957 resultados para University teacher


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This paper focuses on the cave houses of Crevillente (Spain) as a traditional housing experience which takes advantage of local environmental conditions through simple architectural proposals, paying particular attention to the presence of radon gas inside these underground constructions. Our aim is twofold: first, to analyse the architectural conditions of the different excavated typologies found in the municipality and second, to relate them to the existing radon gas levels after checking internal concentration by means of E-PERM® long-term devices placed inside the cave houses in 2011. The measurements corresponding to the main typologies in normal use conditions show that the highest values are 881.9 Bq/m3 in the cave typology, 484.1 Bq/m3 in the cave + attached constructions typology and 373.4 Bq/m3 in the cave + house typology, with geometric mean values of 572.1, 114.0 and 75.5 Bq/m3, respectively. It can be inferred from these results that cave house levels sometimes exceed those included in the 90/143/Euratom European Commission Recommendation on the protection of the public against indoor exposure to radon. The reason why cave houses are more susceptible to radon accumulation in their spaces lies in their direct and permanent contact with the ground where they are located.


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Vol. 4, no. 3 includes articles on nursing and household administrative careers, teaching domestic arts, cookery demonstrations, paper-bag cookery, working girl's luncheon, and Mexican cuisine.


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Digitale Medien haben sich durch verschiedene Initiativen als ein selbstverständlicher Bestandteil im Hochschulalltag etabliert, wie z.B. bei der Literaturrecherche und -beschaffung, bei der Dokumentbearbeitung und -distribution ebenso wie bei der Präsentation und Kommunikation und im weitesten Sinne: als Medien des Lehrens und Lernens. Die Entwicklung lässt dabei nicht erkennen, dass sich traditionelle Hochschulen auflösen und vermehrt „virtuellen Universitäten“ Platz machen, wie noch vor wenigen Jahren von manchen Enthusiasten vorhergesagt wurde.Mit den zunehmend verfügbaren Erkenntnissen aus einer Vielzahl von Projekten und Aktivitäten an Hochschulen geht es heute vorrangig nicht mehr um die Erprobung „neuer“ Ansätze mediengestützten Lernens, sondern um die (Weiter-) Entwicklung von Strukturen und Prozessen, um bestehende Ansätze auf der Basis solcher Erkenntnisse konsequent zu erweitern und die aufgezeigten Potenziale digitaler Medien in der Lehre gezielt zu nutzen. Zentrale Aufgaben werden die Umsetzung von Konzepten des Medieneinsatzes in der alltäglichen Lehre und deren dauerhafte Integration in den Hochschulalltag, in Studienrichtungen und Studiengänge.Dieser Band gibt einen Einblick in aktuelle Bemühungen an Hochschulen, diese Prozesse der Hochschulentwicklung mit und durch Medien zu gestalten. Er beinhaltet die Vorträge der GMW03 – Conference on Media in Higher Education, der 8. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medien in der Wissenschaft e.V., die vom 16.-19. September 2003 an der Universität Duisburg-Essen stattgefunden hat. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Der Einsatz netzbasierter Diskussionsforen ist in vielen E-Learning-Szenarien zu finden: In ‚blended learning‘-Arrangements wird beispielsweise versucht, zwischen Präsenzsitzungen durch den Einsatz von Foren netzbasierte Diskussionsprozesse zu initiieren. Foren werden auch begleitend zur traditionellen Präsenzlehre eingesetzt, um z.B. der Besprechung von solchen Themen Raum und Zeit einzuräumen, welche in den wöchentlichen Präsenzsitzungen zu kurz kommen würden. Doch vor allem in rein virtuellen Lernszenarien spielen netzbasierte Foren eine besondere Rolle: Hier dienen sie als virtuelles Plenum der Kommunikation zwischen allen Teilnehmenden und bilden damit eine wichtige Funktion im Rahmen der Veranstaltung ab. Doch trotz dieser vielfältigen Einsatzmöglichkeiten lässt sich im Alltag der Hochschullehre immer wieder das Problem beobachten, dass Studierende die Option Foren zu nutzen nicht ausreichend aufgreifen. Oftmals werden Rolle und Aufgabe der Foren im Rahmen der gesamten Veranstaltung nicht transparent. Viele Hochschullehrende stellen sich die Frage, wie sie den Einsatz von Foren und damit die zusätzlichen Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten attraktiv gestalten können. Dieser Beitrag widmet sich diesem Problem, indem Einsatzszenarien netzbasierter Foren vorgestellt und aus den Erfahrungen mit mehreren virtuellen Konferenzen Gestaltungsoptionen und Moderationsstrategien für Foren abgeleitet werden.(DIPF/Orig.)


