981 resultados para Western societies


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FAMILIES AND SCHOOLS AND THE POLITICS OF RESPONSIBILITIES - a genealogical study on family and school as carers and educators of the child population in modern society This study aims to uncover the politics behind such discourses in the media which have claimed the family to be totally responsible for children and which ignore the various responsibilities accorded to the state in matters concerning the child population. Using Max Weber s and Michael Mann s theorizing on the history of power relationships, feminist social history on patriarchy and Foucauldian power analytic concept of dispositif the study traces two competing child policies which have influenced the historical formation of modern generational order in Western societies. One of them is based on the interests of the hegemonic bourgeois elite and the other on the interests of the non-elite population, which were expressed during the phase of building the welfare state in Finland in the 1960 1980 s. The central strategies of the bourgeois child policy are 1) to construct the childhood years as a time for preparation and formation of the individual according to the interests of the elite, 2) to construct the family as the sole site of holistic care and responsibility of children in society, and 3) compulsory schooling of children of the non-elite population in state organized schools. To implement these strategies the elite uses strategically patriarchal cultural formations/dispositifs in modernized versions. The result has been the formation of a sexually divided and hierarchical order of care and education, where, on the one hand, there is the less important feminine care of children done by mothers at home and, on the other, the real education of the school, where children are made the object of authoritarian shaping and where the needs and the personal experiences of the child are ignored. The welfare order of care and education is based on the ethos of welfare society, where the state and the families are seen to share the responsibility for the child population. In this vein, families and schools are seen as partners who both have a caring attitude to children s welfare and learning. The study shows that discourses and terminology in the mainstream educational policy texts in Finland create a chaotic linguistic game which makes it difficult to have a rational discussion about the roles of family and school in the holistic care and education of children. This has opened the door to political discourses where familist interpretations of the question of responsibility are claimed to be based on law.


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Governance has been one of the most popular buzzwords in recent political science. As with any term shared by numerous fields of research, as well as everyday language, governance is encumbered by a jungle of definitions and applications. This work elaborates on the concept of network governance. Network governance refers to complex policy-making situations, where a variety of public and private actors collaborate in order to produce and define policy. Governance is processes of autonomous, self-organizing networks of organizations exchanging information and deliberating. Network governance is a theoretical concept that corresponds to an empirical phenomenon. Often, this phenomenon is used to descirbe a historical development: governance is often used to describe changes in political processes of Western societies since the 1980s. In this work, empirical governance networks are used as an organizing framework, and the concepts of autonomy, self-organization and network structure are developed as tools for empirical analysis of any complex decision-making process. This work develops this framework and explores the governance networks in the case of environmental policy-making in the City of Helsinki, Finland. The crafting of a local ecological sustainability programme required support and knowledge from all sectors of administration, a number of entrepreneurs and companies and the inhabitants of Helsinki. The policy process relied explicitly on networking, with public and private actors collaborating to design policy instruments. Communication between individual organizations led to the development of network structures and patterns. This research analyses these patterns and their effects on policy choice, by applying the methods of social network analysis. A variety of social network analysis methods are used to uncover different features of the networked process. Links between individual network positions, network subgroup structures and macro-level network patterns are compared to the types of organizations involved and final policy instruments chosen. By using governance concepts to depict a policy process, the work aims to assess whether they contribute to models of policy-making. The conclusion is that the governance literature sheds light on events that would otherwise go unnoticed, or whose conceptualization would remain atheoretical. The framework of network governance should be in the toolkit of the policy analyst.


