912 resultados para TURNOVER INTENTIONS


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The goal of this study was to examine the role of organizational causal attribution in understanding the relation of work stressors (work-role overload, excessive role responsibility, and unpleasant physical environment) and personal resources (social support and cognitive coping) to such organizational-attitudinal outcomes as work engagement, turnover intention, and organizational identification. In some analyses, cognitive coping was also treated as an organizational outcome. Causal attribution was conceptualized in terms of four dimensions: internality-externality, attributing the cause of one’s successes and failures to oneself, as opposed to external factors, stability (thinking that the cause of one’s successes and failures is stable over time), globality (perceiving the cause to be operative on many areas of one’s life), and controllability (believing that one can control the causes of one’s successes and failures). Several hypotheses were derived from Karasek’s (1989) Job Demands–Control (JD-C) model and from the Job Demands–Resources (JD-R) model (Demerouti, Bakker, Nachreiner & Schaufeli, 2001). Based on the JD-C model, a number of moderation effects were predicted, stating that the strength of the association of work stressors with the outcome variables (e.g. turnover intentions) varies as a function of the causal attribution; for example, unpleasant work environment is more strongly associated with turnover intention among those with an external locus of causality than among those with an internal locuse of causality. From the JD-R model, a number of hypotheses on the mediation model were derived. They were based on two processes posited by the model: an energy-draining process in which work stressors along with a mediating effect of causal attribution for failures deplete the nurses’ energy, leading to turnover intention, and a motivational process in which personal resources along with a mediating effect of causal attribution for successes foster the nurses’ engagement in their work, leading to higher organizational identification and to decreased intention to leave the nursing job. For instance, it was expected that the relationship between work stressors and turnover intention could be explained (mediated) by a tendency to attribute one’s work failures to stable causes. The data were collected from among Finnish hospital nurses using e-questionnaires. Overall 934 nurses responded the questionnaires. Work stressors and personal resources were measured by five scales derived from the Occupational Stress Inventory-Revised (Osipow, 1998). Causal attribution was measured using the Occupational Attributional Style Questionnaire (Furnham, 2004). Work engagement was assessed through the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (Schaufeli & al., 2002), turnover intention by the Van Veldhoven & Meijman (1994) scale, and organizational identification by the Mael & Ashforth (1992) measure. The results provided support for the function of causal attribution in the overall work stress process. Findings related to the moderation model can be divided into three main findings. First, external locus of causality along with job level moderated the relationship between work overload and cognitive coping. Hence, this interaction was evidenced only among nurses in non-supervisory positions. Second, external locus of causality and job level together moderated the relationship between physical environment and turnover intention. An opposite pattern of interaction was found for this interaction: among nurses, externality exacerbated the effect of perceived unpleasantness of the physical environment on turnover intention, whereas among supervisors internality produced the same effect. Third, job level also disclosed a moderation effect for controllability attribution over the relationship between physical environment and cognitive coping. Findings related to the mediation model for the energetic process indicated that the partial model in which work stressors have also a direct effect on turnover intention fitted the data better. In the mediation model for the motivational process, an intermediate mediation effect in which the effects of personal resources on turnover intention went through two mediators (e.g., causal dimensions and organizational identification) fitted the data better. All dimensions of causal attribution appeared to follow a somewhat unique pattern of mediation effect not only for energetic but also for motivational processes. Overall findings on mediation models partly supported the two simultaneous underlying processes proposed by the JD-R model. While in the energetic process the dimension of externality mediated the relationship between stressors and turnover partially, all the dimensions of causal attribution appeared to entail significant mediator effects in the motivational process. The general findings supported the moderation effect and the mediation effect of causal attribution in the work stress process. The study contributes to several research traditions, including the interaction approach, the JD-C, and the JD-R models. However, many potential functions of organizational causal attribution are yet to be evaluated by relevant academic and organizational research. Keywords: organizational causal attribution, optimistic / pessimistic attributional style, work stressors, organisational stress process, stressors in nursing profession, hospital nursing, JD-R model, personal resources, turnover intention, work engagement, organizational identification.


