85 resultados para Transvaginal
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
Objetivo: avaliar os efeitos da histerectomia total abdominal (HTA) sobre o fluxo sangüíneo ovariano, em mulheres no menacme, por meio da dopplervelocimetria e ultra-sonografia transvaginal. Métodos: estudo prospectivo no qual foram incluídas 61 mulheres, com idade igual ou inferior a 40 anos. As pacientes foram divididas em dois grupos: G1, com 31 pacientes submetidas à HTA, e G2, com 30 mulheres normais não submetidas à cirurgia. Somente foram incluídas pacientes eumenorréicas, ovulatórias, não-obesas ou fumantes, sem cirurgias ou doenças ovarianas prévias. Avaliou-se o fluxo sangüíneo das artérias ovarianas, inicialmente e aos 6 e 12 meses, pelo índice de pulsatilidade (IP) na dopplervelocimetria, e o volume ovariano pela ultra-sonografia transvaginal (US). Para análise estatística empregou-se teste t pareado, análise de perfil, teste de Friedman e teste de Mann-Whitney. Resultados: na comparação estatística inicial os grupos foram homogêneos quanto às características epidemiológicas e quanto aos demais parâmetros avaliados neste estudo. Nas pacientes submetidas à histerectomia, observaram-se aos 6 e 12 meses aumento do volume ovariano ao US e diminuição do IP avaliado pela dopplervelocimetria (p<0,05), quando confrontadas ao controle. Aos 12 meses, em 8 das 31 pacientes pós-HTA (25,5%) verificou-se ocorrência de cistos ovarianos de aspecto benigno. No grupo controle não houve alteração de nenhum desses parâmetros. Conclusão: a redução do IP na dopplervelocimetria das artérias ovarianas sugere aumento do fluxo sangüíneo ovariano pós-histerectomia total abdominal em mulheres no menacme.
Objetivos: avaliar a eficácia do acetato de medroxiprogesterona e do acetato de megestrol nas hiperplasias de endométrio. Métodos: foram incluídas, retrospectivamente 47 pacientes com sangramento uterino anormal, submetidas a curetagem uterina diagnóstica e/ou biópsia de endométrio, cujo achado histopatológico foi de hiperplasia de endométrio. Nas pacientes com hiperplasia sem atipia foi iniciado a terapêutica com acetato de medroxiprogesterona por via oral, na dose de 10 mg/dia durante 10-12 dias por mês. Nas com atipia, era utilizado o acetato de megestrol por via oral, dose de 160 mg/dia, uso contínuo. O período de tratamento variou de 3 a 18 meses. Biópsia de endométrio e/ou curetagem uterina de controle foram realizadas entre três e seis meses do início do tratamento e periodicamente para avaliar a resposta terapêutica. Resultados: foram analisadas 42 pacientes com hiperplasia endometrial sem atipia e cinco com atipia. A média de idade das pacientes foi de 49,5 ± 10,6 anos, sendo 70,2% com idade superior a 45 anos. O acetato de medroxiprogesterona foi eficaz em fazer regredir as hiperplasias sem atipias em 83,2% (35/42) e o acetato de megestrol em 80% (4/5) das hiperplasias com atipia. em 16,8% (7 casos) das hiperplasias sem atipia e em 20% (1 caso) das com atipia, ocorreu persistência das lesões, apesar do tratamento. em nenhum caso ocorreu progressão para câncer de endométrio, durante o período de seguimento que foi de 3 meses a 9 anos. No acompanhamento dessas pacientes, verificamos que 18 (38,3%) apresentaram amenorréia, em 12 (25,5%) ocorreu regularização do ciclo menstrual e 17 (36,2%) permaneceram com sangramento uterino anormal, sendo submetidas a histerectomia total abdominal. O exame anatomopatológico mostrou a persistência da lesão hiperplásica em oito casos, leiomioma em quatro, adenomiose em três, mio-hipertrofia uterina difusa em um caso e útero normal em outro, tendo havido regressão das lesões hiperplásicas nesses últimos nove casos. Conclusões: o tratamento das hiperplasias de endométrio com acetato de medroxiprogesterona e/ou acetato de megestrol, representa uma alternativa satisfatória para mulheres que desejam preservar o útero ou que tenham risco cirúrgico elevado. Entretanto, é necessário monitorização cuidadosa do endométrio, o que deve ser realizado pela avaliação dos sintomas, ultra-sonografia transvaginal e biópsia periódica.