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The designing of effective intervention tools to improve immigrants’ labor market integration remains an important topic in contemporary Western societies. This study examines whether and how a new intervention tool, Working Life Certificate (WLC), helps unemployed immigrants to find employment and strengthen their belief of their vocational skills. The study is based on quantitative longitudinal survey data from 174 unemployed immigrants of various origins who participated in the pilot phase of WLC examinations in 2009. Surveys were administered in three waves: before the test, right after it, and three months later. Although it is often argued that the unemployment among immigrants is due either to their lack of skills and cultural differences or to discrimination in recruitment, scholars within social psychology of behavior change argue that the best way of helping people to achieve their goals (e.g. finding employment) is to build up their sense of self-efficacy, alter their outcome expectances in a more positive direction or to help them to construct more detailed action and coping plans. This study aims to shed light on the role of these concepts in immigrants’ labor market integration. The results support the theories of behavior change moderately. Having positive expectances regarding the outcomes of various job search behaviors was found to predict employment in the future. Together with action and coping planning it also predicted increase in job search behavior. The intervention, WLC, was able to affect participants’ self-efficacy, but contrary to expectations, self-efficacy was found not to be related to either job search behavior or future labor market status. Also, perceived discrimination did not explain problems in finding employment, but hints of subtle or structural discrimination were found. Adoption of Finnish work culture together with strong family culture was found to predict future employment. Hence, in this thesis I argue that awarding people diplomas should be preferred in immigrant integration training as it strengthens people’s sense of self-efficacy. Instead of teaching new information, more attention should be directed at changing people’s outcome expectances in a more positive direction and helping them to construct detailed plans on how to achieve their goals.


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Complications of atherosclerosis such as myocardial infarction and stroke are the primary cause of death in Western societies. The development of atherosclerotic lesions is a complex process, including endothelial cell dysfunction, inflammation, extracellular matrix alteration and vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) proliferation and migration. Various cell cycle regulatory proteins control VSMC proliferation. Protein kinases called cyclin dependent kinases (CDKs) play a major role in regulation of cell cycle progression. At specific phases of the cell cycle, CDKs pair with cyclins to become catalytically active and phosphorylate numerous substrates contributing to cell cycle progression. CDKs are also regulated by cyclin dependent kinase inhibitors, activating and inhibitory phosphorylation, proteolysis and transcription factors. This tight regulation of cell cycle is essential; thus its deregulation is connected to the development of cancer and other proliferative disorders such as atherosclerosis and restenosis as well as neurodegenerative diseases. Proteins of the cell cycle provide potential and attractive targets for drug development. Consequently, various low molecular weight CDK inhibitors have been identified and are in clinical development. Tylophorine is a phenanthroindolizidine alkaloid, which has been shown to inhibit the growth of several human cancer cell lines. It was used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat inflammatory disorders. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of tylophorine on human umbilical vein smooth muscle cell (HUVSMC) proliferation, cell cycle progression and the expression of various cell cycle regulatory proteins in order to confirm the findings made with tylophorine in rat cells. We used several methods to determine our hypothesis, including cell proliferation assay, western blot and flow cytometric cell cycle distribution analysis. We demonstrated by cell proliferation assay that tylophorine inhibits HUVSMC proliferation dose-dependently with an IC50 value of 164 nM ± 50. Western blot analysis was used to determine the effect of tylophorine on expression of cell cycle regulatory proteins. Tylophorine downregulates cyclin D1 and p21 expression levels. The results of tylophorine’s effect on phosphorylation sites of p53 were not consistent. More sensitive methods are required in order to completely determine this effect. We used flow cytometric cell cycle analysis to investigate whether tylophorine interferes with cell cycle progression and arrests cells in a specific cell cycle phase. Tylophorine was shown to induce the accumulation of asynchronized HUVSMCs in S phase. Tylophorine has a significant effect on cell cycle, but its role as cell cycle regulator in treatment of vascular proliferative diseases and cancer requires more experiments in vitro and in vivo.


