993 resultados para Vascular changes


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Purpose: To create a retinal neovascularization experimental model using intravitreal injection of microspheres loaded with latex-derived angiogenic fraction. Methods: Thirty-two albino New Zealand rabbits, divided in 4 groups of 8 animals, were enrolled in this study. Rabbits in groups I, II, and III received one intravitreal injection of PLGA (L-lactide-co-glycolide) microspheres with 10, 30, and 50 mu g of latex-derived angiogenic fraction into their right eyes, respectively, and group IV received 0.1 ml of microspheres without the angiogenic fraction. Weekly follow-up with ophthalmoscopy and fluorescein angiography was performed; the rabbits were sacrificed in the 4th week and their eyes processed for light microscopy. Results: All eyes from group I demonstrated increased retinal vascular tortuosity, observed from 14 days after injection and maintained for 28 days, otherwise without new vessels detection. All group II eyes showed vascular changes similar to group I. Fifty percent of the eyes from group II rabbits developed retinal neovascularization 21 days after injection. All eyes from group III demonstrated significant vascular tortuosity and retinal new vessels 2 weeks after injection, progressing to fibrovascular proliferation and tractional retinal detachment. No vascular changes or retinal new vessels were observed in group IV eyes. Light microscopy confirmed the existence of new vessels previously seen on fluorescein angiography, in retinal sections adjacent to the optic disc, not observed in sections at the same area in the control group. Conclusion: Thirty- and 50-mu g microspheres containing latex-derived angiogenic fraction injected into the vitreous cavity induced retinal neovascularization in rabbits.


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Some components of the kinin system such as plasma kallikrein levels, the activities of tissue kallikrein (including saliva) and kininase II and the concentrations of kininogen fractions (low-molecular weight/LKg and high-molecular weight/HKg) were evaluated in the plasma of patients with thromboangiitis obliterans (TAO) presenting clinical symptoms of the condition. Twenty TAO were diagnosed by means of the traditional Shionoya and Olin criteria and later classified into non-smokers (n = 11) and active smokers (n = 9). Fifty-three normal, non-smoking/smoking individuals (control) were also studied. Kininogen levels were determined by ELISA; the activities of kallikreins and kininase II were determined using selective substrates. The levels of enzymes (kallikreins and kininase II) and protein (kininogens) were significantly higher in patients with TAO who were active smokers compared to the control groups (no matter whether control individuals were active smokers or non-smokers, P < 0.001 for all comparisons). Interestingly, regardless of the time of disease onset, a significant increase in the levels of these components of the kinin system was also observed in patients when TAO active smokers were compared with TAO ex-smokers (P < 0.01 for all analysed parameters). Activation of the kinin system in patients with TAO may indicate the involvement of vasodilatation in an attempt to control vascular changes, thereby favouring the deposition of immune complexes at the vascular level because of nicotine stimulation. Moreover, our results corroborate the idea that TAO can be an autoimmune disorder with specific mechanisms.


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Background: One of the frequent questions in obstetric practice is to determine placental vascular changes that may account for abnormal Doppler flow velocity alterations in maternal uterine vessels from women and fetuses without pregnancy pathology. Methods: A retrospective morphometric study was realized using 27 placentas from patients submitted for Doppler flow velocity exam during pregnancy. The placentas were morphologically examined using hematoxylin-eosin staining. Measurements of villi were made with the use of a video camera coupled to a common light microscope and a computer with automatic image analyzing software. Results: Of the 27 placentas, 13 (48%) were of patients showing unaltered Doppler and 14 (52%) showing altered Doppler. The number of stem villi vessels was significantly larger in the placentas of patients with Doppler exam alterations (P = 0.003). This group also presented greater stem villi vessel thickness, although without significant difference. The number of intermediary and terminal villi vessels was greater in the placentas of patients with altered Doppler exams (P < 0.001), and a greater terminal villi area was observed in these cases (P < 0.001). Conclusion: The morphological proof that uterine artery Doppler flow velocity exam alterations are associated with placental vascular alterations demonstrates the importance of this exam during prenatal care, even in the absence of maternal-fetal alterations.