OBJETIVO: investigar a presença e resultados de malformações vasculares uterinas (MAVU) após doença trofoblástica gestacional (DTG). MÉTODOS: estudo retrospectivo com inclusão de casos diagnosticados entre 1987 e 2004; 2764 pacientes após DTG foram acompanhadas anualmente com ultra-sonografia transvaginal e Doppler colorido no Centro de Neoplasia Trofoblástica Gestacional da Santa Casa da Misericórdia (Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil). Sete pacientes tiveram diagnóstico final de MAVU baseado em análise ultra-sonográfica - índice de pulsatilidade (IP), índice de resistência (IR) e velocidade sistólica máxima (VSM) - e achados de imagens de ressonância nuclear magnética (RNM). Dosagens negativas de beta-hCG foram decisivas para estabelecer o diagnóstico diferencial com DTG recidivante. RESULTADOS: a incidência de MAVU após DTG foi 0,2% (7/2764). Achados ultra-sonográficos de MAVU: IP médio de 0,44±0,058 (extremos: 0,38-0,52); IR médio de 0,36±0,072 (extremos: 0,29-0,50); VSM média de 64,6±23,99 cm/s (extremos: 37-96). A imagem de RNM revelou útero aumentado, miométrio heterogêneo, espaços vasculares tortuosos e vasos parametriais com ectasia. A apresentação clínica mais comum foi hemorragia transvaginal, presente em 52,7% (4/7) dos casos. Tratamento farmacológico com 150 mg de acetato de medroxiprogesterona foi empregado para controlar a hemorragia, após a estabilização hemodinâmica. Permanecem as pacientes em seguimento, assintomáticas até hoje. Duas pacientes engravidaram com MAVU, com gestações e partos exitosos. CONCLUSÃO: presente sangramento transvaginal em pacientes com beta-hCG negativo e história de DTG, deve-se considerar a possibilidade de MAVU e solicitar avaliação ultra-sonográfica com dopplervelocimetria. O tratamento conservador é a melhor opção na maioria dos casos de MAVU pós-DTG.
The aim of this study was to assess pelvic floor muscle (PFM) strength and perception and its correlation with stress urinary incontinence (SUI). One hundred and one women were divided into two groups according to the presence (G1=51 patients) or absence (G2=50 patients) of SUI. Subjective [urine stream interruption test (UST), visual survey of perineal contraction and transvaginal digital palpation to assess pelvic muscle contraction] and objective evaluations of pelvic floor muscles in all patients were performed (vaginal manometry). During the UST, 25.5% of G1 patients and 80% of G2 patients were able to interrupt the urine stream (p<0.05). Digital evaluation of pelvic muscular contraction showed higher strength in G2 than in G1 patients (p<0.0001). Perineometer evaluation of PFM strength was significantly higher in the continent group (p<0.001). Pelvic floor muscle weakness in incontinent patients demonstrates the importance of functional and objective evaluation of this group of muscles.
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to compare the pelvic floor muscle strength of nulliparous and primiparous women.METHODS: A total of 100 women were prospectively distributed into two groups: Group 1 (G1) (n = 50) included healthy nulliparous women, and Group 2 (G2) (n = 50) included healthy primiparous women. Pelvic floor muscle strength was subjectively evaluated using transvaginal digital palpation. Pelvic floor muscle strength was objectively assessed using a portable perineometer. All of the parameters were evaluated simultaneously in G1 and were evaluated in G2 during the 20(th) and 36(th) weeks of pregnancy and 45 days after delivery.RESULTS: In G2, 14 women were excluded because they left the study before the follow-up evaluation. The median age was 23 years in G1 and 22 years in G2; there was no significant difference between the groups. The average body mass index was 21.7 kg/m(2) in G1 and 25.0 kg/m(2) in G2; there was a significant difference between the groups (p = 0.0004). In G2, transvaginal digital palpation evaluation showed significant impairments of pelvic floor muscle strength at the 36(th) week of pregnancy (p = 0.0006) and 45 days after vaginal delivery (p = 0.0001) compared to G1. Objective evaluations of pelvic floor muscle strength in G2 revealed a significant decrease 45 days after vaginal delivery compared to nulliparous patients.CONCLUSION: Pregnancy and vaginal delivery may cause weakness of the pelvic floor muscles.