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Since the 1970s alcohol and drug use by pregnant women has become a target of political, professional and personal concern. The present study focuses on prenatal substance use and the regulation of risks by examining different kinds of societal responses to prenatal alcohol and drug use. The study analyses face-to-face encounters between professionals and service users at a specialised maternity clinic for pregnant women with substance abuse problems, medical and political discourses on the compulsory treatment of pregnant women as a means of FAS prevention and official recommendations on alcohol intake during pregnancy. Moreover, the study addresses the women s perspective by asking how women who have used illicit drugs during pregnancy perceive and rank the dangers linked to drug use. The study consists of five empirical sub-studies and a summary article. Sub-study I was written in collaboration with Dorte Hecksher and Sub-study IV with Riikka Perälä. Theoretically the study builds on the one hand, on the socio-cultural approach to the selection and perception of risks and on the other on governmentality studies which focus on the use of power in contemporary Western societies. The study is based on an ethnographic approach and makes use of the principles of multi-sited ethnography. The empirical sub-studies are based on three different types of qualitative data: ethnographic field notes from a maternity clinic from a period of 7 months, documentary material (medical journals, political documents, health education materials, government reports) and 3) interviews from maternity clinics with clients and members of staff. The study demonstrates that the logic of the regulation of prenatal alcohol use in Finland is characterised by the rise of the foetus , a process in which the urgency of protecting the foetus has gradually gained a more prominent role in the discourses on alcohol-related foetal damage. An increasing unwillingness to accept any kinds of risks when foetal health is at stake is manifested in the public debate on the compulsory treatment of pregnant women with alcohol problems and in the health authorities decision to advise pregnant women to refrain from alcohol use during pregnancy (Sub-studies I and II). Secondly, the study suggests that maternity care professionals have an ambivalent role in their mundane encounters with their pregnant clients: on the one hand professionals focus on the well-being of the foetus, but on the other, they need to take into account the women s needs and agency. The professionals daily encounters with their clients are thus characterised by hybridisation: the simultaneous use of technologies of domination and technologies of agency (Sub-studies III and IV). Finally, the study draws attention to the women s understanding of the risks of illicit drug during pregnancy, and shows that the women s understanding of risk differs from the bio-medical view. The study suggests that when drug-using pregnant women seek professional help they can feel that their moral worth is threatened by professionals negative attitudes which can make service-use challenging.


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[ES] A la vista del sorprendente éxito de Gladiator (Ridley Scott, 2000) y del aparente revival del cine “de romanos” en el siglo XXI, puede tener su interés una reflexión sobre este fenómeno cultural y social. Ese es el objetivo de este texto, que analiza las diferentes películas rodadas en la última década y los debates surgidos en torno a la relación entre historia y ficción. En el texto se tratan igualmente los cambios sociológicos y culturales sufridos por las sociedades occidentales, muy diferentes de las de la edad dorada del peplum en el siglo XX, por ejemplo en torno al papel de la mujer o la opinión sobre la guerra, y que afectan a los esquemas tradicionales de este peculiar género cinematrográfico.


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É notório que o senso comum trabalha com a ideia de que o medo está cada vez mais se intensificando no mundo que é o nosso. Nas metrópoles das sociedades ocidentais a alusão ao medo tem espaço partilhado. Jornais, revistas, rádio e TV são os meios populares que noticiam todos os tipos de violência e, consecutivamente, apontam e vinculam certos discursos sensacionalistas de temor a toda população. O objetivo do presente trabalho é apresentar um estudo acerca do modo como a retórica do medo, patente no mundo histórico que é o nosso, potencializa o medo de modo a criar um solo propício ao surgimento de diferentes comportamentos temerosos. Interessa-nos sobre tudo tematizar o medo segundo a retórica que o potencializa, ou seja, segundo a impessoalidade do mundo que é o nosso. Isso coloca a exigência de tematizarmos o pensamento fenomenológico-hermenêutico de Martin Heidegger, sua ontologia fundamental e sua proposta de análise da essência do mundo contemporâneo. O método documental foi a ferramenta utilizada para visualização do fenômeno da retórica do medo submetida ao jornal Diário de Pernambuco


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W dzisiejszym świecie idea indywidualizmu jest nieodłącznie kojarzona z „amerykańskością”. Czy zawsze tak było? Czy Amerykanie wynaleźli „indywidualizm”, czy idea ta narodziła się w Europie? Autorka próbuje zaprezentować najważniejsze cechy indywidualizmu amerykańskiego. Przyjrzymy się czynnikom takim, jak: interes osobisty versus interes społeczny, presja społeczna do osiągania sukcesów czy protestancka etyka pracy, które mogą wpływać na samoświadomość, poczucie własnej wartości i autoekspresję. Przedstawione zostaną główne zasady amerykańskiego paradygmatu komunikacyjnego i powszechne wobec niego reakcje. W końcu, rozmyślać będziemy nad wpływem globalizacji i kultury masowej na wizerunek siebie oraz nad problemem antyamerykanizmu, włącznie z oporem przeciwko indywidualizmowi amerykańskiemu, jako reakcji na wszechobecność kultury amerykańskiej.