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There has been limited investigation of parturition in the bitch and there is little information published on clinical and obstetrical examination other than opinion and anecdote. While there are substantial data on haemodynamic and vascular changes during normal parturition in humans, little is known about the physiological events in the dog. This study was aimed at maternal haemodynamic changes occurring during normal parturition and to investigate how these were modified in bitches with dystocia (DYST) treated either medically or via assisted delivery and caesarean operation. Three groups of 10 bitches were investigated; those with normal parturition, those with DYST corrected by manipulative assistance or caesarean operation and those with uterine inertia treated by oxytocin administration. Heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, electrocardiogram and blood glucose concentration were measured pre-partum, intra-partum, immediately after parturition and 1 h later. Heart rate was high at all times throughout the study and the majority of bitches had normal sinus rhythm. Blood pressure was generally within the normal range, and although systolic and diastolic blood pressure was highest during the intra-partum period and sometimes during the immediate post-partum period, there were no significant differences between groups. All bitches had blood glucose concentrations within the normal range throughout the study although pre-partum concentrations were statistically lower than many of the other time periods. The study provides useful physiological data that will facilitate monitoring and clinical management of bitches throughout normal parturition and DYST.


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Diabetes is now the leading cause of end-stage renal disease, blindness, lower-extremity amputations and impotence. In addition, the risk of death from cardiovascular disease such as myocardial infarction and stroke is more than doubled in diabetics. In September 2001, scientists from around the world met in Melbourne to discuss the mechanisms underlying neuronal and vascular changes in diabetic complications. This report summarizes the meeting and attempts to identify potential targets for drug intervention in diabetic complications. (C) 2001 Prous Science. All rights reserved.


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Introdução – A diabetes é uma das maiores epidemias do último século. Mais de 250 milhões de pessoas, em todo o mundo, sofrem de diabetes. Das complicações derivadas da diabetes são as principais causas de cegueira, de insuficiência renal e de amputação de membros inferiores, derivando estes, predominantemente, da disfunção vascular. Quando surge perda de pericitos na parede vascular ocorrem uma série de alterações da microcirculação que levam ao aparecimento de microaneurismas e outras alterações vasculares que possibilitam a passagem de componentes sanguíneos para o tecido retiniano adjacente que, em situação de normalidade, não ocorreriam, sendo esta uma das causas do edema macular exsudativo diabético. A perimetria de hiperacuidade preferencial (PHP) é um teste psicofísico que pretende detetar metamorfopsias na Degenerescência Macular ligada à Idade (DMI). Uma vez que o edema macular diabético (EMD) se destaca como uma das principais causas de deficiência visual e baixa visão, pretende-se verificar a eficácia do PHP no estudo do edema macular diabético, respondendo à seguinte questão: “Qual a capacidade do perímetro de hiperacuidade preferencial em detetar metamorfopsias em pacientes com edema macular diabético?“ Metodologia – Estudo quantitativo, do tipo descritivo e correlacional. Selecionou-se uma amostra de 33 pacientes, onde se analisou um total de 60 olhos. Resultados – A sensibilidade do PHP na deteção de metamorfopsias associadas ao EMD na tomografia de coerência ótica (OCT) foi de 70,6%, a especificidade foi de 11,5% e a eficiência global do teste de 45%. Comparando os resultados encontrados no PHP e no OCT, constatou-se a existência de uma correlação inversa fraca (Phi = -0,215). Conclusões – Este novo método de diagnóstico revela-se sensível, contudo pouco específico e eficaz na deteção de metamorfopsias consequentes da existência de EMD. - ABSTRACT - Introduction – Preferential hyperacuity perimeter (PHP) is a new psychophysical test, which principle is based on the detection of metamorphopsia in age-related macular degeneration (AMD). It is intended to verify its effectiveness in the study of diabetic macular edema (DME). When there is loss of pericytes in the vascular wall occur a number of microcirculatory changes that lead to the appearance of microaneurysms and other vascular changes that allow the passage of blood components to the surrounding retinal tissue than in normal situation does not occur, this being one of the causes exudative diabetic macular edema. Methodology – It was performed a quantitative study, using descriptive and correlational analysis. A sample of 33 patients was selected, and 60 eyes were analyzed. Results – The sensitivity of PHP on the detection of metamorphopsia associated to EMD was 70.6%, the specificity was 11.5% and the global efficiency of the test was 45%. It was found a weak negative correlation (Phi= -0.215) between the PHP and optical coherence tomography (OCT). Conclusions – This new method of diagnosis was sensitive, but not very specific and effective on the detection of metamorphopsia, due to the DME.