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Organizations are undergoing serious difficulties to retain talent. Authors argue that Talent Management (TM) practices create beneficial outcomes for individuals and organizations. However, there is no research on the leaders’ role in the functioning of these practices. This study examines how LMX and role modeling influence the impact that TM practices have on employees’ trust in their organizations and retention. The analysis of two questionnaires (Nt1=175; Nt2=107) indicated that TM only reduced turnover intentions, via an increase in trust in the organization, when role modeling was high and not when it was low. Therefore, we can say that leaders are crucial in the TM context, and in sustaining a competitive advantage for organizations.


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There is general consensus nowadays that CSR is not just altruistic do-gooding but rather a way for both companies and society to prosper. Companies themselves increasingly recognize that their sustainability depends on their willingness to assume responsibility for social and environmental issues. Academic research has, in the past, tried to theorize exactly how CSR improves business, employee satisfaction and productivity. However, few studies have a) separated the different effects of internal CSR and external CSR and b) studied these effects in times of internal organizational distrust. Hence, this paper examines the relationship between each type of CSR with two outcome variables related to employee attitudes: affective organizational commitment (AOC) and turnover intentions (TI). Furthermore, it investigates whether organizational distrust works as a moderator in each of these relationships by testing the hypothesis using a sample of 212 employees from a company that is currently going through a moment of internal crisis. Findings suggest that although all variables are strongly correlated, distrust works as a moderator for external CSR but not for internal CSR. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings conclude the paper.


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Tant auprès des chercheurs que des praticiens, la socialisation organisationnelle semble représenter un sujet d’intérêt à l’heure actuelle (Fang, Duffy, & Shaw, 2011). Dans cette lignée, la présente thèse cherche à approfondir notre compréhension de la socialisation organisationnelle, afin d’en dresser un portrait plus complet et étayé, mais aussi d’y arrimer des pratiques porteuses pour les organisations et leurs employés. Plus précisément, les aspects relationnels inhérents au vécu des nouveaux employés, largement ignorés à ce jour dans la documentation (Ashforth, Sluss, & Harrison, 2007), sont examinés à partir de données recueillies à trois temps de mesure distincts auprès d’un échantillon de 224 nouveaux employés. Avec comme point de départ la théorie de l’échange social (Blau, 1964) et le concept de confiance affective (McAllister, 1995), le premier des deux articles qui composent la thèse démontre que, par rapport aux approches dites classiques (i.e., exprimant une vision cognitive de la socialisation organisationnelle), une approche relationnelle de la socialisation organisationnelle permet de mieux rendre compte du lien psychologique qui s’établit entre les nouveaux employés et l’organisation, alors que les approches cognitives classiques sont davantage explicatives de la performance des employés. Les deux approches semblent donc complémentaires pour expliquer l’adaptation des nouveaux employés. Le second article s’appuie sur la démonstration effectuée dans le premier article et cherche à approfondir davantage les aspects relationnels inhérents au vécu des nouveaux employés, de même que leur influence sur l’adaptation de ces derniers. À cette fin, la théorie de la conservation des ressources (Hobfoll, 1989) est considérée et l’engagement affectif (Meyer & Herscovitch, 2001) est mis de l’avant comme concept focal. Les résultats suggèrent que l’engagement affectif envers le supérieur compense pour un déclin de l’engagement affectif envers l’organisation, tel qu’il résulte d’un bris de la relation avec l’organisation. Les relations semblent donc, dans certaines circonstances, avoir une portée qui dépasse leurs protagonistes directs. La présente thèse démontre donc que les aspects relationnels inhérents au vécu des nouveaux employés ont une influence distincte, prépondérante et complexe sur leur adaptation en emploi. Ce faisant, elle s’insère dans un courant de recherche visant à remettre à l’avant-plan et mieux comprendre la sphère relationnelle dans les organisations (Ragins & Dutton, 2007). Les implications théoriques et pratiques qui en découlent seront discutées.


