946 resultados para Vespasiano, Emperador de Roma, 9-79.
Background Alcohol is a leading risk factor for avoidable disease burden. Research suggests that a drinker's social network can play an integral role in addressing hazardous (i.e., high-risk) or problem drinking. Often however, social networks do not have adequate mental health literacy (i.e., knowledge about mental health problems, like problem drinking, or how to treat them). This is a concern as the response that a drinker receives from their social network can have a substantial impact on their willingness to seek help. This paper describes the development of mental health first aid guidelines that inform community members on how to help someone who may have, or may be developing, a drinking problem (i.e., alcohol abuse or dependence). Methods A systematic review of the research and lay literature was conducted to develop a 285-item survey containing strategies on how to help someone who may have, or may be developing, a drinking problem. Two panels of experts (consumers/carers and clinicians) individually rated survey items, using a Delphi process. Surveys were completed online or via postal mail. Participants were 99 consumers, carers and clinicians with experience or expertise in problem drinking from Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Items that reached consensus on importance were retained and written into guidelines. Results The overall response rate across all three rounds was 68.7% (67.6% consumers/carers, 69.2% clinicians), with 184 first aid strategies rated as essential or important by ≥80% of panel members. The endorsed guidelines provide guidance on how to: recognize problem drinking; approach someone if there is concern about their drinking; support the person to change their drinking; respond if they are unwilling to change their drinking; facilitate professional help seeking and respond if professional help is refused; and manage an alcohol-related medical emergency. Conclusion The guidelines provide a consensus-based resource for community members seeking to help someone with a drinking problem. Improving community awareness and understanding of how to identify and support someone with a drinking problem may lead to earlier recognition of problem drinking and greater facilitation of professional help seeking.
Abstract: The way of exercising power of the Roman Princeps Gaius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, better known by his agnomen Caligula, was largely driven by a different pattern of behavior of that promoted by his predecessors Augustus and Tiberius. Through a kind of ritualized acts, these princeps sought to show respect for the traditional social order and appear only as a primus inter pares among Roman aristocrats. As we can see, in this matter the young Gaius caused a radical change on imperial politics. From the valuation of a series of symbols and actions with strong symbolic connotations, in this work we will attempt to show that such a change was, in part, consequence of a new conception of the imperial power displayed by Caligula. The essence of such conception we must search it in the complex corpus of ideas that came to Rome from the pars orientis of the Roman Empire and based important aspects of the power of the Hellenistic Monarchies
Stock dynamics of Penaeus merguiensis was studied using length composition data collected separately for males and females during the period 1995-1998, at New Ferry Warf landing, centre in Greater Mumbai. Food and feeding, sex ratio, fecundity and length-weight relationships were worked out on a representative sub-sample. Asymptotic length (Loo) and growth coefficient (K) were estimated to be 220 mm and 1.80 per annum respectively for males. These parameters were respectively 281 mm and 1. 72 per annum in the case of females. The instantaneous rate of total mortality coefficient (Z) was found to be 9.79 and 7.44 per annum for males and females respectively. The annual natural mortality coefficient (M) was estimated to be 2.80 for males and 2.60 for females. As the exploitation ratio exceeded 0.5 in the case of both the males and females, the study suggests the necessity for reduction in fishing pressure in order to achieve Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY).
