970 resultados para Trisomy 21 (T21)
An approach was developed for the quantification of subtle gains and losses of genomic DNA. The approach relies on a process called molecular combing. Molecular combing consists of the extension and alignment of purified molecules of genomic DNA on a glass coverslip. It has the advantage that a large number of genomes can be combed per coverslip, which allows for a statistically adequate number of measurements to be made on the combed DNA. Consequently, a high-resolution approach to mapping and quantifying genomic alterations is possible. The approach consists of applying fluorescence hybridization to the combed DNA by using probes to identify the amplified region. Measurements then are made on the linear hybridization signals to ascertain the region's exact size. The reliability of the approach first was tested for low copy number amplifications by determining the copy number of chromosome 21 in a normal and trisomy 21 cell line. It then was tested for high copy number amplifications by quantifying the copy number of an oncogene amplified in the tumor cell line GTL-16. These results demonstrate that a wide range of amplifications can be accurately and reliably quantified. The sensitivity and resolution of the approach likewise was assessed by determining the copy number of a single allele (160 kb) alteration.
The neurodegeneration and amyloid deposition of sporadic Alzheimer disease (AD) also occur in familial AD and in all trisomy-21 Down syndrome (DS) patients, suggesting a common pathogenetic mechanism. We investigated whether defective processing of damaged DNA might be that mechanism, as postulated for the neurodegeneration in xeroderma pigmentosum, a disease with defective repair not only of UV radiation-induced, but also of some oxygen free radical-induced, DNA lesions. We irradiated AD and DS skin fibroblasts or blood lymphocytes with fluorescent light, which is known to cause free radical-induced DNA damage. The cells were then treated with either beta-cytosine arabinoside (araC) or caffeine, and chromatid breaks were quantified. At least 28 of 31 normal donors and 10 of 11 donors with nonamyloid neurodegenerations gave normal test results. All 12 DS, 11 sporadic AD, and 16 familial AD patients tested had abnormal araC and caffeine tests, as did XP-A cells. In one of our four AD families, an abnormal caffeine test was found in all 10 afflicted individuals (including 3 asymptomatic when their skin biopsies were obtained) and in 8 of 11 offspring at a 50% risk for AD. Our tests could prove useful in predicting inheritance of familial AD and in supporting, or rendering unlikely, the diagnosis of sporadic AD in patients suspected of having the disease.
Children with Down syndrome (DS) have a greatly increased risk of acute megakaryoblastic leukemia (AMKL) and acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Both DS-AMKL and the related transient myeloproliferative disorder (TMD) have GATA1 mutations as obligatory, early events. To identify mutations contributing to leukemogenesis in DS-ALL, we undertook sequencing of candidate genes, including FLT3, RAS, PTPN11, BRAF, and JAK2. Sequencing of the JAK2 pseudokinase domain identified a specific, acquired mutation, JAK2R683, in 12 (28%) of 42 DS-ALL cases. Functional studies of the common JAK2R683G mutation in murine Ba/F3 cells showed growth factor independence and constitutive activation of the JAK/STAT signaling pathway. High-resolution SNP array analysis of 9 DS-ALL cases identified additional submicroscopic deletions in key genes, including ETV6, CDKN2A, and PAX5. These results infer a complex molecular pathogenesis for DS-ALL leukemogenesis, with trisomy 21 as an initiating or first hit and with chromosome aneuploidy, gene deletions, and activating JAK2 mutations as complementary genetic events. (Blood. 2009; 113: 646-648)
Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de licenciada em Enfermagem
Projeto de investigação apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti
La présente thèse par articles aborde différentes facettes du dépistage prénatal de certaines aneuploïdies au premier trimestre de la grossesse. L’introduction retrace l’historique du dépistage prénatal et énonce les différents marqueurs biochimiques et échographiques associés aux aneuploïdies. La première publication démontre que le tabagisme maternel abaisse significativement les niveaux sanguins maternels de PAPP-A et de la fraction libre de la β-hCG et augmente significativement la clarté nucale, confirmant la nécessité de contrôler cette co-variable dans le calcul de risque final, du moins pour la trisomie 18. Le deuxième article identifie des seuils de clarté nucale au-delà desquels la biochimie génétique n’apporte aucune valeur additionnelle au dépistage prénatal de la trisomie 21 et de la trisomie 18. Pour les fœtus avec clarté nucale supérieure aux seuils établis, un diagnostic prénatal intrusif devrait être offert sans délai. Le troisième et dernier article porte sur la première détermination des niveaux plasmatiques maternels de la protéine FLRG (follistatin-related gene) au premier trimestre de grossesse et sur son rôle potentiel à titre de marqueur biochimique dans le dépistage prénatal de la trisomie 21. Bien que détectables, les niveaux plasmatiques maternels de FLRG ne sont pas significativement altérés en présence de fœtus avec syndrome de Down. Dans la discussion générale, les trois articles sont abordés sous un angle plus spécifique au Québec. Des données complémentaires et originales y sont présentées. Une discussion sur l’évolution future du dépistage prénatal est entamée et des axes de recherche sont proposés.
