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The ease with which we perform tasks such as opening the lid of a jar, in which the two hands execute quite different actions, belies the fact that there is a strong tendency for the movements of the upper limbs to be drawn systematically towards one another. Mirror movements, involuntary contractions during intended unilateral engagement of the opposite limb, are considered pathological, as they occur in association with specific disorders of the CNS. Yet they are also observed frequently in normally developing children, and motor irradiation, an increase in the excitability of the (opposite) homologous motor pathways when unimanual movements are performed, is a robust feature of the mature motor system. The systematic nature of the interactions that occur between the upper limbs has also given rise to the expectation that functional improvements in the control of a paretic limb may occur when movements are performed in a bimanual context. In spite of the ubiquitous nature of these phenomena, there is remarkably little consensus concerning the neural basis of their mediation. In the present review, consideration is given to the putative roles of uncrossed corticofugal fibers, branched bilateral corticomotoroneuronal projections, and segmental networks. The potential for bilateral interactions to occur in various brain regions including the primary motor cortex, the supplementary motor area, non-primary motor areas, the basal ganglia, and the cerebellum is also explored. This information may provide principled bases upon which to evaluate and develop task and deficit-specific programs of movement rehabilitation and therapy. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the laminar distribution of the pathological changes in the cerebral cortex in progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP). METHOD: The distribution of the abnormally enlarged neurons (EN), surviving neurons, neurofibrillary tangles (NFT), glial inclusions (GI), tufted astrocytes (TA), and neuritic plaques (NP) were studied across the cortex in tau immunolabeled sections of frontal and temporal cortex in 8 cases of PSP. RESULTS: The distribution of the NFT was highly variable with no consistent pattern of laminar distribution. The GI were distributed either in the lower laminae or uniformly across the cortex. Surviving neurons exhibited either a density peak in the upper laminae or a bimodal distribution was present with density peaks in the upper and lower laminae. The EN and glial cell nuclei were distributed primarily in the lower cortical laminae. There were positive correlations between the densities of the EN and glial cell nuclei and negative correlations between the surviving neurons and glial cells. No correlations were present between the densities of the NFT and GI. CONCLUSION: Cortical pathology in PSP predominantly affects the lower laminae but may spread to affect the upper laminae in some cases. The NFT and GI may have different laminar distributions and gliosis occurs concurrently with neuronal enlargement.


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In Alzheimer's disease (AD), neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) occur within neurons in both the upper and lower cortical laminae. Using a statistical method that estimates the size and spacing of NFT clusters along the cortex parallel to the pia mater, two hypotheses were tested: 1) that the cluster size and distribution of the NFT in gyri of the temporal lobe reflect degeneration of the feedforward (FF) and feedback (FB) cortico-cortical pathways, and 2) that there is a spatial relationship between the clusters of NFT in the upper and lower laminae. In 16 temporal lobe gyri from 10 cases of sporadic AD, NFT were present in both the upper and lower laminae in 11/16 (69%) gyri and in either the upper or lower laminae in 5/16 (31%) gyri. Clustering of the NFT was observed in all gyri. A significant peak-to-peak distance was observed in the upper laminae in 13/15 (87%) gyri and in the lower laminae in 8/ 12 (67%) gyri, suggesting a regularly repeating pattern of NFT clusters along the cortex. The regularly distributed clusters of NFT were between 500 and 800 μm in size, the estimated size of the cells of origin of the FF and FB cortico-cortical projections, in the upper laminae of 6/13 (46%) gyri and in the lower laminae of 2/8 (25%) gyri. Clusters of NFT in the upper laminae were spatially correlated (in phase) with those in the lower laminae in 5/16 (31%) gyri. The clustering patterns of the NFT are consistent with their formation in relation to the FF and FB cortico-cortical pathways. In most gyri, NFT clusters appeared to develop independently in the upper and lower laminae.


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Purpose. To determine the degree of pathological change in the primary visual cortex (area V1) in patients with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Method. The vacuolation, surviving neurons, glial cells, and deposits of prion protein were quantified in area V1 obtained postmortem in nine cases of the sporadic type of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Results. Variations in the density of glial cells and in prion protein deposition were particularly evident between patients. In the upper and lower cortical laminae, vacuoles and prion protein deposits were regularly distributed in clusters with a mean dimensions of 450 to 1000 µm. Vacuolation in area V1 was most severe in lamina III and the glial cell reaction in lamina V or VI. Surviving neurons were most abundant in lamina II or III, whereas prion protein deposition either affected all laminae equally or was maximal in lamina II or III. Conclusion. The data suggest that pathological changes in area V1 in sporadic type of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease may affect the transmission of visual information from area V1 to V2 and to subcortical visual areas. In addition, the data suggest an association between the developing pathology and the functional domains of area V1.