In some mares with lesions of the reproductive tract, embryo collection and survival rates are low or collection of embryos is not feasible. For these mares, oocyte transfer has been proposed as a method to induce pregnancies. In this report, a method for oocyte transfer in mares and results of oocyte transfer performed over 2 breeding seasons, using mares with long histories of subfertility and various reproductive lesions, are described.Human chorionic gonadotropin or an implant containing a gonadotropin-releasing hormone analog was used to initiate follicular and oocyte maturation. Oocytes were collected by means of transvaginal ultrasound-guided follicular aspiration. Following follicular aspiration, cumulus oocyte complexes were evaluated for cumulus expansion and signs of atresia; immature oocytes were cultured in vitro to allow maturation. The recipient's ovary and uterine tube (oviduct) were exposed through a flank laparotomy with the horse standing, and the oocyte was slowly deposited within the oviduct. Oocyte transfer was attempted in 38 mares between 9 and 30 years old during 2 successive breeding seasons. All mares had a history of reproductive failure while in breeding and embryo transfer programs. Twenty pregnancies were induced. Fourteen of the pregnant mares delivered live foals. Results suggest that oocyte transfer can be a successful method for inducing pregnancy in subfertile mares in a commercial setting..
Equine pituitary extract (EPE) has been reported to induce heightened follicular development in mares, but the response is inconsistent and lower than results obtained in ruminants undergoing standard superovulatory protocols. Three separate experiments were conducted to improve the ovarian response to EPE by evaluating: (1) effect of increasing the frequency or dose of EPE treatment; (2) use of a potent gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist (GnRH-a) prior to EPE stimulation (3) administration of EPE twice daily in successively decreasing doses. In the first experiment. 50 mares were randomly assigned to one of four treatment groups. Mares received (1) 25 mg EPE once daily; (2) 50 mg EPE once daily (3) 12.5 mg EPE twice daily; or (4) 25 mg EPE twice daily. All mares began EPE treatment 5 days after detection of ovulation and received a single dose of cloprostenol sodium 7 days postovulation. EPE was discontinued once half of a cohort of follicles reached a diameter of greater than or equal to35 mm and hCG was administered. Mares receiving 50 mg of EPE once daily developed a greater number (P = 0.008) of preovulatory follicles than the remaining groups of EPE-treated mares, and more (P = 0.06) ovulations were detected for mares receiving 25 mg EPE twice daily compared to those receiving either 25 mg EPE once daily and 12.5 mg EPE twice daily. Embryo recovery per mare was greater (P = 0.05) in the mares that received 12.5 mg EPE twice daily than those that received 25 mg EPE once daily. In Experiment 2, 20 randomly selected mares received either 25 mg EPE twice daily beginning 5 days after a spontaneous ovulation. or two doses of a GnRH-a agonist upon detection of a follicle greater than or equal to35 mm and 25 mg EPE twice daily beginning 5 days after ovulation. Twenty-four hours after administration of hCG, oocytes were recovered by transvaginal aspiration from all follicles greater than or equal to35 mm. No differences were observed between groups in the numbers of preovulatory follicles generated (P = 0.54) and oocytes recovered (P = 0.40) per mare. In Experiment 3, 18 mares were randomly assigned to one of two treatment groups. Then, 6-11 days after ovulation, mares were administered a dose of PGF(2gamma) and concomitantly began twice-daily treatments with EPE given in successively declining doses, or a dose of PGF(2alpha), but no EPE treatment. Mares administered EPE developed a higher (P = 0.0004) number of follicles :35 mm, experienced more (P = 0.02) ovulations, and yielded a greater (P = 0.0006) number of embryos than untreated mares. In summary, doubling the dose of EPE generated a greater ovarian response, while increasing the frequency of treatment, but not necessarily the dose. improved embryo collection. Additionally, pretreatment with a GnRH-a prior to ovarian stimulation did not enhance the response to EPE or oocyte recovery rates. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This study examined the effect of treating mares with equine pituitary extract (EPE) alone or in combination with hCG on the recovery rate of immature follicles by transvaginal follicular aspiration (ovum pick-up; OPU). Ten normally cycling crossbred mares aged 3-15 years and weighing 350-400 kg were subjected to each of three treatments in a random sequence with each exposure to a new treatment separated by a rest cycle during which a spontaneous ovulation occurred. The treatments were (1) superovulated with 25 mg EPE and treated with 2500 IU hCG, (2) superovulation with 25 mg EPE, and (3) control (no exogenous treatment). Treatments 7 days after spontaneous ovulation; and all the follicles > 10 mm were aspirated 24 h after the largest follicle achieved a diameter of 27-30 mm for control group, and most follicles reached 22-27 mm for the EPE alone treatment. To the group EPE+hCG, when the follicles reached 22-27 mm, hCG was administered, 24 h before OPU. Superovulation increased the number of follicles available for aspiration. The total number of follicles available for aspiration was 61 in the EPE/hCG group. 