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Overview and aims: Fetal growth restriction (FGR) affects 15% of pregnancies and is associated with both increased perinatal and neonatal morbidity and mortality and long-term effects in adult life. Our aim was to describe cases and outcomes of FGR from a tertiary perinatal care centre and identify the predictors of neonatal morbidity and mortality. Study design: retrospective cohort. Population: pregnancies with early or late FGR caused by placental factors followed from 2006 to 2009 in a tertiary perinatal care centre. Methods: we collected data from clinical records on demographics, clinical history and fetal ultrasound parameters. Perinatal and neonatal outcomes were stratiied according to gestational age (above or below 28 weeks) and we used bivariate analysis to identify any associations with clinical and imaging indings. Results: we included 246 pregnancies; hypertension was the most prevalent maternal risk factor (16%). There were 15 cases of early FGR, 11 of which had cesarean delivery due to deterioration of fetal Doppler parameters. Outcomes in this group included one fetal and three neonatal deaths. Of 231 cases of late FGR, 64% were delivered early given a non-reassuring fetal status i.e. due to changes in Doppler evaluation or altered Manning biophysical proile. There were four cases of perinatal death in this group, three of which delivered at 28 weeks. Neonatal morbidity was associated with lower gestational age, lower birthweight and progressive placental dysfunction (p<0.01). Conclusion: there was an association between neonatal morbidity and gestational age, birthweight and Doppler deterioration, particularly for deliveries below 28 weeks. The assessment of vascular changes through Doppler analysis allows anticipation of fetal deterioration and is a helpful tool in deciding the optimum timing of delivery.


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Pathogenesis of schistosomal hepatic fibrosis ("pipestem" fibrosis of the liver) was investigated by means of the murine model. Although worm load appears as the main pathogenetic factor, alone it is not sufficient to produce that characteristic lesion. By comparing the findings in animals with heavy and prolonged Schistosoma mansoni infection, which developed or not" pipestem" fibrosis, it was observed that the lesion was more frequent in intact animals than in the splenectomized one. However, the size of the spleen, the number of recovered worms, the number of eggs per gram of liver tissue, the level of serum idiotype and anti-idiotype antibodies, the size and volume of periovular granulomas formed in the liver, all that failed to show statistically significant differences between the two groups. After analysing all these data, other factors, that apparently have been hitherto negleted, rested to explain the findings. Among them, the timing and sequence of the egg-induced intrahepatic vascular changes seemed crucial. The sequential development of intrahepatic portal vein obstruction, followed by the opening of periportal collateral veins and the continous arrival of schistosome eggs going to be lodged into the latter, appeared as essential steps in the pathogenesis of "pipestem" fibrosis


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Gross anatomical features and a complex set of vascular changes characterize schistosomal hepatopathy as a peculiar form of chronic liver disease, clinically known as "hepatosplenic schistosomiasis". It differs from hepatic cirrhosis, although clinical and pathological aspects may sometimes induce confusion between these two conditions. Intrahepatic portal vein obstruction and compensatory arterial hypertrophy render the hepatic parenchyma vulnerable to ischemic insult. This may lead to focal necrosis, which may give place to focal post-necrotic scars. These events are of paramount importance for the clinico-pathological evolution of schistosomal hepatopathy. Although portal fibrosis due to schistosomiasis sometimes reveals numerous myofibroblasts, it does not mean that such fibrosis belongs to a peculiar type. Damage to the muscular walls of the portal vein may be followed by dissociation of smooth muscle cells and their transition toward myofibroblasts, which appear only as transient cells in schistosomal portal fibrosis. Studies made with plastic vascular casts, especially those with the murine model of "pipestem" fibrosis have helped to reveal the mechanisms involved in systematized portal fibrosis formation. However, the factors involved in the pathogenesis of hepatosplenic disease remain poorly understood. A process of chronic hepatitis is a common accompaniment of portal fibrosis in schistosomiasis. Most of the times it is caused by concomitant viral infection. However, no especial interaction seems to exist between schistosomal hepatopathy and viral hepatitis.


