960 resultados para Van der Waals correction


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We use a microscopic theory to describe the dynamics of the valence electrons in divalent-metal clusters. The theory is based on a many-body model Harniltonian H which takes into account, on the same electronic level, the van der Waals and the covalent bonding. In order to study the ground-state properties of H we have developed an extended slave-boson method. We have studied the bonding character and the degree of electronic delocalization in Hg_n clusters as a function of cluster size. Results show that, for increasing cluster size, an abrupt change occurs in the bond character from van der Waals to covalent bonding at a critical cluster size n_c ~ 10-20. This change also involves a transition from localized to delocalized valence electrons, as a consequence of the competition between both bonding mechanisms.


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Understanding the interaction of organic molecules with TiO2 surfaces is important for a wide range of technological applications. While density functional theory (DFT) calculations can provide valuable insight about these interactions, traditional DFT approaches with local exchange-correlation functionals suffer from a poor description of non-bonding van der Waals (vdW) interactions. We examine here the contribution of vdW forces to the interaction of small organic molecules (methane, methanol, formic acid and glycine) with the TiO2 (110) surface, based on DFT calculations with the optB88-vdW functional. The adsorption geometries and energies at different configurations were also obtained in the standard generalized gradient approximation (GGA-PBE) for comparison. We find that the optB88-vdW consistently gives shorter surface adsorbate-to-surface distances and slightly stronger interactions than PBE for the weak (physisorbed) modes of adsorption. In the case of strongly adsorbed (chemisorbed) molecules both functionals give similar results for the adsorption geometries, and also similar values of the relative energies between different chemisorption modes for each molecule. In particular both functionals predict that dissociative adsorption is more favourable than molecular adsorption for methanol, formic acid and glycine, in general agreement with experiment. The dissociation energies obtained from both functionals are also very similar, indicating that vdW interactions do not affect the thermodynamics of surface deprotonation. However, the optB88-vdW always predicts stronger adsorption than PBE. The comparison of the methanol adsorption energies with values obtained from a Redhead analysis of temperature programmed desorption data suggests that optB88-vdW significantly overestimates the adsorption strength, although we warn about the uncertainties involved in such comparisons.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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L’interazione spin-orbita (SOI) nel grafene è attualmente oggetto di intensa ricerca grazie alla recente scoperta di una nuova classe di materiali chiamati isolanti topologici. Questi materiali, la cui esistenza è strettamente legata alla presenza di una forte SOI, sono caratterizzati dall’interessante proprietà di avere un bulk isolante ed allo stesso tempo superfici conduttrici. La scoperta teorica degli isolanti topologici la si deve ad un lavoro nato con l’intento di studiare l’influenza dell’interazione spin-orbita sulle proprietà del grafene. Poichè questa interazione nel grafene è però intrinsecamente troppo piccola, non è mai stato possibile effettuare verifiche sperimentali. Per questa ragione, vari lavori di ricerca hanno recentemente proposto tecniche volte ad aumentare questa interazione. Sebbene alcuni di questi studi abbiano mostrato un effettivo aumento dell’interazione spin-orbita rispetto al piccolo valore intrinseco, sfortunatamente hanno anche evidenziato una consistente riduzione della qualità del grafene. L’obbiettivo che ci si pone in questa tesi è di determinare se sia possibile aumentare l’interazione spin-orbita nel grafene preservandone allo stesso tempo le qualità. La soluzione proposta in questo lavoro si basa sull’utilizzo di due materiali semiconduttori, diselenio di tungsteno WSe2 e solfuro di molibdeno MoS2, utilizzati da substrato su cui sopra verrà posizionato il grafene formando così un’eterostruttura -nota anche di “van der Waal” (vdW)-. Il motivo di questa scelta è dovuto al fatto che questi materiali, appartenenti alla famiglia dei metalli di transizione dicalcogenuri (TMDS), mostrano una struttura reticolare simile a quella del grafene, rendendoli ideali per formare eterostrutture e ancora più importante, presentano una SOI estremamente grande. Sostanzialmente l’idea è quindi di sfruttare questa grande interazione spin-orbita del substrato per indurla nel grafene aumentandone così il suo piccolo valore intrinseco.


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The potential energies of van der Waals (VDW) interactions between two parallel, infinitely long and perfect SWNTs with identical, and different sizes were studied based on the continuum Lennard-Jones model. The conclusion of Girifalco's work on (n, n) SWNTs that the potentials of SWNT-SWNT fell on a single curve, is also applicable to SWNTs with different sizes. We further obtained the corresponding constants of the well depth phi(0) and equilibrium VDW gap g(0) for SWNTs with a radius from 2 to 25 Angstrom. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The van der Waals (vdW) interactions between carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were studied based on the continuum Lennard-Jones model. It was found that all the vdW potentials between two arbitrary CNTs fall on the same curve when plotted in terms of certain reduced parameters, the well depth, and the equilibrium vdW gap. Based on this observation, an approximate approach is developed to obtain the vdW potential between two CNTs without time-consuming computations. The vdW potential estimated by this approach is close to that obtained from complex integrations. Therefore, the developed approach can greatly simplify the calculation of vdW interactions between CNTs.