63 in the EPE group and 42 in the control. The proportion of follicles aspirated varied from 63.5% to 73.8%. Oocyte recovery rate ranged from 15.0% to 16.7% and the proportion of mares that yielded at least one oocyte was 70% (7/10) in the EPE/hCG, 60% (6/10) in the EPE alone and 50% (5/10) in control group. The EPE/hCG treatment had a higher proportion of follicles with expanded granulose cells (64.4%) than the control (3.3%: p < 0.05) and the EPE treatment (25.0%). The intervals from spontaneous ovulation to aspiration were similar for all treatments (11-12 days). However, superovulatory treatment significantly increased the aspiration to ovulation interval from 15 +/- 4 days for control to 27 +/- 15 days for EPE (p < 0.05) and to 23 +/- 13 days for EPE/hCG treatment with commensurate increases in the time between spontaneous ovulations. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We report a case of myxedema ascites and markedly elevated serum CA 125 concentration. The cause of ascites and elevated tumor markers in hypothyroidism remains unknown. Diagnosis was characterized by no evidence of malignancy seen by transvaginal ultrasonography or abdominal computed tomography and ascites resolution with serum CA 125 normalization after adequate hormonal treatment. Our data suggest that hypothyroidism should be considered in patients with ascites and elevated serum CA 125.
A regimen of progesterone plus estradiol (P&E) was used as a standard for ovarian synchronization to test the efficacy and evaluate the commercial application of ultrasound-guided follicle ablation as a non-steroidal alternative for ovulation synchronization in mares. Recipient mares at a private embryo transfer facility were at unknown stages of the estrous cycle at the start of the experiment on Day 1 when they were randomly assigned to an ablation group (n = 18-21 mares) or to a ME group (n = 20-21 mares). In the ablation group, mares were lightly sedated and all follicles > 10 mm were removed by transvaginal ultrasound-guided follicle aspiration. In the ME group, a combination of progesterone (150 mg) plus estradiol (10 mg) prepared in safflower oil was given daily (im) for 10 d. Two doses of prostaglandin FZ, (PGF, 10 mg/dose, im) were given 12 h apart on Day 5 in the ablation group, or a single dose on Day 10 in the ME group. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG, 2500 IU/mare, im) was given at a fixed time, 6 and 10 d after PGF treatment in the ablation and ME groups, respectively, with the expectation of a follicle > 30 mm at the time of treatment. In both the ablation and P&E groups, transrectal ultrasonography was done at the start of the study (Day 1) and again on the day of hCG treatment and daily thereafter to determine the presence of a CL, measure diameter of the largest follicle and detect ovulation. The mean interval from the start of the study and from PGF treatment to ovulation was shorter (P < 0.0001) in the ablation group (13.7 and 9.7 d, respectively) compared to the P&E group (22.3 and 13.2 d, respectively). Following fixed-day treatment with hCG after PGF treatment, the degree of ovulation synchronization was not different (P > 0.05) between the ablation and P&E groups within a 2-d (56 and 70%) or 4-d (83% and 90%) period. Although ultrasound-guided follicle ablation may not be practical in all circumstances, it excluded the conventional 10-d regimen of progesterone and estradiol and was considered an efficacious and feasible, non-steroidal alternative for ovulation synchronization in mares during the estrous cycle. (C 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Follicle ablation has been recognized as an efficient method of follicular wave synchronization. Treatment with recombinant bovine somatotropin (BST) has been shown to enhance follicular development in <(Bos taurus)under bar>. This experiment assessed the effects of these treatments in Nelore (<(B. indicus)under bar>) heifers. Eight cycling Nelore heifers were randomly assigned to 3 different treatments. on Day 2 of a synchronized cycle (Day 0 = day of ovulation), heifers assigned to Treatments 1 and 2 received 2 mL of saline, whereas heifers assigned to Treatment 3 received 320 mg of BST. on Day 5, the first-wave dominant follicle was ablated by ultrasoundguided transvaginal aspiration in heifers in Treatments 2 and 3, and all heifers received an injection of prostaglandin on Day 11. Aspiration of the dominant follicle advanced and synchronized (P < 0.05) the day of second-wave emergence (6.9 +/- 0.1 vs. 8.4 +/- 0.4) and the day of the pre-wave FSH peak (6.0 +/- 0.0 vs. 6.9 +/- 0.4), and increased FSH peak concentrations (381 +/- 21 vs. 292 +/- 30; pg/mL; P < 0.01). Recombinant bovine somatotropin treatment caused a two-fold increase in plasma insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) concentrations (P < 0.001) and resulted in a 36% increase in the number of small follicles (<5 mm; P < 0.001) compared with saline-treated heifers. In summary, in agreement with previous reports on <(B. taurus)under bar>, dominant follicle aspiration synchronized ovarian follicular development, and BST treatment increased peripheral concentrations of IGF-I in Nelore heifers. Recombinant bovine somatotropin also increased the number of small follicles, but this response appeared to be inferior to that reported for <(B. taurus)under bar>. (C) 2000 by Elsevier B.V.
