971 resultados para Vitamins A and E
La prééclampsie est responsable du quart des mortalités maternelles et est la deuxième cause de décès maternels associés à la grossesse au Canada et dans le monde. L’identification d’une stratégie efficace pour la prévention de la prééclampsie est une priorité et un défi primordial dans les milieux de recherche en obstétrique. Le rôle des éléments nutritifs dans le développement de la prééclampsie a récemment reçu davantage d’attention. Plusieurs études cliniques et épidémiologiques ont été menées pour déterminer les facteurs de risque alimentaires potentiels et examiner les effets d’une supplémentation nutritive dans le développement de troubles hypertensifs de la grossesse. Pour déterminer les effets de suppléments antioxydants pris pendant la grossesse sur le risque d’hypertension gestationnelle (HG) et de prééclampsie, un essai multicentrique contrôlé à double insu a été mené au Canada et au Mexique (An International Trial of Antioxidants in the Prevention of Preeclampsia – INTAPP). Les femmes, stratifiées par risque, étaient assignées au traitement expérimental quotidien (1 gramme de vitamine C et 400 UI de vitamine E) ou au placebo. En raison des effets secondaires potentiels, le recrutement pour l’essai a été arrêté avant que l’échantillon complet ait été constitué. Au total, 2640 femmes éligibles ont accepté d’être recrutées, dont 2363 (89.5%) furent incluses dans les analyses finales. Nous n’avons retrouvé aucune évidence qu’une supplémentation prénatale de vitamines C et E réduisait le risque d’HG et de ses effets secondaires (RR 0,99; IC 95% 0,78-1,26), HG (RR 1,04; IC 95% 0,89-1,22) et prééclampsie (RR 1,04; IC 95% 0,75-1,44). Toutefois, une analyse secondaire a révélé que les vitamines C et E augmentaient le risque de « perte fœtale ou de décès périnatal » (une mesure non spécifiée au préalable) ainsi qu’une rupture prématurée des membranes avant terme. Nous avons mené une étude de cohorte prospective chez les femmes enceintes recrutées dans l’INTAPP afin d’évaluer les relations entre le régime alimentaire maternel en début et fin de grossesse et le risque de prééclampsie et d’HG. Un questionnaire de fréquence alimentaire validé était administré deux fois pendant la grossesse (12-18 semaines, 32-34 semaines). Les analyses furent faites séparément pour les 1537 Canadiennes et les 799 Mexicaines en raison de l’hétérogénéité des régimes alimentaires des deux pays. Parmi les canadiennes, après ajustement pour l’indice de masse corporelle (IMC) précédant la grossesse, le groupe de traitement, le niveau de risque (élevé versus faible) et les autres facteurs de base, nous avons constaté une association significative entre un faible apport alimentaire (quartile inférieur) de potassium (OR 1,79; IC 95% 1,03-3,11) et de zinc (OR 1,90; IC 95% 1,07-3,39) et un risque augmenté de prééclampsie. Toujours chez les Canadiennes, le quartile inférieur de consommation d’acides gras polyinsaturés était associé à un risque augmenté d’HG (OR 1,49; IC 95% 1,09-2,02). Aucun des nutriments analysés n’affectait les risques d’HG ou de prééclampsie chez les Mexicaines. Nous avons entrepris une étude cas-témoins à l’intérieur de la cohorte de l’INTAPP pour établir le lien entre la concentration sérique de vitamines antioxydantes et le risque de prééclampsie. Un total de 115 cas de prééclampsie et 229 témoins ont été inclus. Les concentrations de vitamine E ont été mesurées de façon longitudinale à 12-18 semaines (avant la prise de suppléments), à 24-26 semaines et à 32-34 semaines de grossesse en utilisant la chromatographie liquide de haute performance. Lorsqu’examinée en tant que variable continue et après ajustement multivarié, une concentration de base élevée de gamma-tocophérol était associée à un risque augmenté de prééclampsie (quartile supérieur vs quartile inférieur à 24-26 semaines : OR 2,99, IC 95% 1,13-7,89; à 32-34 semaines : OR 4,37, IC 95% 1,35-14,15). Nous n’avons pas trouvé de lien entre les concentrations de alpha-tocophérol et le risque de prééclampsie. En résumé, nous n’avons pas trouvé d’effets de la supplémentation en vitamines C et E sur le risque de prééclampsie dans l’INTAPP. Nous avons toutefois trouvé, dans la cohorte canadienne, qu’une faible prise de potassium et de zinc, tel qu’estimée par les questionnaires de fréquence alimentaire, était associée à un risque augmenté de prééclampsie. Aussi, une plus grande concentration sérique de gamma-tocophérol pendant la grossesse était associée à un risque augmenté de prééclampsie.