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The spatial pattern of the vacuolation ('spongiform change') was studied in areas of the cerebral cortex in 11 cases of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD). The vacuoles were evenly distributed along the cortex in 40/106 (38%) areas studied and randomly distributed in 6/106 (5.6%) areas. In 22/106 (21%) areas, the vacuoles were aggregated into clusters, 50 - 1600 μm in diameter and which were distributed in a regular pattern parallel to the pia mater. In 38/106 (36%) areas, large clusters of vacuoles, at least 1600 μm in diameter, were present. No significant differences in spatial patterns were observed between the different cortical regions or between the upper and lower laminae. In addition, age at onset and duration of the disease had no significant affect on spatial patterns. The spatial distribution of the vacuolation contrasts with that reported in sporadic CJD (sCJD) suggesting a different pattern of cortical degeneration in vCJD.


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The clustering pattern of diffuse, primitive and classic β-amyloid (Aβ) deposits was studied in the upper laminae of the frontal cortex of 9 patients with sporadic Alzheimer's disease (AD). Aβ stained tissue was counterstained with collagen type IV antiserum to determine whether the clusters of Aβ deposits were related to blood vessels. In all patients, Aβ deposits and blood vessels were clustered, with in many patients, a regular periodicity of clusters along the cortex parallel to the pia. The classic Aβ deposit clusters coincided with those of the larger blood vessels in all patients and with clusters of smaller blood vessels in 4 patients. Diffuse deposit clusters were related to blood vessels in 3 patients. Primitive deposit clusters were either unrelated to or negatively correlated with the blood vessels in six patients. Hence, Aβ deposit subtypes differ in their relationship to blood vessels. The data suggest a direct and specific role for the larger blood vessels in the formation of amyloid cores in AD. © 1995.


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The density of the diffuse, primitive and classic beta-amyloid (Abeta) deposits and the incidence of large and small diameter blood vessels was studied in the upper laminae of the frontal cortex of 10 patients with sporadic Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The data were analysed using the partial correlation coefficient to determine whether variations in the density of Abeta deposit subtypes along the cortex were related to blood vessels. Significant correlations between the density of the diffuse or primitive Abeta deposits and blood vessels were found in only a small number of patients. However, the classic Abeta deposits were positively correlated with the large blood vessels in all 10 patients, the correlations remaining when the effects of gyral location and mutual correlations between Abeta deposits were removed. These results suggest that the larger blood vessels are involved specifically in the formation of the classic Abeta deposits and are less important in the formation of the diffuse and primitive deposits.


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The laminar distribution of diffuse, primitive and classic beta-amyloid (Abeta) deposits and blood vessels was studied in the frontal cortex of patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). In most patients, the density of the diffuse and primitive Abeta deposits was greatest in the upper cortical layers and the classic deposits in the deeper cortical layers. The distribution of the larger blood vessels (>10 micron in diameter) was often bimodal with peaks in the upper and deeper cortical layers. The incidence of capillaries (<10 micron) was significantly higher in the deeper cortical layers in most patients. Multiple regression analysis selected vertical distance below the pia mater as the most significant factor correlated with the Abeta deposit density. With the exception of the classic deposits in two patients, there was no evidence that these vertical distributions were related to laminar variations in the incidence of large or small blood vessels.


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A survey of 106 cases of Alzheimer's disease (AD) indicated that senile plaques (SP) and neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) were recorded as frequent or abundant in the visual cortex in 72% and 27% of cases respectively. Comparable estimates for other brain regions were 89% for both lesions in temporal cortex and 94% and 95% respectively in the hippocampus. In 18 cases studied in detail, the density of SP and NFT was greater in B19/18 than in B17 in cases with early onset and short duration. The density of SP and NFT in B17, B18/19 and parietal cortex was negatively correlated with age at death of the patient but not with duration of the disease. In about 50% of tissue sections examined SP and NFT were clustered at a particular depth in the cortex. Clustering was more frequent in the upper layers of the cortex and in early onset cases. It was concluded that visual stimuli that evoke activity in different areas of visual cortex might be developed as a diagnostic test for early onset AD.