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Mit den zunehmend verfügbaren Erkenntnissen aus einer Vielzahl von Projekten und Aktivitäten an Hochschulen geht es heute vorrangig nicht mehr um die Erprobung „neuer“ Ansätze mediengestützten Lernens, sondern um die (Weiter-) Entwicklung von Strukturen und Prozessen, um bestehende Ansätze auf der Basis solcher Erkenntnisse konsequent zu erweitern und die aufgezeigten Potenziale digitaler Medien in der Lehre gezielt zu nutzen. Zentrale Aufgaben werden die Umsetzung von Konzepten des Medieneinsatzes in der alltäglichen Lehre und deren dauerhafte Integration in den Hochschulalltag, in Studienrichtungen und Studiengänge. Dieser Band gibt einen Einblick in aktuelle Bemühungen an Hochschulen, diese Prozesse der Hochschulentwicklung mit und durch Medien zu gestalten. Er beinhaltet die Vorträge der GMW03 – Conference on Media in Higher Education, der 8. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medien in der Wissenschaft e.V., die vom 16.-19. September 2003 an der Universität Duisburg-Essen stattgefunden hat. (DIPF/Orig.)


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This text presents a linguistic, discursive and psychological analysis of modes of manifestation of the phenomenon of emergency addressee in a situation of use of the self-confrontation method in an action of university teacher continuing education. The aforementioned phenomenon consists in the subject seeking to justify and validate his professional individual actions by means of practices which would supposedly be common in his work collective. The self-confrontation method consists in the subject observing himself in a video in which he appears working, with the objective of describing and explaining his activity to a researcher, who acts as a mediator of his subjective development.


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The objective of this text is to discuss a central question in a doctorate study, in progress, about the learning of the speech genre in self-confrontation situations. This consists of a procedure, which a worker observes your own images, video recorded at the time it performs activities related to their craft; It requests that he comment on what he was doing on the images in order to clarify matters for himself and another - be it a intervenant (simple self-confrontation) or a coworker (crossed self-confrotation). (CLOT, 2008/2010). In the context of this research, the confronted workers are university teachers and students who participate in an action of teacher continuing education. The object of the research is the process of speech genre of learning self-confrontation situation, having as subject a person who conducts self-confrontations training, which initially observed the conduct of dialogues and reflections, and will gradually participating in the self-confrontation activity and becoming also forming another. The theoretical foundations of the research seeks an articulation between sciences such as the Psychology of Labor, the Cultural-historical Psychology and Linguistics. The concepts that are employed come from Clot´s theory of the Psychology of Labor, that is, from the Clinic of Activity and from the activity genre studies (CLOT, 2008/2010); they also come from the Vygotskian theory of human development, with the concepts of thinking and speech (VIGOTSKI, 1934/1998); and from the Bakhtinian dialogic principle (BAKHTIN, 1979/2011). We believe that the formation of the person conducting self-confrontation occurs through learning a gender of speech and a genre of activity.


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There is still much to be learnt about best practices in leveraging digital resources for learning in higher education. Research on student interactions with online video indicates such practices are as minimal as setting passive-receptive viewing through to teacher-structured purposeful engagement. This position paper focuses on teacher-set analysis categories to guide student exploration of digital video content and to help novices to scaffold their thinking. Various uses of analysis categories within one Australian university in conjunction with a video annotation tool are reviewed. Then practice examples from other universities are reviewed to demonstrate the use of analysis categories in higher education settings without an annotation tool. The literature indicates that the use of categories to inform the design of digital video analysis needs to ensure that the learning challenge is retained. Analysis guided by teacher-set categories tends to be beneficial for performance evaluation in particular. Further research on university teacher practices with digital video is required.