Este estudo centra-se na intervenção com alunos com Trissomia 211 essencialmente na área da Leitura e da Escrita. A revisão da literatura efetuada aponta para que as crianças com T21 que iniciam a leitura precocemente mostram grande facilidade na aprendizagem visual das palavras. Nesse sentido realçamos o Modelo Percetivo – Discriminativo de Troncoso & Del Cerro (2004). O trabalho empírico, de natureza exploratória parte de um melhor conhecimento das necessidades educativas especiais de uma criança com Trissomia 21 que frequentam o 4º Ano do ensino básico, para tentar mostrar a sua evolução na área da Leitura e da Escrita, após a exposição a este método. Os resultados apontam para um contributo importante deste método que realça a necessidade de se encontrarem estratégias e atividades que possam ir ao encontro das necessidades destas crianças, ajudando-as a ultrapassar as suas dificuldades. Pretende-se assim, partilhar um método que poderá assumir-se como uma ferramenta útil no trabalho destes profissionais. Para esse efeito foi seguida uma metodologia predominantemente qualitativa, direcionada para a melhoria das práticas educativas, uma investigação-ação, sustentada na análise documental e na observação.
The climatology of the OPA/ARPEGE-T21 coupled general circulation model (GCM) is presented. The atmosphere GCM has a T21 spectral truncation and the ocean GCM has a 2°×1.5° average resolution. A 50-year climatic simulation is performed using the OASIS coupler, without flux correction techniques. The mean state and seasonal cycle for the last 10 years of the experiment are described and compared to the corresponding uncoupled experiments and to climatology when available. The model reasonably simulates most of the basic features of the observed climate. Energy budgets and transports in the coupled system, of importance for climate studies, are assessed and prove to be within available estimates. After an adjustment phase of a few years, the model stabilizes around a mean state where the tropics are warm and resemble a permanent ENSO, the Southern Ocean warms and almost no sea-ice is left in the Southern Hemisphere. The atmospheric circulation becomes more zonal and symmetric with respect to the equator. Once those systematic errors are established, the model shows little secular drift, the small remaining trends being mainly associated to horizontal physics in the ocean GCM. The stability of the model is shown to be related to qualities already present in the uncoupled GCMs used, namely a balanced radiation budget at the top-of-the-atmosphere and a tight ocean thermocline.