本论文采用第三代超分子受体化合物——磺化硫杂杯芳烃(简称TCAS)作为活性组分,将其加载到树脂载体上,制成一种新型的TCAS吸附树脂。借助红外光谱、紫外光谱、核磁共振和电喷雾质谱等检测分析手段对TCAS吸附树脂及其制备的中间产物进行表征。采用静态批试验方法研究发现TCAS吸附树脂对重金属和卤代烃类有机物都有较好的吸附去除效果,其对Pb2+、Cd2+、Cu2+和Zn2+四种重金属的吸附容量分别达到26.32mg•g-1、18.12mg•g-1、12.24mg•g-1和6.85mg•g-1;对二氯甲烷、三氯甲烷、四氯化碳、三氯乙烯四种卤代烃的吸附容量分别为9.23 mg•g-1、7.92 mg•g-1、6.73 mg•g-1和4.34 mg•g-1。并发现温度、树脂用量和溶液pH值等因素能影响TCAS吸附树脂的吸附去除效果。同时研究了TCAS吸附树脂对污染物的吸附优先性规律、动力学规律和热力学规律。采用化学计量学分析TCAS络合重金属的紫外光谱,获得了TCAS-重金属络合物的纯紫外光谱,以及TCAS、TCAS-重金属络合物随重金属浓度变化的分布曲线,并最终解析得到TCAS与Cu、Zn、Cd和Pb的络合常数(lgβ)分别为9.79、8.72、6.87和5.00。通过多次吸附试验,考察了TCAS吸附树脂回收循环利用的可行性,发现TCAS吸附树脂可进行多次循环回收再利用。
蒙古栎(Quercus mongolica)、花曲柳(Fraxinus rhynchophulla)和胡桃楸(Juglans mandshurica)林是我国东北天然次生林区具有代表性的主要林型。本研究以该3种林型为对象,利用数码相机外带鱼眼镜头获得3种林型的半球面影像,再利用专用软件Gap Light Analyzer处理分析获得了叶面积指数、林冠孔隙度和林下光照因子等参数。结果表明,3种林型的叶面积指数变化总体趋势是一致的,均呈先上升再下降的单峰曲线,蒙古栎林和胡桃楸林都是在7月中旬或8月中旬达到最大峰值,花曲柳林是在8月中旬或9月中旬达到最大峰值;3种林型冠层孔隙度的变化总体趋势也是一致的,呈先下降再上升的单峰曲线,不同样地峰值出现的时间也不同,最低峰值在6、7、8、9月中旬均有出现;通过对不同月份的叶面积指数、林下散射光、林下直射光的变异系数分析表明,7—9月叶面积指数的空间格局是影响林下散射光空间分布的主要因素。叶面积指数与林冠孔隙度呈指数相关。
根据天然草地退化程度的差异,采用松耙+补播+施肥+封育(退化较严重的草地)、封育+施肥(轻度退化草地)等措施,植物群落物种组成、多样性等特征值及其植被盖度发生明显变化.研究第2年结果表明,物种数封育+施肥处理最高(32种),对照居中(26种),补播+施肥处理最低(13种);多样性指数大小依次为封育+施肥(3.126)、对照(2.819)、补播+施肥(1.494);均匀度指数大小依次为封育+施肥(0.902)、对照(0.865)、补播+施肥(0.582);群落总盖度大小依次为封育+施肥(85.9%)、补播+施肥(79.7%)、对照(72.9%);补播+施肥+封育处理后地上生物量最大(460.65 g/m2),原生植被+封育+施肥处理居中(310.14 g/m2),对照最低(178.96 g/m2);地下生物量大小依次为封育+施肥(6 920.37 g/m2)、补播+施肥(1 458.96 g/m2)、对照(828.91 g/m2);补播+施肥+封育处理优良牧草较对照提高近50倍,杂草类减少82.81%,封育+施肥处理较对照良牧草比例提高48倍,杂草类比例减少80.46%.半人工草地通过灭除杂草和施肥相结合的示范试验表明:单纯进行灭杂,地上生物量减少,灭杂和施肥相结合不仅可提高地上生物量,而且可提高优良牧草的比例;不同处理区土壤养分含量各不相同,其中封育+施肥处理全氮、全碳、有机碳最高,对照居中,补播+施肥较低.
The purpose of this retrospective cohort study was to identify aspects of caregiving associated with health status among family caregivers in bereavement. Study participants included 151 family caregivers of terminally ill patients who had died, on average, 294 days prior to the study telephone interview. The interview covered two main areas: patient characteristics and caregiver characteristics. Multivariate linear regressions revealed that as the age of the care recipient (regression coefficient [b] = -0.32; 95% confidence interval [CI] -0.48,-0.15) and caregiver (b = -0.14; 95% CI = -0.25, -0.02) increased, caregivers experienced a decline in their physical health during bereavement. Furthermore, caregivers who reported that caregiving interrupted their usual activities (b = -5.97; 95% CI = -9.79, -2.15) had a decline in physical health during bereavement. A poorer mental health status during bereavement was seen in caregivers who reported poor physical health during caregiving (b = -4.31; 95% CI = -8.17, -0.45); and that they received insufficient family support in caregiving (b = -6.01; 95% CI = -9.75, -2.27). It was also revealed that a home death was associated with higher mental health of the caregiver (b = 3.55; 95% CI = 0.26, 6.84). The practice implications of these findings are discussed in this paper.