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Van der Waals forces often dominate interactions and adhesion between fine particles and, in turn, decisively influence the bulk behaviour of powders. However, so far there is no effective means to characterize the adhesive behaviour of such particles. A complication is that most powder particles have rough surfaces, and it is the asperities on the surfaces that touch, confounding the actual surface that is in contact. Conventional approaches using surface energy provide limited information regarding adhesion, and pull-off forces measured through atomic force microscope (AFM) are highly variable and difficult to interpret. In this paper we develop a model which combines the Rumpf-Rabinovich and the JKR-DMT theories to account simultaneously for the effects of surface roughness and deformation on adhesion. This is applied to a 'characteristic asperity' which may be easily obtained from AFM measurements. The concept of adhesiveness, a material property reflecting the influences of elastic deformability, surface roughness, and interfacial surface energy, is introduced as an efficient and quantitative measure of the adhering tendency of a powder. Furthermore, a novel concept of specific adhesiveness is proposed as a convenient tool for characterizing and benchmarking solid materials. This paper provides an example to illustrate the use of the proposed theories. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The random-phase approximation with exchange (RPAE) is used with a B-spline basis to compute dynamic dipole polarizabilities of noble-gas atoms and several other closed-shell atoms (Be, Mg, Ca, Zn, Sr, Cd, and Ba). From these, values of the van der Waals C6 constants for positronium interactions with these atoms are determined and compared with existing data. After correcting the RPAE polarizabilities to fit the most accurate static polarizability data, our best predictions of C6 for Ps–noble-gas pairs are expected to be accurate to within 1%, and to within a few percent for the alkaline-earth metals. We also used accurate dynamic dipole polarizabilities from the literature to compute the C6 coefficients for the alkali-metal atoms. Implications of increased C6 values for Ps scattering from more polarizable atoms are discussed.


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Epitaxial van der Waals (vdW) heterostructures of organic and layered materials are demonstrated to create high-performance organic electronic devices. High-quality rubrene films with large single-crystalline domains are grown on h-BN dielectric layers via vdW epitaxy. In addition, high carrier mobility comparable to free-standing single-crystal counterparts is achieved by forming interfacial electrical contacts with graphene electrodes.


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An ab initio density functional theory (DFT) study with correction for dispersive interactions was performed to study the adsorption of N2 and CO2 inside an (8, 8) single-walled carbon nanotube. We find that the approach of combining DFT and van der Waals correction is very effective for describing the long-range interaction between N2/CO2 and the carbon nanotube (CNT). Surprisingly, exohedral doping of an Fe atom onto the CNT surface will only affect the adsorption energy of the quadrupolar CO2 molecule inside the CNT (20–30%), and not that of molecular N2. Our results suggest the feasibility of enhancement of CO2/N2 separation in CNT-based membranes by using exohedral doping of metal atoms.


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The relevance of the fragment relaxation energy term and the effect of the basis set superposition error on the geometry of the BF3⋯NH3 and C2H4⋯SO2 van der Waals dimers have been analyzed. Second-order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory calculations with the d95(d,p) basis set have been used to calculate the counterpoise-corrected barrier height for the internal rotations. These barriers have been obtained by relocating the stationary points on the counterpoise-corrected potential energy surface of the processes involved. The fragment relaxation energy can have a large influence on both the intermolecular parameters and barrier height. The counterpoise correction has proved to be important for these systems


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The interaction between new two-dimensional carbon allotropes, i.e. graphyne (GP) and graphdiyne (GD), and light metal complex hydrides LiAlH4, LiBH4, and NaAlH4 was studied using density functional theory (DFT) incorporating long range van der Waals dispersion correction. The light metal complex hydrides show much stronger interaction with GP and GP than that with fullerene due to the well defined pore structure. Such strong interactions greatly affect the degree of charge donation from the alkali metal atom to AlH4 or BH4, consequently destabilizing the Al-H or B-H bonds. Compared to the isolated light metal complex hydride, the presence of GP or GD can lead to a significant reduction of the hydrogen removal energy. Most interestingly, the hydrogen removal energies for LiBHx on GP and with GD are found to be lowered at all the stages (x from 4 to 1) whereas the H-removal energy in the third stage is increased for LiBH4 on fullerene. In addition, the presence of uniformly distributed pores on GP and GD is expected to facilitate the dehydrogenation of light metal complex hydrides. The present results highlight new interesting materials to catalyze light metal complex hydrides for potential application as media for hydrogen storage. Since GD has been successfully synthesized in a recent experiment, we hope the present work will stimulate further experimental investigations in this direction.