The circadian system consists of multiple oscillators organized hierarchically, with the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) as the master oscillator to mammalians. There are lots of evidences that each SCN cell is an oscillator and that entrainment depends upon coupling degree between them. Knowledge of the mechanism of coupling between the SCN cells is essential for understanding entrainment and expression of circadian rhythms, and thus promote the development of new treatments for circadian rhythmicity disorders, which may cause various diseases. Some authors suggest that the dissociation model of circadian rhythm activity of rats under T22, period near the limit of synchronization, is a good model to induce internal desynchronization, and in this way, enhance knowledge about the coupling mechanism. So, in order to evaluate the pattern of the motor activity circadian rhythm of marmosets, Callithrix jacchus, in light-dark cycles at the lower limit of entrainment, two experiments were conducted: 1) 6 adult females were submitted to the LD symmetric cycles T21, T22 and T21.5 for 60, 35 and 48 days, respectively; 2) 4 male and 4 female adults were subjected to T21 for 24 days followed by 18 days of LL, and then back to T21 for 24 days followed by 14 days of LL. Vocalizations of all animals and motor activity of each one of them were continuously recorded throughout the experiments, but the vocalizations were recorded only in Experiment 1. Under the Ts shorter than 24 h, two simultaneous circadian components appeared in motor activity, one with the same period of LD cycle, named light-entrained component, and the other in free-running, named non-light-entrained component. Both components were displayed for all the animals in T21, five animals (83.3%) in T21.5 and two animals (33.3%) in T22. For vocalizations both components were observed under the three Ts. Due to the different characteristics of these components we suggest that dissociation is result of partial synchronization to the LD cycle, wherein at least one group oscillator is synchronized to the LD by relative coordination and masking processes, while at least another group of oscillators is in free-running, but also under the influence of masking by the LD. As the T21 h was the only cycle able to promote the emergence of both circadian components in circadian rhythms of all Callithrix jacchus, this was then considered the lower entrainment limit of LD cycle promoter of dissociation in circadian rhythmicity of this species, and then suggested as a non-human primate model for forced desynchronization
Incluir alunos com necessidades educativas especiais em turmas e escolas de ensino regular é um assunto pertinente e de uma atualidade relevante. O presente estudo teve como consequência uma preocupação pessoal e profissional relativa à inclusão de alunos com necessidades educativas especiais no ensino regular, considerando a seguinte questão: o ensino regular está preparado para aceitar a inclusão dos alunos com T21? Esta problemática da inclusão de alunos com necessidades educativas, nas escolas regulares, é um teste às escolas, aos seus recursos humanos e materiais. A exigência de incluir alunos “diferentes” nas turmas e escolas, leva-nos a refletir se as mesmas, neste início de século, estão ou não preparadas para receber este tipo de alunos. Se os professores têm formação adequada para acompanhar, criar planos de desenvolvimento, tirar partido das suas capacidades e se estão preparados para dar respostas a esta heterogeneidade nas suas salas de aula? Neste trabalho pretendemos também saber que estratégias de inclusão existem para estes alunos. Pretende-se saber se a metodologia usada, pelos profissionais da educação, é eficaz e se impulsiona na superação das dificuldades apresentadas. Se a legislação protege estes alunos e promove a igualdade de oportunidade no acesso e sucesso à educação e à cultura.
Report provided back by Bronwyn Fredericks on her participation at the First Native American and Indigenous Studies Association Meeting held 21-23 May 2009 in Minnesota, United States of America.
Objective: Community surveys have shown that many otherwise well individuals report delusional-like experiences. The authors examined psychopathology during childhood and adolescence as a predictor of delusional-like experiences in young adulthood. ---------- Method: The authors analyzed prospective data from the Mater-University of Queensland Study of Pregnancy, a birth cohort of 3,617 young adults born between 1981 and 1983. Psychopathology was measured at ages 5 and 14 using the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) and at age 14 using the Youth Self-Report (YSR). Delusional-like experiences were measured at age 21 using the Peters Delusional Inventory. The association between childhood and adolescent symptoms and later delusional-like experiences was examined using logistic regression. ---------- Results: High CBCL scores at ages 5 and 14 predicted high levels of delusional-like experiences at age 21 (odds ratios for the highest versus the other quartiles combined were 1.25 and 1.85, respectively). Those with YSR scores in the highest quartile at age 14 were nearly four times as likely to have high levels of delusional-like experiences at age 21 (odds ratio=3.71). Adolescent-onset psychopathology and continuous psychopathology through both childhood and adolescence strongly predicted delusional-like experiences at age 21. Hallucinations at age 14 were significantly associated with delusional-like experiences at age 21. The general pattern of associations persisted when adjusted for previous drug use or the presence of nonaffective psychoses at age 21. ---------- Conclusion: Psychopathology during childhood and adolescence predicts adult delusional-like experiences. Understanding the biological and psychosocial factors that influence this developmental trajectory may provide clues to the pathogenesis of psychotic-like experiences.