Resumo - As investigações realizadas no âmbito das abordagens à aprendizagem demonstram que existem diferenças significativas entre a abordagem superficial, profunda e estratégica. As duas primeiras descrevem formas de comprometimento dos alunos com as tarefas académicas e a diferença entre ambas reside, fundamentalmente, na intenção do estudante em alcançar a compreensão pessoal ou apenas recorrer a processos de memorização mecânica. A terceira caracteriza essencialmente a atitude face ao contexto escolar com vista à obtenção dos melhores resultados (Entwistle, 2009; Lee, Johanson & Tsai, 2008). O estudo que se apresenta foi realizado com 562 estudantes de 1º ano de vários cursos de licenciatura da Universidade de Évora após avaliação do primeiro semestre. Os dados que se apresentam reportam-se às abordagens à aprendizagem e ao nível de satisfação dos estudantes tendo em conta a área científica do curso frequentado, o curso e o sucesso académico. De um modo geral encontramos que os estudantes utilizam, predominante, a abordagem profunda e a estratégica para aprender e que existe relação entre os resultados na avaliação e o nível de satisfação dos estudantes. Abstract - The investigations carried about approaches to learning demonstrate that significant differences exist between the surface, deep and strategic approaches. The first two describe the students' engagement with academic tasks. The difference between them is connected to the student's intention: achieve personal understanding or just memorization processes. The third approach characterizes attitude towards school context with a view to obtaining the best results (Entwistle, 2009; Lee, Tsai & Johanson, 2008). The study that has been conducted with 562 students from 1st year of various degree courses at the University of Évora after evaluation of the first semester. The data presented relate to approaches to learning and the level of enjoyment about scientific area, course and academic success. In general we found that students use, predominantly, the deep and strategic approach to learning and we find also a relationship between academic results and student’s enjoyment.
El río Grande de la Magdalena marcó la historia del Caribe colombiano. Las grandes ciudades de la región nacieron y crecieron a sus orillas y vivieron a merced de sus caprichos. En un país enmarcado por cordilleras intransitables, la única vía de penetración y el camino más seguro para cualquier proceso de intercambio político o comercial era el cauce del río. Salir hacia las costas implicaba ciertas dificultades, pero remontar para llevar el comercio, la información o para el tránsito humano resultaba un proceso mucho más largo, costoso y complicado. Era necesario acudir a los bogas y subir el cauce con tracción humana, en contra de la corriente (Posada Carbó, 1989; Nichols, 1973).
Objective: To evaluate the bifidogenic efficacy of two inulin doses in healthy human adults. Design: A double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover human study. Setting: Food Microbial Sciences Unit, The University of Reading, Reading, UK. Subjects: Thirty healthy volunteers, 15 men, 15 women ( age range 19-35). Interventions: Subjects consumed a chocolate drink containing placebo ( maltodextrin, 8 g/day), 5 g/day inulin and 8 g/day inulin for a 2-week treatment period. Each treatment was followed by a 1-week washout at the end of which volunteers progressed to the next treatment. Faecal samples were obtained at the start of the study ( baseline) and at the end of each treatment and washout period. Fluorescent in situ hybridization was used to monitor populations of Bifidobacterium genus, Bacteroides - Prevotella, Lactobacillus - Enterococcus and Clostridium perfringens - histolyticum subgroup. Results: Bifidobacterial levels increased significantly upon ingestion of both the low ( 9.78 +/- 0.29 log(10) cells/g faeces, P < 0.05) and the high inulin dose ( 9.79 +/- 0.38 log(10) cells/g faeces, P < 0.05) compared to placebo ( 9.64 +/- 0.23 log(10) cells/g faeces). Conclusions: Both inulin doses exhibited a bifidogenic effect but a higher volunteer percentage responded to the high dose. A dose response effect was not observed but the magnitude of increase in bifidobacteria levels depended on their initial numbers. The higher the initial concentrations the smaller was the increase upon ingestion of the active treatments. Sponsorship: Financial support for the completion of this project was provided by Sensus ( Roosendaal, The Netherlands).