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Background: Single sessions of bihemispheric transcranial direct-current stimulation (bihemispheric-tDCS) with concurrent rehabilitation improves motor function in stroke survivors, which outlasts the stimulation period. However few studies have investigated the behavioral and neurophysiological adaptations following a multi-session intervention of bihemispheric-tDCS concurrent with rehabilitation. Objective: This pilot study explored the immediate and lasting effects of 3-weeks of bihemispheric-tDCS and upper limb (UL) rehabilitation on motor function and corticospinal plasticity in chronic stroke survivors. Methods: Fifteen chronic stroke survivors underwent 3-weeks of UL rehabilitation with sham or real bihemispheric-tDCS. UL motor function was assessed via the Motor Assessment Scale (MAS), Tardieu Scale and grip strength. Corticospinal plasticity was indexed by motor evoked potentials (MEPs), cortical silent period (CSP) and short-interval intracortical inhibition (SICI) recorded from the paretic and non-paretic ULs, using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Measures were taken at baseline, 48 h post and 3-weeks following (follow-up) the intervention. Results: MAS improved following both real-tDCS (62%) and sham-tDCS (43%, P < 0.001), however at 3-weeks follow-up, the real-tDCS condition retained these newly regained motor skills to a greater degree than sham-tDCS (real-tDCS 64%, sham-tDCS 21%, P = 0.002). MEP amplitudes from the paretic UL increased for real-tDCS (46%: P < 0.001) and were maintained at 3-weeks follow-up (38%: P = 0.03), whereas no changes were observed with sham-tDCS. No changes in MEPs from the non-paretic nor SICI from the paretic UL were observed for either group. SICI from the non-paretic UL was greater at follow-up, for real-tDCS (27%: P = 0.04). CSP from the non-paretic UL increased by 33% following the intervention for real-tDCS compared with sham-tDCS (P = 0.04), which was maintained at 3-weeks follow-up (24%: P = 0.04). Conclusion: bihemispheric-tDCS improved retention of gains in motor function, which appears to be modulated through intracortical inhibitory pathways in the contralesional primary motor cortex (M1). The findings provide preliminary evidence for the benefits of bihemispheric-tDCS during rehabilitation. Larger clinical trials are warranted to examine long term benefits of bihemispheric-tDCS in a stroke affected population.


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Although upper body musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) represent an increasingly important issue for university students, few if any studies have targeted the occupational therapy faculty. Given this dearth of information, it was considered necessary to investigate a cross-section of Australian occupational therapy students by means of an established questionnaire survey. Completed replies were obtained from 95.7%, 100% and 97.7% (n = 44, 55 and 48) of students in the first, second and fourth years of a large occupational therapy school in northern Queensland, Australia.---------- The 12-month period prevalence of MSDs was as follows: neck (67.4%), shoulder (46.3%) and upper back (39.5%). Three-quarters of all students (75.5%) reported an MSD occurring in at least one of these body regions. Over half (56.5%) reported an MSD over 2 days' duration in the past year. Almost 40% (39.5%) reported an MSD that had affected their daily life, while one-quarter (25.2%) needed some type of treatment.---------- Logistic regression indicated that students aged over 21 years were almost four times more likely to report shoulder-related MSD (OR 3.7, 95%CI: 1.4-10.2). Year of study in the occupational therapy course was another important MSD correlate, with adjusted odds ratios ranging from 3.3 at the upper back (OR 3.3, 95%CI: 1.2-9.6) to 10.9 at the neck (OR 10.9, 95%CI: 3.2-43.8). Computer usage also incurred a certain degree of risk, with students who spent over 5 hours per week on the computer having an increased risk of MSD at the neck (OR 5.0, 95%CI: 1.3-21.5) and shoulder (OR 4.7, 95%CI: 1.4-18.3).---------- Overall, this study suggests that Australian occupational therapy students have a large burden from MSDs in the upper body region, even more so than other student groups and some working populations. Since the distribution of MSD risk is not uniform among them, interventions to help reduce these conditions need to be carefully targeted. Further longitudinal investigations would also be useful in determining the mechanisms and contributory factors for MSDs among this unique student population.


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Not all programmes aimed at enhancing children's self-esteem have been successful. This article evaluates the impact of two programmes and offers activities which can be used in the classroom.