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Résumé : La découverte que des mutations du gène humain Jagged 1 (JAG1) sont la cause du Syndrome d'Alagille, indique que la voie de signalisation Notch joue un rôle prépondérant dans l'homéostasie des canaux biliaires. L'analyse fonctionnelle de cette voie de signalisation est rendue difficile par le fait que les mutations ciblées des gènes : Jagged1, Notch1 ou Notch2 présentent un phénotype létal. Dans un précédent travail, nous avions généré une souris permettant l'inactivation de Notch1 de manière inductible en combinant un transgéne inductible par l'interféron de la Cre-recombinase et le gène Notch1 flanqué de deux séquence loxP. Nous avons utilisé cette souris knock-out conditionnelle afin d'étudier le rôle de la voie de signalisation de Notch1 dans la prolifération et la différentiation cellulaire hépatique. La délétion de Notch1 ne conduit pas à une diminution du nombre des canaux biliaires, mais de manière surprenante, l'absence de Notch1 induit une prolifération continue des hépatocytes. En conclusion, en quelques semaines après l'inactivation de Notch1 les souris développent une hyperplasie nodulaire régénérative, sans modification vasculaire dans le foie. Abstract: The discovery that the human Jagged1 gene (JAG1) is the Alagille syndrome disease gene indicated that Notch signaling has an important role in bile duct homeostasis. The functional study of this signaling pathway has been difficult because mice with targeted mutations in Jagged1, Notch1, or Notch2 have an embryonic lethal phenotype. We have previously generated mice with inducible Notch1 disruption using an interferon-inducible Cre-recombinase transgene in combination with the loxP flanked Notch1 gene. We used this conditional Notch1 knockout mouse model to investigate the role of Notch1 signaling in liver cell proliferation and differentiation. Deletion of Notch1 did not result in bile duct paucity, but, surprisingly, resulted in a continuous proliferation of hepatocytes. In conclusion, within weeks after Notch1 inactivation, the mice developed nodular regenerative hyperplasia without vascular changes in the liver.


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A major problem in renal transplantation is identifying a grading system that can predict long-term graft survival. The present study determined the extent to which the two existing grading systems (Banff 97 and chronic allograft damage index, CADI) correlate with each other and with graft loss. A total of 161 transplant patient biopsies with chronic allograft nephropathy (CAN) were studied. The samples were coded and evaluated blindly by two pathologists using the two grading systems. Logistic regression analyses were used to evaluate the best predictor index for renal allograft loss. Patients with higher Banff 97 and CADI scores had higher rates of graft loss. Moreover, these measures also correlated with worse renal function and higher proteinuria levels at the time of CAN diagnosis. Logistic regression analyses showed that the use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI), hepatitis C virus (HCV), tubular atrophy, and the use of mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) were associated with graft loss in the CADI, while the use of ACEI, HCV, moderate interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy and the use of MMF were associated in the Banff 97 index. Although Banff 97 and CADI analyze different parameters in different renal compartments, only some isolated parameters correlated with graft loss. This suggests that we need to review the CAN grading systems in order to devise a system that includes all parameters able to predict long-term graft survival, including chronic glomerulopathy, glomerular sclerosis, vascular changes, and severity of chronic interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy.