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Feminist theorists have long critiqued the hierarchical gender division inherent in Western societies, with the inequalities resulting from this divide being widely decried and some progress made in reducing these. Despite increased efforts to theorise trans identification in recent times, gender is still largely understood, both culturally and theoretically, as adhering to the dualism of male/female. I argue within this paper that consideration of the narratives of transpeople and their partners could expand our conceptualisation of gender and offers possible points of resistance from which to challenge the gender binary, thereby destabilising hegemonic discourses of gender. As such I explore the narratives of transpeople and their partners in relation to the construction and reconstruction of gendered subjectivities. Transpeople’s intimate partnerships, considered here due to the critique of gender norms often evident within them, are examined through the theoretical lens of Foucault’s notion of governmentality. This paper offers an example of how governmentality can be a useful tool in the effort to understand gender regulation, not least for those apparently on the margins of ‘normality’.


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Oesophageal adenocarcinoma, a highly fatal cancer, has risen in incidence in Western societies, but it is unclear whether this is due to increasing incidence of its pre-cursor condition, Barrett's oesophagus (BO) or whether the proportion of BO patients undergoing malignant progression has increased in the face of unchanged BO incidence. Data from population-based studies of BO incidence is limited, with equivocal results to date difficult to distinguish from changes in endoscopic practices. The aim of this study was to assess population trends in Barrett's oesophagus (BO) diagnoses in relation to endoscopy and biopsy rates over a 13 year period. The Northern Ireland Barrett's oesophagus Register (NIBR) is a population-based register of all 9,329 adults diagnosed with columnar epithelium of the oesophagus in Northern Ireland between 1993 and 2005, of whom 58.3% were male. European age-standardised annual BO incidence rates were calculated per 100,000 of the population, per 100 endoscopies and per 100 endoscopies including an oesophageal biopsy. Average annual BO incidence rates rose by 159% during the study period, increasing from 23.9/100,000 during 1993-1997 to 62.0/100,000 during 2002-2005. This elevation far exceeded corresponding increases in rates of endoscopies and oesophageal biopsies being conducted. BO incidence increased most markedly in individuals aged <60 years, and most notably amongst males aged <40 years. This study points towards a true increase in the incidence of BO which would appear to be most marked in young males. These findings have significant implications for future rates of oesophageal adenocarcinoma and surveillance programmes. © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.


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Despite several decades of decline, cardiovascular diseases are still the most common causes of death in Western societies. Sedentary living and high fat diets contribute to the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases. This paper analyses the trade-offs between lifestyle choices defined in terms of diet, physical activity, cost, and risk of cardiovascular disease that a representative sample of the population of Northern Ireland aged 40-65 are willing to make. Using computer assisted personal interviews, we survey 493 individuals at their homes using a Discrete Choice Experiment (DCE) questionnaire administered between February and July 2011 in Northern Ireland. Unlike most DCE studies for valuing public health programs, this questionnaire uses a tailored exercise, based on the individuals’ baseline choices. A “fat screener” module in the questionnaire links personal cardiovascular disease risk to each specific choice set in terms of dietary constituents. Individuals are informed about their real status quo risk of a fatal cardiovascular event, based on an initial set of health questions. Thus, actual risks, real diet and exercise choices are the elements that constitute the choice task. Our results show that our respondents are willing to pay for reducing mortality risk and, more importantly, are willing to change physical exercise and dietary behaviours. In particular, we find that to improve their lifestyles, overweight and obese people would be more likely to do more physical activity than to change their diets. Therefore, public policies aimed to target obesity and its related illnesses in Northern Ireland should invest public money in promoting physical activity rather than healthier diets.