The present study was undertaken to elucidate the nutritional and pathological changes associated with aflatoxin B1 toxicity in Penaeus monodon and to determine the efficacy of vitamins E and K, and Amrita Bindu, herbal mixture in ameliorating the toxicity of AFB1. The main objectives the study is to document the pathological and immunological changes in P.monodon fed with AFB1 incorporated diets and to delineate the histological and ultrastructural changes and determine the presence of AFB1 residue in the shrimp body, to evaluate the growth performance of feed efficiency in P. monodon post larvae fed AFB1 added diets, to assess the interactive effect of heavy metals like copper and cadmium at sub-lethal levels in P. monodon postlarve fed AFB1 added diets, to decipher the ameliorative action of Vitamins E & K and a spicy herbal mixture, Amrita Bindu on AFB1 in P.monodon sub-adults. The study has revealed that Aflatoxin B1 significantly affects protein, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism in the shrimp penaeus monodon. The remarkable effect was observed in the immune system, as AFB1 has elevatod the immune response during initial days of exposure and prolonged exposure to the toxin leads to weakening of the animal’s immunity. Aflatoxin B1 level above 50 ppb severely affected the growth and feed utilization which in turn reflects the damage caused to the hepatopancreas as evident from the histological and ultrastructural observations.
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine if antioxidant supplementation during pregnancy reduces the incidence of premature rupture of the membranes (PROM).STUDY DESIGN: A placebo-controlled, double-blind trial was conducted. PROM and preterm PROM (PPROM) were planned secondary outcomes of the trial. Women between 12(0/7) and 19(6/7) weeks of gestation and diagnosed to have chronic hypertension or a prior history of preeclampsia were randomized to daily treatment with both vitamin C (1000 mg) and E (400 IU) or placebo.RESULTS: Outcome data for PROM were available for 697 of 739 patients. The rates of PROM (37/349 [10.6%] vs 19/348 [5.5%]; adjusted risk ratio [RR] 1.89 [95.42% CI, 1.11-3.23]; P = .015), and PPROM (16/349 [4.6%] vs 6/348 [1.7%]; RR 2.68 [1.07-6.71]; P = .025) were increased in the antioxidant group.CONCLUSION: Contrary to expectations, vitamins C and E supplementation in this dose combination may be associated with an increased risk of PROM and PPROM.
This study aimed to characterize the pulp and kernel of guariroba (Syagrus oleracea), jerivá (Syagrus romanzoffiana) and macaúba (Acrocomia aculeata) palm fruits, through their proximate composition, carotenoids contents and tocopherol composition. The three kernels showed to be composed mainly of lipids and proteins, as the three pulps, of carbohydrate and fiber. In the kernels the levels of lipids ranged from 45.17 to 56.37% and proteins from 15.46 to 28.61%. In the pulps the total fiber content ranged from 20.26 to 26.98%. The pulps also presented a significant amount of ash, which represents a significant mineral content, especially in the guariroba (5.16%). Moreover, the pulp oils showed higher carotenoids and tocopherol contents. The jerivá pulp oil contained carotenoid and tocopherol on average 1219 μg/g and 323.50. mg/kg, respectively. The consumption of the whole fruit, pulp, and kernel supplies important quantities of many necessary nutrients for human diet, including vitamins A and E. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: This study examined the effect of weight loss after 3, 6 and 12 months of Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (RYGB) on energy intake and on several biomarkers of oxidative stress such as levels of vitamin C, beta-carotene, vitamin E (diet/blood), nitric oxide metabolites (NOx), myeloperoxidase (MPO), thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), reduced glutathione (GSH) and activity of catalase (CAT). SUBJECTS/METHODS: Study with a control group (CG), assessed once, and a bariatric group (BG) assessed at the basal period as well as at 3, 6 and 12 months post-surgery; both groups were composed of 5 men and 31 women (n = 36). Age was 38.7 +/- 9.4 and 39.6 +/- 9.2 years old and body mass index (BMI) was 22.2 +/- 2.1 and 47.6 +/- 9.1 kg/m(2), respectively. The variance measure quoted was SEM. RESULTS: The body weight at 12 months was 35.8 +/- 1.0% (P<0.001) lower than that of the basal period. At the basal period BG showed higher levels of NOx (P=0.007) and TBARS (P<0.001) and lower levels of vitamins C and E (P<0.001) compared with CG. After 3 months the activity of MPO was decreased (P<0.001). Six months after surgery GSH levels were decreased (P=0.037), whereas CAT activity was increased (P=0.029). After 12 months levels of NOx (P=0.004), TBARS (P<0.001), beta-carotene (P<0.001) and vitamin E (P<0.001) were decreased, whereas those of vitamin C (P<0.001) were increased compared with controls. CONCLUSION: RYGB followed by a daily vitamin supplement apparently attenuated pro-inflammatory and oxidative stress markers 1 year after surgery, but additional antioxidant supplementation appears necessary.
