144 resultados para Tetanus antitoxin
To the Editor—Diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis whole-cell (DTwP) and acellular (DTaP) vaccines are the 2 main pertussis-contained vaccines. DTwP, developed in the 1930s, has contributed to the reduction of pertussis, but has often been associated with vaccine-related adverse reactions (ARs) [1]. This had severely affected the public confidence in immunization programs, followed by decreased vaccine coverage and pertussis outbreaks in many industrialized countries in the 1970s [2]. DTaP, which was developed in the 1980s and replaced DTwP in developed countries in the 1990s, has been associated with fewer ARs due to removal/reduction of endotoxin [1]. China began replacing DTwP with DTaP in its national immunization programs in December 2007, and its passive Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI) surveillance system was established in 2005 [3]. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fifth Assessment Report indicates that the planet is warming at...
The possible conformations of higher gangliosides (GD3, GT1a. GT1b, GQ1b) have been determined by computing their potential energy using semi-empirical potential functions. The favoured conformation of the disialic acid fragment in these gangliosides is independent of its position (internal or terminal). The favoured conformations of these gangliosides have also been correlated to their biological activity. The results suggest that tetanus toxin and sendai virus may have a large binding site which can accommodate at least four sugar residues.
The possible conformations of higher gangliosides (GD3, GT1a. GT1b, GQ1b) have been determined by computing their potential energy using semi-empirical potential functions. The favoured conformation of the disialic acid fragment in these gangliosides is independent of its position (internal or terminal). The favoured conformations of these gangliosides have also been correlated to their biological activity. The results suggest that tetanus toxin and sendai virus may have a large binding site which can accommodate at least four sugar residues.
Toxin-antitoxin (TA) systems are found on both bacterial plasmids and chromosomes, but in most cases their functional role is unclear. Gene knockouts often yield limited insights into functions of individual TA systems because of their redundancy. The well-characterized F-plasmid-based CcdAB TA system is important for F-plasmid maintenance. We have isolated several point mutants of the toxin CcdB that fail to bind to its cellular target, DNA gyrase, but retain binding to the antitoxin, CcdA. Expression of such mutants is shown to result in release of the WT toxin from a functional preexisting TA complex as well as derepression of the TA operon. One such inactive, active-site mutant of CcdB was used to demonstrate the contribution of CcdB to antibiotic persistence. Transient activation of WT CcdB either by coexpression of the mutant or by antibiotic/heat stress was shown to enhance the generation of drug-tolerant persisters in a process dependent on Lon protease and RecA. An F-plasmid containing a ccd locus can, therefore, function as a transmissible persistence factor.
Background: MazEF is a chromosomally encoded bacterial toxin-antitoxin system whose cellular role is controversial. Results: Expression of chromosomal MazF inhibits cell killing by multiple antibiotics in a Lon and ClpP dependent manner. Conclusion: MazF is involved in reversible growth inhibition and bacterial drug tolerance. Significance: Inactive, active-site toxin mutants yield functional insights by selectively activating the corresponding WT toxin in vivo. Toxin-antitoxin systems are ubiquitous in nature and present on the chromosomes of both bacteria and archaea. MazEF is a type II toxin-antitoxin system present on the chromosome of Escherichia coli and other bacteria. Whether MazEF is involved in programmed cell death or reversible growth inhibition and bacterial persistence is a matter of debate. In the present work the role of MazF in bacterial physiology was studied by using an inactive, active-site mutant of MazF, E24A, to activate WT MazF expression from its own promoter. The ectopic expression of E24A MazF in a strain containing WT mazEF resulted in reversible growth arrest. Normal growth resumed on inhibiting the expression of E24A MazF. MazF-mediated growth arrest resulted in an increase in survival of bacterial cells during antibiotic stress. This was studied by activation of mazEF either by overexpression of an inactive, active-site mutant or pre-exposure to a sublethal dose of antibiotic. The MazF-mediated persistence phenotype was found to be independent of RecA and dependent on the presence of the ClpP and Lon proteases. This study confirms the role of MazEF in reversible growth inhibition and persistence.
