Organic geochemistry of late Cenozoic sediments from the eastern subtropical Atlantic

Autoria(s): Stein, Ruediger; ten Haven, H Lo; Littke, Ralf; Rullkötter, Jürgen; Welte, Dietrich Hugo

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 19.878100 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: -19.792443 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 18.077200 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -21.026200 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 21.331500 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -18.580800 * DATE/TIME START: 1986-02-27T22:15:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1986-03-12T11:15:00




Detailed organic geochemical investigations have been performed on sediment samples from upwelling Site 658 and nonupwelling Sites 657 and 659. The major objective of this study has been the relationship between organic carbon accumulation and paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic conditions in the upwelling area off northwest Africa during late Cenozoic times. The study is based on results from organic carbon, nitrogen, and hydrogen analyses, Rock-Eval pyrolysis, kerogen microscopy, gas chromatography, and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. In general, nonupwelling Sites 657 and 659 are characterized by low organic carbon values of less than 0.5%. At Site 657, four events of high organic carbon deposition (total organic carbon of 1%-3%) occur and represent turbidites and a slump interval. The upper Pliocene to Pleistocene sediments of upwelling Site 658 display high organic carbon contents of 0.5%-4%, with higher contents concentrated in the upper Pliocene. Accumulation rates of organic carbon vary between 0.1 and 0.5 gC/cm-**2/1000 yr, with maximum values between 3.5 and 3.1 Ma. Short-term cyclic ("Milankovitch-type") variations in organic carbon accumulation suggest climate-controlled mechanisms causing these fluctuations. The quality of organic matter at Site 658 is a mixture of kerogen type II and HI, with a dominance of the marine type. This is indicated by high hydrogen-index values of 200-400 mgHC/gC, low C/N ratios of 5-15, atomic H/C ratios of 1.0-1.5, and high amounts of marine macerals (alginite and liptodetrinite). We have estimated paleoproductivity for Sites 658 and 659 based on the amount of marine organic carbon. At open-marine Site 659, mean paleoproductivity varies between 20 and 50 gC/m**2/yr. At Site 658, mean paleoproductivity reaches high values of 160 to 320 gC/m**2/yr, very similar to those recorded in modern upwelling areas. The changes in productivity off northwest Africa are linked to changes in nutrient supply caused by both upwelling and fluvial input. The change from a dominantly humid climate to one characterized by fluctuations between humid and fully arid climates in northwest Africa occurs between 3.1 and 2.45 Ma.


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Supplement to: Stein, Ruediger; ten Haven, H Lo; Littke, Ralf; Rullkötter, Jürgen; Welte, Dietrich Hugo (1989): Accumulation of marine and terrigenous organic carbon at upwelling Site 658 and nonupwelling Sites 657 and 659: implications for the reconstruction of paleoenvironments in the eastern subtropical Atlantic through Late Cenozoic times. In: Ruddiman, W; Sarnthein, M; et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 108, 361-385, doi:10.2973/

Palavras-Chave #108-657A; 108-658; 108-658A; 108-659; 108-659A; 108-659B; 108-659C; Age, maximum/old; Age, minimum/young; Age max; Age min; Alginite; C/N; CaCO3; Calcium carbonate; Canarias Sea; Carbon, organic, marine matter; Carbon, organic, total; Carbon, total; Carbon/Nitrogen ratio; Comment; COMPCORE; Composite Core; Density, wet bulk; Depth; Depth, bottom/max; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Depth, top/min; Depth bot; Depth top; DRILL; Drilling/drill rig; Element analyser CHN, Heraeus; Event; H; H/C; HI, HC/TOC; Hydrogen; Hydrogen/Carbon ratio; Hydrogen index, mass HC per unit mass total organic carbon; I, maximum carbonate content interval; I, minimum carbonate content interval; II, maximum carbonate content interval; II, minimum carbonate content interval; Inertinite; Joides Resolution; Label; Leg108; Liptodetrinite; macerals/pyrite; maximum carbonate content interval; minimum carbonate content interval; Nitrogen, total; North Atlantic Ocean; Ocean Drilling Program; OC mar; ODP; ODP sample designation; of carbonate-free sample; of the total organic carbon; of the whole sample; OI, CO2/TOC; Oxygen index, mass CO2 per unit mass total organic carbon; Paleoproductivity as carbon; Poros; Porosity; PP; PP calculated (Sarnthein et al. 1992 in Summeshayes, Geol Soc Spec Pub 63); PP calculated (Stein, 1986); Pyrolysis temperature maximum; Ratio; Rock eval pyrolysis (Behar et al., 2001); Sample code/label; Sedimentation rate; Sed rate; Sporinite; TC; Tmax; TN; TOC; Vitr; Vitrinite; Vitrinite reflection; Vitr refl; WBD
