchhunting manuals such as the Malleus Melejicarum and Strix will be put in direct dialogue with visual representations of witches in light of historical discourses pertaining to gender performance and gendered expectations. Issues relating to class will be examined as they pertain to the material conditions of presumed witches. The dominant group in any temporal or geographic location possesses the tools of representation. Therefore, it is not surprising that the physical characteristics, sexual habits and social material conditions that are attributed to suspected witches are attributes that can be deemed deviant by the ruling class. The research will juxtapose the social material conditions of suspected witches with the guilt, anxiety, and projection of fear that the dominant groups experienced in light of the changing economic landscape of the Renaissance. The shift from feudalism to primitive accumulation, and capitalism saw a rise in people living in poverty and therefore an increased dependence upon the good will of others. I will discuss the social material conditions of accused witches as informed by what Robyn Wiegman terms a "minoritizing discourse" (210). People of higher economic standing often blamed their social, medical, and/or economic difficulties on the less fortunate, resulting in accusations of witchcraft.


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Comment le motif de la marque insensible du diable a-t-il pu se frayer un chemin au sein du discours théologique, juridique et médical de la fin de la Renaissance jusqu'à s'imposer comme une pièce essentielle du crime de sorcellerie? Selon quels mécanismes et à partir de quels systèmes de croyance cette marque corporelle en est-elle venue à connaître une si large diffusion et une aussi grande acceptation tant chez les gens du livres que parmi les couches populaires? En cette époque marquée par la grande chasse aux sorcières et le développement de l'investigation scientifique, l'intérêt que les savants portent à cette étrange sémiologie constitue une porte d'accès privilégiée pour aborder de front la dynamique du déplacement des frontières que la démonologie met en oeuvre au sein des différents champs du savoir. Cette thèse a pour objectif d'étudier le réseau des mutations épistémologiques qui conditionne l'émergence de la marque du diable dans le savoir démonologique français à la charnière des XVIe et XVIIe siècles. Nous examinerons par quels cheminements l'altérité diabolique s'est peu à peu intériorisée dans le corps et l'âme des individus sous l'influence grandissante des vertus de l'empirisme, de la méthode expérimentale et de l'observation. En analysant la construction rhétorique de la théorie des marques du diable et en la reliant aux changements qui s'opèrent sur la plateforme intellectuelle de l'Ancien Régime, nous entendons éclairer la nouvelle distribution qui s'effectue entre les faits naturels et surnaturels ainsi que les modalités d'écriture pour en rendre compte.


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This article is about the politics of conservation in postcolonial Southern Africa. It focuses on the process and consequences of redefining the Nile crocodile as an endangered species and explores the linked local and international, commercial and conservationist interests that allowed the animal to re-establish itself in state-protected waterways in colonial and postcolonial contexts. It investigates the effects of the animal's successful re-accommodation by examining conflicts between crocodiles and the fishing communities sharing space on Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe. Fishermen's hostile representations of the animal emphasize competition for fish, harassment, fear, loss of assets and loss of life. Their fear of crocodiles is heightened by the animal's entanglement in local social life, through its association with witchcraft. The article emphasizes the importance of considering both hegemonic and marginalized ideas about animals in the light of the material interactions, relations of power and historical contexts that shape them. Understanding the attitudes and circumstances of the local communities who bear the physical and economic costs of living with dangerous animals is important-it threatens the future of conservation programmes and reveals the potential for significant abuses to accompany the conservation of wildlife in postcolonial contexts. © 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Celebrated as a theorist of science, and a source of stimulating ideas for theologians and philosophers of religion, Michael Polanyi explicitly denied cognitive relativism. Yet cognitive relativism, this paper suggests, is implied by Polanyi's account of conceptual frameworks and intellectual controversies.

In 'The Stability of Beliefs' (1952) Polanyi understands conceptual frameworks (science, psychoanalysis, Azande witchcraft, Marxism) as embedded in, and as expressed in the use of, their own languages. The language-with-theory limits the range of discussable subjects, interprets relevant facts in its own terms, permits only certain questions to be asked, with answers to these questions serving to confirm the framework.

In Polanyi's masterwork, Personal Knowledge (1958), these ideas inform his discussion of controversies over scientific frameworks and frameworks vying to become part of science. In each controversy, frameworks are logically disconnected, Polanyi foreshadowing the incommensurability thesis

I argue that Polanyi's ideas satisfy recognised criteria of cognitive relativism. Perception is undetermined by objects and conditioned by language. Empirical propositions, in Polanyi's view, are accepted as true only within a conceptual framework. Polanyi regards supporters of logically disconnected frameworks as thinking differently, living in different worlds, speaking different languages and as experiencing communication failure. There is no framework-independent argument or evidence to distinguish any framework as the best available approximation to the truth. Frameworks are logically disconnected and incommensurable.