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The objectives of this study were to determine the technical viability of amniocentesis in sheep and to observe biochemical changes in the amniotic fluid components. Amniotic fluid samples were collected by puncture in the greatest curvature of the uterine hum at days 70, 100, and 145 of pregnancy. The surgical procedure for collection of amniotic fluid samples was safe and efficient. For three stages of pregnancy, the following results were obtained: pH values 8.36, 7.34 and 7.37; glucose concentrations, 16.06. 8.58, and 3.79 g/dl; urea values, 42.68, 33.53, and 25.49 mg/dl; creatinine, 0.85, 5.04, and 11.25 g/dl; Gama-GT enzyme, 12.58, 14.20, and 12.30 UI/l; sodium concentrations, 146.60, 129.42, and 103.8 mmol/l: potassium concentrations, 9.79, 6.15, and 8.65 mmol/l; chloride, 96.59, 85.28, and 65.35 mmol/l; total protein, 0.14, 0.23, and 0.24 g/dl, respectively. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
No presente estudo, foram obtidos dados a partir de pesquisa realizada nas dependências do Parque Zoobotânico do Museu Paraense Emí1io Goeldi durante os anos de 1992 a 1997 que tiveram como objetivo o estudo da biologia reprodutiva e do crescimento do muçuã em cativeiro. Foram verificadas as relações biométricas e o dimorfismo sexual entre machos e fêmeas adultas, o tipo de reprodução, o número de ovos por postura, o período de incubação e o percentual de eclosão, a relação entre a biometria dos ovos e dos filhotes ao nascer, a relação entre o tamanho da fêmea e seus ovos e filhotes, o crescimento biométrico e ponderal da espécie, a idade em que ocorre o dimorfismo sexual nos filhotes e a idade da primeira postura. Foram utilizados animais adultos do plantei do Parque e um grupo composto por 70 recém-nascidos. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que os machos adultos (n= 75) possuíam a cauda longa e a cabeça pigmentada de negro e apresentaram em média 314,05 g de peso, 14,79 em de comprimento de carapaça, 9,79 cm de largura de carapaça, 12,3 cm de comprimento de plastrão, 7,46 cm de largura de plastrão e 4,5 cm de altura. As fêmeas adultas (n= 176) tinham a cauda curta e a cabeça amarela, apresentaram em média 430,08 g de peso, 15,26 cm de comprimento de carapaça, 11,31 cm de largura de carapaça, 13,35 cm de comprimento de plastrão, 8,01 cm de largura de plastrão e 5,51 cm de altura, para todas as variáveis estudadas houve diferenças significativas, sendo as fêmeas adultas maiores que os machos adultos. O período de acasalamento abrangeu os meses de abril a agosto, caracterizando uma reprodução sazonal. A nidificação ocorreu entre os meses de maio a setembro e dividiu-se nas fases de deambulação, abertura da cova, postura dos ovos, fechamento da cova e abandono do ninho. Não houve variação no número de ovos entre posturas de fêmeas jovens e adultas. Em média a postura de fêmeas adultas foi de 2,45 ovos com variação de 01 a 07 ovos, e de 2,7 ovos para fêmeas jovens, com variação de 02 a 07 ovos por postura. Porém, as fêmeas adultas realizaram posturas de ovos com maior peso, comprimento e largura do que as de fêmeas jovens. Os ovos tinham o formato alongado, de cor rosa com uma mancha branca no centro, e a casca era dura e lisa (n=701). Em média, apresentaram 9,6 g de peso, 3,8 cm de comprimento e 2,0 cm de largura. O período de incubação foi em média de 136 dias, com variação de 111 a 164 (n= 426) com média de eclosão de 86,61 %. O peso, a largura da carapaça e a largura do plastrão da fêmea foram determinantes do peso e largura do ovo, assim como o peso e a largura do ovo foram determinantes do peso, comprimento de carapaça e plastrão e largura do plastrão do recém-nascido. Os filhotes (n= 887) nasceram com peso médio de 6,5 g, 3,1 cm de comprimento da carapaça, 2,2 cm de largura da carapaça, 2,7 cm de comprimento do plastrão, 1,8 cm de largura do plastrão e 1,6 cm de altura da carapaça. O peso, largura da carapaça, o comprimento do plastrão, largura do plastrão e a altura do casco da fêmea foram determinantes do peso, da largura da carapaça e da altura do casco do recém-nascido. Aos 22,49 meses de idade apareceram os primeiros sinais de dimorfismo sexual A espécie apresentou uma correlação positiva entre o peso vivo com as mensurações biométricas de comprimento, largura e altura até os 37,95 meses de idade, após esta idade o peso vivo continuou aumentando enquanto que a taxa de aumento no comprimento foi bem mais suave. Aos 37,94 meses o desvio padrão do peso vivo foi o maior observado em todas as idades, provavelmente como resultado do dimorfismo sexual já presente nesta idade. Nessa idade foi observada a Ia postura do grupo que apresentava em média 11,84 cm de comprimento de carapaça. Aos 47,02 meses o grupo apresentou em média 410,9 g de peso e 14,15 cm de comprimento de carapaça, valores semelhantes aos encontrados nos animais adultos estudados.