972 resultados para Tifton hay


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Allergic rhinitis continues to be a significant chronic disease that affects younger, usually healthier people, with considerable impacts on school performance and work productivity. Symptom-directed treatment is usually sufficient but specific immunotherapy should be considered in severely affected patients.


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"Luego de señalar los antecedentes hispánicos de la autonomía municipal en la historia argentina, el trabajo se ocupa de fundamentar esta autonomía a partir de la Constitución Nacional reformada en 1994 y en las correspondientes Constituciones Provinciales. Destaca que las provincias de Santa Fe, Mendoza y Buenos Aires no han consagrado todavía la autonomía municipal en sus textos constitucionales. Se plantean estos problemas: ¿Qué sucedería si un municipio de la Provincia de Buenos Aires dictara su propia carta orgánica? ¿Resultaría constitucional? ¿Constitucional respecto a qué texto constitucional? ¿Se podría, eventualmente, hablar de inconstitucionalidad por omisión en el caso de la Constitución de la Provincia de Buenos Aires en lo que se refiere a la autonomía municipal?"


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Congreso 750 aniversario de la fundación de la villa de Salvatierra. Ana de Begoña Azcárraga y Henrike Knörr Borras in memorian.


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A feeding trial A as conducted at the farm of Qinghai Academy of Animal and Veterinary Science, Xining, China during 1996 - 1997 with three dry yak cows (initial body weight 163 - 197 kg, age 5 - 6 years) by using 3 x 3 Latin Square Design to determine the effect of levels of feed intake on digestion, nitrogen balance and purine derivative excretion in urine of yak cows. The animals were fed oat hay (nitrogen 13.5 g/kg dry matter (DM), metabolisable energy 8.3 MJ/kg DM), i.e., 0.3, 0.6 and 0.9 of voluntary intake (VI). Each intake treatment lasted for 17 days and the samples (feeds, faeces and urine) were collected during last 7 days of each period. The results indicate that digestibility of dietary DM, OM, NDF and ash declined when intake levels increased from 0.3 to 0.9 VI [DM, from 66.1% to 59.1% (P < 0.05); OM, from 68.1% to 59.9% (P < 0.05); NDF, from 62.1% to 54.3% (P < 0.05); and ash, from 33.9% to 11.8% (P < 0.05)]. Around 0.10 g N/kg W-0.75 was deficient daily in yak cows at 0.3 VI, and positive N balances were observed at 0.6 and 0.9 VI. Intake levels significantly (P < 0.05) affected total PD excretion in yak urine. The proportion of allantoin increased (P < 0.05) and uric acid decreased (P < 0.05) as intake level of feed increased. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Este clip va dedicado a la esperanza. Por supuesto no se trata de interferir en la política de la comunidad de Madrid, ni de hacer una reflexión sobre virtudes cristianas, ni de reconocer en público que esta palabra forma parte de nuestros sentimientos más nobles cuando estamos dando clase. Lo que nos proponemos es hacer referencia a tres casos muy concretos de esperanza matemática.


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The Early Medieval period in Ireland (c. A.D. 400–1150) has been the subject of much archaeological and historical study. The recent application of various forms of archaeological sciences, as well as palaeoenvironmental studies, to the archaeological record have, however, added fresh impetus to this study area. It seems increasingly evident that significant changes to economy and society occurred during this period and were not recorded in detail in the contemporary documentary sources. This paper will attempt to outline those changes and to assess whether, or to what extent, they were influenced by climate change.


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The use of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste crops has received considerable attention as a sustainable feedstock that can replace fossil fuels for the production of renewable energy. Therefore, municipal bin-waste in the form of hay was investigated as a potential energy crop for fermentable sugars production. Hydrolysis of hay by dilute phosphoric acid was carried out in autoclave parr reactor, where reactor temperature (135-200 degrees c) and acid concentration (2.5-10% (w/w)) were examined. Analysis of the decomposition rate of hemicellulosic biomass was undertaken using HPLC of the reaction products. Xylose production reached a maximum value of 13.5 g/100 g dry mass corresponding to a yield of 67% at the best identified conditions of 2.5 wt% H3PO4, 175 degrees C, 10 min reaction time, and at 5 wt% H3PO4, 150 degrees C, and 5 min reaction time. For glucose, an average yield of 25% was obtained at 5 wt% H3PO4, 175 degrees C and 30 min. Glucose degradation to HMF was achieved at 10 wt% H3PO4 and 200 degrees C. The maximum yield for produced arabinose was an average of 3 g/100 g dry. mass corresponding to 100% of the total possible arabinose. The kinetic study of the acid hydrolysis was also carried out using the Saeman and the Two-fraction models. It was found for both models that the kinetic constants (k) depend on the acid concentration and temperature. For xylose and arabinose it was found that the rate of formation was more favoured than the rate of degradation. By contrast, for glucose it was found that glucose degradation was occurring faster than glucose formation. It can be concluded that dilute phosphoric acid hydrolysis of hay crop is feasible for the production of fermentable sugars which are essential for bioethanol synthesis. 


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Se examinan las condiciones oceanográficas sobre el dominio bentónico y varios parámetros comunitarios del macrobentos entre los 3 y 8°S durante mayo y junio 2003, en base a la información obtenida durante el Crucero de Evaluación de Recursos Demersales y Paleoceanografía, BIC Olaya 0305-06. Mediante análisis de covarianza se determina si existen cambios interanuales significativos en los factores abióticos y en diferentes parámetros comunitarios del macrobentos al comparar los otoños de los últimos cuatro años, considerando los efectos de latitud y de profundidad. Los resultados indican que en 2003 la oxigenación del fondo al norte de los 8°S fue inferior a la alcanzada en 2000 y en 2001. Asimismo, la disponibilidad de materia orgánica ‘fresca’ de origen fitoplanctónico en los sedimentos superficiales no fue distinta en los últimos dos años. En cuanto a los parámetros comunitarios, tanto la riqueza específica como la densidad de la macrofauna alcanzaron niveles comparativamente superiores en 2003 respecto a los años anteriores entre los 6 y 8°S. Se discute el posible rol de la oxigenación del fondo en los meses precedentes para el incremento de estos parámetros comunitarios.