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Es importante el estudio de las PRH y su relación con el engagement, para la toma de decisiones sobre el recurso humano, de tal forma que el propósito de esta investigación fue describir la relación entre las PRH y el engagement en una Institución de Educación Superior – IES de Bogotá, para ello se llevó a cabo una investigación con 72 colaboradores tanto administrativos como académicos. La escala de medida utilizada en este estudio tiene en cuenta los siguientes factores de las PRH: selección, promoción, formación, evaluación de desempeño, compensación y balance trabajo / familia y los factores analizados de la escala de medida para el engagement son vigor, dedicación y absorción. Los datos después de ser obtenidos, fueron procesados a través del Statical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Los datos fueron analizados, con base en los argumentos conceptuales y antecedentes que justifican dicha investigación, generando los resultados que contribuyeron a validar la hipótesis y objetivos planteados, con estadísticos básicos de correlación y regresiones para determinar el poder predictivo de una variable sobre la otra. Los resultados obtenidos en términos generales demuestran que las PRH tienen un efecto significativo en el engagement aunque de manera diferenciada.


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This study used the four factor model of organizational justice to investigate gender differences in the employee outcome cognitive variables of job satisfaction,commitment and turnover intentions. Survey respondents were 301 male and 147 female currently working employees in a variety of occupations. Structural equation modeling was used for the analyses. There were significant relationships from distributive justice to job satisfaction and commitment for both men and women. Informational justice significantly predicted job satisfaction. For women, informational justice predicted commitment and turnover intentions. Procedural justice predicted turnover intentions and interpersonal justice predicted commitment for men. Gender differences were found for procedural, interpersonal and informational justices. Men and women gave differing responses to justice perceptions, implying consideration of a range of views when allocation decisions are made and communicated. For both genders, distributive and informational justices play a central role in predicting employee outcomes, although the other justice types also have an effect for males. Justice had a diffuse effect for males, but not females.


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Purpose - The aim of this paper is to investigate the relationships between elements of the psychological contract (i.e., type and fulfilment) and an employee’s intention to leave (ITL) their current organisation. The role of careerism as a potential mediating and moderating variable is also explored.

Design/methodology/approach - Allied Health Professionals (N=202) completed a questionnaire containing measures of the psychological contract, careerism and ITL.

Findings - As predicted, path analyses conducted via structural equation modelling demonstrated that careerism partially mediates the relationship between contract types and ITL. These findings suggest that employees with transactional contracts are more careerist, resulting in higher ITL, while employees with relational contracts are less careerist, resulting in lower ITL. Contrary to expectation, a hierarchical multiple regression analysis revealed that careerism failed to moderate the relationship between perceived contract fulfillment and ITL. However, a strong positive association between contract fulfillment and ITL was found.

Research limitations/implications - The data were collected cross-sectionally, which limits the ability to make causal inferences.

Practical implications - Results were consistent with the proposition that contract type and fulfillment predict employee ITL. It appears that employees with relational contracts are more likely to remain with their organization on a longer-term basis, compared to employees with transactional contracts, due to differences in career motives. Organizational awareness and understanding of employee psychological contracts and career motives is needed.

Originality/value - This paper provides new theoretical and practical insights on how psychological contracts and careerism can influence Intention to leave among Allied Health Professionals.


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This study investigates the relationship between extrinsic, intrinsic and social rewards, and the organizational commitment of 239 Chinese public sector employees. Hierarchical regression analysis revealed that although variables included to measure extrinsic and social rewards were strongly related to organizational commitment, variables included to measure intrinsic rewards had limited influence. These findings suggest that the antecedents of organizational commitment in the Chinese public sector are significantly different from those in the Chinese private sector and public sector organizations in the West. © 2013 © 2013 Taylor & Francis.


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This study examines the mediating influence of identification with leader on the relationship between follower perceptions of transformational leadership behavior and their work outcomes, using data obtained from migrant workers and their supervisors in a large manufacturing company located in south-eastern China. Hierarchical regression analysis revealed that transformational leadership was positively related to the affective commitment and job performance of followers, and negatively related to their turnover intentions. In contrast, no significant influence was found of transformational leadership on the innovative behavior of followers. Subsequent analysis revealed that identification with leader mediated the relationship between transformational leadership and follower attitudes, but did not mediate the relationship between transformational leadership and follower job performance. These findings highlight the importance of cultural and wider contextual influences on the processes by which leadership impacts on the work outcomes of migrant workers in the Chinese manufacturing industry. The managerial implications of these findings are discussed and suggestions for future research provided.