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L’étude du cerveau humain est un domaine en plein essor et les techniques non-invasives de l’étudier sont très prometteuses. Afin de l’étudier de manière non-invasive, notre laboratoire utilise principalement l’imagerie par résonance magnétique fonctionnelle (IRMf) et l’imagerie optique diffuse (IOD) continue pour mesurer et localiser l’activité cérébrale induite par une tâche visuelle, cognitive ou motrice. Le signal de ces deux techniques repose, entre autres, sur les concentrations d’hémoglobine cérébrale à cause du couplage qui existe entre l’activité neuronale et le flux sanguin local dans le cerveau. Pour être en mesure de comparer les deux signaux (et éventuellement calibrer le signal d’IRMf par l’IOD), où chaque signal est relatif à son propre niveau de base physiologique inconnu, une nouvelle technique ayant la capacité de mesurer le niveau de base physiologique est nécessaire. Cette nouvelle technique est l’IOD résolue temporellement qui permet d’estimer les concentrations d’hémoglobine cérébrale. Ce nouveau système permet donc de quantifier le niveau de base physiologique en termes de concentrations d’hémoglobine cérébrale absolue. L’objectif général de ma maîtrise était de développer un tel système afin de l’utiliser dans une large étude portant sur la condition cardiovasculaire, le vieillissement, la neuroimagerie ainsi que les performances cognitives. Il a fallu tout d’abord construire le système, le caractériser puis valider les résultats avant de pouvoir l’utiliser sur les sujets de recherche. La validation s’est premièrement réalisée sur des fantômes homogènes ainsi qu’hétérogènes (deux couches) qui ont été développés. La validation des concentrations d’hémoglobine cérébrale a été réalisée via une tâche cognitive et appuyée par les tests sanguins des sujets de recherche. Finalement, on présente les résultats obtenus dans une large étude employant le système d’IOD résolue temporellement en se concentrant sur les différences reliées au vieillissement.


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La rétinopathie diabétique est associée à plusieurs changements pathologiques du lit vasculaire rétinien, incluant l’ouverture de la barrière hémato-rétinienne, l’inflammation vasculaire et la modification du débit sanguin. Récemment, il a été proposé que le récepteur B1 des kinines, qui est surexprimé dans la rétine diabétique, puisse être impliqué dans le développement de ces altérations vasculaires. Ainsi, cette thèse présente les effets de traitements pharmacologiques avec des antagonistes du récepteur B1 sur la perfusion rétinienne, la perméabilité vasculaire, l’infiltration des leucocytes (leucostasie), l’expression de médiateurs de l’inflammation et la production d’anion superoxyde dans la rétine du rat rendu diabétique avec la streptozotocine (STZ). Les résultats obtenus montrent que l’application oculaire (10 µl d’une solution à 1%, deux fois par jour pendant 7 jours) de LF22-0542, un antagoniste hydrosoluble du récepteur B1, bloque significativement l’hyperperméabilité vasculaire, la leucostasie, le stress oxydatif et l’expression génique de médiateurs de l’inflammation (B1R, iNOS, COX-2, VEGF-R2, IL-1β et HIF-1α) dans la rétine chez le rat à 2 semaines de diabète. L’administration orale (3 mg/kg) d’un antagoniste non-peptidique et sélectif pour le récepteur B1, le SSR240612, entraîne une diminution du débit sanguin rétinien 4 jours après l’induction du diabète mais n’a aucun effet sur la réduction de la perfusion rétinienne à 6 semaines. Le récepteur B1 joue donc un rôle protecteur au tout début du diabète en assurant le maintien d’un débit sanguin normal dans la rétine; un effet qui n’est toutefois pas maintenu pendant la progression du diabète. Ces données présentent ainsi la dualité du récepteur B1 avec des effets à la fois protecteurs et délétères. Elles suggèrent aussi un rôle important pour le récepteur B1 dans l’inflammation rétinienne et le développement des altérations vasculaires. Le récepteur B1 pourrait donc représenter une nouvelle cible thérapeutique pour le traitement de la rétinopathie diabétique.