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Buruli ulcer disease (BUD), a devastating tropical disease caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans, occurs in more than 80% of the administrative districts of Ghana. To elucidate community perceptions and
understanding of the aetiology of BUD, attitudes towards Buruli patients and treatment-seeking behaviours, we conducted a survey with 504 heads of households and seven focus group discussions in Ga West District, Ghana. Although 67% of participants regarded BUD as a health problem, 53% did not know its cause. Sixteen per cent attributed the cause to drinking non-potable water, 8.1% mentioned poor personal hygiene or dirty surroundings, and 5.5% identified swimming or wading in ponds as a risk factor. About 5.2% thought that witchcraft and curses cause BUD, and 71.8% indicated that BU sufferers first seek treatment from herbalists and only refer to the hospital as a last resort. The main
reasons were prospects of prolonged hospital stay, cost of transport, loss of earnings and opportunity associated with parents attending their children’s hospitalization over extended period, delays in being
attended by medical staff, and not knowing the cause of the disease or required treatment. The level of acceptance of BUD sufferers was high in adults but less so in children. The challenge facing health workers is to break the vicious cycle of poor medical outcomes leading to poor attitudes to hospital treatment in the community. Because herbalists are often the first people consulted by those who contract the disease, they need to be trained in early recognition of the pre-ulcerative stage of Buruli lesions.


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A sound recording of a female voices cackling like a witch and saying "it's Halloween!" amidst a storm. A file for Halloween projects.


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 This chapter introduces the concepts of religion and spirituality, particularly as these relate to young people. It reviews some of the major changes that are occurring in contemporary society and how these changes are reflected in the types of religions and spiritualties that young people are practicing. The processes of globalization, international migration, and the mass media provide more choice and increase uncertainty. In this context, the chapter examines some case studies to illustrate how some young people are embracing these choices and uncertainty, practicing Witchcraft as a religion and finding spiritual meaning in dance parties such as raves. In contrast, other young people find various forms of fundamentalisms attractive because they offer certainty in the face of unsettling and insecure times. Finally we discuss the rise of Pentecostalism in Africa and the issue of religious teaching in secular schools.


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This participative research interested in the social praxis attempts to understand the moral principles that set the magic rituals and the places of worship of three jurema centers of the potiguar region of Canguaretama. Among other inner particularly aspects of each focused catimbó-jurema center, it is being discussed the collective standards involved in the reliance and fellowship values assumed in the private magical gatherings by the juremeiras leaders and their partners, in contrast to the prestige seeking and the individualism that influence both the symbolic competitions and the witchcraft works that link these agents to the broader catimbozeiro universe of this region. Finally, the moral practices which make part of the juremeiro left-right dualism are investigated based on the understanding that the referred native pantheonic-ritual dichotomy does not necessarily express two moralities substantially adversed in terms of benefits or harms, but a series of moral actions subject to the specular logic of the tit-for tat. Thus, this research seeks to prove that this moral structure of symbolic reciprocity, as well as the witchcraft centrality in the catimbozeiro world, finds a certain causal link in a world view which guiding principle is the ontological evil of the catholic cosmology


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Um den Zusammenhang zwischen Hexerei und Ethnizität zu verdeutlichen, werden in diesem Artikel verschiedene theoretischer Ansätze zu Hexerei am Beispiel der Jãana und ihrer Nachbarn im Südwesten von Burkina Faso diskutiert. Dadurch werden sowohl die Parallelen – insbesondere zur Arbeit von Peter Geschiere – als auch die Besonderheiten zu anderen Studien deutlich. Der von mir verfolgte multiethnische Ansatz zeigt, dass Hexerei nicht nur innerhalb einer ethnischen Gruppe für das Zusammenleben relevant ist, sondern auch über ethnische Grenzen hinweg. Die Berücksichtigung der Selbst- und Fremdwahrnehmungen sowie der Interaktion zwischen Angehörigen verschiedener Ethnien (Jãana, Phuo und Lobi) schuf die Voraussetzung, ein differenziertes Bild von Hexerei und Ethnizität im bäuerlichen Alltag zu erhalten. Eine wichtige Erkenntnis ist dabei, dass manche Akteure ihr Hexer-Image bzw. die ihnen zugeschriebene okkulten Kräfte nicht nur als Mittel im Machtkampf mit anderen benutzen, sondern auch als Teil ihrer ethnischen Identität und Andersartigkeit ansehen.