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This paper presents the findings of a small pilot study conducted with a group of final year pre-service teachers studying a secondary social science curriculum method unit in an Australian university. One of the study’s research objectives aimed at identifying how students responded to efforts to embed intercultural understanding through Studies of Asia in their final curriculum method unit. The unit was designed and taught by the researcher on the assumption that beginning social science teachers need to be empowered with pedagogical skills and new dispositions to deal with value laden emerging regional and global concerns in their Australian secondary school classrooms. This pilot study’s research methodology was located within the qualitative framework of a participatory action research model whereby the lecturer who designed, coordinated and taught the unit was also the researcher. Its scope was limited to one semester with volunteer students. The pilot study sought to investigate responses to several issues, and this paper reports on pre-service teacher reflections on the content, pedagogy and learning they experienced in their weekly sessions with specific reference to cultural understanding, Studies of Asia and the development of Asia literacy. It also reports on pre-service teacher reflections about their own evolving capacity as beginning teachers. The findings indicate that pre-service teachers valued the opportunity to engage with learning experiences which enhanced their conceptual understandings about culture whilst also extending their pedagogical and content knowledge.


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Universities promote partnerships as an investment of social capital that may benefit communities. Mentoring of university students in schools has become key to induction of education workplace practices. One such arrangement is the mentoring of students from TAFE who endeavour to become teacher aides. However, there is no theoretical model for mentoring teacher aides and, similar to mentoring preservice teachers, such practices vary in quality and quantity. What are mentors’ perceptions of mentoring potential teacher aides within school settings? This mixed-method research involves a survey with extended responses. The aim is to determine practices and strategies for mentoring potential teacher aides (PTAs). Results indicated that PTAs require induction about the school culture and infrastructure, which includes ethics, values, operational plans, awareness of facilities and a range of other inductions that would aid the PTA’s work practices. Findings also revealed that many of the mentoring practices employed for preservice teachers may be used for mentoring PTAs in school settings. Indeed, mentors require personal attributes to facilitate the mentoring process. They also indicated outlining the education system requirements as fundamental to workplace operations. In addition, as most PTAs work with students in the classroom, the mentor’s pedagogical knowledge can further assist PTAs to develop an understanding of effective pedagogical practices, particularly for small groups or one-on-one sessions. Finally, a mentor’s modelling of practices and providing constructive feedback about the PTA’s practices can assist the development of workplace operations. In conclusion, the survey employed in this study may assist organisations to develop protocols of practice for workplace mentors. PTAs require mentors who are versed in effective mentoring practices that can more readily guide them towards success.


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A country’s prosperity relies on the creative potential of its people. Educating gifted students must be a priority for educators and education systems if society is to capitalise on their potential to contribute to an economical and sustainable future. Given the importance of teachers in supporting academic achievement, educating preservice teachers on how to cater for gifted students commences the process as they can foster the implementation of current teaching practices that draw on substantial research into the education of gifted children. This study investigated preservice teachers’ perceptions for teaching gifted students after participating in a school-based intervention with gifted students. The teachers implemented differentiated curriculum activities that catered for the diverse needs of learners. Participants (n=22) were surveyed at the end of the program on their perceptions of how to differentiate the curriculum for meeting the needs of the student. Analysis of the survey indicated these preservice teachers agreed or strongly agreed they had developed skills in curriculum planning (91%) with well-designed activities (96%), and lesson preparation skills (96%). They also claimed they were enthusiastic for teaching (91%) and had understanding of school practices and policies (96%). However, only 46% agreed they had knowledge of syllabus documents with 50% claiming an ability to provide written feedback on the student’s learning. Furthermore, only 64% suggested they had educational language from the syllabus and effective student management strategies. Preservice teachers require direction on how to cater for diversity by building knowledge from direct gifted education experiences. The survey may be used as a diagnostic tool to determine areas for developing education experiences related to the education of the gifted for preservice teachers.


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A teacher network was formed at an Australian university in order to better promote interdisciplinary student learning on the complex social-environmental problem of climate change. Rather than leaving it to students to piece together disciplinary responses, eight teaching academics collaborated on the task of exposing students to different types of knowledge in a way that was more than the summing of disciplinary parts. With a part-time network facilitator providing cohesion, network members were able to teach into each other’s classes, and share material and student activities across a range of units that included business, zoology, marine science, geography and education. Participants reported that the most positive aspects of the project were the collegiality and support for teaching innovation provided by peers. However, participants also reported being time-poor and overworked. Maintaining the collaboration beyond the initial one year project proved difficult because without funding for the network facilitator, participants were unable to dedicate the time required to meet and collaborate on shared activities. In order to strengthen teacher collaboration in a university whose administrative structures are predominantly discipline-based, there is need for recognition of the benefits of interdisciplinary learning to be matched by recognition of the need for financial and other resources to support collaborative teaching initiatives.