944 resultados para Vocational school graduates
This is a view of the library at the New York Trade School, which was taken at a slightly different time than Photo73 as shown by the different wall hangings, namely the addition of a stuffed deer on the wall. Photograph is black and white and slightly fading.
A group of students from the New York Trade School studying lithography pose for a group photo. Black and white photograph mounted on paper.
Part of a lithography lab at the New York Trade School is depicted in this photograph. To the right sample prints are hung on a board, while other prints can be seen on the table, possibly drying. Black and white photograph.
A George E. McLaughlin, a New York Trade School administrator, is pictured speaking along with others on dais at the May 1958 commencement ceremony of the New York Trade School. Photograph is black and white.
A group, possibly administrators, pictured at a New York Trade School commencement ceremony. Photograph is black and white and contains some writing in red ink on it.
A student or teacher at the New York Trade School is shown working on a lathe in the Carpentry Department. Black and white photograph credited to the New York City Works Progress Administration.
Black and white photograph of an empty classroom of the Automotive Department at the New York Trade School.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.
May 1980.
no. 5. Report ... on what are the educational requirements, the number issued, and what institutions prepare applicants for teachers certificates? Does the supply equal the demand?--no. 6. How does Nebraska compare with neighboring states in amounts appropriated for higher education? Amounts expended for higher education? Ratios of college students to population and percent of high school graduates entering college?--no. 7 [pt. 1] Methods of control of state higher education. [pt. 2] Duplication among Nebraska's state-supported higher educational institutions.--no. 8. What does the state do to equalize educational opportunity among the counties, towns and rural districts? Is the plan of district organization economical?
Project officer: William B. Fetters.
"Data series: HSB-80/86-2.0, HSB-80/86-2.1."
Minimum Student Performance Standards in Computer Literacy and Science were passed by the Florida Legislature through the Educational Reform Act of 1983. This act mandated that all Florida high school graduates receive training in computer literacy. Schools and school systems were charged with the task of determining the best methods to deliver this instruction to their students. The scope of this study is to evaluate one school's response to the state of Florida's computer literacy mandate. The study was conducted at Miami Palmetto Senior High School, located in Dade County, Florida. The administration of Miami Palmetto Senior High School chose to develop and implement a new program to comply with the state mandate - integrating computer literacy into the existing biology curriculum. The study evaluated the curriculum to determine if computer literacy could be integrated successfully and meet both the biology and computer literacy objectives. The findings in this study showed that there were no significant differences between biology scores of the students taking the integrated curriculum and those taking a traditional curriculum of biology. Student in the integrated curriculum not only met the biology objectives as well as those in the traditional curriculum, they also successfully completed the intended objectives for computer literacy. Two sets of objectives were successfully completed in the integrated classes in the same amount of time used to complete one set of objectives in the traditional biology classes. Therefore, integrated curriculum was the more efficient means of meeting the intended objectives of both biology and computer literacy.
El objetivo del artículo es realizar un diagnóstico sobre la percepción de los factores que intervienen en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de cinco carreras universitarias en una escuela de educación superior en México, para así reconocer las áreas de oportunidad que permitan sugerir políticas y estrategias para elevar su rendimiento. Se utilizó una muestra de 1651 estudiantes, se obtuvieron los datos a partir de un cuestionario con treinta preguntas que estudian la percepción del rendimiento académico en escala tipo Likert. Se realizó un análisis factorial exploratorio que permitiera reducir los datos, facilitar la interpretación y validar el instrumento. Se identificaron tres factores: a) el rol de los profesores, b) la evaluación y c) la motivación de los estudiantes. Se llevó a cabo un análisis comparativo por carrera. Se encontró que los estudiantes perciben que la mayoría de los maestros no se preocupan por la condición de los jóvenes en situación de reprobación. Además, casi no motivan y carecen de expresiones de sentimientos de orgullo por los logros académicos de los estudiantes. La mitad de los participantes piensa que los docentes no cubren el temario en su totalidad. Se detectó que los estudiantes poseen una alta motivación siendo esto positivo porque son alumnos dedicados y responsables. Se concluye realizando una serie de sugerencias y explicando las implicaciones que tiene este trabajo para las instituciones de educación superior.
Vocational Education and Training (VET) is offered throughout the world to students of various educational backgrounds and career aspirations in an effort to create a skilled workforce. The structure of VET varies greatly across different fields and countries with high-growth, low-growth, and transitional economies. However, a common critique of many vocational institutions is that they focus on skills training without addressing related business systems. Thus, students may not understand the business strategies related to their field, which stifles job readiness and entrepreneurial potential. To counter this, a more context-driven and integrated entrepreneurial approach is proposed for VET. Benefits, disadvantages, and exemplars of various types of vocational and entrepreneurial programs are evaluated to determine how their strengths might be leveraged. Such integrated entrepreneurial and vocational training would more suitably address context-specific market needs via both practical and transferrable skills, thus helping to reduce unemployment, particularly among youth in sub-Saharan Africa. (DIPF/Orig.)