Campylobacter jejuni is a zoonotic bacterial pathogen of worldwide importance. It is estimated that 460,000 human infections occur in the United Kingdom per annum and these involve acute enteritis and may be complicated by severe systemic sequelae. Such infections are frequently associated with the consumption of contaminated poultry meat and strategies to control C. jejuni in poultry are expected to limit pathogen entry into the food chain and the incidence of human disease. Toward this aim, a total of 840 Light Sussex chickens were used to evaluate a Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium ΔaroA vaccine expressing the C. jejuni amino acid binding protein CjaA as a plasmid-borne fusion to the C-terminus of fragment C of tetanus toxin. Chickens were given the vaccine at 1-day-old and two weeks later by oral gavage, then challenged after a further two weeks with C. jejuni. Across six biological replicates, statistically significant reductions in caecal C. jejuni of c. 1.4 log10 colony-forming units/g were observed at three and four weeks post-challenge relative to age-matched unvaccinated birds. Protection was associated with the induction of CjaA-specific serum IgY and biliary IgA. Protection was not observed using a vaccine strain containing the empty plasmid. Vaccination with recombinant CjaA subcutaneously at the same intervals significantly reduced the caecal load of C. jejuni at three and four weeks post-challenge. Taken together these data imply that responses directed against CjaA, rather than competitive or cross-protective effects mediated by the carrier, confer protection. The impact of varying parameters on the efficacy of the S. Typhimurium ΔaroA vaccine expressing TetC-CjaA was also tested. Delaying the age at primary vaccination had little impact on protection or humoral responses to CjaA. The use of the parent strain as carrier or changing the attenuating mutation of the carrier to ΔspaS or ΔssaU enhanced the protective effect, consistent with increased invasion and persistence of the vaccine strains relative to the ΔaroA mutant. Expression in the ΔaroA strain of a TetC fusion to Peb1A, but not TetC fusions to GlnH or ChuA, elicited protection against intestinal colonisation by C. jejuni that was comparable to that observed with the TetC-CjaA fusion. Our data are rendered highly relevant by use of the target host in large numbers and support the potential of CjaA- and Peb1A-based vaccines for control of C. jejuni in poultry. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A proporção de idosos portadores da síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida (aids) tem aumentado de maneira importante nos últimos anos e, até a presente data, existem poucos estudos que abordam a infecção nessa população especial. As particularidades imunológicas decorrentes do fenômeno da imunossenescência podem acarretar mudanças significativas na evolução da infecção pelo HIV, bem como na resposta ao tratamento. O objetivo maior desta Tese foi avaliar o impacto da idade na recuperação funcional do sistema imune de pacientes com aids acima de 55 anos, quando tratados adequadamente com terapia anti-retroviral, caracterizando a resultante imunológica da idade avançada e da infecção pelo HIV. Para tanto, foram estudados quatro grupos experimentais: indivíduos jovens saudáveis ou com aids, e indivíduos acima de 55 anos saudáveis ou com aids. Todos os pacientes com aids estavam recebendo terapia anti-retroviral, em sucesso terapêutico. No primeiro artigo apresentado, avaliamos resposta linfoproliferativa e produção de citocinas in vitro e resposta humoral in vivo mediante desafio antigênico com toxóide tetânico (TT) em indivíduos previamente vacinados contra o tétano. Os resultados mostraram deficiências imunológicas significativas relacionadas à idade avançada no que diz respeito a produção de IgG anti-TT, resposta linfoproliferativa e produção de IFN-. Em contrapartida, a produção de IL-10 foi significativamente maior nos indivíduos acima de 55 anos, infectados ou não pelo HIV. No segundo artigo, foram caracterizadas as subpopulações de células T mediante estímulo policlonal ou específico com antígenos do envelope do HIV (Env). Em culturas não-estimuladas de PBMC do grupo com aids e idade avançada, observamos frequência reduzida de células T naive e de memória central, associada a aumento de células T efetoras. Quando estimuladas policlonalmente, essas culturas apresentaram deficiência na produção de IFN- e hiperprodução de IL-10, como na resposta ao TT. Mediante estímulo específico com Env, a citometria de fluxo revelou frequência elevada de células T CD4+FoxP3-CD152+ com forte marcação intracelular para IL-10, indicando predomínio do fenótipo Tr-1, e não das células Treg clássicas. Interessantemente, em ambos os artigos, a replicação viral in vitro foi significativamente menor nos pacientes com aids acima de 55 anos, condizendo com a excelente resposta virológica desses pacientes ao tratamento antirretroviral. A neutralização da IL-10 com anticorpo anti-IL-10 nas culturas ativadas pelos peptídeos Env aumentou de forma significativa a replicação viral no sobrenadante. Tanto na resposta ao TT quanto aos peptídeos Env, o bloqueio da IL-10 aumentou os níveis de citocinas pró-inflamatórias, mas não melhorou a produção de IFN- dos pacientes acima de 55 anos com aids. Coletivamente, os achados dessa Tese revelam distúrbios em vários segmentos da resposta imune, particularmente no compartimento Th1, de pacientes acima 55 anos com aids e adequadamente tratados, sugerindo que, para esses pacientes, a reconstituição imune pós-tratamento não ocorre com a mesma eficácia que no jovem. Apesar do aumento da produção de IL-10 provavelmente contribuir, ao menos em parte, para o controle virológico, pode comprometer a resposta tanto ao próprio HIV, quanto a outros desafios antigênicos, a exemplo do toxóide tetânico. Sugere-se, portanto, a necessidade de recomendações específicas de manejo clínico para esse grupo de pacientes
