166 resultados para Vitrinite Macerals


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Detailed organic geochemical investigations have been performed on sediment samples from upwelling Site 658 and nonupwelling Sites 657 and 659. The major objective of this study has been the relationship between organic carbon accumulation and paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic conditions in the upwelling area off northwest Africa during late Cenozoic times. The study is based on results from organic carbon, nitrogen, and hydrogen analyses, Rock-Eval pyrolysis, kerogen microscopy, gas chromatography, and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. In general, nonupwelling Sites 657 and 659 are characterized by low organic carbon values of less than 0.5%. At Site 657, four events of high organic carbon deposition (total organic carbon of 1%-3%) occur and represent turbidites and a slump interval. The upper Pliocene to Pleistocene sediments of upwelling Site 658 display high organic carbon contents of 0.5%-4%, with higher contents concentrated in the upper Pliocene. Accumulation rates of organic carbon vary between 0.1 and 0.5 gC/cm-**2/1000 yr, with maximum values between 3.5 and 3.1 Ma. Short-term cyclic ("Milankovitch-type") variations in organic carbon accumulation suggest climate-controlled mechanisms causing these fluctuations. The quality of organic matter at Site 658 is a mixture of kerogen type II and HI, with a dominance of the marine type. This is indicated by high hydrogen-index values of 200-400 mgHC/gC, low C/N ratios of 5-15, atomic H/C ratios of 1.0-1.5, and high amounts of marine macerals (alginite and liptodetrinite). We have estimated paleoproductivity for Sites 658 and 659 based on the amount of marine organic carbon. At open-marine Site 659, mean paleoproductivity varies between 20 and 50 gC/m**2/yr. At Site 658, mean paleoproductivity reaches high values of 160 to 320 gC/m**2/yr, very similar to those recorded in modern upwelling areas. The changes in productivity off northwest Africa are linked to changes in nutrient supply caused by both upwelling and fluvial input. The change from a dominantly humid climate to one characterized by fluctuations between humid and fully arid climates in northwest Africa occurs between 3.1 and 2.45 Ma.


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Sediments in Arctic sea ice are important for erosion and redistribution and consequently a factor for the sediment budget of the Arctic Ocean. The processes leading to the incorporation of sediments into the ice are not understood in detail yet. In the present study, experiments on the incorporation of sediments were therefore conducted in ice tanks of The Hamburg Ship Model Basin (HSVA) in winter 1996/1997, These experiments showed that on average 75 % of the artificial sea-ice sediments were located in the brine-channel system. The sediments were scavenged from the water column by frazil ice. Sediments functioning as a nucleus for the formation of frazil ice were less important for the incorporation. Filtration in grease ice during relatively calm hydrodynamic conditions was probably an effective process to enrich sediments in the ice. Wave fields did not play an important role for the incorporation of sediments into the artificial sea ice. During the expedition TRANSDRIFT III (TDIII, October 1995), different types of natural, newly-formed sea ice (grease ice, nilas and young ice) were sampled in the inner Laptev Sea at the time of freeze-up. The incorporation of sediments took place during calm meteorological conditions then. The characteristics of the clay mineral assemblages of these sedirnents served as references for sea-ice sediments which were sampled from first-year drift ice in the outer Laptev Sea and the adjacent Arctic Ocean during the POLARSTERN expedition ARK-XI/1 (July-September 1995). Based on the clay mineral assemblages, probable incorporation areas for the sedirnents in first-year drift ice could be statistically reconstructed in the inner Laptev Sea (eastern, central, and Western Laptev Sea) as well as in adjacent regions. Comparing the amounts of particulate organic carbon (POC) in sea-ice sediments and in surface sediments from the shelves of potential incorporation areas often reveals higher values in sea-ice sediments (TDIII: 3.6 %DM; ARK-XI/1: 2.3 %DM). This enrichment of POC is probably due to the incorporation process into the sea ice, as could be deducted from maceral analysis and Rock-Eval pyrolysis. Both methods were applied in the present study to particulate organic material (POM) from sea-ice sediments for the first time. It was shown that the POM of the sea-ice sediments from the Laptev Sea and the adjacent Arctic Ocean was dominated by reworked, strongly fragmented, allochthonous (terrigenous) material. This terrigenous component accounted for more than 75 % of all counted macerals. The autochthonous (marine) component was also strongly fragmented, and higher in the sediments from newly-formed sea ice (24 % of all counted macerals) as compared to first-year drift ice (17 % of all counted macerals). Average hydroge indices confirmed this pattern and were in the transition zone between kerogen types II and III (TDIII: 275 mg KW/g POC; ARK-XI/1: 200 mg KW/g POC). The sediment loads quantified in natural sea ice (TDIII: 33.6 mg/l, ARK-XI/1: 49.0 mg/l) indicated that sea-ice sediments are an important factor for the sediment budget in the Laptev Sea. In particular during the incorporation phase in autumn and early winter, about 12 % of the sediment load imported annually by rivers into the Laptev Sea can be incorporated into sea ice and redistributed during calm meteorological conditions. Single entrainment events can incorporate about 35 % of the river input into the sea ice (ca. 9 x 10**6 t) and export it via the Transpolar Drift from the Eurasian shelf to the Fram Strait.


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Twenty-four sediment samples from late Paleocene to early Eocene were studied for maceral content, vitrinite reflectance, and spectral fluorescence in order to determine some parameters of the origin and diagenetic history of their organic fraction. The sediments had been obtained at Site 555 of DSDP Leg 81 in the northeastern North Atlantic. The bulk of the microscopically visible fraction is made up of humic materials; inertinites follow as a distant second; and liptinites are exceedingly rare. No unequivocal evidence of marine organic matter was found. Humic materials are highly decomposed, showing signs of aerobic (frequency of sclerotinites) as well as anaerobic (abundance of and intimate association with framboidal pyrite) microbial degradation. Vitrinite reflectance values vary between 0.26 and 0.35 Ro and show a slight increase with depth. These values, indicative of a low-rank lignite stage of coalification, contrast somewhat with the sporinite fluorescence spectra, which show the configuration typical for the peat stage. In either case, the evidence for such a low stage of coalification is surprising in view of the depth and age of the sediments.


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A number of C25 and C30 highly branched isoprenoid (HBI) sulphur compounds (E.G., thiolanes, 1-oxo-thiolanes, thiophenes, and benzo[b]thiophenes) with 2,6,10,14-tetramethyl-7-(3-methylpentyl)pentadecane and 2,6,10,14,18-pentamethyl-7-(3-methylpentyl)nonadecane carbon skeletons were identified in sediments, ranging from Holocene to Upper Cretaceous. These identifications are based on mass spectral characterisation, desulphurisation, and, in some cases, by comparison of mass spectral and relative retention time data with those of authentic standards. The presence of unsaturated C25 and C30 HBI thiolanes in a Recent sediment from the Black Sea (age 3-6 ka) strongly supports their formation during early diagenesis. The co-occurrence of HBI polyenes (C25 and C30) and unsaturated HBI thiolanes (C25 and C30) possessing two double bonds less than the corresponding HBI polyenes, in this Recent sediment, testifies to the formation of unsaturated HBI thiolanes by a reaction of inorganic sulphur species with double bonds of the HBI polyenes. Furthermore, a diagenetic scheme for HBI sulphur compounds is proposed based on the identification of HBI sulphur compounds in sediment samples with different maturity levels.