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Introducción: La aparición de vasodilatación aislada de la arteria cerebral media en fetos pequeños para la edad gestacional sin otros cambios en el doppler puede interpretarse como fisiológica o podría ser la manifestación inicial de una restricción de crecimiento intrauterino de inicio tardío. Se pretende evaluar la asociación de la disminución del índice de pulsatibilidad de la arteria cerebral media, como predictor de desenlaces perinatales adversos, en fetos con bajo peso para edad gestacional. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio de cohorte analítica de temporalidad histórica para determinar si el hallazgo de disminución de la pulsatibilidad en el doppler de arteria cerebral media se asocia con el pronóstico perinatal adverso, en fetos pequeños para edad gestacional mediante un muestreo no probabilístico. Resultados: Se recolectaron un total de 325 flujometría doppler de fetos pequeños para edad gestacional. El riesgo de parto pretérmino fue RR 2.6 IC95% 1.6-4.1, de hospitalización fue RR 1.4 IC95%1.1-1.9 y de muerte fue 2.1 IC95%1.5-3.2 cuando hay índice de pulsatilidad alterada en la arteria cerebral media. La regresión logística mostró que el riesgo de desenlaces desfavorables con alteraciones en la arteria cerebral media fue de RR 4.2 IC95% 2.5-7.1 ajustado por edad materna, edad gestacional y bajo peso al nacer. Discusión Los pacientes expuestos presentan mayor riesgo de desenlaces desfavorables con diferencias significativas, no así en otros estudios publicados. El presente estudio muestra asociaciones significativas que debe ser evaluada con estudios más amplios.


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RESUMEN Introducción: La enfermedad cardiovascular es una de las principales causas de morbilidad y mortalidad tanto en hombres como en mujeres a nivel mundial (1). En Colombia para el 2010, se presentaron 26.334 muertes por infarto agudo de miocardio, siendo la primera causa de defunción a nivel nacional (2). Objetivo: Determinar factores de riesgo asociados a troponina I de alta sensibilidad como predictores de enfermedad coronaria ateroesclerótica en pacientes con infarto agudo de miocardio sin elevación del ST, con alteración vascular coronaria ateroesclerótica demostrada por coronoangiografía en una población de pacientes ingresados a la unidad coronaria de una clínica privada de III nivel de la ciudad de Bogotá durante los años 2010 al 2013. Metodología: Se propuso un estudio retrospectivo observacional analítico, tipo casos y controles, en una población con diagnóstico de infarto agudo de miocardio sin elevación ST que consultó a un servicio de urgencias de una clínica privada de Bogotá, en la cual se quiso evaluar la predictividad de la troponina I ultrasensible para el diagnóstico de enfermedad coronaria ateroesclerótica comprobada por coronoangiografía, y los factores de riesgo asociados que pudieran aumentar dicha predictividad. Resultados: De los 918 pacientes diagnosticados con infarto agudo de miocardio sin elevación del ST, estratificados según presencia de enfermedad coronaria ateroesclerótica comprobada por coronoangiografía, se encontró que la troponina I presentó una sensibilidad de 89% y una especificidad de 18% para el diagnóstico de enfermedad coronaria sin elevación del ST al ingreso a urgencias en un paciente diagnosticado clínicamente con IAM sin elevación del ST. En cuanto al valor predictivo positivo este fue de 77% y el valor predictivo negativo fue de 35%. En el modelo propuesto, si un paciente presentara edad avanzada (65 años), troponina I ultrasensible positiva, diabetes mellitus, dislipidemia, tabaquismo, enfermedad coronaria previa, enfermedad artero-oclusiva, historia de stent previo, revascularización previa, este paciente presentaría un riesgo de tener enfermedad ateroesclerótica coronaria de 99.83%; mientras que si un paciente presentara edad avanzada (65 años), troponina I ultrasensible positiva, diabetes mellitus, dislipidemia, tabaquismo, enfermedad artero-oclusiva, este paciente presentaría un riesgo de tener enfermedad ateroesclerótica coronaria de 96.81%. Adicionalmente, el modelo propuesto presenta una probabilidad pronostica de 0,828, evaluado por curva ROC. Conclusión: La predictividad de la troponina I para enfermedad coronaria ateroesclerótica fue aceptable. Sin embargo esta aumenta cuando se suma a factores de riesgo como ser hombre, edad avanzada, diabetes, tabaquismo, enfermedad coronaria previa, enfermedad arterial oclusiva previa, STENT previo, PCI previo y revascularización previa.