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Using data collected from professionals in a large U.S. national public accounting firm, we explored gender differences in perceived levels of role stress and job outcomes as well as the effects of a healthy lifestyle as a coping mechanism for role stress, burnout and related job outcomes. Our large sample size (1,681) and equal participation by women (49.7%) and men (50.3%) allowed us to analyze the causal relationships of these variables using a previously tested multi-disciplinary research model (Jones, Norman, & Wier, 2010). We found that women and men perceive similar levels of role stress as defined by role ambiguity and role overload, and that women perceive less role conflict. Men and women perceive similar levels of job satisfaction and job performance. Contrary to earlier studies, women do not report higher levels of turnover intentions. Results show that efforts of the public accounting firms over the past decade may be somewhat successful in reducing the levels of role stress and turnover intentions among women. Another plausible explanation could be that an expansionist theory of gender, work and family (Barnett & Hyde, 2001) may now be responsible for improved well-being of females to the point where the genders have converged in their experience of role stress and job outcomes in public accounting.


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Being hopeful is critical for individuals who are engaged in vocational pursuits. However, the empirical research examining how and why hope is related to work and career outcomes remains sparse. We evaluate a model that proposes that dispositional hope affects job performance and turnover intentions through increased work motivation in terms of autonomous goals (reason to motivation), positive affective experience at work (energized to motivation), and occupational self-efficacy beliefs (can do motivation). The hypotheses were tested among 590 Swiss adolescents in vocational education and training using path analysis and multiple mediation analyses. The results revealed that hope was positively related to all three motivational states and supervisor-rated job performance and negatively related to turnover intentions. Positive affect mediated the effects of hope on turnover intentions and performance. Autonomous goals mediated the effects of hope on turnover intentions. These results support the importance of hope to employee well-being and organizational outcomes.


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Uncertainty is a major source of psychological strain during organizational change. This study tested a model of change-related communication, uncertainty, and control and their relationship with psychological strain, job satisfaction, and turnover intentions. Self-report data were obtained from staff at a psychiatric hospital undergoing restructuring. Results indicated that uncertainty had a direct and an indirect (via feelings of lack of control) relationship with psychological strain. Partialling out common method variance led to a complete mediation of this relationship by control. Other predictions about the relationship of these variables with psychological strain, job satisfaction, and turnover intentions were supported. Implications for future research and practice of change communication are discussed.


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Research has shown that informal mentoring relationships benefit the protégé, mentor and employing organisation. As such they have been of interest to public accounting firms. The functioning of these relationships in Big Eight/Big Five accounting firms has been investigated in the USA and more recently in Ireland. The career outcome of most interest has been turnover intentions. This paper reports the results of a questionnaire study of mentoring relationships in the Australian state of Queensland. The receipt of mentoring support by accountants is found to be associated with not only lower turnover intentions, but also higher job satisfaction, and lower intentions of female accountants to seek part-time employment. The impact of the organisational context in which these relationships are initiated and cultivated is also investigated. The size of the accounting firm and the national culture of the country in which the firm operates, appear to have some bearing on mentoring experiences.


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The current research tested a theoretical model of employee adjustment during organizational change based on Lazarus and Folkman's (1984) cognitive-phenomenological framework. The model hypothesized that psychological climate variables would act as coping resources and predict improved adjustment during change. Two variations of this model were tested using survey data from two different organizational samples: 779 public hospital employees and 877 public sector employees. Confirmatory factor analyses and structural equation analyses were conducted in order to evaluate the models. Results showed that employees whose perceptions of the organization and environment in which they were working (that is, psychological climate) were more positive, were more likely to appraise change favourably and report better adjustment in terms of higher job satisfaction, psychological well-being, and organizational commitment, and lower absenteeism and turnover intentions.


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Few organizational change studies identify the aspects of change that are salient to individuals and that influence well-being. The authors identified three distinct change characteristics: the frequency, impact and planning of change. R. S. Lazarus and S. Folkman's (1984) cognitive phenomenological model of stress and coping was used to propose ways that these change characteristics influence individuals' appraisal of the uncertainty associated with change, and, ultimately, job satisfaction and turnover intentions. Results of a repeated cross-sectional study that collected individuals' perceptions of change one month prior to employee attitudes in consecutive years indicated that while the three change perceptions were moderately to strongly intercorrelated, the change perceptions displayed differential relationships with outcomes. Discussion focuses on the importance of systematically considering individuals' subjective experience of change.