Haemophilus influenzae tipo b (Hib) é a principal causa de pneumonia bacteriana e meningite em crianças com menos de 5 anos de idade. A doença pode ser prevenida através da vacinação com uma vacina conjugada polissacarídeo-proteína, uma vez que a vacina de polissacarídeo não é eficaz. Desde 1999, o Ministério da Saúde incluiu a vacina conjugada Hib na rotina do calendário de imunização para crianças rotineiramente. Sendo este um processo de grande importância para as pessoas e demanda de produção significativa para o governo brasileiro, é necessário que os processos estejam de acordo com as normas nacionais e internacionais de regulamentação e devem ser validados. Uma operação validada assegura a produção de lotes uniformes que atendem as especificações exigidas, consequentemente, garantindo ao fabricante a capacidade de proporcionar um produto de qualidade. O trabalho propõe o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia que evidencie e garanta o processo de produção de um conjugado de polissacarídeo-proteína pelo método de conjugação química e que será produzido de forma consistente e de acordo com as suas especificações pré-definidas. Os atributos de qualidade garantem o não desabastecimento da vacina Haemophilus influenzae tipo b por desvios de processo, o que contribui com aumento do valor agregado ao produto em questão. Portanto, a metodologia de validação foi aplicada ao estudo de validação. O estudo baseou-se em três etapas. A primeira foi baseada em análise de parâmetros do processo de conjugação química para mapear e estabelecer intervalos críticos de controle quanto a estes parâmetros, a segunda fase foi realizada com a produção de três lotes consecutivos, em escala industrial, com monitorização regular dos parâmetros críticos mapeados anteriormente. A fase final consistiu em amostras recolhidas, em tempo pré-determinado, durante o processo de produção e de controle do produto final em tamanho 50% a mais que na rotina de produção. Estas amostras foram analisadas utilizando os métodos de análise que foram anteriormente validados, a fim de garantir a reprodutibilidade dos resultados. A robustez do processo foi assegurada uma vez que todos os parâmetros do processo avaliados apresentaram resultados dentro do padrão de conformidade com os resultados de controle determinados durante o processo, e no produto final para a população de amostragem dentro de especificações definidas pelas metodologias analíticas validadas garantindo os resultados. O trabalho proposto assegura status de processo validado para o conjugado polissacarídeo-proteína com excepcionais rendimentos obtidos, combinado com características químicas bem definidas
A comparative study on the effect of A.C. field on Puntius ticto, Heteropneustis fossilis and Tilapta mossambica was carried out using a slowly rising field intensity. Well defined reactions appeared in the species of fish with slight specific variations, depending on their orientation in the electrical field, on reaching the field intensity to specific value. These reactions can be distinguished as first reaction, when the fish perceive the surrounding field, jerky swimming when parallel to the current lines (longitudinal oscillotaxis), the static position finally adopted by the fish sooner or latter depending on the potential gradient (transverse oscillotaxis), and a state of muscular rigidity (tetanus). After switching off the current, a hypnotic condition prevailed in the treated fishes before returning to their normal swimming condition. The orientation of fish body in the field had an important bearing on the behaviour reactions and current thresholds necessary for those reactions. Initial reaction, jerky swimming between electrodes and hypnosis after stoppage of current appeared in fishes earlier when the fish body was in parallel to the current lines, whereas fishes responded to transverse oscillotaxis quickly when perpendicular to current lines.
Response to external electric field (D. C.) of three different varieties of fish namely Puntius ticto, Heteropneustis fossilis and Tilapia mossambica having different anatomical and behavioural characteristics were studied. Clearly distinguished reactions occurred one after another m all the varieties of fish with the increase in field intensity with minor specific variations. These reactions can be broadly classified into initial start (first reaction), forced swimming (galvanotaxis), slackening of body muscle (galvanonarcosis) and state of muscular rigidity (tetanus). The orientation of the organism (projection of nervous element) to the surrounding field has been found to have important bearing on the behaviour reactions. Clearly differentiated anodic taxis and true narcosis set in when fish body axis was parallel to the lines of current conduction. But with greater angle between the body axis and the current lines, fish did not show well marked reactions. Fish body, when perpendicular to current lines responded for anodic curvature and off balance swimming followed by tetanus.