Fillers for lip augmentation have become more and more popular in recent years and seem to be indispensable in the cosmetic market nowadays. A series of six young females is presented who developed massive swellings and pain after vitamins A and/or E lip augmentation. The vitamins were extracted from gelatinous capsules (Gericaps [Adipharm EAD, Sofia, Bulgaria], Geritamins [Actavis EAD, Balkanpharma-Dubnitsa AD, Bulgaria], or vitamin E yellow gel capsules) and injected by unprofessional physicians and beauticians in different cosmetic centers. Physical examination revealed firm indurations of the lips and perioral skin, tenderness, erythema, and hard dermal nodules. Histological analysis revealed numerous round-to-ovoid cavities of varying sizes, resulting in a Swiss cheese-like appearance, consistent with lipogranulomas. The patients were treated with systemic and intralesional triamcinolone injections and broad-spectrum antibiotics with good clinical response. In conclusion, these cases demonstrate the danger of the use of unregistered products as fillers injected by unprofessional physicians and beauticians.
Vitamins A and E content of inner organs, among these the kidneys, are increasingly being used as an indicator of adverse effects caused to the organism by e.g. environmental contaminants. In general, only a renal sub sample is used for analyses, and it is thus essential to know which part of the organ to sample in order to get a representative value for this important biomarker. The aim here was to assess the distribution of vitamins A (retinol) and E (alpha-tocopherol) within the polar bear multireniculate kidney (i.e. polar vs. medial position) and also within the cortex vs. medulla of each separate renculi. The results showed no significant difference between the medial and polar renculi with regards to either retinol (p = 0.44) or alpha-tocopherol (p = 0.75). There were, however, significant differences between cortex and medulla for both vitamins (retinol, p = 0.0003; alpha-tocopherol, p<0.0001). The kidney cortex contained higher values of both vitamins than the medulla; on average 29% more retinol and 57% more alpha-tocopherol. Mean concentrations in the medulla was 2.7 mg/kg for retinol and 116 mg/kg for alpha-tocopherol, and in the cortex 3.5 mg/kg for retinol and 182 mg/kg for alpha-tocopherol. These results clearly indicate that one should take precautions when analyzing retinol and alpha-tocopherol in polar bear kidneys. Prior to analysis, the renculi should be separated into medulla and cortex. The results indicated no significant differences between renculi from different parts of the kidney.
Data contained in Dr. R. J. Fraser's "Vitamin chart": p. 27-94.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
The purpose of this study was to compare the physical, psychological and social dimensions associated with quality-of-life outcomes over the last year of life, between advanced cancer users and nonusers of complementary and alternative medicine. One hundred and eleven patients were identified through Queensland Cancer Registry records, and followed up every four to six weeks until close to death using standardized protocols. Outcome measures were symptom burden, psychological distress, subjective wellbeing, satisfaction with conventional medicine and need for control over treatment decisions. At the initial interview, 36 (32%) participants had used complementary/ alternative medicine the previous week; mainly vitamins, minerals and tonics and herbal remedies. Among all participants, 53 (48%) used at least one form of complementary/ alternative medicine over the study period. Only six (11%) visited alternative practitioners on a regular basis. Overall, complementary/ alternative medicine users reported higher levels of anxiety and pain, less satisfaction with conventional medicine and lower need for control over treatment decisions compared with nonusers. These differences tend to change as death approaches. A more rigorous assessment of complementary/ alternative medicine use, psychological distress, pain and subjective wellbeing among patients with advanced cancer is needed in the clinical setting.