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The timing and sequencing of fertility transitions and early-life mortality declines in historical Western societies indicate that reductions in sibship (number of siblings) may have contributed to improvements in infant health. Surprisingly, however, this demographic relationship has received little attention in empirical research. We outline the difficulties associated with establishing the effect of sibship on infant mortality and discuss the inherent bias associated with conventional empirical approaches. We offer a solution that permits an empirical test of this relationship while accounting for reverse causality and potential omitted variable bias. Our approach is illustrated by evaluating the causal impact of family size on infant mortality using genealogical data from 13 German parishes spanning the sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries. Overall, our findings do not support the hypothesis that declining fertility led to increased infant survival probabilities in historical populations.


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The purpose of this text is to analyse two recently been published pop-up books aimed at children, by Anouck Boisrobert e Louis Rigaud, Popville (2009) and Dans la forêt du paresseux [Wake up, Sloth!, En el bosque del perezoso] (first published in 2009 and 2012, accompanied with texts by Joy Sorman and Sophie Strady, respectively). These books were published originally in France by Hélium Editions, but they can now be found in several western countries and in many languages (Catalan, French, Dutch, English, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish, at least). The objective is to analyse their verbal text and their visual aspects produced by a sophisticated paper engineered to question how they achieve what seems to be one of their goals, the promotion of the readers' ecoliteracy (Orr, 1992) by his involvement in the reading process. This issue seems to be one of the main trends on children's literature in western societies nowadays, transcending the traditional and almost omnipresent role of scenario that nature plays in many children's narratives.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências da Educação - Educação e Formação de Adultos, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve; Escola Superior de Educação, Instituto Politécnico de Beja, 2008


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Loin de la réduction pressentie du temps de travail et de l’émergence d’une société des loisirs, est plutôt observé, depuis une trentaine d’années, un accroissement du temps consacré au travail pour les travailleurs les plus qualifiés, au Québec comme dans la plupart des sociétés occidentales (Burke et Cooper, 2008; Lapointe, 2005; Lee, 2007). Dans un contexte où les « arrangements temporels » (Thoemmes, 2000) tendent à s’individualiser de façon à mieux prendre en compte les réalités et les besoins des salariés et salariées tout comme ceux des organisations, cette thèse interroge le caractère « volontaire » des conduites d’hypertravail observées chez les travailleurs et les travailleuses des secteurs des services informatiques et du multimédia. Elle s’attarde plus particulièrement aux processus psychosociaux qui sous-tendent la construction de ces conduites. Inscrite au sein d’une approche psychosociale et systémique, notre recherche articule une théorie qui met en résonance les fonctionnements individuel et organisationnel, soutenue par le modèle du Système psychique organisationnel (Aubert et de Gaulejac, 1991), et une théorie de la socialisation plurielle et active, soutenue par le modèle du Système des activités (Baubion-Broye et Hajjar, 1998; Curie, 2000). Opérationnalisée selon une grille articulée autour de cinq niveaux d’analyse (intra-individuel, interpersonnel, positionnel, idéologique et de la tâche et de l’organisation du travail), nous avons mené 34 entretiens biographiques (26 hommes et 8 femmes) auprès de salariés et salariées des secteurs des services informatiques et du multimédia. Les résultats mettent en évidence trois types de processus menant à l’adoption de conduites d’hypertravail ; un cas-type qui illustre un processus de renforcement d’une identité professionnelle de « grand travailleur » ; un cas-type qui rend compte d’un processus de suraffiliation organisationnelle et d’assujettissement de la vie hors-travail; et un cas-type qui expose le maintien d’une conduite d’hypertravail défensive, dans un contexte de mise à l’épreuve organisationnelle. Au final, les résonances particulières observées entre ces niveaux et facteurs nous amènent à souligner l’intérêt de mieux comprendre l’hypertravail en prenant en compte les significations que les individus donnent à leurs conduites, à partir d’un regard diachronique et synchronique. Nous discutons également du caractère dynamique et évolutif de la relation individu-collectif-organisation et du rôle différencié des organisations et des collectifs de travail dans la construction des conduites d’hypertravail. Nous relevons enfin certaines implications des nouvelles pratiques et normes de temps de travail observées dans ces organisations, favorables au développement et au maintien de l’hypertravail. Mots-clés : temps de travail, longues heures de travail, conduites d’hypertravail, articulation travail-vie personnelle, socialisation plurielle et active, domination au travail.