Projecto de graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em Enfermagem
Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas
Modern neuroscience relies heavily on sophisticated tools that allow us to visualize and manipulate cells with precise spatial and temporal control. Transgenic mouse models, for example, can be used to manipulate cellular activity in order to draw conclusions about the molecular events responsible for the development, maintenance and refinement of healthy and/or diseased neuronal circuits. Although it is fairly well established that circuits respond to activity-dependent competition between neurons, we have yet to understand either the mechanisms underlying these events or the higher-order plasticity that synchronizes entire circuits. In this thesis we aimed to develop and characterize transgenic mouse models that can be used to directly address these outstanding biological questions in different ways. We present SLICK-H, a Cre-expressing mouse line that can achieve drug-inducible, widespread, neuron-specific manipulations in vivo. This model is a clear improvement over existing models because of its particularly strong, widespread, and even distribution pattern that can be tightly controlled in the absence of drug induction. We also present SLICK-V::Ptox, a mouse line that, through expression of the tetanus toxin light chain, allows long-term inhibition of neurotransmission in a small subset (<1%) of fluorescently labeled pyramidal cells. This model, which can be used to study how a silenced cell performs in a wildtype environment, greatly facilitates the in vivo study of activity-dependent competition in the mammalian brain. As an initial application we used this model to show that tetanus toxin-expressing CA1 neurons experience a 15% - 19% decrease in apical dendritic spine density. Finally, we also describe the attempt to create additional Cre-driven mouse lines that would allow conditional alteration of neuronal activity either by hyperpolarization or inhibition of neurotransmission. Overall, the models characterized in this thesis expand upon the wealth of tools available that aim to dissect neuronal circuitry by genetically manipulating neurons in vivo.
BACKGROUND: Persistent polyclonal B cell lymphocytosis (PPBL) is a rare condition characterized by increased IgM and large excess of B cells with an IgD(+) CD27(+) phenotype. In normal individuals, these cells play a central role in the defense against pneumococcal infection. So far, few studies have characterized humoral immune responses in PPBL patients. We therefore measured IgG directed against S. pneumoniae antigens in a 51 yr-old woman with PPBL before and after vaccination with a pneumococcal 23-valent polysaccharide vaccine. METHODS: Antibodies against pneumococcal antigens were measured first with an overall immunoassay using microplates coated with the 23-valent pneumococcal vaccine. A serotype-specific test was also performed according to the WHO consensus protocol. RESULTS: Despite a large number of IgD(+) CD27(+) cells, our patient had low baseline titers of IgG directed against pneumococcal antigens and did not significantly respond to a 23-valent polysaccharide vaccine against S. pneumoniae. On the contrary, she had good titers of IgG directed against tetanus toxoid. CONCLUSION: IgM(+) IgD(+) CD27(+) cells which accumulate in this patient with typical PPBL patient failed to perform IgG isotype switch after a polysaccharide vaccine. The potential mechanisms and relationships with the main features of PPBL are discussed. Further studies on a larger number of similar patients are needed.
Many efforts are currently made to prepare combined vaccines against most infectious pathogens, that may be administered early in life to protect infants against infectious diseases as early as possible. However, little is known about the general immune modulation induced by early vaccination. Here, we have analyzed the cytokine secretion profiles of two groups of 6-month-old infants having received as primary immunization either a whole-cell (Pw) or an acellular (Pa) pertussis vaccine in a tetravalent formulation of pertussis-tetanus-diphtheria-poliomyelitis vaccines. Both groups of infants secreted IFN-gamma in response to the Bordetella pertussis antigens filamentous haemagglutinin and pertussis toxin, and this response was correlated with antigen-specific IL-12p70 secretion, indicating that both pertussis vaccines induced Th1 cytokines. However, Pa recipients also developed a strong Th2-type cytokine response to the B. pertussis antigens, as noted previously. In addition, they induced Th2-type cytokines to the co-administrated antigen tetanus toxoïd, as well as to the food antigen beta-lactoglobulin. Furthermore, the general cytokine profile of the Pa recipients was strongly Th2-skewed at 6 months, as indicated by the cytokines induced by the mitogen phytohaemagglutinin. These data demonstrate that the cytokine profile of 6-month-old infants is influenced by the type of formulation of the pertussis vaccine they received at 2, 3 and 4 months of life. Large prospective studies would be warranted to evaluate the possible long-term consequences of this early modulation of the cytokine responses in infants.