Background: Although iron deficiency is a major cause of anemia, other micronutrient deficiencies may also play a role. Objective: We examined whether multiple micronutrient supplementation is more efficacious than is supplementation with iron and folic acid alone for improving the hemoglobin and iron status of anemic adolescent girls in Bangladesh. Design: Anemic (hemoglobin < 12.0 g/dL) girls (n = 197) aged 14-18 y from rural schools in Dhaka District were entered into a randomized double-blind trial and received twice-weekly supplements of iron and folic acid (IFA group) or multiple micronutrients (15 micronutrients, including iron and folic acid; MMN group) for 12 wk. Results: At recruitment, the characteristics of the girls in the 2 groups were not significantly different, except for family size and body mass index. At the end of the study, although both groups benefited significantly from supplementation, mean changes in hemoglobin and serum ferritin concentrations were not significantly different between groups. Compared with the IFA group, girls in the MMN group had significantly greater increases in mean serum vitamin A, plasma vitamin C, red blood cell folic acid, and riboflavin concentrations (assessed as erythrocyte glutathione reductase activation coefficient). After 12 wk of supplementation, only the prevalence of vitamins A and C and riboflavin deficiencies decreased more significantly in the MMN group than in the IFA group. Conclusions: Twice-weekly MMN supplementation for 12 wk significantly improved the status of the micronutrients assessed but was not more efficacious than was supplementation with iron and folic acid alone in improving the hematologic status of anemic adolescent girls. More frequent doses may be needed to achieve full benefit.
Vitamin and mineral deficiencies are common in developing countries, but also occur in developed countries. We review micronutrient deficiencies for the major vitamins A, cobalamin (B-12), biotin (vitamin H), vitamins C and E, as well as the minerals iron, and zinc, in the developed world, in terms of their relationship to systemic health and any resulting ocular disease and/or visual dysfunction. A knowledge of these effects is important as individuals with consequent poor ocular health and reduced visual function may present for ophthalmic care.
Micronutrient insufficiency, low dietary fiber, and high saturated fat intake have been associated with chronic diseases. Micronutrient insufficiencies may exacerbate poor health outcomes for persons with type 2 diabetes and minority status. We examined dietary intakes using the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) of micronutrients, and Adequate Intakes (AIs) of fiber, and Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA) for saturated fat in Haitian-, African-, and Cuban- Americans (n = 868), approximately half of each group with type 2 diabetes. Insufficient intakes of vitamins D and E and calcium were found in over 40 % of the participants. Over 50 % of African- and Cuban- Americans consumed over 10 % of calories from saturated fat. Haitian-Americans were more likely to have insufficiencies in iron, B-vitamins, and vitamins D and E, and less likely to have inadequate intake of saturated fat as compared to Cuban-Americans. Vitamin D insufficiency was more likely for Haitian-Americans as compared to African- Americans. Diabetes status alone did not predict micronutrient insufficiencies; however, Haitian-Americans with no diabetes were more likely to be insufficient in calcium. Adjusting for age, gender, energy, smoking, physical activity, access to health care, and education negated the majority of micronutrient insufficiency differences by ethnicity. These findings suggest that policies are needed to ensure that low-cost, quality produce can be accessed regardless of neighborhood and socioeconomic status.
Cured meats and dairy products are criticized for their salt content and synthetic additives. This has led to the development of strategies to reduce and replace these ingredients. Since the food matrix and technological processes can affect the bioaccessibility of nutrients, it is necessary to study their release during digestion to determine the real nutritional value of foods. In the first part of this PhD project, the impact on the nutritional quality of the reduction of sodium content and of the replacement of synthetic nitrates/nitrites with a combination of innovative formulations was evaluated in Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese and salami. For this purpose, an in vitro digestion model combined with different analytical techniques was used. The results showed that fatty acids and proteins release increased over time during digestion. At the end of digestion, the innovative formulation/processing did not negatively affect fatty acids release and protein hydrolysis, and led to the formation of bioactive peptides. The excessive intake of sugars is correlated with metabolic diseases. After the intestinal uptake, their release in the blood stream depends on their metabolic fate within the enterocyte. In the second part of this PhD project, the absorption and metabolism of glucose, fructose and sucrose was evaluated using intestinal cell line. A faster absorption of fructose than glucose was observed, and a different modulation of the synthesis/transport of other metabolites by monosaccharides was shown. Intestinal cells were also used to verify the stability and intestinal uptake of vitamins (A and D3) delivered to cells through two vehicles. It was shown that the presence of lipids protected the vitamin from external factors such as light, heat and oxygen, and improved their bioavailability Overall, the results obtained in this PhD project confirmed that considering only the chemical composition of foods is not sufficient to determine their nutritional value.