Objective. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of total abdominal hysterectomy on ovarian blood supply using transvaginal color Doppler ultrasonography in women of reproductive age. Methods. This prospective study included 61 women aged 40 years or younger who were divided into 2 groups: group 1, comprising 31 patients who underwent total abdominal hysterectomy (TAH), and group 2, comprising 30 women with no abnormalities. Inclusion criteria included normal ovarian function at baseline, with basal follicle-stimulating hormone levels of less than 15 mUI/mL, normal body weight, no tobacco use, and no history of laparotomy or ovarian disease. Ovarian arterial blood supply by determination of the pulsatility index (PI) on Doppler analysis and ovarian volume on transvaginal ultrasonography were assessed at baseline and at 6 and 12 postoperative months. The Student t test, profile analysis, and Friedman and Mann-Whitney tests were used in the statistical analysis of data. Results. Statistical analysis of baseline data revealed that both groups were homogeneous. At months 6 and 12, greater ovarian volumes and lower PI values were observed in patients who underwent TAH (P < .05). By the end of the study, in 8 of the 31 patients who underwent TAH (25.5%), benign ovarian cysts were observed. in the control group, all the parameters studied remained unchanged. Conclusions. The reduced PI values observed on Doppler ultrasonography suggested a decrease in the resistance flow in the ovarian arteries in women of reproductive age who underwent TAH.
A total of 63 pregnancies (47 singleton, 15 twin, 1 triplet) from intracytoplasmic sperm injection cycles were analysed. In all embryo transfers, the catheter was introduced into the endometrial cavity guided by abdominal ultrasound, with the catheter tip placed at the middle point of the endometrial cavity. Gestational sacs (GS) were located 21-24 days after transfer (gestational age = 5 weeks) by two-dimensional and three-dimensional transvaginal ultrasound. The uterine cavity was divided into three parts: upper, middle and lower. Furthermore, the upper region was subdivided into right, middle and left areas, and the middle region was subdivided into right and left areas. The frequency of gestational sacs in each area was evaluated. In singleton pregnancies 66.0% (31/47) of the GS were detected in the upper region, 29.8% (14/47) in the middle region and 4.2% (2/47) in the lower region. In multiple pregnancies (twins and triplet) 45.5% (15/33) of the GS were detected in the upper region, 51.5% (17/33) in the middle region and 3.0% (1/33) in the lower region. In conclusion, the results demonstrate that when embryos are transferred to the central area of the uterine cavity there is an increase in implantation rate in the middle region compared with the rate expected in naturally conceived pregnancies (9-15%).
Purpose: Vesicovaginal fistula (VVF) is one of the most devastating surgical complications that can occur in women. The primary cause remains an abdominal hysterectomy. Approach to this condition can be transvaginal or transabdominal. Laparoscopic repair of VVF may be an alternative approach to this treating rare condition. We present seven cases of VVF treated with transperitoneal laparoscopic technique and our results. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the charts of 7 women ranging from 37 to 74 years in age (mean age 52.8 years) at our institution who underwent laparoscopic transperitoneal repair of VVF between February 2004 and March 2006. Etiology of the VVF, surgical technique, operative time, length of hospital stay, and complications were reviewed. Results: Six of the seven VVFs we repaired laparoscopically resulted from gynecologic procedures, and one patient presented with a VVF after a ureterolithotripsy. Mean operative time ranged from 130 to 420 minutes (mean 280 minutes), and mean hospital stay was 7 days. In one patient conversion to open surgery was necessary due to prolonged operative time. Two complications occurred a urinary tract infection in one patient and an inferior limb compartment syndrome in another. Conclusion: Transvaginal laparoscopic repair of VVF is feasible and safe and provides excellent results. It is a good alternative to the abdominal approach. However, advanced laparoscopic skills are mandatory. © 2008 Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.